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SL)HϸHt1LLDAHH9uH[]A\A]A^A_Ðf.HHpcregrep: Error %d, %d or %d means that a resource limit was exceeded. pcregrep: Check your regex for nested unlimited loops. pcregrep: pcre_exec() gave error %d while matching pcregrep: Too many errors - abandoned. pcregrep: pattern is too long (limit is %d bytes) pcregrep: Error in regex in line %d of %s at offset %d: %s pcregrep: Error in %s regex at offset %d: %s pcregrep: Error in %s %s regex at offset %d: %s pcregrep: Failed to open %s: %s pcregrep: line %d%s%s is too long for the internal buffer pcregrep: check the --buffer-size option pcregrep: Failed to open directory %s: %s ] [long options] [pattern] [files] Type `pcregrep --help' for more information and the long options. pcregrep: Malformed number "%s" after --%.*s pcregrep: Malformed number "%s" after -%c Usage: pcregrep [OPTION]... [PATTERN] [FILE1 FILE2 ...]Search for PATTERN in each FILE or standard input.PATTERN must be present if neither -e nor -f is used."-" can be used as a file name to mean STDIN.All files are read as plain files, without any interpretation. Example: pcregrep -i 'hello.*world' menu.h main.c Numbers may be followed by K or M, e.g. --buffer-size=100K.The default value for --buffer-size is %d. When reading patterns or file names from a file, trailing whitespace is removed and blank lines are ignored.The maximum size of any pattern is %d bytes. With no FILEs, read standard input. If fewer than two FILEs given, assume -h.Exit status is 0 if any matches, 1 if no matches, and 2 if trouble.pcregrep: Data missing after %s pcregrep: unknown value "%s" for binary-files pcregrep: Cannot mix --only-matching, --file-offsets and/or --line-offsets pcregrep: Failed to set locale %s (obtained from %s) pcregrep: Unknown colour setting "%s" pcregrep: Invalid newline specifier "%s" pcregrep: Invalid value "%s" for -d pcregrep: Invalid value "%s" for -D pcregrep: Error while studying regex: %s pcregrep: Error while studying regex number %d: %s pcregrep: Unknown option letter '%c' in "%s" set number of following context linesset number of prior context linesset processing buffer size parameterset number of context lines, before & afterprint only a count of matching lines per FILEhow to handle devices, FIFOs, and socketsspecify pattern (may be used more than once)patterns are sets of newline-separated stringsread files to search from fileforce the prefixing filename on outputsuppress the prefixing filename on outputtreat binary files as not matching (ignore)do not use just-in-time compiler optimizationprint only FILE names containing matchesprint only FILE names not containing matchesoutput line numbers and offsets, not textset PCRE match recursion limit optionset newline type (CR, LF, CRLF, ANYCRLF or ANY)print line number with output linesshow only the part of the line that matchedset separator for multiple -o outputsuppress output, just set return coderecursively scan sub-directoriesexclude matching files when recursinginclude matching files when recursingexclude matching directories when recursinginclude matching directories when recursingprint version information and exitforce patterns to match only as wordsforce patterns to match only whole linesthis text: text that starts: pattern number %d to %s-%d-pcregrep: malloc failed %s%.*s%s%d of file Binary file %s matches %s:%d:%d,%d %c[%sm%c[00m-- rb..%.512s%c%.128sUsage: pcregrep [-Options: -%c-%c, %s --%s %.*s%s pcregrep version %s pcregrep: Unknown option -%c LC_CTYPE--localeLCC_ALLcranyanycrlf%s%.*sautobinaryLC_ALLneveralwaysPCREGREP_COLOURPCREGREP_COLORCRANYANYCRLFreadrecurseskipcommand-linepcregrep: Unknown option %s \E\E\b\E)$^(?:\b\Q^(?:\Qterminate optionshelpdisplay this help and exitafter-context=numbertreat binary files as textbefore-context=numberbinary-files=wordset treatment of binary filesbuffer-size=numbercolor=optionmatched text color optioncolour=optionmatched text colour optioncountdevices=actiondirectories=actionhow to handle directoriesregex(p)=patternfixed-stringsfile=pathread patterns from filefile-list=pathfile-offsetsoutput file offsets, not textwith-filenameno-filenameignore-caseignore case distinctionsno-jitfiles-with-matchesfiles-without-matchlabel=nameset name for standard inputline-buffereduse line bufferingline-offsetslocale=localeuse the named localematch-limit=numberset PCRE match limit optionrecursion-limit=numbermultilinerun in multiline modenewline=typeline-numberonly-matching=nom-separator=textquietrecursiveexclude=patterninclude=patternexclude-dir=patterninclude-dir=patternexclude-from=pathread exclude list from fileinclude-from=pathread include list from fileexclude_dir=patterninclude_dir=patternno-messagessuppress error messagesutf-8use UTF-8 modeversioninvert-matchselect non-matching linesword-regex(p)line-regex(p)--include--exclude--include-dir--exclude-dir(standard input)1;31x`@(xhH0P;880(x8ȹH@8lh(Dp(0D(`xzRx и/D$4(FJ w?:*3$"\Xth.WAA p Z ABC  DHC Pp `<BEA D(G0c8G@O8A0H (C ABBC N8H@N8A0W(F ABB44MBED C(G0o(C ABB(lHFAG vAAAļ^GT BSB B(A0A8D`PhEpShA` 8A0A(B BBBF HBBB B(A0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBA TX-AAU(pl>AHG f AAA ,BID L ABB 0BBB B(A0A8G L@IAF 8A0A(B BBBJ \AIANAAAAMA^ACASAMA[ADATT[BBB B(A0A8G L@I@ 8A0A(B BBBA LBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA \ BBE J(A0A8J  Q W A  8A0A(B BBBG \sp<AHLBBE E(A0D8GP{ 8D0A(B BBBF 8BEA A(D@[ (A ABBB dHFBB B(A0A8G L@LAR 8A0A(B BBBG )ADA@AAA$zRx A, DeFEE E(H0H8G@n8A0A(B BBB@<< wyyyyyyywyyyyyyy~~~~ ؗ ȗ  * " (j  o8  0 hH  oo oo o ""## #0#@#P#`#p#########$$ $0$@$P$`$p$$$$$$$$$%% %0%@%P%`%p%%%%%%Pwyz zAИ &zraQz;zB̘ Vzr lz~z zs zz zzCĘ ]z(sczXsD {sd {'{e A{sFR{sf `{j{ {t{{H{8th{`tIwti{{{tl|tL| u` )|4|P|^|q|Pu ~|| || |uM||N }un}uoP }vh 0}0vqB}XvrH}v R}v b}v r}vЖ }(w@ }}0 }} }vЖ ~(ws~*~uB~H~VW~Xwv_~l~w~wx~wȗ ؗ З    ( 8 0 H @ X P ~w~ GA$3h864T;T; GA$3h864((GA$3a1`;;GA$3a1;; GA$3p864;;GA$gcc 8.2.1 20180905 GA*GOW*EGA*GA+stack_clashGA*cf_protectionGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS GA*FORTIFYGA*GA! 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