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Firmware vPaged COBALT boot romx&V%.4s =NetImmerse File Format, Versio=n NetImmerse game engine file= [0-9a-z.]+, version %s =Gamebryo File Format, Version Gamebryo game engine file= [0-9a-z.]+, version %s =---BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-PGP public key blockapplication/pgp-keys =innotek VirtualBox Disk Image%s =>SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data vSNES SPC700 sound file=?0.30, version %s=#@, without ID666 tag=#A, with ID666 tag>.B, song "%.32s">NC, game "%.32s" = must be converted with BinHexBinHex binary textapplication/mac-binhex40x) , version %.3s = Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheet%sapplication/vnd.ms-excel =old timezone data =old timezone data =old timezone data =old timezone data =old timezone data = old timezone data =Tue Jan 22 14:32:44 MET 1991Erlang JAM file - version 4.2 =OTue Jan 22 14:32:44 MET 1991Erlang JAM file - version 4.2 =%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-FontPostScript Type 1 font text =SStart/Stop parameter header:Caris ASCII project summary =1002003old ACE/gr binary file>'- version %c =;Gamebryo KFM File Version Gamebryo game engine animation File= [0-9a-z.]+, version %s =(*^ ::[ frontEndVersion = Mathematica notebook = Microsoft Word 6.0 Document%sapplication/msword =-SVN-fs-dump-format-version:Subversion dumpfile>.(version: %s) =-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----PEM certificate =Warcraft III recorded game%s =Identification_InformationFGDC ASCII metadata = Documento Microsoft Word 6Spanish Microsoft Word 6 document dataapplication/msword =3# Bazaar revision bundle vBazaar Bundle =-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQPEM certificate request =Dnut/multimedia containerNUT multimedia container = # This is a shell archiveshell archive textapplication/octet-stream =?AVG7_ANTIVIRUS_VAULT_FILEAVG 7 Antivirus vault file data =# ACE/gr fit description ACE/gr fit description file =>Paint Shop Pro Image FilePaint Shop Pro Image File =-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-PGP signatureapplication/pgp-signature =Windows Registry Editor =Version 5.00 Windows Registry text (Win2K or above) = ACTApricotdiskimagefloppy image data (ApriDisk) =5 East_Side_InvertationaQuake I save: ddm4 East side invertationa =`Ph`P@@@@@@@@Linux S390=@ =hZ10 64bit kernel=Z9-109 64bit kernel= Z990 64bit kernel=Z900 64bit kernel=ȀZ10 32bit kernel=ȀZ9-109 32bit kernel= Z990 32bit kernel=Z900 32bit kernel =9(***********************Mathematica 3.0 notebook =@ࡱAAFB OM+4AAF legacy file using MS Structured Storage= (512B sectors)= (4kB sectors) =@ࡱ +4AAF file using MS Structured Storage= (512B sectors)= (4kB sectors) = BDNetscape Address book =hFICHIER GUITAR PRO v3.Guitar Pro Ver. 3 Tablature =T ~from '%s' =35 the_Slipgate_ComplexQuake I save: e1m1 The slipgate complex =45 Castle_of_the_DamnedQuake I save: e1m2 Castle of the damned =A5 the_Dismal_OublietteQuake I save: e2m6 The dismal oubliette =E5 Satan's_Dark_DelightQuake I save: e3m4 Satan's dark delight =J5 The_Tower_of_DespairQuake I save: e4m2 The tower of despair =K5 The_Elder_God_ShrineQuake I save: e4m3 The elder god shrine =Q5 Shub-Niggurath's_PitQuake I save: end Shub-Niggurath's pit =e5 The_Gremlin's_DomainQuake I save: hip2m6 The gremlin's domain (secret) =m5 the_Edge_of_OblivionQuake I save: hipdm1 The edge of oblivion (secret) =5 The_Seventh_PrecinctQuake I save: ddm1 The seventh precinct =*(|SYSTEM|::|VERSION| 'CLISP byte-compiled Lisp program text =WriteNow@Maple worksheet, but weird =T@Bochs Virtual HD ImageBochs disk image,x Utype %s,x0Vsubtype %s =-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATEPEM RSA private key =-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATEPEM DSA private key@="#! /usr/local/bin/zshPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabletext/x-shellscript@="#! /usr/local/bin/ashNeil Brown's ash script text executabletext/x-shellscript =DCopyright (c) 199Adobe Multiple Master font =E Copyright (c) 199Adobe Multiple Master font =:5 The_House_of_ChthonQuake I save: e1m7 The house of Chthon =B5 Termination_CentralQuake I save: e3m1 Termination central =H5 Chambers_of_TormentQuake I save: e3m6 Chambers of torment =U5 Place_of_Two_DeathsQuake I save: dm1 Place of two deaths =_5 The_Pumping_StationQuake I save: hip1m1 The pumping station =f5 The_Black_CathedralQuake I save: hip2m2 The black cathedral =5 The_Underwater_BaseQuake I save: d8 The underwater base = # xvgr parameter fileACE/gr ascii file = # xmgr parameter fileACE/gr ascii file =This is a BitMap fileLisp Machine bit-array-file =Must have DOS versionDR-DOS executable (COM) =-----BEGIN EC PRIVATEPEM EC private key =Y# CAR archive headerSAPCAR archive data =DIGI Booster module%s>%c>%c>%c>%c>b, "%s" =Extended Instrument:Fast Tracker II Instrument@=!"#! /usr/local/bin/aeNeil Brown's ae script text executabletext/x-shellscript = GameBoy Music ModuleNintendo Gameboy Music Module =95 The_Door_To_ChthonQuake I save: e1m6 The door to Chthon ==5 the_Crypt_of_DecayQuake I save: e2m3 The crypt of decay (dopefish lives!) =@5 the_Wizard's_ManseQuake I save: e2m5 The wizard's manse =D5 the_Tomb_of_TerrorQuake I save: e3m3 The tomb of terror =L5 the_Palace_of_HateQuake I save: e4m4 The palace of hate =V5 ClaustrophobopolisQuake I save: dm2 Claustrophobopolis =W5 The_Abandoned_BaseQuake I save: dm3 The abandoned base =# Grace project fileGrace project file= @version (version> %c>!.%.2s>#.%.2s) =NSWAPSPACE2LINHIB0001Linux/i386 swap file (new style) (compressed hibernate) =+ skiplist fileCyrus skiplist DB =)@Nullsoft AVS Preset Winamp plug in =7?3W5i4%APGP sig =8?3W6i4%APGP sig =9?3W7i4%APGP sig =:?3W8i4%APGP sig =;?3W9i4%APGP sig =?@MDIF&@}MS Windows special zipped file =# PaCkAgE DaTaStReAmpkg Datastream (SVR4)application/x-svr4-package =/MV - CPCEMU Disk-FilAmstrad/Spectrum .DSK data =1EXTENDED CPC DSK FilAmstrad/Spectrum Extended .DSK data =TLFMS Windows shortcut= U, Item id list present= V, Points to a file or directory= W, Has Description string= X, Has Relative path= Y, Has Working directory= Z , Has command line arguments= [@@, Icon= 8\ number=%d= ], Read-Only= ^, Hidden= _, System= `, Volume Label= a, Directory= b , Archive= c@@, Encrypted= d, Normal= e, Temporary= f, Sparse= g, Reparse point= h, Compressed= i, Offlinex+j, ctime=%sx+$k, mtime=%sx+,l, atime=%sx 4m, length=%u, window== <nhide= <onormal= <pshowminimized= <qshowmaximized= <rshownoactivate= <s minimize= <t@@showminnoactive= <ushowna= <vrestore= <wshowdefault = __________EMIPS archiveapplication/x-archive=uUwith MIPS Ucode members=vLwith MIPSEL members=wBwith MIPSEB members=xLand an EL hash table=yBand an EB hash table=zX-- out of date =H0123456789012345BZhEXP1 archive data =bCreative Voice FileCreative Labs voice dataaudio/x-unknown=e>f- version %d>g.%d =Sharp JisakuMelodySHARP Cell-Phone ringing Melody=Ver01.00Ver. 1.00x , %d tracks =! ________64EAlpha archive=X-- out of date =65 the_Grisly_GrottoQuake I save: e1m4 The grisly grotto =?5 the_Ebon_FortressQuake I save: e2m4 The ebon fortress =F5 the_Haunted_HallsQuake I save: e3m7 The haunted halls (secret) =I5 the_Sewage_SystemQuake I save: e4m1 The sewage system =N5 the_Nameless_CityQuake I save: e4m8 The nameless city (secret) =c5 Research_FacilityQuake I save: hip1m4 Research facility@= [KDE Desktop Entry]KDE desktop entryapplication/x-kdelnk =LSWAPSPACE2S1SUSPENDLinux/i386 swap file (new style) with SWSUSP1 image =hRoot EntryMicrosoft Word Documentapplication/msword =0MV - CPC format DisAmstrad/Spectrum DU54 .DSK data = ecdsa-sha2-nistp256OpenSSH ECDSA public key = ecdsa-sha2-nistp384OpenSSH ECDSA public key = ecdsa-sha2-nistp521OpenSSH ECDSA public key =Client UrlCache MMFInternet Explorer cache file>version %s = ML4D '92Smith Corona PWP=, single spaced= , 1.5 spaced= , double spaced= B, letter= T, legal= F, A4 =SOUND SAMPLE DATA Sample Vision file =0[Equalizer preset]XMMS equalizer preset@="#! /usr/local/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=>"#! /usr/local/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript = MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data = MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data = MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data = MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1X11 Xauthority data =75 Ziggurat_VertigoQuake I save: e1m8 Ziggurat vertigo (secret) =;5 the_InstallationQuake I save: e2m1 The installation =<5 the_Ogre_CitadelQuake I save: e2m2 The ogre citadel =`5 Storage_FacilityQuake I save: hip1m2 Storage facility =a5 Military_ComplexQuake I save: hip1m5 Military complex (secret) =x5 The_Genetics_LabQuake I save: d11 The genetics lab (secret) =/# GIMP Curves FileGIMP curve file ==Imagefile version-iff image data> ?%s =)(SYSTEM::VERSION 'CLISP byte-compiled Lisp program (pre 2004-03-27) =ExecROM patchfileMSX ExecROM patchfilexv%dx.%dx, contains %d patches =MUGICIAN/SOFTEYESMugician Module sound file =X@ANDROID BACKUP 1 Android Backup=Y0 , Not-Compressed=Z1 , Compressed=&\^([^n ]|n[^o]|no[^n]|non[^e]|none.+).*, Encrypted (%s)=]none , Not-Encrypted =_#!/usr/bin/pdmenuPdmenu configuration file text = %!PS-AdobeFont-1.PostScript Type 1 font text> (%s) = %!PS-AdobeFont-1.PostScript Type 1 font program data =v5 SECRET_MISSIONSQuake I save: d3b Secret missions ={5 Takahiro_TowersQuake I save: d2 Takahiro towers =5 SANDRA'S_LADDERQuake I save: ddm7 Sandra's ladder@= # KDE Config FileKDE config fileapplication/x-kdelnk =5 # ## Title: "%s" =SIDPLAY INFOFILESidplay info file = NIST_1A 1024 NIST SPHERE file =RAD by REALiTY!!RAD Adlib Tracker Module RAD@="#! /usr/bin/tcshTenex C shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=%"#! /usr/bin/nawknew awk script text executabletext/x-nawk@=+"#! /usr/bin/gawkGNU awk script text executabletext/x-gawk@=<"#! /usr/bin/bashBourne-Again shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript =@(#)ADF DatabaseCGNS Advanced Data Format =VoIP Startup andAculab VoIP firmwarex#format %s =  , crypto type %hhu (unknown)= , hash type 0 (MD5)>, hash type %hhu (unknown)=, name NULL !>, name too long for file's pstring type <x , name "%s"x, last modified %sx, created %s &x, locked if idle for %u seconds^, not locked if idlex, hash iterations %ux, salt %llux4, %u item(s) =7GOBJ METADATA G-IR binary databasex8, v%dx9.%dx :, %d entriesx ;/%d local =PC Research, Incgroup 3 fax data=, normal resolution (204x98 DPI)=, fine resolution (204x196 DPI) =kPaRtImAgE-VoLuMePartImage= l0.6.1file version %s> `mvolume %ld>ptype %s>qdevice %s,>roriginal filename %s,= D'tnot compressed= D'ugzip compressed= D'vbzip2 compressed> D'wcompressed with unknown algorithm> x0.6.1file version %s< y0.6.1file version %s =;GARMIN BITMAP 01Garmin Bitmap file =ULinuxGuestRecordXen saved domain=V(namexW(name %s) =[LinuxGuestRecordXen saved domain=](name(namex^%s...) =bookmarkMacOS Alias file =4# ## Maple something anomalous. =PC Research, IncDigifax-G3-File=, fine resolution= , normal resolution = XPCOM MozFASL Mozilla XUL fastload data =qMICROSOFT PIFEXWindows Program Information Fileapplication/x-dosexec>$ for %.63s>e, directory=%.64s>, parameters=%.64s=U WINDOWS VMM 4.0 >^< PIFMGR.DLL, icon=%s> PIFMGR.DLL, icon=%s ><Terminal, font=%.32s>Terminal, font=%.32s ><Lucida Console, TrueTypeFont=%.32s>Lucida Console, TrueTypeFont=%.32s=U WINDOWS NT 3.1, Windows NT-style=U CONFIG SYS 4.0 +CONFIG.SYS=U AUTOEXECBAT 4.0 +AUTOEXEC.BAT =@ITSF`MS Windows HtmlHelp Data = Microsoft C/C++ MSVC program database=!program database >!"ver %s =StartFontMetricsASCII font metrics =f(a(gCanon Bubble Jet BJC formatted data =j@(RREMOTE1PEpson Stylus Color 460 data =# v2 git bundle Git bundle =riff.