# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Sebastian Wiesner # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License # for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ pyudev.device._device ===================== Device class implementation of :mod:`pyudev`. .. moduleauthor:: Sebastian Wiesner """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import os import re from collections import Container from collections import Iterable from collections import Mapping from datetime import timedelta from pyudev.device._errors import DeviceNotFoundAtPathError from pyudev.device._errors import DeviceNotFoundByFileError from pyudev.device._errors import DeviceNotFoundByInterfaceIndexError from pyudev.device._errors import DeviceNotFoundByKernelDeviceError from pyudev.device._errors import DeviceNotFoundByNameError from pyudev.device._errors import DeviceNotFoundByNumberError from pyudev.device._errors import DeviceNotFoundInEnvironmentError from pyudev._util import ensure_byte_string from pyudev._util import ensure_unicode_string from pyudev._util import get_device_type from pyudev._util import string_to_bool from pyudev._util import udev_list_iterate # pylint: disable=too-many-lines class Devices(object): """ Class for constructing :class:`Device` objects from various kinds of data. """ @classmethod def from_path(cls, context, path): """ Create a device from a device ``path``. The ``path`` may or may not start with the ``sysfs`` mount point: >>> from pyudev import Context, Device >>> context = Context() >>> Devices.from_path(context, '/devices/platform') Device(u'/sys/devices/platform') >>> Devices.from_path(context, '/sys/devices/platform') Device(u'/sys/devices/platform') ``context`` is the :class:`Context` in which to search the device. ``path`` is a device path as unicode or byte string. Return a :class:`Device` object for the device. Raise :exc:`DeviceNotFoundAtPathError`, if no device was found for ``path``. .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ if not path.startswith(context.sys_path): path = os.path.join(context.sys_path, path.lstrip(os.sep)) return cls.from_sys_path(context, path) @classmethod def from_sys_path(cls, context, sys_path): """ Create a new device from a given ``sys_path``: >>> from pyudev import Context, Device >>> context = Context() >>> Devices.from_sys_path(context, '/sys/devices/platform') Device(u'/sys/devices/platform') ``context`` is the :class:`Context` in which to search the device. ``sys_path`` is a unicode or byte string containing the path of the device inside ``sysfs`` with the mount point included. Return a :class:`Device` object for the device. Raise :exc:`DeviceNotFoundAtPathError`, if no device was found for ``sys_path``. .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ device = context._libudev.udev_device_new_from_syspath( context, ensure_byte_string(sys_path)) if not device: raise DeviceNotFoundAtPathError(sys_path) return Device(context, device) @classmethod def from_name(cls, context, subsystem, sys_name): """ Create a new device from a given ``subsystem`` and a given ``sys_name``: >>> from pyudev import Context, Device >>> context = Context() >>> sda = Devices.from_name(context, 'block', 'sda') >>> sda Device(u'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda') >>> sda == Devices.from_path(context, '/block/sda') ``context`` is the :class:`Context` in which to search the device. ``subsystem`` and ``sys_name`` are byte or unicode strings, which denote the subsystem and the name of the device to create. Return a :class:`Device` object for the device. Raise :exc:`DeviceNotFoundByNameError`, if no device was found with the given name. .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ sys_name = sys_name.replace("/", "!") device = context._libudev.udev_device_new_from_subsystem_sysname( context, ensure_byte_string(subsystem), ensure_byte_string(sys_name)) if not device: raise DeviceNotFoundByNameError(subsystem, sys_name) return Device(context, device) @classmethod def from_device_number(cls, context, typ, number): """ Create a new device from a device ``number`` with the given device ``type``: >>> import os >>> from pyudev import Context, Device >>> ctx = Context() >>> major, minor = 8, 0 >>> device = Devices.from_device_number(context, 'block', ... os.makedev(major, minor)) >>> device Device(u'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:11.0/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda') >>> os.major(device.device_number), os.minor(device.device_number) (8, 0) Use :func:`os.makedev` to construct a device number from a major and a minor device number, as shown in the example above. .. warning:: Device numbers are not unique across different device types. Passing a correct number with a wrong type may silently yield a wrong device object, so make sure to pass the correct device type. ``context`` is the :class:`Context`, in which to search the device. ``type`` is either ``'char'`` or ``'block'``, according to whether the device is a character or block device. ``number`` is the device number as integer. Return a :class:`Device` object for the device with the given device ``number``. Raise :exc:`DeviceNotFoundByNumberError`, if no device was found with the given device type and number. .