ó {fc@s¯dZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddl m Z ddlm Z ej ej dZdZdd d „ƒYZdS( s?Extension to execute code outside the Python shell window. This adds the following commands: - Check module does a full syntax check of the current module. It also runs the tabnanny to catch any inconsistent tabs. - Run module executes the module's code in the __main__ namespace. The window must have been saved previously. The module is added to sys.modules, and is also added to the __main__ namespace. XXX GvR Redesign this interface (yet again) as follows: - Present a dialog box for ``Run Module'' - Allow specify command line arguments in the dialog box iÿÿÿÿN(tPyShell(tidleConf(t macosxSupportt_s/Error: Inconsistent indentation detected! 1) Your indentation is outright incorrect (easy to fix), OR 2) Your indentation mixes tabs and spaces. To fix case 2, change all tabs to spaces by using Edit->Select All followed by Format->Untabify Region and specify the number of columns used by each tab. t ScriptBindingcBseZddddgfgZd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Zd „Zd „Z e j ƒrre Z d „Z nd „Z d „Zd„ZRS(truns Check Modules<>s Run Modules<>cCsS||_|jj|_|jj|_tjƒrO|jjjd|jƒndS(Ns<>(teditwintflisttrootRt isCocoaTkt text_frametbindt_run_module_event(tselfR((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyt__init__2s   cCs@|jƒ}|sdS|j|ƒs)dS|j|ƒs<dSdS(Ntbreak(t getfilenamet checksyntaxttabnanny(R teventtfilename((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pytcheck_module_event<s cCs¿t|dƒ}ytjtj|jƒƒWnŒtjk r~}|j\}\}}|jj |ƒ|j dd|ƒt Stj k rº}|jj |j ƒƒ|j dtƒt SXtS(NtrsTabnanny Tokenizing ErrorsToken Error: %ssTab/space error(topenRtprocess_tokensttokenizetgenerate_tokenstreadlinet TokenErrortargsRtgotolineterrorboxtFalsetNannyNagt get_linenotindent_messagetTrue(R Rtftmsgtmsgtxttlinenotstarttnag((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyREs  c Cs¨|jjƒ|_}|jƒ}|j|jƒt|dƒ}|jƒ}WdQXd|krtj dd|ƒ}tj dd|ƒ}n|r²|ddkr²|d}n|j j }|j ddd ƒzÂyt ||d ƒSWn§tttfk r‘}y\|\}\} } } } | sK||| | | ff|_||_n|j|| | ƒWnd t|ƒ}nX|jd d |ƒtSXWd|j|ƒXdS(NRs s\r\ns s\riÿÿÿÿtERRORs1.0tendtexecs*** s Syntax errors"There's an error in your program: (Rt open_shelltshelltget_warning_streamtset_warning_streamtstderrRtreadtretsubRttextt tag_removetcompilet SyntaxErrort OverflowErrort ValueErrorRRtcolorize_syntax_errortstrRR ( R RR/t saved_streamR%tsourceR6terrR&t errorfilenameR(toffsettline((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyRVs8        cCs¼|jj}d|d|df}|jd|ƒ|j|ƒ}|ro|tkro|jd|d|ƒnd|j|ƒkr—|jd|ƒn|jd|dƒ|j|ƒdS(Ns0.0 + %d lines + %d charsiR+s wordstarts tinserts+1c(RR6ttag_addtgett IDENTCHARStmark_settsee(R R&R(RBR6tpostchar((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyR<vs cCsÂ|jƒ}|sdS|j|ƒ}|s/dS|j|ƒsBdS|jj}tjrs|jdtd|j ƒnt j j |ƒ}|j djd|d|ƒƒ|j|ƒ|j|ƒdS(sYRun the module after setting up the environment. First check the syntax. If OK, make sure the shell is active and then transfer the arguments, set the run environment's working directory to the directory of the module being executed and also add that directory to its sys.path if not already included. Rtwith_cwdRszif 1: __file__ = {filename!r} import sys as _sys from os.path import basename as _basename if (not _sys.argv or _basename(_sys.argv[0]) != _basename(__file__)): _sys.argv = [__file__] import os as _os _os.chdir({dirname!r}) del _sys, _basename, _os tdirname(RRRR/tinterpRtuse_subprocesstrestart_subprocessR t co_filenametostpathRMt runcommandtformattprepend_syspathtruncode(R RRtcodeRNRM((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pytrun_module_eventƒs"      cs#ˆjjjd‡fd†ƒdS(NiÈcsˆjjjdƒS(Ns<>(RR tevent_generate((R (s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pytµtR(RR tafter(R R((R s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyRY³scCs¯|jjj}|jjƒs«tjdddddƒ}|r[|r[|jjjdƒq«|jƒ}|jj j ƒ|r¢|jjjdƒ|jjj}q«d}n|S(s±Get source filename. If not saved, offer to save (or create) file The debugger requires a source file. Make sure there is one, and that the current version of the source buffer has been saved. If the user declines to save or cancels the Save As dialog, return None. If the user has configured IDLE for Autosave, the file will be silently saved if it already exists and is dirty. tmaintGeneraltautosavettypetboolN( RtioRt get_savedRt GetOptiontsavetNonetask_save_dialogR6t focus_set(R RR`tconfirm((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyR¸s     c Cs?dd d}tjddd|dtjd |jjƒ}|S( NsSource Must Be Saved it s OK to Save?ttitlesSave Before Run or Checktmessagetdefaulttparents (t tkMessageBoxt askokcanceltOKRR6(R R&Rj((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyRhÓs  cCs0tj||d|jjƒ|jjjƒdS(NRo(Rpt showerrorRR6Ri(R RlRm((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyRÛsN(s Check Modules<>(s Run Modules<>(t__name__t __module__RgtmenudefsRRRRR<RYRR R RRhR(((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyR+s  (    ((t__doc__RRR4tstringRRRptidlelibRtidlelib.configHandlerRRt ascii_letterstdigitsRGR#R(((s-/usr/lib64/python2.7/idlelib/ScriptBinding.pyts