(Sony Wave64 RIFF data=waveOۊ, WAVE 64 audioaudio/x-w64=(fmt Oۊ= , mono= , stereo> , %d channels> %d Hz =RF64WAVEds64MBWF/RF64 audioaudio/x-wav=(fmt = , mono= , stereo> , %d channels> %d Hz =  !NTITLE REMARKCNS ASCII electron density map =8MMXMAR Area Detector Image,>09Compressed(%d),>L:%d headers,>P;%d x>T<%d,>`=%d bits/pixel = ObserverPktBuffeNetwork Instruments Observer capture file =BEA TUXEDO DES mask data =Interpress/XeroxXerox InterPress data=/(version>%s) =XPCOM TypeLib XPConnect Typelibxversion %dx.%d =WPC (WP) loadable file=Optimized for Intel=Optimized for Non-Intel@=+J P %.3s document text=Q= e#=$ebDeBBentley Systems BeSQLite Database - SQLite3 database=D?nLeBBentley Systems Localization File - SQLite3 database=D@GKPGOGC GeoPackage file - SQLite3 databasexDASQLite 3.x database!DB, application id %u!<C, user version %d =: SIDMON II - THESidmon 2.0 Module sound file =ANDROID BACKUP Android Backup=1 , version 1=0 , uncompressed=1 , compressed=none , unencrypted=AES-256 , encrypted AES-256 =7ANDROID BACKUP Android Backup=81 , version 1=90 , uncompressed=:1 , compressed=;none , unencrypted=<AES-256 , encrypted AES-256 =#VRML V2.0 utf8ISO/IEC 14772 VRML 97 filemodel/vrml =&_SGI_SoundTrackSGI SoundTrack project file =A#S#C#S#S#L#V#3Synthesizer Generator or Kimwitu data =A#S#C#S#S#L#HUBKimwitu++ data@="#! /usr/bin/zshPaul Falstad's zsh script text executabletext/x-shellscript@=2"#! /usr/bin/awkawk script text executabletext/x-awk =}Standard Jet DBMicrosoft Access Databaseapplication/x-msaccess =Standard ACE DBMicrosoft Access Databaseapplication/x-msaccess =C5 Vaults_of_ZinQuake I save: e3m2 Vaults of Zin =M5 Hell's_AtriumQuake I save: e4m5 Hell's atrium =O5 The_Pain_MazeQuake I save: e4m6 The pain maze =X5 The_Bad_PlaceQuake I save: dm4 The bad place =Z5 The_Dark_ZoneQuake I save: dm6 The dark zone =b5 the_Lost_MineQuake I save: hip1m3 The lost mine =g5 The_CatacombsQuake I save: hip2m3 The catacombs =i5 Mortum's_KeepQuake I save: hip2m5 Mortum's keep =y5 BACK_2_MALICEQuake I save: d4b Back to Malice =5 Nuclear_PlantQuake I save: d6 Nuclear plant =5 Takahiro_BaseQuake I save: d9 Takahiro base =5 Stayin'_AliveQuake I save: d13 Stayin' alive =5 Crazy_Eights!Quake I save: ddm3 Crazy eights! =0MMAPBFMathematica PBF (fonts I think) =BEGIN:VCALENDARvCalendar calendar filetext/calendar =Borland C++ ProMSVC .ide ==glfHeadMagic();GLF_TEXT =q#pmieconf-rulesPCP pmieconf rules>r(V.%1.1s) = version=SPECjbbSPECjbb< :%.4s<%:v%.4s raw result text =SSH PRIVATE KEYOpenSSH RSA1 private key,>version %s =^! 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HQ = 5 Sub_StationQuake I save: ddm2 Sub station@=  GIMP GradientGIMP gradient data = 'E<%s >=%s >>%s >?%s = spmieconf-pmiePCP pmie config>t(V.%1.1s) = BEGIN SPECWEBSPECweb< :%.2s=_SSL_SSL<:v%.4s raw result text<:v%.4s raw result text = ]#SUNPC_CONFIGSunPC 4.0 Properties Values = ;KEYB = <`MS-DOS KEYBoard Layout file = MTADS2 save/gTADS! 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T saved game data, CORRUPTED= U >V%s saved game data = .## versioncatalog translation = NõFélxåNuLIB archive data = Dirk PaehlDPA archive data = ZCAR 2.00RGSAPCAR archive data = LockStreamLockStream Embedded file (mostly MP3 on old Nokia phones)@= "#! /bin/shPOSIX shell script text executabletext/x-shellscript@= 7"#! /bin/rcPlan 9 rc shell script text executable =  disk image data (YAZE) =  VLABEL=%s,x WUUID=%08xxX-%04xxY-%04xxZ-%04xx[-%08xx\%04x = _SWAPSPACE2Linux/ppc swap file = ?`SWAPSPACE2Linux/ia64 swap file@=  Forward tomail forwarding textmessage/rfc822 = MeTaSt00r3Metastore data file, x version %0llx = <W CollisCOM executable for MS-DOS, Compack compressed =  }GERBILCLIPFirst Choice database = @GFA-BASIC3GFA-BASIC 3 data = Octave-1-LOctave binary data (little endian) = Octave-1-BOctave binary data (big endian) = 0perl-storeperl Storable (v0.6) data>1(net-order %d)&2(network-ordered)=3(major 1)=4(major 1) = W@document(Imagen printer= Ylanguage impress(imPRESS data)= Zlanguage daisy(daisywheel text)= [language diablo(daisywheel text)= \language printer(line printer emulation)= ]language tektronix(Tektronix 4014 emulation) = ABCDEFGHHP LaserJet 1000 series downloadable firmware = FTNCHEK_ Pproject file for ftnchek= 1version 2.7= 2version 2.8 to 2.10= 3version 2.11 or later = :-) OriginBRIX Electron Density Map>0, Sigma:%.12s = 18 !NTITLEXPLOR ASCII Electron Density Map = 'R-AXIS4 R-Axis Area Detector Image:< (Little-endian, IP #%d,> )Size=%dx> *%d<+Big-endian, IP #%d,>,Size=%dx>-%d = /RAXIS R-Axis Area Detector Image, Win32:< 0Little-endian, IP #%d,> 1Size=%dx> 2%d<3Big-endian, IP #%d,>4Size=%dx>5%d = +SFDU_LABELVICAR label file@Z=+--- = =+++ = =@@unified diff output texttext/x-diff 7=+gHdrSLinux kernel= iUx86 boot executable> j=kzImage,=lbzImage,> m> nversion %s,= oRO-rootFS,= pRW-rootFS,> qroot_dev 0x%X,> rswap_dev 0x%X,> sRAMdisksize %u KB,= tNormal VGA= uExtended VGA= vPrompt for Videomode> wVideo mode %d H= + UDOS/MBR boot sector= OSBS, OS/BS MBR=3м|MS-MBR=PP=,DOS 2= Author - Author:x"%s"=="uZ=|,NEC 3.3x" ,D0S version 3.3-7.0=I$Invalid partition tableenglish=I%Ungltige Partitionstabellegerman=I&Table de partition invalidefrench=I'Tabela de partiao invlidaportuguese=I(Tabla de particin no vlidaspanish="I)Tavola delle partizioni non validaitalian>I*at offset 0x%x>I+"%s">t2at offset 0x%x>t3"%s">y:at offset 0x%x>y;"%s"=>|PP=@ˤ9M=<EInvalid partition tableenglish=<FUngltige Partitionstabellegerman=<GTable de partition erronefrench=<Hࠢ쭠 ⠡russianx<Iat offset 0x%x+0xFF><J"%s"xOat offset 0x1%x>P"%s"xUat offset 0x1%x>V"%s"=YˤXP=[cD,english=\nH,german>_at offset 0x1%x>`"%s">cat offset 0x1%x>d"%s">gat offset 0x1%x>h"%s"=k|؎=nPCTf;uVista=pzbenglish>tat offset 0x1%x>u"%s">xat offset 0x1%x>y"%s">|at offset 0x1%x>}"%s"=uAPCTfWindows 7={cenglish>at offset 0x1%x>"%s">at offset 0x1%x>"%s">at offset 0x1%x>"%s"> , disk signature 0x%-.4x= > , createdxwith driveID 0x%xxat %xx:%xx:%x=Ў0=؎MS-MBR,D0S version 3.21 spanish=Invalid partition table$=No Operating System$=Operating System load error$, DR-DOS MBR, Version 7.01 to 7.03=Invalid partition table$=No operating system$=Operating system load error$, DR-DOS MBR, Version 7.01 to 7.03=VInvalid partition table$=nNo operating system$=Operating system load error$, DR-DOS MBR, version 7.01 to 7.03='NEWLDR=.Bad PT $=6No OS $= =OS load err$=IMoved or missing IBMBIO.LDR =fPress any key to continue. $=Copyright (c) 1984,1998= Caldera Inc., DR-DOS MBR (IBMBIO.LDR)= EDefault: F, FREE-DOS MBR=@no active partition found=`read error while reading drive, FREE-DOS Beta 0.9 MBR=  Error! =zVirus!=Booting =HD1/, Ranish MBR (=Writing changes...2.37x,0x%x dots>,virus check>,partition %c!Writing changes...=virus check,x0x%x seconds>,partition< %x= askx)= jMBR Error =xress any key to =boot from floppy..., Acronis MBR=5No bootable partition found =SI/O Error reading boot sector , Visopsys MBR=]No bootable partition found ={I/O Error reading boot sector , simple Visopsys MBR=@SBML= +SMART BTMGR= SBMK Bad! , Smart Boot Manager>, version %s= ~XOSLLOADXCF, eXtended Operating System Loader=LILO, LInux i386 boot LOader=xLILO, version 22.3.4 SuSe=LILO, version 22.5.8 Debian=V<Geom<A>>; GRand Unified Bootloaderx>, stage1 version 0x%x<@, boot drive 0x%x>A, LBA flag 0x%x< B, stage2 address 0x%x> B, stage2 address 0x%x> D, 1st sector stage2 0x%x< H, stage2 segment 0x%x> H, stage2 segment 0x%x=GeomHard DiskRead Error=stage1, GRUB version 0.5.95=~GeomHard DiskRead Error=xGRUB , GRUB version 0.93 or 1.94=GeomHard DiskRead Error=yGRUB , GRUB version 0.94=GeomHard DiskRead Error={GRUB , GRUB version 0.95 or 0.96=GeomHard DiskRead Error= GRUB , GRUB version 0.97=W GeomRead Error=A Loading stage1.5, GRUB version x.y=| GeomHard DiskRead Error=vGRUB , GRUB version n.m=chksum ERROR!, Gujin bootloader=BCDL= BCDL BIN, Bootable CD Loader (1.50Z)!IHISK!!HdrS!Be Boot Loader= = ؎1=.!partition-table!#!%RRaA!(fFf!*NfFf !, =. =./partition-table >0 =.1partition-table=7Non-system disk, =8press any key..., Acronis Startup Recovery Loader>;x< %-.3s>=x>%-.4s>?x@%-.1s>AxB.%-.3s=DFDBOOT Version =E No Systemdisk. =FBooting from harddisk. =GCannot load from harddisk. =HInsert Systemdisk =#Iand press any key. , FDBOOT harddisk Bootloader>J, version %-3s=KBootsector from C.H. Hochst=OBootsector from C.H. Hochst=$PNo Systemdisk. Booting from harddisk=RCannot load from harddisk.=$TInsert Systemdisk and press any key.=V`Disk formatted with WinImage , WinImage harddisk BootloaderxX, version %-4.4s =Y =Z =[ =]S =^| =` =a" = b = ct = d = eV = f, mkdosfs boot message display =h[>[i"%-s" =kw>wl"%-s"=mPlease try to install FreeDOS , DOS Emulator boot message display=grThis is not a bootable disk. =sPlease insert a bootable = tfloppy and =upress any key to try again... , FREE-DOS message display=BwSolaris Boot Sector=cxIncomplete MDBoot load.=YyVersion, Sun Solaris Bootloaderxazversion %c=|OS/2 !! SYS01475 =}OS/2 !! SYS02025 =~OS/2 !! SYS02027 = OS2BOOT , IBM OS/2 Warp bootloader=OS/2 !! SYS01475 =OS/2 !! SYS02025 =OS/2 !! SYS02027 = OS2BOOT , IBM OS/2 Warp Bootloader=pThis disk is not bootable =If you wish to make it bootable=run the DOS program SYS = after the =system has been loaded =Please insert a DOS diskette =into the drive and =$strike any key..., IBM OS/2 Warp message display=NTLDR is missing = Disk error =Press any key to restart , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader>x%-.5s>x%-.3s>> .%-.3s>s >pxp%-.5s>uxu%-.3s>xxx.%-.3s=NTLDR nicht gefunden =Datentrgerfehler =Neustart mit beliebiger Taste , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (german)>x%-.5s>x%-.3s>> .%-.3s={>pxp%-.5s>uxu%-.3s=NTLDR fehlt =Datentrgerfehler =Neustart mit beliebiger Taste , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (2.german)>x%-.5s>x%-.3s>> .%-.3s>s >pxp%-.5s>uxu%-.3s>xxx.%-.3s=NTLDR fehlt =Medienfehler =Neustart: Taste drcken , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (3.german)>s >pxp%-.5s>uxu%-.3s>xxx.%-.3s>x%-.5s>x%-.3s>> .%-.3s=Datentrger entfernen =Medienfehler =Neustart: Taste drcken , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader (4.german)={>pxp%-.5s>uxu%-.3s>xxx.%-.3s>x%-.5s>x%-.3s>> .%-.3s=Fehler beim Lesen =des Datentrgers= NTLDR fehlt=NTLDR ist komprimiert=Neustart mit Strg+Alt+Entf , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader NTFS (german)=9A disk read error occurred. =YA kernel file is missing =rfrom the disk. =NTLDR is compressed=Insert a system diskette =and restart the system. , Microsoft Windows XP Bootloader NTFS>=Invalid system disk =Disk I/O error=Replace the disk, and = press any key, Microsoft Windows 98 Bootloader>x %-.2s> x%-.5s > x%-.1s>x.%-.3s>+x%-.5s > x%-.3s>  x .%-.3s= Invalid system disk = Disk I/O error =Replace the disk, and =then press any key , Microsoft Windows 98 Bootloader=Ungueltiges System =E/A-Fehler =Datentraeger wechseln und =Taste druecken , Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (german)>x%-.5s> x%-.1s > x%-.1s > x%-.1s>x.