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ device = context._libudev.udev_device_new_from_devnum( context, ensure_byte_string(typ[0]), number) if not device: raise DeviceNotFoundByNumberError(typ, number) return Device(context, device) @classmethod def from_device_file(cls, context, filename): """ Create a new device from the given device file: >>> from pyudev import Context, Device >>> context = Context() >>> device = Devices.from_device_file(context, '/dev/sda') >>> device Device(u'/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:0d.0/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sda') >>> device.device_node u'/dev/sda' .. warning:: Though the example seems to suggest that ``device.device_node == filename`` holds with ``device = Devices.from_device_file(context, filename)``, this is only true in a majority of cases. There *can* be devices, for which this relation is actually false! Thus, do *not* expect :attr:`~Device.device_node` to be equal to the given ``filename`` for the returned :class:`Device`. Especially, use :attr:`~Device.device_node` if you need the device file of a :class:`Device` created with this method afterwards. ``context`` is the :class:`Context` in which to search the device. ``filename`` is a string containing the path of a device file. Return a :class:`Device` representing the given device file. Raise :exc:`DeviceNotFoundByFileError` if ``filename`` is no device file at all or if ``filename`` does not exist or if its metadata was inaccessible. .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ try: device_type = get_device_type(filename) device_number = os.stat(filename).st_rdev except (EnvironmentError, ValueError) as err: raise DeviceNotFoundByFileError(err) return cls.from_device_number(context, device_type, device_number) @classmethod def from_interface_index(cls, context, ifindex): """ Locate a device based on the interface index. :param `Context` context: the libudev context :param int ifindex: the interface index :returns: the device corresponding to the interface index :rtype: `Device` This method is only appropriate for network devices. """ network_devices = context.list_devices(subsystem='net') dev = next( (d for d in network_devices if \ d.attributes.get('ifindex') == ifindex), None ) if dev is not None: return dev else: raise DeviceNotFoundByInterfaceIndexError(ifindex) @classmethod def from_kernel_device(cls, context, kernel_device): """ Locate a device based on the kernel device. :param `Context` context: the libudev context :param str kernel_device: the kernel device :returns: the device corresponding to ``kernel_device`` :rtype: `Device` """ switch_char = kernel_device[0] rest = kernel_device[1:] if switch_char in ('b', 'c'): number_re = re.compile(r'^(?P\d+):(?P\d+)$') match = number_re.match(rest) if match: number = os.makedev( int(match.group('major')), int(match.group('minor')) ) return cls.from_device_number(context, switch_char, number) else: raise DeviceNotFoundByKernelDeviceError(kernel_device) elif switch_char == 'n': return cls.from_interface_index(context, rest) elif switch_char == '+': (subsystem, _, kernel_device_name) = rest.partition(':') if kernel_device_name and subsystem: return cls.from_name(context, subsystem, kernel_device_name) else: raise DeviceNotFoundByKernelDeviceError(kernel_device) else: raise DeviceNotFoundByKernelDeviceError(kernel_device) @classmethod def from_environment(cls, context): """ Create a new device from the process environment (as in :data:`os.environ`). This only works reliable, if the current process is called from an udev rule, and is usually used for tools executed from ``IMPORT=`` rules. Use this method to create device objects in Python scripts called from udev rules. ``context`` is the library :class:`Context`. Return a :class:`Device` object constructed from the environment. Raise :exc:`DeviceNotFoundInEnvironmentError`, if no device could be created from the environment. .. udevversion:: 152 .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ device = context._libudev.udev_device_new_from_environment(context) if not device: raise DeviceNotFoundInEnvironmentError() return Device(context, device) @classmethod def METHODS(cls): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Return methods that obtain a :class:`Device` from a variety of different data. :return: a list of from_* methods. :rtype: list of class methods .. versionadded:: 0.18 """ return [ #pragma: no cover cls.from_device_file, cls.from_device_number, cls.from_name, cls.from_path, cls.from_sys_path ] class Device(Mapping): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods """ A single device with attached attributes and properties. This class subclasses the ``Mapping`` ABC, providing a read-only dictionary mapping property names to the corresponding values. Therefore all well-known dicitionary methods and operators (e.g. ``.keys()``, ``.items()``, ``in``) are available to access device properties. Aside of the properties, a device also has a set of udev-specific attributes like the path inside ``sysfs``. :class:`Device` objects compare equal and unequal to other devices and to strings (based on :attr:`device_path`). However, there is no ordering on :class:`Device` objects, and the corresponding operators ``>``, ``<``, ``<=`` and ``>=`` raise :exc:`~exceptions.TypeError`. .. warning:: **Never** use object identity (``is`` operator) to compare :class:`Device` objects. :mod:`pyudev` may create multiple :class:`Device` objects for the same device. Instead compare devices by value using ``==`` or ``!