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H@HH1H|$HGH_uGfHt)| | %shelpversionurldevel@nagios-plugins.org2000-2014urlize%s ... Copyright (c) 2000 Karl DeBisschop Copyright (c) %s Nagios Plugin Development Team <%s> This plugin wraps the text output of another command (plugin)in HTML tags, thus displaying the child plugin's output as a clickable link inthe Nagios status screen. This plugin returns the status of the invoked plugin. Options: -h, --help Print detailed help screen -V, --version Print version information Pay close attention to quoting to ensure that the shell passes the expecteddata to the plugin. For example, in:urlize http://example.com/ check_http -H example.com -r 'two words'the shell will remove the single quotes and urlize will see:urlize http://example.com/ check_http -H example.com -r two wordsurlize http://example.com/ "check_http -H example.com -r 'two words'" Send email to help@nagios-plugins.org if you have questions regarding use of this software. To submit patches or suggest improvements, send email to devel@nagios-plugins.org %s UNKNOWN - No data received from host CMD: %s %f%c%s: (null)%s: %s - %s %s: %s - %c %s: %s %s v%s (%s %s) OKWARNINGCRITICALDEPENDENTUNKNOWN-0123456789 -failed realloc in strpcpy failed malloc in strscat failed malloc in xvasprintf '= '%s'=%ld%s;%s=%ld%s;%s%ld;%s%ld%s;%ld'%s'=%s=%s%f%s%s;%s%s%s%dTimeout result must be a valid state name (OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN) or integer (0-3).Timeout value must be a positive integer - Plugin timed .A: %sLC_ALL=C ' ''' sysconf error for _SC_OPEN_MAXCould not malloc argv array in popen()CRITICAL - You need more args!!!CRITICAL - PlugiCRITICAL - popen timeout received, but no child Cannot allocate memory:%s %s Cannot execute strdup:Range format incorrect%s - Threshold not setWarning: start=%g end=%g; Warning String: %s; Warning not set; Critical: start=%g end=%gCritical String: %s; Critical not setWarning: chmod u+s yourpluginfile %s 0123%02x/varNAGIOS_PLUGIN_STATE_DIRECTORY%s/%lu/%s/%sCannot create directory:%s.XXXXXXw# NP State file %d %lu Error writing temp fileCannot rename state temp fileThis requires np_init to be calledWarning level is a subset of critical and will not be alertedThis plugin must be either run as root or setuid root.To run as root, you can use a tool like sudo.To set the setuid permissions, use the command:Invalid character for keyname - only alphanumerics or '_'Cannot create temporary filenameUnable to open temporary state file;Pثذȵ4xȺHȽHȾȿ4XPl8H HDhxh(HhH(x@h(h$t 4 8` h h @ X p h   T H h  0 H h  h, L 8 8 0hxzRx ض/D$4FJ w?:*3$"\tpAHt(HPFBB A(A0G L@I@ 0A(A BBBA hKD A A v,v@tvTEADpEJDEAKܻ9EAF6EAM$EAD(+DM$H0B A @t8HT A \ pCJO G UK нCJO G QO CJO G UK (CJO G KU4TJHG Y CAJ wAAG81EM F P X̾Ej A X A |X,EM F Ph.EM F Px2EM F P3M[(sEFG@Y AAA ( \EDI@B AAA LHZEThLE{ H ,FAA E ABH <0FBE D(C0T (A BBBA GE_ A K A ,h?H i G FHLFLE E(D0D8D` 8A0A(B BBBB L FEE E(D0D8D 8A0A(B BBBG HFEE E(D0D8Dp% 8A0A(B BBBH H40FLE E(D0D8D`  8A0A(B BBBC $=EDG jAA(=EDG jAA zBDA G(,EAD0N AAF $H A @lQc D V A LdFBB B(A0A8L 8A0A(B BBBH @8hX@<EI8RBD I(K0q (A ABBA PBYdx8FFI  ABH g ABF LFJD I(D0{ (C ABBD L (F ABBA  ;uxV~ArUyE9Ǽ );fU0L BpF6`c+?ru<4k^Tᣓ_4d(LFH^g37PMVK\#'"J}S[%0wBcW#89?By\D/M(2K v°ɶH @$HXF܍t ~ py4:i^Ӯ YDk: ГV&<333K!Q6+6XL+m&q"L7R8a4lF!粍@y!sCf{Aq 5,^MU:G+=dNRK=P њQQ 6g!!H2cLa ْpkyw^yEm9Ly~q%>3aRˆ`Mʵ3"p]K&eU\GLg43&UD'1T)S>4޲+ԓYYc9}k!b}y%DLn59*GO+&"5S!۩İR;4H$@="ם/ɹ\^_ hoZr]8@OH#9|'XRQ< >! 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