%-.3s> orx! %-.2s>" x#%-.5s >$ x%%-.1s>&x'.%-.3s>)+x*%-.5s >+ x,%-.3s>- x..%-.3s=0Ungueltiges System =1E/A-Fehler =2Datentraeger wechseln und =3Taste druecken , Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (German)>5x6%-.7s>7 x8%-.1s>9x:.%-.3s><orx= %-.2s>> x?%-.6s>@xA.%-.3s>C+xD%-.5s >E xF%-.3s>G xH.%-.3s=JUngueltiges System =KE/A-Fehler =LDatentraeger wechseln und =MTaste druecken , Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME Bootloader (GERMAN)xO%-.2s>PxQ%-.5s>R xS%-.1s>TxU.%-.3s>V+xW%-.5s>XxY%-.2s>Z x[%-.1s>\x].%-.3s>^=_Kein System oder =`Laufwerksfehler=aWechseln und Taste drcken, Microsoft DOS Bootloader (german)xc %-.2s>dxe%-.6s>fxg.%-.3s>i+xj%-.5s>k xl%-.3s>mxn.%-.3s=xp)Non-System disk or = q)disk error = r)Replace and =s)press ,=t)strike , old=u)any key when ready MS or PC-DOS bootloader=xxz %-.2s >{x|%-.4s >} x~%-.2s>.x%-.3s> +x%-.5s > x%-.1s > x%-.2s>.x%-.3s=Cannot load from harddisk. =Insert Systemdisk =and press any key. , MS (2.11) DOS bootloader=6SYS=DVASKK=NEWLDR, DR-DOS Bootloader (LOADER.SYS)=bPress a key to retry =xCannot find file =Disk read error = Loading ..., DR-DOS (3.41) Bootloader>,x, %-.6s>2x2%-.2s>4x4.%-.3s= FIBMBIO COM=Cannot load DOS! =Any key to retry, DR-DOS Bootloader=Cannot load DOS =press key to retry, Open-DOS Bootloader= KERNEL SYS= :BOOT error!, FREE-DOS Bootloader= KERNEL SYS= 1BOOT err!, Free-DOS Bootloader= KERNEL SYS= ?BOOT error!, FREE-DOS 0.5 Bootloader=Loading FreeDOS> , FREE-DOS 0.95,1.0 Bootloader>x %-.6s>x%-.1s>x%-.1s>x.%-.3s=KError!.0, FREE-DOS 1.0 bootloader=}Loading FreeDOS... = 7BOOT error! , FREE-DOS bootloader>x %-.6s>x%-.1s>x%-.1s>x.%-.3s=|FreeDOS=K err, FREE-DOS BETa 0.9 Bootloader>x %-.6s>x%-.1s>x%-.1s>x.%-.3s=M err, FREE-DOS BEta 0.9 Bootloader>x %-.6s>x%-.1s>x%-.1s>x.%-.3s=N err, FREE-DOS Beta 0.9 Bootloader>x %-.6s>x%-.1s>x%-.1s>x.%-.3s=PError! =WHit a key to reboot., FREE-DOS Beta 0.9sr1 Bootloader>x %-.6s>x%-.1s>x%-.1s>x.%-.3s= =FI/O Error reading =XVisopsys loader =iPress any key to continue. , Visopsys loader>M>E<S=BootProg>, COM/EXE Bootloaderx %-.1s>x%-.1s> x%-.1s > x%-.1s > x%-.1s>x%-.1s>x%-.1s>x %-.1s> .x %-.1s> x%-.1s > x%-.1s=RENF, FAT (12 bit)=RENF, FAT (16 bit)>M>E<S=BootProg> , COM/EXE Bootloaderx! %-.1s>"x#%-.1s>$ x%%-.1s >& x'%-.1s >( x)%-.1s>*x+%-.1s>,x-%-.1s>.x/%-.1s>1.x2%-.1s>3x4%-.1s >5 x6%-.1s=;RENF, FAT (12 bit)=<RENF, FAT (16 bit) = ATADS2 binTADS! B game data, CORRUPTED= C > D%s game data = FTADS2 rscTADS! G resource data, CORRUPTED= H > I%s resource data = 1@databaseAmigaGuide file = .Bud1Apple Desktop Services Store = gtktalog GTKtalog catalog data,= 3version 3=zg(gzipped)!zg(not gzipped)> 3version %s = &MaDoKaN96XMS Adlib Module>Composer: "%s" = TFMX-SONGTFMX module sound data = LZO  lzop compressed data< @ = - version 0.x %03x,= LZO1X-1,= LZO1X-1(15),= LZO1X-999,=os: MS-DOS=os: Amiga=os: VMS=os: Unix=os: Atari=os: OS/2=os: MacOS= os: Tops/20= os: WinNT=os: Win32> 9 = - version 0.= - version 1.= - version 2.x %03x,=LZO1X-1,=LZO1X-1(15),=LZO1X-999,=os: MS-DOS=os: Amiga=os: VMS=os: Unix=os: Atari=os: OS/2=os: MacOS= os: Tops/20= os: WinNT=os: Win32 = ~.$QiNintendo Game Boy Advance ROM Image = VimCrypt~Vim encrypted file data = SBMBAKUP_Smart Boot Manager backup filex , version %-5.5s=_x%-.1s=_.x%-.1s=_.x%-.1s=x, from drive 0x%x>x, from drive %s=Ux); contains = PNCIHISKNorton Utilities disc image data=Ux); contains =  DOS floppy 360k= U, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector =  DOS floppy 720k= U, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector = @ DOS floppy 1440k= U, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector =  DOS floppy 720k, IBM= U, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector = @  DOS floppy 1440k, mkdosfs= U, DOS/MBR hard disk boot sector =  Atari-ST floppy 360k =  Atari-ST floppy 720k = 4ReIsEr2FsReiserFS V3.6 = 4ReIsEr3FsReiserFS V3.6.19x ,block size %d& 2(mounted or unclean)x num blocks %d= @tea hash= @yura hash= @r5 hash = pOracleCFSOracle Clustered Filesystem,xqrev %dxr.%d,x0slabel: %.64s,xtmountpoint: %.128s = ~OracleCFSOracle Clustered Filesystem,xrev %dx.%d,x0label: %.64s,xmountpoint: %.128s = DECFILE11Files-11 On-Disk Structurex Level %dx (ODS-%d);=ARSX-11, VAX/VMS or OpenVMS VAX file system;=B= VAX/VMS or OpenVMS file system;= OpenVMS Alpha or Itanium file system;xvolume label is '%-12.12s' = AGD2Macromedia Freehand 7 Document = AGD3Macromedia Freehand 8 Document = AGD4Macromedia Freehand 9 Document = % #version %.1s.> $%.1s = (*^ ::[ Mathematica notebook version 2.x =  (*^ ::[ Mathematica notebook version 2.x = !(*^ ::[ Mathematica notebook version 2.x = @MSWordDocMicrosoft Word document dataapplication/msword = @WordPro Lotus WordProapplication/vnd.lotus-wordpro =  {GERBILDOCFirst Choice document = !MKS Spell hash list =  HWBMicrosoft Visual C .APS file =  MSVC .res = MSVC .res = 0MSVC .res = StartFontASCII font bits = :#InventorV IRIS Inventor 1.0 file = ;#InventorV2 Open Inventor 2.0 file = g#pmloggerPCP pmlogger config= hVersion>i(V%1.1s) =  Compiled SGML rules file> Type %s =  A/E SGML Document binary> Type %s = A/E SGML binary styles file> Type %s =  PLUS3DOSSpectrum +3 data= - BASIC program= - number array=- character array=- memory block=@(screen)=- Tasword document=TAPEFILE- ZXT tapefile H=+U<  =  UDOS/MBR boot sector= UDOS/MBR boot sector =;= <Digital Symphony sequence (RISC OS),x=version %d,= >1 line,! ?%d lines,= @1 position! 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profiling data file =ͫErlang DETS file =PNCIUNDONorton Disk Doctor UnDo file =-rom1fs-romfs filesystem, version 1x%d bytes,xnamed %s. =4ReIsErFsReiserFS V3.5 =ESTFBINREST flat binary = xORCLDISKOracle ASM Volume,x(yDisk Name: %0.12s = zORCLCLRDOracle ASM Volume (cleared),x({Disk Name: %0.12s = ORCLDISKOracle ASM Volume,x(Disk Name: %0.12s = ORCLCLRDOracle ASM Volume (cleared),x(Disk Name: %0.12s =CPQRFBLOCompaq/HP RILOE floppy image =DAAPowerISO Direct-Access-Archive =@_BHRfS_MBTRFS Filesystem>+(label "%s",x sectorsize %d,x nodesize %d,x leafsize %d) = ReFSReFS filesystem image = EVF EWF/Expert Witness/EnCase image file format = %s,x%lu xx%lu,=RGB Color=Greyscale=Indexed Color>Unknown Image Type. =gtktalogGNOME Catalogue (gtktalog)> version %s =.GVariantGVariant Database file,x 0version %d =EFI PARTGPT data structure (nonstandard: at LBA 0)= .gpt-tablex(sector size unknown) =GOOF----Guile Object= LE, little endian= BE, big endian= 4, 32bit= 8, 64bit= ..., bytecode v%s =msgcat01HP NLS message catalog,>%d messages =0xabcdefAIX message catalog =$acspAPPLColorSync ICC Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile =$acspMSFTMicrosoft ICM Color Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile =$#acspSGI SGI ICC Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile =$)acspSUNWSun KCMS ICC Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile =PNG  PNG image dataimage/pngx, %ld xx%ld,x%d-bit=grayscale,=/color RGB,=colormap,=gray+alpha,=/color RGBA,=non-interlaced=interlaced =%bitmapFBM image data=1, mono=3, color =NJPL1I00PDS (JPL) image data =LBLSIZE=PDS (VICAR) image data =$ SMJPEGSMJPEGx%%d.x data=*_SND,>+%d Hz=,8-bit=-16-bit=.NONEuncompressed=0mono=1stereo= 3_VID,>(5%d frames>,6(%d x>.7%d)=8_VID,>:%d frames>;(%d x><%d) =RCgWebshots Desktop .wbz file =VCKD_P370Hercules CKD DASD image filexW, %d heads per cylinderx X, track size %d bytesxY, device type 33%2.2X =[CKD_C370Hercules compressed CKD DASD image filex\, %d heads per cylinderx ], track size %d bytesx^, device type 33%2.2X =`CKD_S370Hercules CKD DASD shadow filexa, %d heads per cylinderx b, track size %d bytesxc, device type 33%2.2X =HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) dataapplication/x-hdf =HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 512 bytes user blockapplication/x-hdf =HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 1k user blockapplication/x-hdf =HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 2k user blockapplication/x-hdf =HDF  Hierarchical Data Format (version 5) with 4k user blockapplication/x-hdf =THDMV0100AVCHD Clip Information = DrawFileIslandDraw document =KarmaRHDVersion Karma Data Structure Versionx %lu =ظLinux= x86 boot sector=of a kernel from the dawn of time!=؎version 0.99-1.1.42=؎for memtest86! 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(window settings)=;/ (table setup)=;0(screenshot)=;1(backup) =5**TI83**TI-83 Graphing Calculator=;6(real)=;7(list)=;8(matrix)=;9(Y-variable)=;:(string)=;;(program)=;<(protected prgm)=;=(picture)=;>(gdb)=;? (window settings)=;@ (window settings)=;A (table setup)=;B(screenshot)=;C(backup) =G**TI83F*TI-83+ Graphing Calculator=;H(real number)=;I(list)=;J(matrix)=;K(equation)=;L(string)=;M(program)=;N(assembly program)=;O(picture)=;P(gdb)=;Q (complex number)=;R(window settings)=;S(zoom)=;T(table setup)=;U(backup)=;V(application variable)=;W(group of variable) =\**TI85**TI-85 Graphing Calculator=;](real number)=;^(complex number)=;_(real vector)=;`(complex vector)=;a(real list)=;b(complex list)=;c(real matrix)=;d(complex matrix)=;e(real constant)=;f (complex constant)=;g (equation)=;h (string)=;i (function GDB)=;j(polar GDB)=;k(parametric GDB)=;l(diffeq GDB)=;m(picture)=;n(program)=;o(range)=;p(window settings)=;q(window settings)=;r(window settings)=;s(window settings)=;t(zoom)=;u(backup)=;v(unknown)=;w*(equation)=2xZS4- ZShell Version 4 File.=2yZS3- ZShell Version 3 File. =}**TI86**TI-86 Graphing Calculator=;~(real number)=;(complex number)=;(real vector)=;(complex vector)=;(real list)=;(complex list)=;(real matrix)=;(complex matrix)=;(real constant)=; (complex constant)=; (equation)=; (string)=; (function GDB)=;(polar GDB)=;(parametric GDB)=;(diffeq GDB)=;(picture)=;(program)=;(range)=;(window settings)=;(window settings)=;(window settings)=;(window settings)=;(zoom)=;(backup)=;(unknown)=;*(equation) =**TI89**TI-89 Graphing Calculator=H(expression)=H(list)=H(matrix)=H (data)=H (text)=H (string)=H (graphic data base)=H(figure)=H(picture)=H(program)=H(function)=H(macro)=H(zipped)=H!(assembler) =**TI92**TI-92 Graphing Calculator=H(expression)=H(list)=H(matrix)=H (data)=H (text)=H (string)=H (graphic data base)=H(figure)=H(picture)=H(program)=H(function)=H(macro)=H(backup) =**TI92P*TI-92+/V200 Graphing Calculator=H(expression)=H(list)=H(matrix)=H (data)=H (text)=H (string)=H (graphic data base)=H(figure)=H(picture)=H(program)=H(function)=H(macro)=H(zipped)=H!(assembler) =AdvancedTI-XX Graphing Calculator (FLASH) =**TIFL**TI-XX Graphing Calculator (FLASH)>- Revision %dx .