=``. :class:`Device` objects are hashable and can therefore be used as keys in dictionaries and sets. They can also be given directly as ``udev_device *`` to functions wrapped through :mod:`ctypes`. """ @classmethod def from_path(cls, context, path): #pragma: no cover """ .. versionadded:: 0.4 .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :class:`Devices.from_path` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use equivalent Devices method instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return Devices.from_path(context, path) @classmethod def from_sys_path(cls, context, sys_path): #pragma: no cover """ .. versionchanged:: 0.4 Raise :exc:`NoSuchDeviceError` instead of returning ``None``, if no device was found for ``sys_path``. .. versionchanged:: 0.5 Raise :exc:`DeviceNotFoundAtPathError` instead of :exc:`NoSuchDeviceError`. .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :class:`Devices.from_sys_path` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use equivalent Devices method instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return Devices.from_sys_path(context, sys_path) @classmethod def from_name(cls, context, subsystem, sys_name): #pragma: no cover """ .. versionadded:: 0.5 .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :class:`Devices.from_name` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use equivalent Devices method instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return Devices.from_name(context, subsystem, sys_name) @classmethod def from_device_number(cls, context, typ, number): #pragma: no cover """ .. versionadded:: 0.11 .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :class:`Devices.from_device_number` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use equivalent Devices method instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return Devices.from_device_number(context, typ, number) @classmethod def from_device_file(cls, context, filename): #pragma: no cover """ .. versionadded:: 0.15 .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :class:`Devices.from_device_file` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use equivalent Devices method instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return Devices.from_device_file(context, filename) @classmethod def from_environment(cls, context): #pragma: no cover """ .. versionadded:: 0.6 .. deprecated:: 0.18 Use :class:`Devices.from_environment` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use equivalent Devices method instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return Devices.from_environment(context) def __init__(self, context, _device): self.context = context self._as_parameter_ = _device self._libudev = context._libudev def __del__(self): self._libudev.udev_device_unref(self) def __repr__(self): return 'Device({0.sys_path!r})'.format(self) @property def parent(self): """ The parent :class:`Device` or ``None``, if there is no parent device. """ parent = self._libudev.udev_device_get_parent(self) if not parent: return None # the parent device is not referenced, thus forcibly acquire a # reference return Device(self.context, self._libudev.udev_device_ref(parent)) @property def children(self): """ Yield all direct children of this device. .. note:: In udev, parent-child relationships are generally ambiguous, i.e. a parent can have multiple children, *and* a child can have multiple parents. Hence, `child.parent == parent` does generally *not* hold for all `child` objects in `parent.children`. In other words, the :attr:`parent` of a device in this property can be different from this device! .. note:: As the underlying library does not provide any means to directly query the children of a device, this property performs a linear search through all devices. Return an iterable yielding a :class:`Device` object for each direct child of this device. .. udevversion:: 172 .. versionchanged:: 0.13 Requires udev version 172 now. """ for device in self.context.list_devices().match_parent(self): if device != self: yield device @property def ancestors(self): """ Yield all ancestors of this device from bottom to top. Return an iterator yielding a :class:`Device` object for each ancestor of this device from bottom to top. .. versionadded:: 0.16 """ parent = self.parent while parent is not None: yield parent parent = parent.parent def find_parent(self, subsystem, device_type=None): """ Find the parent device with the given ``subsystem`` and ``device_type``. ``subsystem`` is a byte or unicode string containing the name of the subsystem, in which to search for the parent. ``device_type`` is a byte or unicode string holding the expected device type of the parent. It can be ``None`` (the default), which means, that no specific device type is expected. Return a parent :class:`Device` within the given ``subsystem`` and, if ``device_type`` is not ``None``, with the given ``device_type``, or ``None``, if this device has no parent device matching these constraints. .. versionadded:: 0.9 """ subsystem = ensure_byte_string(subsystem) if device_type is not None: device_type = ensure_byte_string(device_type) parent = self._libudev.udev_device_get_parent_with_subsystem_devtype( self, subsystem, device_type) if not parent: return None # parent device is not referenced, thus forcibly acquire a reference return Device(self.context, self._libudev.udev_device_ref(parent)) def traverse(self): """ Traverse all parent devices of this device from bottom to top. Return an iterable yielding all parent devices as :class:`Device` objects, *not* including the current device. The last yielded :class:`Device` is the top of the device hierarchy. .. deprecated:: 0.16 Will be removed in 1.0. Use :attr:`ancestors` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use Device.ancestors instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return self.ancestors @property def sys_path(self): """ Absolute path of this device in ``sysfs`` including the ``sysfs`` mount point as unicode string. """ return ensure_unicode_string( self._libudev.udev_device_get_syspath(self)) @property def device_path(self): """ Kernel device path as unicode string. This path uniquely identifies a single device. Unlike :attr:`sys_path`, this path does not contain the ``sysfs`` mount point. However, the path is absolute and starts with a slash ``'/'``. """ return ensure_unicode_string( self._libudev.udev_device_get_devpath(self)) @property def subsystem(self): """ Name of the subsystem this device is part of as unicode string. :returns: name of subsystem if found, else None :rtype: unicode string or NoneType """ subsys = self._libudev.udev_device_get_subsystem(self) return None if subsys is None else ensure_unicode_string(subsys) @property def sys_name(self): """ Device file name inside ``sysfs`` as unicode string. """ return ensure_unicode_string( self._libudev.udev_device_get_sysname(self)) @property def sys_number(self): """ The trailing number of the :attr:`sys_name` as unicode string, or ``None``, if the device has no trailing number in its name. .. note:: The number is returned as unicode string to preserve the exact format of the number, especially any leading zeros: >>> from pyudev import Context, Device >>> context = Context() >>> device = Devices.from_path(context, '/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00') >>> device.sys_number u'00' To work with numbers, explicitly convert them to ints: >>> int(device.sys_number) 0 .. versionadded:: 0.11 """ number = self._libudev.udev_device_get_sysnum(self) return ensure_unicode_string(number) if number is not None else None @property def device_type(self): """ Device type as unicode string, or ``None``, if the device type is unknown. >>> from pyudev import Context >>> context = Context() >>> for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='net'): ... '{0} - {1}'.format(device.sys_name, device.device_type or 'ethernet') ... u'eth0 - ethernet' u'wlan0 - wlan' u'lo - ethernet' u'vboxnet0 - ethernet' .. versionadded:: 0.10 """ device_type = self._libudev.udev_device_get_devtype(self) if device_type is not None: return ensure_unicode_string(device_type) else: return device_type @property def driver(self): """ The driver name as unicode string, or ``None``, if there is no driver for this device. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ driver = self._libudev.udev_device_get_driver(self) return ensure_unicode_string(driver) if driver is not None else None @property def device_node(self): """ Absolute path to the device node of this device as unicode string or ``None``, if this device doesn't have a device node. The path includes the device directory (see :attr:`Context.device_path`). This path always points to the actual device node associated with this device, and never to any symbolic links to this device node. See :attr:`device_links` to get a list of symbolic links to this device node. .. warning:: For devices created with :meth:`from_device_file()`, the value of this property is not necessary equal to the ``filename`` given to :meth:`from_device_file()`. """ node = self._libudev.udev_device_get_devnode(self) return ensure_unicode_string(node) if node is not None else None @property def device_number(self): """ The device number of the associated device as integer, or ``0``, if no device number is associated. Use :func:`os.major` and :func:`os.minor` to decompose the device number into its major and minor number: >>> import os >>> from pyudev import Context, Device >>> context = Context() >>> sda = Devices.from_name(context, 'block', 'sda') >>> sda.device_number 2048L >>> (os.major(sda.device_number), os.minor(sda.device_number)) (8, 0) For devices with an associated :attr:`device_node`, this is the same as the ``st_rdev`` field of the stat result of the :attr:`device_node`: >>> os.stat(sda.device_node).st_rdev 2048 .. versionadded:: 0.11 """ return self._libudev.udev_device_get_devnum(self) @property def is_initialized(self): """ ``True``, if the device is initialized, ``False`` otherwise. A device is initialized, if udev has already handled this device and has set up device node permissions and context, or renamed a network device. Consequently, this property is only implemented for devices with a device node or for network devices. On all other devices this property is always ``True``. It is *not* recommended, that you use uninitialized devices. .. seealso:: :attr:`time_since_initialized` .. udevversion:: 165 .. versionadded:: 0.8 """ return bool(self._libudev.udev_device_get_is_initialized(self)) @property def time_since_initialized(self): """ The time elapsed since initialization as :class:`~datetime.timedelta`. This property is only implemented on devices, which need to store properties in the udev database. On all other devices this property is simply zero :class:`~datetime.timedelta`. .. seealso:: :attr:`is_initialized` .. udevversion:: 165 .. versionadded:: 0.8 """ microseconds = self._libudev.udev_device_get_usec_since_initialized( self) return timedelta(microseconds=microseconds) @property def device_links(self): """ An iterator, which yields the absolute paths (including the device directory, see :attr:`Context.device_path`) of all symbolic links pointing to the :attr:`device_node` of this device. The paths are unicode strings. UDev can create symlinks to the original device node (see :attr:`device_node`) inside the device directory. This is often used to assign a constant, fixed device node to devices like removeable media, which technically do not have a constant device node, or to map a single device into multiple device hierarchies. The property provides access to all such symbolic links, which were created by UDev for this device. .. warning:: Links are not necessarily resolved by :meth:`Devices.from_device_file()`. Hence do *not* rely on ``Devices.from_device_file(context, link).device_path == device.device_path`` from any ``link`` in ``device.device_links``. """ devlinks = self._libudev.udev_device_get_devlinks_list_entry(self) for name, _ in udev_list_iterate(self._libudev, devlinks): yield ensure_unicode_string(name) @property def action(self): """ The device event action as string, or ``None``, if this device was not received from a :class:`Monitor`. Usual actions are: ``'add'`` A device has been added (e.g. a USB device was plugged in) ``'remove'`` A device has been removed (e.g. a USB device was unplugged) ``'change'`` Something about the device changed (e.g. a device property) ``'online'`` The device is online now ``'offline'`` The device is offline now .. warning:: Though the actions listed above are the most common, this property *may* return other values, too, so be prepared to handle unknown actions! .. versionadded:: 0.16 """ action = self._libudev.udev_device_get_action(self) return ensure_unicode_string(action) if action is not None else None @property def sequence_number(self): """ The device event sequence number as integer, or ``0`` if this device has no sequence number, i.e. was not received from a :class:`Monitor`. .. versionadded:: 0.16 """ return self._libudev.udev_device_get_seqnum(self) @property def attributes(self): """ The system attributes of this device as read-only :class:`Attributes` mapping. System attributes are basically normal files inside the the device directory. These files contain all sorts of information about the device, which may not be reflected by properties. These attributes are commonly used for matching in udev rules, and can be printed using ``udevadm info --attribute-walk``. The values of these attributes are not always proper strings, and can contain arbitrary bytes. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ # do *not* cache the created object in an attribute of this class. # Doing so creates an uncollectable reference cycle between Device and # Attributes, because Attributes refers to this object through # Attributes.device. return Attributes(self) @property def properties(self): """ The udev properties of this object as read-only Properties mapping. .. versionadded:: 0.21 """ return Properties(self) @property def tags(self): """ A :class:`Tags` object representing the tags attached to this device. The :class:`Tags` object supports a test for a single tag as well as iteration over all tags: >>> from pyudev import Context >>> context = Context() >>> device = next(iter(context.list_devices(tag='systemd'))) >>> 'systemd' in device.tags True >>> list(device.tags) [u'seat', u'systemd', u'uaccess'] Tags are arbitrary classifiers that can be attached to devices by udev scripts and daemons. For instance, systemd_ uses tags for multi-seat_ support. .. _systemd: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd .. _multi-seat: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/multiseat .. udevversion:: 154 .. versionadded:: 0.6 .. versionchanged:: 0.13 Return a :class:`Tags` object now. """ return Tags(self) def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the names of all properties defined for this device. Return a generator yielding the names of all properties of this device as unicode strings. .. deprecated:: 0.21 Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return self.properties.