%d,> Revision date %02xx /%02xx/%04x,>/0name: '%s',=0tdevice: TI-73,=0sdevice: TI-83+,=0device: TI-89,=0device: TI-92+,=1#type: OS upgrade,=1$type: application,=1%type: certificate,=1>type: license,> Jsize: %ld bytes = LBLSIZE=VICAR image data= BYTE, 8 bits = VAX byte= HALF, 16 bits = VAX word = Fortran INTEGER*2= FULL, 32 bits = VAX longword = Fortran INTEGER*4= REAL, 32 bits = VAX longword = Fortran REAL*4= DOUB, 64 bits = VAX quadword = Fortran REAL*8= COMPLEX, 64 bits = VAX quadword = Fortran COMPLEX*8 = conectixMicrosoft Disk Image, Virtual Server or Virtual PC =3ElfFileMS Windows Vista Event Logx *4, %d chunksx 5 (no. %d in use)> 6, next record no. %d= 7, empty& x8, DIRTY& x9, FULL =nRootHangul (Korean) Word Processor File 2000application/x-hwp =%XDELTA%XDelta binary patch file 0.14 =%XDZ000%XDelta binary patch file 0.18 =%XDZ001%XDelta binary patch file 0.20 = %XDZ002%XDelta binary patch file 1.0 = %XDZ003%XDelta binary patch file 1.0.4 = %XDZ004%XDelta binary patch file 1.1 =xFSdump0xfsdump archivex(version %d) ='ˬZFS shapshot (big-endian machine),x(version %lu,= )type: NONE,= *type: META,= +type: ZFS,= ,type: ZVOL,= -type: OTHER,= .type: ANY,> /type: UNKNOWN (%lu),x(0destination GUID: %02Xx)1%02Xx*2%02Xx+3%02Xx,4%02Xx-5%02Xx.6%02Xx/7%02X,>08>49x0:source GUID: %02Xx1;%02Xx2<%02Xx3=%02Xx4>%02Xx5?%02Xx6@%02Xx7A%02X,>8Bname: '%s' =E˺ZFS shapshot (little-endian machine),x Fversion %lu,= Gtype: NONE,= Htype: META,= Itype: ZFS,= Jtype: ZVOL,= Ktype: OTHER,= Ltype: ANY,> Mtype: UNKNOWN (%lu),x/Ndestination GUID: %02Xx.O%02Xx-P%02Xx,Q%02Xx+R%02Xx*S%02Xx)T%02Xx(U%02X,>0V>4Wx7Xsource GUID: %02Xx6Y%02Xx5Z%02Xx4[%02Xx3\%02Xx2]%02Xx1^%02Xx0_%02X,>8`name: '%s' =+/* CTF Common Trace Format (CTF) plain text metadata= [0-9]+.[0-9]+, v%s =DOSEMU= ~U= =DOS Emulator image> , %u heads> , %d sectors/track> , %d cylindersx); contains =!current ar archiveapplication/x-archive= __.SYMDEFrandom library=D__.SYMDEF SORTEDrandom library =JRchiveJRC archive data =DSIGDCCCrossePAC archive data =PPHILIPPPar archive data =CMP0CMPCompressia archive data =,JAM JAM archive,> version %.4s=& '->+ label %.11s,x ' serial %08x,>6 fstype %.8s = **ACE**ACE archive data>!version %d=", from MS-DOS=#, from OS/2=$, from Win/32=%, from Unix=&, from MacOS=', from WinNT=(, from Primos=), from AppleGS=*, from Atari=+ , from Vax/VMS=, , from Amiga=- , from Nextx., version %d to extract& /, multiple volumes,x0 (part %d),& 1, contains comment& 2, sfx& 3, small dictionary& 4, multi-volume& 5, contains AV-String=6*UNREGISTERED VERSION*(unregistered)& 7 , with recovery record& 8@, locked& 9, solid =y.RMFRealMedia fileapplication/vnd.rn-realmedia =AMShdrVelvet Studio AMS Module v2.2 =ExtremeExtreme Tracker AMS Module v1.3 =NOA NOA Nancy Codec Movie file =<>BBx= indexed file= serial file= keyed file= (sort)= programx(LEVEL %d)>psaved=mkeyed file= (sort)=(mkey) = BLENDERBlender3D,= _saved as 32-bits= vlittle endianx with version %c.x %cx %c=@GLOB.x X%.4d=Vbig endianx with version %c.x %cx %c=@GLOB.xX%.4d=-saved as 64-bits=vlittle endianx with version %c.x %cx %c=DGLOB.x `%.4d=Vbig endianx with version %c.x !%cx "%c=D#GLOB.x`$%.4d = !b.out archive=  __.SYMDEFrandom library =C64FilePC64 Emulator file>"%s" =*gzip compressed dataapplication/x-gzip<, reserved method>, unknown method&, ASCII&, has CRC&, extra field= x , was "%s"&!, has comment&" , encrypted> #, last modified: %s=$, max compression=%, max speed= &, from FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT)= ', from Amiga= (, from VMS= ), from Unix= *, from VM/CMS= +, from Atari= ,, from HPFS filesystem (OS/2, NT)= -, from MacOS= ., from Z-System= / , from CP/M= 0 , from TOPS/20= 1 , from NTFS filesystem (NT)= 2 , from QDOS= 3 , from Acorn RISCOS =ZZZZZ3DO "Opera" file system =7BEAM!Old Erlang BEAM file> - version %d =:DOSFONTDOSFONT2 encrypted font data =LxD 203Linuxdoom savex , name=%sx,!, world=%s =l5 LimboQuake I save: hip3m3 Limbo =:Start:-GeoSwatch auf text file =i$@MID@$elog journal entry =ILOCATEGNU findutils locate database data>J, format %s=K02 (frcode) =IMGfileCIS compimg HP Bitmapfile =archive =archive (big format) =nPCD_IPIKodak Photo CD image pack file=o, landscape mode=p, portrait mode=q, landscape mode=r, portrait mode =sPCD_OPAKodak Photo CD overview pack file =CCSD3ZFPDS (CCSD) image data =StuffItStuffIt Archiveapplication/x-stuffitSIT@= # Magicmagic text file for file(1) cmd@= Pipe tomail piping textmessage/rfc822@= Articlesaved news textmessage/news = MVR4 IMapleVr4 library =Q@PKBGIBorland font >R%s =W@pkBGIBorland device >X%s =RDC-megMegaDots >/version %c> /.%c file =@B000FF Windows Embedded CE binary image =Jetsam0Mallard BASIC Jetsam index data =BagpipeBagpipe= ReaderReader> (version %.3s)=  Music WriterMusic Writer= :> (version %.3s)=GoldGold=:>(version %.3s) =EZD_MAPNEWEZD Electron Density Map = kbd!mapkbd map file> Ver %d:> with %d table(s) =.SYSTEMSHARC architecture file =.systemSHARC architecture file =GSTImGNU SmallTalk= LE image versionx %d.x %d.x %d=BE image versionx%d.x %d.x %d =5RS-IDESpectrum .HDF hard disk imagex6, version 0x%02x -=+6P4=7[0-9]{0,50} [0-9]{0,50}Netpbm PBM "rawbits" image data= 8[0-9]{1,50} , size = %sx= 9 [0-9]{1,50}%simage/x-portable-bitmap -=+<P5==[0-9]{0,50} [0-9]{0,50}Netpbm PGM "rawbits" image data= >[0-9]{1,50} , size = %sx= ? 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(English) =}IIXPRaIntel Quark Express Document (Korean) =~MMXPR3Motorola Quark Express Document (English)application/x-quark-xpress-3 =MMXPRaMotorola Quark Express Document (Korean) = ZyXELZyXEL voice data= - CELP encoding= - ADPCM2 encoding=  - ADPCM3 encoding=  - ADPCM4 encoding=  - New ADPCM3 encoding= with resync@-=+$P1=%[0-9]{0,50} [0-9]{0,50}Netpbm PBM image text= &[0-9]{1,50} , size = %sx= ' [0-9]{1,50}%simage/x-portable-bitmap@-=+*P2=+[0-9]{0,50} [0-9]{0,50}Netpbm PGM image text= ,[0-9]{1,50} , size = %sx= - [0-9]{1,50}%simage/x-portable-greymap@-=+0P3=1[0-9]{0,50} [0-9]{0,50}Netpbm PPM image text= 2[0-9]{1,50} , size = %sx= 3 [0-9]{1,50}%simage/x-portable-pixmap == Claris clip art == Claris clip art =7HP-UX=8= 9<=L:=X;D=<===>=?core file >@from '%s' =A- received SIGQUIT =B- received SIGILL =C- received SIGTRAP =D- received SIGABRT =E- received SIGEMT =F- received SIGFPE =G - received SIGBUS =H - received SIGSEGV =I - received SIGSYS =J!- received SIGXCPU =K"- received 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archive data =-lh0-LHarc 1.x/ARX archive data [lh0]application/x-lharc =-lh1-LHarc 1.x/ARX archive data [lh1]application/x-lharc =-lz4-LHarc 1.x archive data [lz4]application/x-lharc =-lz5-LHarc 1.x archive data [lz5]application/x-lharc =-lzs-LHa/LZS archive data [lzs]application/x-lha =-lh -LHa 2.x? archive data [lh ]application/x-lha =-lhd-LHa 2.x? archive data [lhd]application/x-lha =-lh2-LHa 2.x? archive data [lh2]application/x-lha =!-lh3-LHa 2.x? archive data [lh3]application/x-lha =#-lh4-LHa (2.x) archive data [lh4]application/x-lha =%-lh5-LHa (2.x) archive data [lh5]application/x-lha ='-lh6-LHa (2.x) archive data [lh6]application/x-lha =)-lh7-LHa (2.x)/LHark archive data [lh7]application/x-lhax+- header level %d =/-sw1-Swag archive data =-pm0-PMarc archive data [pm0] =-pm1-PMarc archive data [pm1] =-pm2-PMarc archive data [pm2] =-pms-PMarc SFX archive (CP/M, DOS) =-pc1-PopCom compressed executable (CP/M) =?sfArksfArk compressed Soundfont=@2>AVersion %s>*B: %s =(3b2 core file>l)of '%s' =MAS_UULT(imate) Module sound data =2NESMNES Sound File>3("%s" by>.4%s, copyright>N5%s),x6version %d,x7%d tracks,=z8dual PAL/NTSC=z9PAL=z:NTSC =BONKBONK,x%d channel(s),=lossless,=lossy,xmid-side =p#!AMRAdaptive Multi-Rate Codec (GSM telephony) ='#!BPYBlender3D BPython script =-LH1-LHA archive (c64) =0MC0.0DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 1.0image/vnd.dwg =2AC1.2DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 1.2image/vnd.dwg =4AC1.3DWG AutoDesk AutoCAD Release 1.3image/vnd.dwg =XZendPHP script Zend Optimizer data =-afx-AFX compressed file data =PPF30Playstation Patch File version 3.0=, PPF 1.0 patch=, PPF 2.0 patch=, PPF 3.0 patch=8, Imagetype BIN (any)=8, Imagetype GI (PrimoDVD)=9, Blockcheck disabled=9, Blockcheck enabled=:, Undo data not available=:, Undo data availablex, description: %s =PPF20Playstation Patch File version 2.0=, PPF 1.0 patch=, PPF 2.0 patch> 8, size of file to patch %dx, description: %s =PPF10Playstation Patch File version 1.0=, Simple Encodingx, description: %s =MAPZ)Map file for the Blood Frontier/Red Eclipse FPS games =trootROOT filexuVersion %dx!v(Compression: %d) =PGDMPPostgreSQL custom database dumpx- v%dx.%d<-0>x-%d ="CoreAlpha COFF format core dump (Digital UNIX)>#, from '%s' =$CoreAlpha COFF format core dump (Digital UNIX)>%, from '%s' =CD001#application/x-iso9660-image!NSR0ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data=NSR0UDF filesystem data=1(version 1.0)=2(version 1.5)=3(version 2.0)>3(unknown version, ID 0x%X)<1(unknown version, ID 0x%X)>( '%s'=CD001EL TORITO SPECIFICATION(bootable) =CD001ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data (raw 2352 byte sectors)application/x-iso9660-image = CDROMHigh Sierra CD-ROM filesystem data =R"AFS DumpxS(v%d)=TvxUVol %d,=VnxW%s=Xt=Yx Zon: %s= [full dump! \incremental since: %s =%D1.0 X11 Speedo font data =ATrueType font dataapplication/x-font-ttf =GGSF-vSAIC generic sensor format (GSF) sonar data,= H[0-9]*.[0-9]*version %s = LMGD77MGD77 Header, Marine Geophysical Data Exchange Format =%%HP:HP text=T(0)- T(0)=T(1)- T(1)=T(2)- T(2)=T(3)- T(3)= A(D)A(D)= A(R)A(R)= A(G)A(G)=F(.)F(.);=F(,)F(,); =BEGMFclear text Computer Graphics Metafile =Wavelet Scalar Quantization image data =@IIO2HUlead Photo Explorer5 =aPFS1 PFS HDR image data=c[0-9]* , %s= d [0-9]{4}x%s = %.3s = llvc0LLVM byte-codes, null compression = llvc1LLVM byte-codes, gzip compression = llvc2LLVM byte-codes, bzip2 compression@= Path:news textmessage/news@= Xref:news textmessage/news@= From:news or mail textmessage/rfc822@= BABYLEmacs RMAIL text =(*mbx*MBX mail folder =PVF1 portable voice format>(binary %s) =!PVF2 portable voice format>"(ascii %s) =@L!COM executable (COM32R) =@PO^Q`Microsoft Word 6.0 Documentapplication/msword =BBiff5Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheetapplication/vnd.ms-excel =I Biff5Microsoft Excel 5.0 Worksheetapplication/vnd.ms-excel =%MSVC .sbr>&%s =mgs2 MSX Gigamix MGSDRV2 music file= = .>0, title: %s =Netscape folder cache =%PDF-PDF documentapplication/pdfx , version %cx .%c =%FDF-FDF documentapplication/vnd.fdfx, version %cx.%c =~%!VMFSunClock's Vector Map Format data =PACKGit pack>, version %d>, %d objects ={\rtfRich Text Format data,text/rtf= 1version 1,= \ansiANSI= \macApple Macintosh= \pcIBM PC, code page 437=\pcaIBM PS/2, code page 850xunknown character setxunknown version =mMAP (Old EZD Electron Density Map =TRd"nettl" capture file ="X 495SoftQuad troff Context intermediate for AT&T 495 laser printer =QPSDBPanasonic channel list database=~RSQLite format 3x)S; contains =csnoopSnoop capture file>d- version %ld= e(IEEE 802.3)= f(IEEE 802.4)= g(IEEE 802.5)= h(IEEE 802.6)= i(Ethernet)= j(HDLC)= k(Character synchronous)= l(IBM channel-to-channel adapter)= m(FDDI)= n (Other)= o (type %ld)= p (type %ld)= q (type %ld)= r (type %ld)= s(type %ld)= t(type %ld)= u(Fibre Channel)= v(ATM)= w(ATM Classical IP)= x(type %ld)= y(type %ld)= z(type %ld)= {(type %ld)= |(type %ld)= }(type %ld)= ~(type %ld)= (IP over Infiniband)> (type %ld) =TiEmuTiEmu skin=v- Version> %cx .%cx %c =WARC/WARC Archivexversion %.4sapplication/warc =SHCC3MS Windows 3.1 registry file =w\1cw ChiWriter file>xversion %s =o65o65= executable,= object,xversion %d,= 65816,= 6502,=  32 bit,=  16 bit,= @@page reloc,= @byte reloc,= alignment 1= alignment 2= alignment 4= alignment 256 $=+=^Missing operating system=HD1/x=vOperating system loadSYSLINUX MBR=$berror= (version 3.35 or older)=. (version 3.52 or newer)x(version 3.36-3.51 )=pjDisk error on boot SYSLINUX GPT-MBR= Boot partition not found = OS not bootable (version 3.86 or older)=  Missing OS = Multiple active partitions (version 4.00 or newer) = dex =  dex [0-9]{2}Dalvik dex file> 000version %s =dey = dey [0-9]{2}Dalvik dex file (optimized for host)>000version %s =-dex = .dex [0-9]{2}Dalvik dex file>/000version %s =0dey = 1dey [0-9]{2}Dalvik dex file (optimized for host)>2000version %s =K=LJVT NAL sequence, H.264 video=MB, baseline=NM, main=OX, extendedxP @ L %u =Q=RMPEG sequencevideo/mpeg&T@, v2, program multiplex^U@, v1, system multiplex=VMPEG sequence, v1/2, multiplex (missing pack header)=WMPEG sequence, H.264 video=XB, baseline=YM, main=ZX, extendedx[ @ L %u=]MPEG sequence, v4video/mpeg4-generic=a& b= c, video= d , still texture= e0, mesh= f@, face= g, video= h, still texture= i, mesh= j , face=k, simple @ L1=l, simple @ L2=m, simple @ L3=n, simple @ L0=o, simple scalable @ L1=p, simple scalable @ L2=q!, core @ L1=r", core @ L2=s2, main @ L2=t3, main @ L3=u5, main @ L4=vB, n-bit @ L2=wQ, scalable texture @ L1=xa, simple face animation @ L1=yb, simple face animation @ L2=zc, simple face basic animation @ L1={d, simple face basic animation @ L2=|q, basic animation text @ L1=}r, basic animation text @ L2=~, hybrid @ L1=, hybrid @ L2=, advanced RT simple @ L!=, advanced RT simple @ L2=, advanced RT simple @ L3=, advanced RT simple @ L4=, core scalable @ L1=, core scalable @ L2=, core scalable @ L3=, advanced coding efficiency @ L1=, advanced coding efficiency @ L2=, advanced coding efficiency @ L3=, advanced coding efficiency @ L4=, advanced core @ L1=, advanced core @ L2=, advanced scalable texture @ L1=, advanced scalable texture @ L2=, advanced scalable texture @ L3=, simple studio @ L1=, simple studio @ L2=, simple studio @ L3=, simple studio @ L4=, core studio @ L1=, core studio @ L2=, core studio @ L3=, core studio @ L4=, advanced simple @ L0=, advanced simple @ L1=, advanced simple @ L2=, advanced simple @ L3=, advanced simple @ L4=, advanced simple @ L5=, advanced simple @ L3b=, FGS @ L0=, FGS @ L1=, FGS @ L2=, FGS @ L3=, FGS @ L4=, FGS @ L5=MPEG sequence, v4video/mpeg4-generic&=, video (missing profile header)= , still texture (missing profile header)=0, mesh (missing profile header)=@, face (missing profile header)=, video (missing profile header)=, still texture (missing profile header)=, mesh (missing profile header)= , face (missing profile header)=MPEG sequencevideo/mpeg= , v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video= , v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video= , v2,= HP= Spt= SNR= MP= SP=@@HL=`@H-14=@ML=@LL& progressive^ interlaced= Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video= Y'CbCr 4:2:2 video= Y'CbCr 4:4:4 video& &K=, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video=, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video=, v2,= HP= Spt= SNR= MP= SP=@@HL=`@H-14=@ML=@LL& progressive^ interlaced= Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video= Y'CbCr 4:2:2 video= Y'CbCr 4:4:4 video=L, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 video=L, v1, progressive Y'CbCr 4:2:0 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document=:akontourKontour document= :bkpresenterKPresenter document=:ckspreadKSpread document=:dkwordKWord document= 2hvnd.sun.xml.OpenOffice.org 1.x=>iwriterWriter!Dj.document= Dk.templatetemplate=Dl.globalglobal document=>mcalcCalc!Bn.spreadsheet= Bo.templatetemplate=>pdrawDraw!Bq.document= Br.templatetemplate=>simpressImpress!Et.presentation= Eu.templatetemplate=>vmathMath document=>wbaseDatabase file=2|vnd.oasis.opendocument.OpenDocument=I}text!M~-Textapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text= M-templateText Templateapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template=M-webHTML Document Templateapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web=M-masterMaster Documentapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master=Igraphics!Q-Drawingapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics= Q-templateTemplateapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template= Ipresentation!U-Presentationapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation= 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least v0.9 to extract= , at least v1.0 to extract= , at least v1.1 to extract=, at least v2.0 to extract=-, at least v3.0 to extract=aWINZIP, WinZIP self-extracting =Vgm > VGM Video Game Music dump v> %dx %dx.%d>%dx, soundchip(s)=> SN76489,> YM2413,> ,YM2612,> 0YM2151,> 8Sega PCM,> 4 > @RF5C68,> 4> DYM2203,> 4> HYM2608,> 4> LYM2610,< LYM2610B,> 4> PYM3812,> 4 > TYM3526,> 4$> XY8950,> 4(> \YMF262,> 4,> `YMF278B,> 40> dYMF271,> 44> hYMZ280B,> 48> lRF5C164,> 4<> pPWM,> 4@> t=xAY-3-8910,=xAY-3-8912,=xAY-3-8913,=xAY-3-8930,=xYM2149,=xYM3439, =SCOW=GVOX Encore music, version 5.0 or above=GVOX Encore music, version < 5.0 =ZBOT=GVOX Encore music, version < 5.0 == BlackBerry RIM ETP filex for %s =application/x-java-applet>compiled Java class data,xversion %d.x%d=.(Java 1.2)=/(Java 1.3)=0(Java 1.4)=1(Java 1.5)=2(Java 1.6) =3=4Mach-O universal binary with 1 architecture:=.5mach-o>6<7Mach-O universal binary with %ld architectures:=.8mach-o=.9mach-o>:=.0;mach-o><=.D=mach-o = ]application/x-lzma= LZMA compressed data,=streamed!non-streamed, size %lld= LZMA compressed data,=streamed!non-streamed, size %lld = = Universal EFI binary with 1 architecture= , i386= , x86_64=  Universal EFI binary with 2 architectures= , i386= , x86_64=  , i386= , x86_64> Universal EFI binary with %ld architectures = FOR1= BEAMErlang BEAM file(= 뛐= /Boot failed= LDLINUX SYSSyslinux bootloader (version 2.13 or older)=XSyslinux bootloader (version 3.0-3.9)= Boot error =XSyslinux bootloader (version 3.10 or newer)(= @= < > ==x, code offset 0x%x+2=x , code offset 0x%x+2>, OEM-ID "%-.8s"=IHC cached by Windows 9M> , Bytes/sector %u< , Bytes/sector %u> , sectors/cluster %u=RFAT32!  , reserved sectors %u!RFAT32> , reserved sectors %u>, FATs %u=, FAT %u>> , root entries %u> , sectors %u (volumes <=32 MB) >, Media descriptor 0x%x<, Media descriptor 0x%x> , sectors/FAT %ux , sectors/track %u>, heads %u=, heads %u>  !&p> , hidden sectors %u> , sectors %u (volumes > 32 MB) !RFAT32!$ !$, physical drive 0x%x>%, 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(= V% = 'x)Microsoft Windows XP/VISTA bootloader %-5.5s=*$x +%-2.2s =p=GFS1 Filesystemx$(blocksize %d,>`lockproto %s)= GFS2 Filesystemx$(blocksize %d,>`lockproto %s) =XFSM=XFSBXFS filesystem metadump image =XFSM=XFSBXFS filesystem metadump image =JFS1< JFS2 filesystem image= [ -~]{1,16}(label "%s")x, %lld blocksx , blocksize %d> (dirty)> $(compressed) = = hX11 SNF font data, LSB firstapplication/x-font-sfn =: =;=<KBXfGPG keybox database==version %dx >, created-at %sx ?, last-maintained %s =AWBM< Award BIOS bitmapimage/x-award-bmp= x , %dx x %d> ,= x %d+3= x %d+2= x %d+1x x %d(= ><!PCXimage/x-pcx=ver. 2.5 image data=ver. 2.8 image data, with palette=ver. 2.8 image data, without palette=for Windows image data=ver. 3.0 image datax bounding box [%hd,x %d] -x [%d,x %d],>A%d planes each ofx%d-bit=Dcolour,=Dgrayscale,xDimage,> %d xx %d dpi,=uncompressed=RLE compressed =|RIFF=}WEBPWeb/P image datax ~, %d bytes =PK= =!doc.kmlCompressed Google KML Document, including resources.application/vnd.google-earth.kmz =#;ELC>$<% Emacs/XEmacs v%d byte-compiled Lisp dataapplication/x-elc = +Mach-O= .^mach-o-be =+Mach-O= .mach-o-be =x=tnfsMac OSX datafork font, TrueType=TNOFMac OSX datafork font, 'FONT'=TNFNMac OSX datafork font, 'NFNT'=TSOPMac OSX datafork font, PostScript = E= B=webmWebMvideo/webm=matroskaMatroska datavideo/x-matroska = b= cWindows Recycle Bin INFO2 file (Win98 or below) = e= f Windows Recycle Bin INFO2 file (Win2k - WinXP) = L= Windows shortcut file(= =( EMFWindows Enhanced Metafile (EMF) image datax ,version 0x%x =n@$RBU=oDell%s system BIOS=px0qversion %d.x1r%d.x2s%d<tx0uversion %.3s =-MBMS=.MSX Moonblaster for MoonSound music =ISCMD= JMSX SCMD Music file>L, title: %s =PIC= Japanese PIC image file = = =  OSMHeaderOpenStreetMap Protocolbuffer Binary Format =pJZJZ=qZZZenographics ZjStream printer data (big-endian) =rZJZJ=sZZZenographics ZjStream printer data (little-endian)(= =M<+pcap-ng capture filex - version %dx.%d(= = M<+pcap-ng capture filex - version %dx .%d = =MARIALOGMySQL Maria transaction log filexVersion %d = =MACFMySQL Maria control filexVersion %d ==VMS Alpha executable=&PK, Info-ZIP SFX archive v5.12 w/decryption = PAGE=!DUMPMS Windows 32bit crash dump=\", no PAE=\#, PAE= $, full dump= %, kernel dump= &, small dumpx h', %ld pages=(DU64MS Windows 64bit crash dump= ), full dump= *, kernel dump= +, small dumpx,, %lld pages ='=(fUXilinx RAW bitstream (.BIN) = RISC OS Chunk data= OBJ_, AOF object= LIB_, ALF library = RISC OS AIF executable =DrawRISC OS Draw file data =2GlulGlulx game datax3(Version %dx4.%dx5.%d)=$6InfoCompiled by Inform =!hlsAllegro datafile (packed) =.hlsAllegro datafile (not packed/autodetect) = +hlsAllegro datafile (appended exe data) = AmigaOS shared library = AmigaOS loadseg()ble executable/binary = AmigaOS object/library data =FC14Future Composer 1.4 Module sound file =SMODFuture Composer 1.3 Module sound file ="ARP.The Holy Noise Module sound file =-AmigaOS outline tag =5RDSKRigid Disk Blockx6on %.24s =7DOSAmiga DOS disk =8DOSAmiga FFS disk =9DOSAmiga Inter DOS disk =:DOSAmiga Inter FFS disk =;DOSAmiga Fastdir DOS disk =<DOSAmiga Fastdir FFS disk ==KICKKickstart disk =C.KEYAmigaDOS script =D.keyAmigaDOS script = MOVISilicon Graphics movie filevideo/x-sgi-movie = moovApple QuickTimevideo/quicktime= mvhd movie (fast start)= mdra URL= cmov movie (fast start, compressed header)= rmra multiple URLs =mdatApple QuickTime movie (unoptimized)video/quicktime =idscApple QuickTime image (fast start)image/x-quicktime =pckgApple QuickTime compressed archiveapplication/x-quicktime-player =#ftypISO Media=$isom, MPEG v4 system, version 1video/mp4=&iso2, MPEG v4 system, part 12 revision='mp41, MPEG v4 system, version 1video/mp4=)mp42, MPEG v4 system, version 2video/mp4=+mp7t, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 XML=,mp7b, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 binary XML=-jp2, JPEG 2000image/jp2=/3ge, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=13gg, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=33gp, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=53gs, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp=73g2, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP2video/3gpp2= 9 v4 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10)= : v5 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10)= ; v6 (ITU H.264/AMR GSM 6.10)=<mmp4, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP Mobilevideo/mp4=>avc1, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP JVT AVCvideo/3gpp=@M4A, MPEG v4 system, iTunes AAC-LCaudio/mp4=BM4V, MPEG v4 system, iTunes AVC-LCvideo/mp4=DM4P, MPEG v4 system, iTunes AES encrypted=EM4B, MPEG v4 system, iTunes bookmarked=Fqt, Apple QuickTime movievideo/quicktime =/ADIFMPEG ADIF, AACaudio/x-hx-aac-adif&1& 2, VBR^ 3, CBR=4, single stream=5, 2 streams=6, 3 streams&7, 4 or more streams&8, 8 or more streams&9, Copyrighted& :@, Original Source& ; , Home Flag^<&=, VBR^>, CBR=?, single stream=@, 2 streams=A, 3 streams&B, 4 or more streams&C, 8 or more streams&D@, Original Stream(s)&E , Home Source =DIF&(DVCPRO) movie file^(DV) movie file&(PAL)^(NTSC) =u&0Microsoft ASFvideo/x-ms-asf =MNGMNG video data,video/x-mng!  