__iter__() def __len__(self): """ Return the amount of properties defined for this device as integer. .. deprecated:: 0.21 Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return self.properties.__len__() def __getitem__(self, prop): """ Get the given property from this device. ``prop`` is a unicode or byte string containing the name of the property. Return the property value as unicode string, or raise a :exc:`~exceptions.KeyError`, if the given property is not defined for this device. .. deprecated:: 0.21 Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Access properties with Device.properties.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return self.properties.__getitem__(prop) def asint(self, prop): """ Get the given property from this device as integer. ``prop`` is a unicode or byte string containing the name of the property. Return the property value as integer. Raise a :exc:`~exceptions.KeyError`, if the given property is not defined for this device, or a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError`, if the property value cannot be converted to an integer. .. deprecated:: 0.21 Will be removed in 1.0. Use Device.properties.asint() instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use Device.properties.asint instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return self.properties.asint(prop) def asbool(self, prop): """ Get the given property from this device as boolean. A boolean property has either a value of ``'1'`` or of ``'0'``, where ``'1'`` stands for ``True``, and ``'0'`` for ``False``. Any other value causes a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` to be raised. ``prop`` is a unicode or byte string containing the name of the property. Return ``True``, if the property value is ``'1'`` and ``False``, if the property value is ``'0'``. Any other value raises a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError`. Raise a :exc:`~exceptions.KeyError`, if the given property is not defined for this device. .. deprecated:: 0.21 Will be removed in 1.0. Use Device.properties.asbool() instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( 'Will be removed in 1.0. Use Device.properties.asbool instead.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return self.properties.asbool(prop) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.device_path) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Device): return self.device_path == other.device_path else: return self.device_path == other def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Device): return self.device_path != other.device_path else: return self.device_path != other def __gt__(self, other): raise TypeError('Device not orderable') def __lt__(self, other): raise TypeError('Device not orderable') def __le__(self, other): raise TypeError('Device not orderable') def __ge__(self, other): raise TypeError('Device not orderable') class Properties(Mapping): """ udev properties :class:`Device` objects. .. versionadded:: 0.21 """ def __init__(self, device): self.device = device self._libudev = device._libudev def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the names of all properties defined for the device. Return a generator yielding the names of all properties of this device as unicode strings. """ properties = \ self._libudev.udev_device_get_properties_list_entry(self.device) for name, _ in udev_list_iterate(self._libudev, properties): yield ensure_unicode_string(name) def __len__(self): """ Return the amount of properties defined for this device as integer. """ properties = \ self._libudev.udev_device_get_properties_list_entry(self.device) return sum(1 for _ in udev_list_iterate(self._libudev, properties)) def __getitem__(self, prop): """ Get the given property from this device. ``prop`` is a unicode or byte string containing the name of the property. Return the property value as unicode string, or raise a :exc:`~exceptions.KeyError`, if the given property is not defined for this device. """ value = self._libudev.udev_device_get_property_value( self.device, ensure_byte_string(prop) ) if value is None: raise KeyError(prop) return ensure_unicode_string(value) def asint(self, prop): """ Get the given property from this device as integer. ``prop`` is a unicode or byte string containing the name of the property. Return the property value as integer. Raise a :exc:`~exceptions.KeyError`, if the given property is not defined for this device, or a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError`, if the property value cannot be converted to an integer. """ return int(self[prop]) def