CORRUPTED,=  x%ld xx%ld =JNGJNG video data,video/x-jng!  CORRUPTED,=  x%ld xx%ld =INSVfNullsoft Video =NRED1REDCode Video =SAMVSMTV Multimedia File =iFILMSega FILM/CPK Multimedia,x j%d xxk%d =pTHPNintendo THP Multimedia =uBBCDBBC Dirac Video = a.out little-endian 32-bit executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) = a.out little-endian 32-bit pure executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =  a.out little-endian 32-bit demand paged pure executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =&a.out big-endian 32-bit executable>'not stripped =)a.out big-endian 32-bit pure executable>*not stripped =, a.out big-endian 32-bit demand paged executable>-not stripped =lAPL workspace (Ken's original?) = AppleSingle encoded Macintosh file = AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file =2IMGApple ][ 2IMG Disk Image=XGS!, XGS=CTKG, Catakig=ShIm, Sheppy's ImageMaker=WOOF, Sweet 16=B2TR, Bernie ][ the Rescue!nfc, ASIMOV2x, Unknown Format= , DOS 3.3 sector order=, Volume 254x, Volume %u= , ProDOS sector orderx, %u Blocks= , NIB data =dApple Mechanic font =caffCoreAudio Format audio file< version %dx =kychMac OS X Keychain File = Mac OS X Code Requirement=(opExpr)x- %d bytes = Mac OS X Code Requirement Set>containing %d itemsx- %d bytes = Mac OS X Code Directoryxversion %x> flags 0x%xx- %d bytes = Mac OS X Detached Code Signature (non-executable)x- %d bytes = Mac OS X Detached Code Signature>(%d elements)x- %d bytes =MPApple Partition Mapx, map block count %dx, start block %dx , block count %d>0, name %s>00, type %s>|0, processor %s>0, boot arguments %s&\, valid&\ , allocated&\!, in use&\", has boot info&\#, readable&\$ , writable&\%@, pic boot code&\&, chain compatible driver&\', real driver&\(, chain driver&\), mount at startup&\*, is the startup partition = 9mvery old 32-bit-int little-endian archive =:mvery old 32-bit-int big-endian archive = @eold 32-bit-int little-endian archive= A__.SYMDEFrandom library =Beold 32-bit-int big-endian archive= C__.SYMDEFrandom library = HPDP-11 old archive = IPDP-11 4.0 archive =Plapl workspace =USystem V Release 1 ar archiveapplication/x-archive = ARC archive data, dynamic LZWapplication/x-arc =  ARC archive data, squashedapplication/x-arc = ARC archive data, uncompressedapplication/x-arc = ARC archive data, packedapplication/x-arc = ARC archive data, squeezedapplication/x-arc = ARC archive data, crunchedapplication/x-arc =  PAK archive dataapplication/x-arc = ARC+ archive dataapplication/x-arc = HHYP archive dataapplication/x-arc =HPAKHPack archive data =3HFHAP archive data =MDmdMDCD archive data =LIMLIM archive data =BSABSArc archive datax version %d =PKReSOF archive data =XhDrX1 archive data = vCDC Codec archive data =SChFChArc archive data =-H2ODRY archive data =,AR7AR7 archive data =PPMZPPMZ archive data =MP3MP3-Archiver archive data =OZÝZET archive data =gWARQ archive data =Terse archive data =%AB2ABComp archive data =+]eInstallShield Z archive Data =7eDBTS archive data =9Ora ELI 5750 archive data =;FCQFC archive data =<QFQFC archive data =BsTaCLZS221 archive data =JIMP IMP archive data =NsSquish archive data =U0BSSBX archive data =`ISc(InstallShield CAB =fBHBlakHole archive data =hBIX0BIX archive data =wPPFT archive data ={PPMD archive data =SMMSXiE archive data =00zyDeepFreezer archive data = %u files,=first is type CPY=first is type ASC=first is type HSC=first is type DIR=first is type SPECIAL =HPAKHPACK archive data =2Rar!RAR archive data,application/x-rarx,4v%0x,> 5flags:& 6Archive volume,& 7Commented,& 8Locked,& 9Solid,& : Authenticated,=#;os: MS-DOS=#<os: OS/2=#=os: Win32=#>os: Unix =@RE~^RAR archive data =CSQSHsquished archive data (Acorn RISCOS) =GUC2UC2 archive data =NPKZip archive data (empty) = ܧZoo archive dataapplication/x-zoo>0, v%c.>/%c>/%c> , modify: v%dx!.%d+= *ܧ,>Fextract: v%dxG.%d+ = PARPARity archive data= 0 - Index file> 0 - file number %d =JEET archiveapplication/x-eet =NRZIPrzip compressed dataxO- version %dxP.%dxQ(%d bytes) =T{dar archive,xUlabel "%.8xxV%.8xx W%.4x"=XTend slice=YNNmulti-part=ZSNmulti-part, with -S = _Symbian installation fileapplication/vnd.symbian.install= am(EPOC release 3/4/5)= b:(EPOC release 6) = cz Symbian installation file (Symbian OS 9.x)x-epoc/x-sisx-app =gMPQMoPaQ (MPQ) archive =kxar!xar archivexl- version %ld =uxar!xar archivexwversion %d,=zno checksum={SHA-1 checksum=|MD5 checksum =PAR2Parity Archive Volume Set = BB02Bacula volumex , started %s =*STAAster*x= WORDWords Document= GRAPGraphic= SPRESpreadsheet= MACRMacro = 2278Aster*x Version 2=6Words Document=5Graphic=2Spreadsheet=8Macro = .sndSun/NeXT audio data:= 8-bit ISDN mu-law,audio/basic= 8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],audio/basic= 16-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 24-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 32-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 32-bit IEEE floating point,audio/basic= 64-bit IEEE floating point,audio/basic= Fragmented sample data,=  DSP program,=  8-bit fixed point,=  16-bit fixed point,=  24-bit fixed point,= 32-bit fixed point,= 16-bit linear with emphasis,= !16-bit linear compressed,= "16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,= #Music kit DSP commands,= $8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),audio/x-adpcm= &compressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)= 'compressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),= (compressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),= )8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),=*mono,=+stereo,=,quad,>-%d Hz = 1.sdDEC audio data:= 28-bit ISDN mu-law,audio/x-dec-basic= 48-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],audio/x-dec-basic= 616-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= 824-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= :32-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= <32-bit IEEE floating point,audio/x-dec-basic= >64-bit IEEE floating point,audio/x-dec-basic= @Fragmented sample data,= A DSP program,= B 8-bit fixed point,= C 16-bit fixed point,= D 24-bit fixed point,= E32-bit fixed point,= F16-bit linear with emphasis,= G16-bit linear compressed,= H16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,= IMusic kit DSP commands,= J8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),audio/x-dec-basic= Lcompressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)= Mcompressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),= Ncompressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),= O8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),= Pmono,= Qstereo,= Rquad,> S%d Hz =VMThdStandard MIDI dataaudio/midixX(format %d)x Yusing %d track> Zsx [at 1/%d> \SMPTE =^CTMFCreative Music (CMF) dataaudio/x-unknown =jKRTNMultiTrack sound dataxk- version %ld =oEMODExtended MOD sound data,xpversion %dxq.%d,x-r%d instruments=Ss(module)=St(song) =war.RealAudio sound fileaudio/x-pn-realaudio =,SCRMScreamTracker III Module sound data>Title: "%s" =UN05MikMod UNI format module sound data =8M.K.4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8M!K!4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8FLT44-channel Startracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8FLT88-channel Startracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =84CHN4-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =86CHN6-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =88CHN8-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8CD818-channel Octalyser module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8OKTA8-channel Octalyzer module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =816CN16-channel Taketracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =832CN32-channel Taketracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =PSIDPlaySID v2.2+ (AMIGA) sidtune>w/ header v%d,=single song,>%d songs,>default song: %d>name: "%s">6author: "%s">Vcopyright: "%s" =RSIDRSID sidtune PlaySID compatible>w/ header v%d,=single song,>%d songs,>default song: %d>name: "%s">6author: "%s">Vcopyright: "%s" =dIRCAM file (VAX little-endian) =dIRCAM file (VAX big-endian) =dIRCAM file (Sun big-endian) =dIRCAM file (Sun little-endian) =dIRCAM file (MIPS little-endian) =dIRCAM file (MIPS big-endian) =dIRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) =dIRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) = dIRCAM file (NeXT little-endian) =2BITAudio Visual Research file,= mono,= stereo,x%d bits=unsigned,=signed,x%d Hz,=no loop,=loop,<note %d,=replay 5.485 KHz=replay 8.084 KHz=replay 10.971 KHz=replay 16.168 KHz= replay 21.942 KHz=!replay 32.336 KHz="replay 43.885 KHz=#replay 47.261 KHz =FIMPMImpulse Tracker module sound data -audio/x-mod>H"%s"! (Icompatible w/ITv%x! *Jcreated w/ITv%x =<MIM10Imago Orpheus module sound data ->N"%s" =TIMPSImpulse Tracker Sample&U16 bit^V8 bit&Wstereo^Xmono =YIMPIImpulse Tracker Instrument! ZITv%x![%d samples =LiSCRSScream Tracker Sample=jsample=kadlib melody>ladlib drum&mstereo^nmono&o16bit little endian^p8bit=qunpacked=rpacked =vMMD0MED music file, version 0 =wMMD1OctaMED Pro music file, version 1 =xMMD3OctaMED Soundstudio music file, version 3 ={SymMSymphonie SymMOD music file =DBM0DIGI Booster Pro Module>V%X.x%02X>, "%s" =FTMNFaceTheMusic module>d, "%s" =DDMFXtracker DMF Modulexv%i> Title: "%s">+Composer: "%s" =DSMDynamic Studio Module DSM =SONGDigiTrekker DTM Module =DMDLDigiTrakker MDL Module =PSMProtracker Studio PSM Module =,PTMFPoly Tracker PTM Module>Title: "%s" =MT20MadTracker 2.0 Module MT2 =RTMMRTM Module =MMMDYamaha SMAF file =fLaCFLAC audio bitstream dataaudio/x-flac>, unknown version==0, 4 bit=P, 6 bit=p, 8 bit=, 12 bit=, 16 bit=p, 24 bit=, mono=, stereo=, 3 channels=, 4 channels=, 5 channels= , 6 channels= , 7 channels=, 8 channels=@ , 44.1 kHz= , 48 kHz=, 32 kHz= b, 22.05 kHz=, 24 kHz=, 16 kHz=, 11.025 kHz=, 12 kHz=, 8 kHz=p, 96 kHz=, 64 kHz>, >4G samples=>, %u samples=, length unknown =VBOXVBOX voice message data =RB40RBS Song file=ReBorncreated by ReBorn= %Propellerheadcreated by ReBirth =MAC Monkey's Audio compressed formataudio/x-ape> version %d = with fast compression = with normal compression =  with high compression = with extra high compression = with insane compression= , mono= , stereox , sample rate %d< version %d= with fast compression= with normal compression=  with high compression= with extra high compression= with insane compression= , mono= , stereox , sample rate %d = SAdTSurprise! Adlib Trackerx Version %d =XAD!eXotic ADlib =9ICE!SNDH Atari ST music =<kSONGSoundFX Module sound file =tSCgfSuperCollider3 Synth Definition file,xuversion %d =zTTA1True Audio Lossless Audio =wvpkWavPack Lossless Audio =bFLTBFLT executablex - version %ld= =$ ram=$ gotpic=$ gzip=$gzdata =68k Blit mpx/mux executable = i960 b.out relocatable object>not stripped = 386 compact demand paged pure executable>  not stripped= j(uses shared libs) = sparc demand paged&<shared library=dynamically linked executable>dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped=$(uses shared libs) =sparc pure&dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped=$(uses shared libs) =sparc&dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped=$!