asbool(self, prop): """ Get the given property from this device as boolean. A boolean property has either a value of ``'1'`` or of ``'0'``, where ``'1'`` stands for ``True``, and ``'0'`` for ``False``. Any other value causes a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` to be raised. ``prop`` is a unicode or byte string containing the name of the property. Return ``True``, if the property value is ``'1'`` and ``False``, if the property value is ``'0'``. Any other value raises a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError`. Raise a :exc:`~exceptions.KeyError`, if the given property is not defined for this device. """ return string_to_bool(self[prop]) class Attributes(object): """ udev attributes for :class:`Device` objects. .. versionadded:: 0.5 """ def __init__(self, device): self.device = device self._libudev = device._libudev @property def available_attributes(self): """ Yield the ``available`` attributes for the device. It is not guaranteed that a key in this list will have a value. It is not guaranteed that a key not in this list will not have a value. It is guaranteed that the keys in this list are the keys that libudev considers to be "available" attributes. If libudev version does not define udev_device_get_sysattr_list_entry() yields nothing. See rhbz#1267584. """ if not hasattr(self._libudev, 'udev_device_get_sysattr_list_entry'): return # pragma: no cover attrs = self._libudev.udev_device_get_sysattr_list_entry(self.device) for attribute, _ in udev_list_iterate(self._libudev, attrs): yield ensure_unicode_string(attribute) def _get(self, attribute): """ Get the given system ``attribute`` for the device. :param attribute: the key for an attribute value :type attribute: unicode or byte string :returns: the value corresponding to ``attribute`` :rtype: an arbitrary sequence of bytes :raises KeyError: if no value found """ value = self._libudev.udev_device_get_sysattr_value( self.device, ensure_byte_string(attribute) ) if value is None: raise KeyError(attribute) return value def get(self, attribute, default=None): """ Get the given system ``attribute`` for the device. :param attribute: the key for an attribute value :type attribute: unicode or byte string :param default: a default if no corresponding value found :type default: a sequence of bytes :returns: the value corresponding to ``attribute`` or ``default`` :rtype: object """ try: return self._get(attribute) except KeyError: return default def asstring(self, attribute): """ Get the given ``attribute`` for the device as unicode string. :param attribute: the key for an attribute value :type attribute: unicode or byte string :returns: the value corresponding to ``attribute``, as unicode :rtype: unicode :raises KeyError: if no value found for ``attribute`` :raises UnicodeDecodeError: if value is not convertible """ return ensure_unicode_string(self._get(attribute)) def asint(self, attribute): """ Get the given ``attribute`` as an int. :param attribute: the key for an attribute value :type attribute: unicode or byte string :returns: the value corresponding to ``attribute``, as an int :rtype: int :raises KeyError: if no value found for ``attribute`` :raises UnicodeDecodeError: if value is not convertible to unicode :raises ValueError: if unicode value can not be converted to an int """ return int(self.asstring(attribute)) def asbool(self, attribute): """ Get the given ``attribute`` from this device as a bool. :param attribute: the key for an attribute value :type attribute: unicode or byte string :returns: the value corresponding to ``attribute``, as bool :rtype: bool :raises KeyError: if no value found for ``attribute`` :raises UnicodeDecodeError: if value is not convertible to unicode :raises ValueError: if unicode value can not be converted to a bool A boolean attribute has either a value of ``'1'`` or of ``'0'``, where ``'1'`` stands for ``True``, and ``'0'`` for ``False``. Any other value causes a :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` to be raised. """ return string_to_bool(self.asstring(attribute)) class Tags(Iterable, Container): """ A iterable over :class:`Device` tags. Subclasses the ``Container`` and the ``Iterable`` ABC. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, device): self.device = device self._libudev = device._libudev def _has_tag(self, tag): """ Whether ``tag`` exists. :param tag: unicode string with name of tag :rtype: bool """ if hasattr(self._libudev, 'udev_device_has_tag'): return bool(self._libudev.udev_device_has_tag( self.device, ensure_byte_string(tag))) else: # pragma: no cover return any(t == tag for t in self) def __contains__(self, tag): """ Check for existence of ``tag``. ``tag`` is a tag as unicode string. Return ``True``, if ``tag`` is attached to the device, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self._has_tag(tag) def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over all tags. Yield each tag as unicode string. """ tags = self._libudev.udev_device_get_tags_list_entry(self.device) for tag, _ in udev_list_iterate(self._libudev, tags): yield ensure_unicode_string(tag)