(uses shared libs) =XIA1Chiasmus encrypted data =eAD64 Image =e AD71 Image = D(D81 Image = dACX64 Image = PSURARC archive (c64) =LBWRAptor packer (c64) =Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation DGN cell library = Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation DGN vector CAD = Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation DGN vector CAD = JAR compressed with pack200,x!version %d.x"%dapplication/x-java-pack200 =& JAR compressed with pack200,x'version %d.x(%dapplication/x-java-pack200 = cisco IOS microcode> for '%s' = cisco IOS experimental microcode> for '%s' =@pipeCLIPPER instruction trace =AprofCLIPPER instruction profile =QLZIPlzip compressed dataapplication/x-lzipxS, version: %d =XPKFAmiga xpkf.library compressed data =PP11Power Packer 1.1 compressed data =PP20Power Packer 2.0 compressed data,= fast compression= mediocre compression= good compression= very good compression= best compression =LRZILRZIP compressed datax- version %dx.%dapplication/x-lrzip = "MLZ4 compressed dataapplication/x-lz4 = !LLZ4 compressed data, legacy formatapplication/x-lz4 =RZIPrzip compressed datax- version %dx.%dx(%d bytes) =ArCFreeArc archive =TCDDACT compressed data>(version %i.>%i.>%i)>, original size: %i bytes>, block size: %i bytes = 4UValve Pak filex , version %ux , %u entries = NESiNES ROM dump,x %dx16k PRGx , %dx8k CHR= , [Vert.]= , [Horiz.]=, [SRAM]=, [Trainer]=, [4-Scr] =ffGameboy ROM:>4"%.16s"=F,[SGB]=G, [ROM ONLY]=G, [ROM+MBC1]=G, [ROM+MBC1+RAM]=G, [ROM+MBC1+RAM+BATT]=G, [ROM+MBC2]=G, [ROM+MBC2+BATTERY]=G, [ROM+RAM]=G , [ROM+RAM+BATTERY]=G , [ROM+MMM01]=G! , [ROM+MMM01+SRAM]=G" , [ROM+MMM01+SRAM+BATT]=G#, [ROM+MBC3+TIMER+BATT]=G$, [ROM+MBC3+TIMER+RAM+BATT]=G%, [ROM+MBC3]=G&, [ROM+MBC3+RAM]=G', [ROM+MBC3+RAM+BATT]=G(, [ROM+MBC5]=G), [ROM+MBC5+RAM]=G*, [ROM+MBC5+RAM+BATT]=G+, [ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE]=G,, [ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE+SRAM]=G-, [ROM+MBC5+RUMBLE+SRAM+BATT]=G., [Pocket Camera]=G/, [Bandai TAMA5]=G0, [Hudson HuC-3]=G1, [Hudson HuC-1]=H3, ROM: 256Kbit=H4, ROM: 512Kbit=H5, ROM: 1Mbit=H6, ROM: 2Mbit=H7, ROM: 4Mbit=H8, ROM: 8Mbit=H9, ROM: 16Mbit=H:R, ROM: 9Mbit=H;S, ROM: 10Mbit=H<T, ROM: 12Mbit=I>, RAM: 16Kbit=I?, RAM: 64Kbit=I@, RAM: 128Kbit=IA, RAM: 1Mbit =HSEGASega MegaDrive/Genesis raw ROM dump> IName: "%.16s">J%.16s=KRAwith SRAM =PEAGNSuper MagicDrive ROM dumpxQ%dx16k blocks=R, last in series or standalone>S, split ROM=T= U =ZEAMGSuper MagicDrive ROM dumpx[%dx16k blocksx\, last in series or standalone=]= ^ =r(!Sega Dreamcast VMU game image =sLCDiDream Animator file =x@7V64 Nintendo 64 ROM dump =XBEHXBE, Microsoft Xbox executable=  = = , not signed>  > > , signed= = `, all regions ! ` > `(regions: & `NA & `Japan & `Rest_of_World & `Manufacturer> `) =XIP0XIP, Microsoft Xbox data =XTF0XTF, Microsoft Xbox data =SMVSNES9x input recordingx , version %d< x , recorded at %s> , rerecorded %d timesx , %d frames long>, data for controller(s):&#1&#2&#3&#4&#5^, begins from snapshot&, begins from reset^, NTSC standard&, PAL standard&, settings:< &WIP1Timing&Left+Right&VolumeEnvX&FakeMute& SyncSound> &NoCPUShutdown< > #! x , metadata: "%s"> >$, port 1:=$joypad=$mouse=$SuperScope=$Justifier=$multitap>$, port 2:=%joypad=%mouse=%SuperScope=%Justifier=%multitap> C! @x@, metadata: "%s"&@, ROM:x CRC32 0x%08xx "%s" =SCVMScummVM savegame> "%s" = GConvex old-style object> not stripped =KConvex old-style demand paged executable>not stripped =MConvex old-style pre-paged executable>not stripped =OConvex old-style pre-paged, non-swapped executable>not stripped =WCore file =!mdump format, 4.2 or 4.3 BSD (IDC compatible) ="ndump format, Convex Storage Manager by-reference dump ='Convex SOFF=X(c1&X)c2&X*c2mp&X+parallel&X,intrinsic&X-demand paged&X.pre-paged&X/non-swapped&X0POSIX&T2executable&T3@object=T4 not stripped=T5native fpmode=T6ieee fpmode=T7undefined fpmode =9Convex SOFF core =;Convex SOFF checkpoint=X<c1&X=c2&X>c2mp&X?parallel&X@intrinsic&XAPOSIX=TCnative fpmode=TDieee fpmode=TEundefined fpmode = 1VwpCracklib password index, little endian>(%i words)=("64-bit")> (%i words) = 1VwpCracklib password index, big endian> (%i words) = Common Trace Format (CTF) trace data (LE) = Common Trace Format (CTF) trace data (BE) = WuCommon Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (LE)x#, v%dx$.%d =WuCommon Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (BE)x#, v%dx$.%d =ACMPMap file for the AssaultCube FPS game =CUBEMap file for cube and cube2 engine games =TCDDACT compressed data>(version %i.>$BS%i.> $BS%i)> $BS, original size: %i bytes> $BS, block size: %i bytes = ΚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endianapplication/x-gdbm = ΚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endianapplication/x-gdbm =GDBMGNU dbm 2.x databaseapplication/x-gdbm =aBerkeley DBapplication/x-dbm=>1.86<1.85> (Hash, version %d, native byte-order)=!>"1.86<#1.85>$(Hash, version %d, little-endian) =&aBerkeley DB='>(1.86<)1.85>*(Hash, version %d, big-endian)=+>,1.86<-1.85>.(Hash, version %d, native byte-order) =0b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86>1(Btree, version %d, native byte-order) =2b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86>3(Btree, version %d, big-endian) = 4b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86> 5(Btree, version %d, little-endian) = 7aBerkeley DB>8(Hash, version %d, native byte-order) = 9aBerkeley DB>:(Hash, version %d, big-endian) = ;aBerkeley DB> <(Hash, version %d, little-endian) = >b1Berkeley DB>?(Btree, version %d, native byte-order) = @b1Berkeley DB>A(Btree, version %d, big-endian) = Bb1Berkeley DB> C(Btree, version %d, little-endian) = ES"Berkeley DB>F(Queue, version %d, native byte-order) = GS"Berkeley DB>H(Queue, version %d, big-endian) = IS"Berkeley DB> J(Queue, version %d, little-endian) = M Berkeley DB>N(Log, version %d, native byte-order) = O Berkeley DB >P(Log, version %d, big-endian) = Q Berkeley DB> R(Log, version %d, little-endian) =W@RRDRRDTool DBxX@version %s! Z16bit aligned=% [/%C+[big-endianx\32bit long (m68k)= ^! _32bit aligned=% `/%C+[big-endian=a64bit long!b32bit long =& c/%C+[little-endian=d64bit long!e32bit long (i386)= fC+[/%middle-endian!g32bit long (arm)=i64bit aligned=%j/%C+[big-endian=k64bit long (s390x)!l32bit long (hppa/mips/ppc/s390/sparc)=&m/%C+[little-endian=n64bit long (alpha/amd64/ia64)!o32bit long (armel/mipsel) = |SE Linux policyx v%d= MLSx %d symbolsx %d ocons =FS21Zope Object Database File Storage (data) =ZEC3Zope Object Database Client Cache File (data) =IDA1IDA (Interactive Disassembler) database =$6srrdiff network-delta data =&6srrdiff network-delta signature datax'(block length=%d,x(signature strength=%d) =2X image =Alnew-fs dump file (big endian), = .Bnew-dump-be =Dkold-fs dump file (big endian), = .Eold-dump-be = Glnew-fs dump file (little endian), = .H^new-dump-be = Jkold-fs dump file (little endian), = .K^old-dump-be =NTnew-fs dump file (ufs2, big endian), = .Oufs2-dump-be = QTnew-fs dump file (ufs2, little endian), = .R^ufs2-dump-be =EEBML file=d@Bx, creator %.8s =@CT T602 document data,=0Kamenicky=1CP 852= 2KOI8-CS> 2unknown encoding = 7Psion Series 5=  9font file=  :printer driver=  ;clipboard=  Bmulti-bitmap imageimage/x-epoc-mbm= japplication information file= m= }Sketch imageimage/x-epoc-sketch= ~voice note= Word fileapplication/x-epoc-word= OPL program (TextEd)application/x-epoc-opl= Comms settings= Sheet fileapplication/x-epoc-sheet= EasyFax initialisation file= sOPO moduleapplication/x-epoc-opo= tOPL applicationapplication/x-epoc-app=  exported multi-bitmap image= !m= "Comms names = $APsion Series 5 ROM multi-bitmap image = &PPsion Series 5= 'mdatabase= (Agenda fileapplication/x-epoc-agenda= *Data fileapplication/x-epoc-data= , Jotter fileapplication/x-epoc-jotter= .ini file = 0yPsion Series 5 binary:= 1DLL= 2Icomms hardware library= 3Jcomms protocol library= 4]OPX= 5lapplication= 6DLL= 7logical device driver= 8physical device driver= 9file transfer protocol= :file transfer protocol= ;@printer definition= <Aprinter definition = >zPsion Series 5 executable = 'ESRI Shapefile== = = = x  version %dxlength %d= type Null Shape= type Point= type PolyLine= type Polygon= type MultiPoint=  type PointZ=  type PolyLineZ= type PolygonZ= type MultiPointZ= type PointM= type PolyLineM= type PolygonM= type MultiPointM= type MultiPatch =PC formatted floppy with no filesystem =FATXFATX filesystem data = 6Netboot image,= = mode 2= mode 3! unknown mode =OS/2OS/2 Boot Manager(= |pxelinux loader (version 2.13 or older)(= ff`pxelinux loader(= pxelinux loader (version 3.70 or newer) = \%.TUnix Fast File system [v1] (little-endian),x /last mounted on %s,x 1last written at %s,x 2clean flag %d,x $ 3number of blocks %d,x ( 4number of data blocks %d,x , 5number of cylinder groups %d,x 0 6block size %d,x 4 7fragment size %d,x < 8minimum percentage of free blocks %d,x @ 9rotational delay %dms,x D :disk rotational speed %drps,= ;TIME optimization= <SPACE optimization = \>TUnix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian)xt?last mounted on %s,>H@volume name %s,xAlast written at %s,xqBclean flag %d,xpCreadonly flag %d,xDnumber of blocks %lld,xEnumber of data blocks %lld,x Fnumber of cylinder groups %d,x Gblock size %d,x Hfragment size %d,x LIaverage file size %d,x PJaverage number of files in dir %d,xKpending blocks to free %lld,x Lpending inodes to free %ld,xhMsystem-wide uuid %0llx,x Nminimum percentage of free blocks %d,= OTIME optimization= PSPACE optimization = \RTUnix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian)xtSlast mounted on %s,>HTvolume name %s,xUlast written at %s,xqVclean flag %d,xpWreadonly flag %d,xXnumber of blocks %lld,xYnumber of data blocks %lld,x Znumber of cylinder groups %d,x [block size %d,x \fragment size %d,x L]average file size %d,x P^average number of files in dir %d,x_pending blocks to free %lld,x `pending inodes to free %ld,xhasystem-wide uuid %0llx,x bminimum percentage of free blocks %d,= cTIME optimization= dSPACE optimization =\%fTUnix Fast File system [v1] (big-endian),=gLBALApple UFS Volumexhnamed %s,xivolume label version %d,x jcreated on %s,x klast mounted on %s,x mlast written at %s,x nclean flag %d,x$ onumber of blocks %d,x( pnumber of data blocks %d,x, qnumber of cylinder groups %d,x0 rblock size %d,x4 sfragment size %d,x< tminimum percentage of free blocks %d,x@ urotational delay %dms,xD vdisk rotational speed %drps,= wTIME optimization= xSPACE optimization =\zTUnix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian)xt{last mounted on %s,>H|volume name %s,x }last written at %s,xq~clean flag %d,xpreadonly flag %d,xnumber of blocks %lld,xnumber of data blocks %lld,xnumber of cylinder groups %d,xblock size %d,xfragment size %d,xLaverage file size %d,xPaverage number of files in dir %d,xpending blocks to free %lld,xpending inodes to free %ld,xhsystem-wide uuid %0llx,xminimum percentage of free blocks %d,= TIME optimization= SPACE optimization =\TUnix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian)xtlast mounted on %s,>Hvolume name %s,x last written at %s,xqclean flag %d,xpreadonly flag %d,xnumber of blocks %lld,xnumber of data blocks %lld,xnumber of cylinder groups %d,xblock size %d,xfragment size %d,xLaverage file size %d,xPaverage number of files in dir %d,xpending blocks to free %lld,xpending inodes to free %ld,xhsystem-wide uuid %0llx,xminimum percentage of free blocks %d,= TIME optimization= SPACE optimization =A SGI disk label (volume header) =BSFXSGI XFS filesystem datax(blksz %d,xhinosz %d,^d v1 dirs)&d v2 dirs) = 'FAtari-ST Minix kernel image=   , 720k floppy=   , 360k floppy =CISOCompressed ISO CD image = E=(Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endianx size %lu& version #2& sorted_dirs& hole_supportx CRC 0x%x,x $edition %lu,x (%lu blocks,x ,%lu files =E=(Linux Compressed ROM File System data, big endianxsize %lu&version #2&sorted_dirs&hole_supportx CRC 0x%x,x$edition %lu,x(%lu blocks,x,%lu files = 1984Linux Journalled Flash File system, little endian =1984Linux Journalled Flash File system, big endian =V'u-boot legacy uImage,x %s,=Invalid os/=OpenBSD/=NetBSD/=FreeBSD/=4.4BSD/=Linux/=SVR4/=Esix/=Solaris/= Irix/= SCO/= Dell/= NCR/= LynxOS/=VxWorks/=pSOS/=QNX/=Firmware/=RTEMS/=ARTOS/=Unity OS/=INTEGRITY/=Invalid CPU,=Alpha,=ARM,=Intel x86,=IA64,=MIPS,=MIPS 64-bit,=PowerPC,=IBM S390,= SuperH,= Sparc,= Sparc 64-bit,= M68K,= Nios-32,=MicroBlaze,=Nios-II,=Blackfin,=AVR32,=STMicroelectronics ST200,=Invalid Image= Standalone Program= OS Kernel Image= RAMDisk Image= Multi-File Image= Firmware Image=Script File=Filesystem Image (any type)=Binary Flat Device Tree BLOB=(Not compressed),=(gzip),=(bzip2),=(lzma),x %d bytes,x %s,xLoad Address: 0x%08X,xEntry Point: 0x%08X,xHeader CRC: 0x%08X,xData CRC: 0x%08X =!sqshSquashfs filesystem, big endian,x"version %d.x#%d,<$x%%d bytes,>&<'x?(%lld bytes,>)x(*%lld bytes,x,%d inodes,<-x .blocksize: %d bytes,>/<0x31blocksize: %d bytes,>2x 3blocksize: %d bytes,<4x '5created: %s>6x 7created: %s =8hsqsSquashfs filesystem, little endian,x 9version %d.x :%d,< ;x <%d bytes,> =< >x??%lld bytes,> @x(A%lld bytes,x C%d inodes,< Dx Eblocksize: %d bytes,> F< Gx 3Hblocksize: %d bytes,> Ix Jblocksize: %d bytes,< Kx 'Lcreated: %s> Mx Ncreated: %s =`DISODelta ISO dataxaversion %d =DISODelta ISO data,xversion %d = bLFS filesystem image= version 1,x  blocks %u,x  blocks per segment %u,= version 2,x  fragments %u,x  bytes per segment %u,x  disk blocks %u,x  block size %u,x  fragment size %u,x  fragments per block %u,x  start for free list %u,x $ number of free blocks %d,x ( number of files %u,x , blocks available for writing %d,x 0 inodes in cache %d,x 4 inode file disk address 0x%x,x 8 inode file inode number %u,x < address of last segment written 0x%x,x @ address of next segment to write 0x%x,x D address of current segment written 0x%x =X11 SNF font data, MSB firstapplication/x-font-sfn ="fcpX11 Portable Compiled Font data= #, LSB first= $ , MSB first =2YlibGrx font data,x 3%dxx 4%dx(5%s =7NOFDOS code page font data collection =8AGEDOS code page font data =9DIVDOS code page font data (from Linux?) ==PFR1PFR1 font>f>0: %s =IttcfTrueType font collection data=J, 1.0>K, %d fonts=L, 2.0>M, %d fonts=OGISD, digitally signed =ROTTOOpenType font dataapplication/vnd.ms-opentype =`wOFFWeb Open Font Formatxa, flavor %dxb, length %dxc, version %hdxd.%hd =# R=Sdynamically linked executable=Texecutable> Unot stripped = WFreeBSD/i386 pure< X&Yshared library=Z@PIC object=[object> \=]dynamically linked executable=^executable> _not stripped = a FreeBSD/i386 demand paged< b&cshared library=d@PIC object=eobject> f=gdynamically linked executable=hexecutable> inot stripped = kFreeBSD/i386 compact demand paged< l&mshared library=n@PIC object=oobject> p=qdynamically linked executable=rexecutable> snot stripped = iHDLld.so hints file (Little Endian> , version %d)<) =iHDLld.so hints file (Big Endian>, version %d)<) =IDP2Quake II 3D Model file,x %lu skin(s),x (%lu xx %lu),x( %lu frame(s),x Frame size %lu bytes,x%lu vertices/frame,x%lu texture coordinates,x %lu triangles/frame =IBSPQuake=&II Map file (BSP)=.III Map file (BSP) =IDS2Quake II SP2 sprite file =%PACKQuake I or II world or extension> &, %d entries =IWADdoom main IWAD datax containing %d lumps =PWADdoom patch PWAD datax containing %d lumps =HM3WWarcraft III map file = *Unreal Engine Package,x version: %i! , names: %i! , imports: %i!  , exports: %i =gpchGCC precompiled headerx (version %cx %cx %c)=Cfor C=ofor Objective C=+for C++=Ofor Objective C++ =KEB Knudsen seismic KEL binary (KEB) -= [-A-Z0-9]*Software: %s= V[0-9]*.[0-9]*version %s =D$HSFXSE multibeam =RHDCSCaris multibeam sonar related data =lDSBBSurfer 6 binary grid filex m, %dx nx%dx&o, minx=%gx&p, maxx=%gx&q, miny=%gx& r, maxy=%gx&(s, minz=%gx&0t, maxz=%g =SEGEOS=(executable=(VMFile=( binary=( directory label<( unknown>( unknown> , name "%s" =#GPATGIMP pattern data,x$%s =+GIMPGIMP brush data =$ GStreamer binary registryx%, version %s = GNU message catalog (little endian),x  revision %d.>  %d,x  %d messages,x $%d sysdep messages= %d,x %d messages =GNU message catalog (big endian),xrevision %d.>%d,x%d messages,x$%d sysdep messages=%d,x%d messages =gpgGPG key trust databasexversion %d =NGNU-format message catalog data =OGNU-format message catalog data =0 TML 0123 byte-order format =1 TML 1032 byte-order format =2 TML 2301 byte-order format =3 TML 3210 byte-order format =5PA-RISC1.1 relocatable object =6PA-RISC1.1 executable&7dynamically linked=80Ndynamically linked>`9- not stripped =;PA-RISC1.1 shared executable=<dynamically linked==0Ndynamically linked>`>- not stripped =@ PA-RISC1.1 demand-load executable=Adynamically linked=B0Ndynamically linked>`C- not stripped =EPA-RISC1.1 shared library>`F- not stripped =H PA-RISC1.1 dynamic load library>`I- not stripped =LPA-RISC2.0 relocatable object =NPA-RISC2.0 executable&Odynamically linked=P0Ndynamically linked>`Q- not stripped =SPA-RISC2.0 shared executable&Tdynamically linked=U0Ndynamically linked>`V- not stripped =X PA-RISC2.0 demand-load executable&Ydynamically linked=Z0Ndynamically linked>`[- not stripped =]PA-RISC2.0 shared library>`^- not stripped =` PA-RISC2.0 dynamic load library>`a- not stripped =d PA-RISC1.0 relocatable object =f PA-RISC1.0 executable=gdynamically linked=h0Ndynamically linked>`i- not stripped =k PA-RISC1.0 shared executable=ldynamically linked=m0Ndynamically linked>`n- not stripped =p  PA-RISC1.0 demand-load executable=qdynamically linked=r0Ndynamically linked>`s- not stripped =u PA-RISC1.0 shared library>`v- not stripped =x  PA-RISC1.0 dynamic load library>`y- not stripped ={ra- version %ld =HP s500 executable>- version %ld =HP s500 pure executable>- version %ld = HP s200 pure executable>- version %ld&save fp regs&@dynamically linked& debuggable>$not stripped = HP s200 executable>- version %ld&save fp regs&@dynamically linked& debuggable>$not stripped =  HP s200 demand-load executable>- version %ld&save fp regs&@dynamically linked& debuggable>$not stripped = HP s200 relocatable executable>- version %ld>- highwater %d&save fp regs& debuggable&PIC = HP s200 (2.x release) pure executable>- version %ld>$not stripped = HP s200 (2.x release) executable>- version %ld>$not stripped = HP s200 shared library>- version %ld>- highwater %d>$not stripped =  HP s200 dynamic load library>- version %ld>- highwater %d>$not stripped =eHP old archive =e HP s200 old archive =e HP s200 old archive =eHP s500 old archive =!XHP core file =MHP-WINDOWS font>- version %ld =  compiled Lisp =HPHPHP=4848 binary=4949 binary>@- Rev %c= )(ADR)= 3)(REAL)= U)(LREAL)= w)(COMPLX)= )(LCOMPLX)= )(CHAR)= )(ARRAY)=  *(LNKARRAY)= ,*(STRING)= N*(HXS)= t*(LIST)= *(DIR)= *(ALG)= *(UNIT)= *(TAGGED)= +(GROB)= @+(LIB)= b+(BACKUP)= +(LIBDATA)= -(PROG)= -(CODE)= H.(GNAME)= m.(LNAME)= .(XLIB) =AIX compiled message catalog =$0acspICC Profileapplication/vnd.iccprofile = FORMIFF data=AIFF, AIFF audioaudio/x-aiff=AIFC, AIFF-C compressed audioaudio/x-aiff=8SVX, 8SVX 8-bit sampled sound voiceaudio/x-aiff=16SV, 16SV 16-bit sampled sound voice=SAMP, SAMP sampled audio=MAUD, MAUD MacroSystem audio=SMUS, SMUS simple music=CMUS, CMUS complex music=ILBMBMHD, ILBM interleaved imagex, %d xx%d=RGBN, RGBN 12-bit RGB image= RGB8, RGB8 24-bit RGB image=!DEEP, DEEP TVPaint/XiPaint image="DR2D, DR2D 2-D object=#TDDD, TDDD 3-D rendering=$LWOB, LWOB 3-D object=%LWO2, LWO2 3-D object, v2=&LWLO, LWLO 3-D layered object='REAL, REAL Real3D rendering=(MC4D, MC4D MaxonCinema4D rendering=)ANIM, ANIM animation=*YAFA, YAFA animation=+SSA , SSA super smooth animation=,ACBM, ACBM continuous image=-FAXX, FAXX fax image=/FTXT, FTXT formatted text=0CTLG, CTLG message catalog=1PREF, PREF preferences=2DTYP, DTYP datatype description=3PTCH, PTCH binary patch=4AMFF, AMFF AmigaMetaFile format=5WZRD, WZRD StormWIZARD resource=6DOC , DOC desktop publishing document=7WVQA, Westwood Studios VQA Multimedia,x 8%d video frames,x 9%d xx :%d=;MOVE, Wing Commander III Video= <_PC_, PC version= =3DO_, 3DO version=EIFRS, Blorb Interactive Fiction=FExecwith executable chunk=GIFZS, Z-machine or Glulx saved game file (Quetzal) =Targa image data - Map=- RLE> %hd x> %hd =Targa image data - RGB=- RLE> %hd x> %hd =Targa image data - Mono=- RLE> %hd x> %hd =O.MDAMicroDesign data=P0version 2=Q3version 3 =R.MDPMicroDesign page data=S0version 2=T3version 3 =XIIN1NIFF image dataimage/x-niff =qMM*TIFF image data, big-endianimage/tiff =sII*TIFF image data, little-endianimage/tiff =vMM+Big TIFF image data, big-endianimage/tiff =xII+Big TIFF image data, little-endianimage/tiff =GIF8GIF image dataimage/gif8BIMGIFf=7a, version 8%s,=9a, version 8%s,> %hd x> %hd =@CMU window manager raster image data> %d x> %d,> %d-bit =$BArtisan image data=, rectangular 24-bit=, rectangular 8-bit with colormap=, rectangular 32-bit (24-bit with matte) =GKSMGKS Metafile=SunGKS, SunGKS =Sfffstructured fax file =BjYSun raster image data>C, %d x>D%d,> E%d-bit,=Gold format,=Icompressed,=JRGB,=KTIFF,=LIFF,=Mreserved for testing,=Nno colormap=ORGB colormap=Praw colormap =dIT01FIT image dataxe, %d xxf%d xx g%d =iIT02FIT image dataxj, %d xxk%d xx l%d =DICMDICOM medical imaging dataapplication/dicom =PDS_PDS image data =pM85Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor)=(white background)=(black background) =pM86Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert)=(white background)=(black background) =8BPSAdobe Photoshop Imageimage/vnd.adobe.photoshop=(PSB)x, %d xx%d,=bitmap=grayscale= with alpha=indexed=RGB= A=CMYK= A=multichannel=duotone= lab> x , %dx= ,x %d-bit channel> s =NITFNational Imagery Transmission Format>dated %.14s =GEM Image datax %d xx%d,x%d planes,x%d xx %d pixelsize = GEM Metafile datax version %d =EKiSSKISS/GS=FcolorxG%d bitx H%d colorsx I%d groups=J cellxK%d bitx L%d xx M%dx N+%dx O+%d =ffSqueak image data = ~h:DCX multi-page PCX image data = *_Cineon image data>, %ld x>%ld =MRMMinolta Dimage camera raw image data = v/1OpenEXR image data,image/x-exrx version %d,^ storage: scanline& storage: tiled= compression, compression:=none=rle=zips=zip=piz=pxr24=b44=b44a>unknown= dataWindow, dataWindow:x (%dx %d)-x (%dx %d)=displayWindow, displayWindow:x (%dx %d)-x (%dx %d)= lineOrder, lineOrder:=increasing y=decreasing y=random y>unknown =SDPXDPX image data, big-endian,image/x-dpx<x%dxx%d,>x%dxx%d,=left to right/top to bottom=right to left/top to bottom=left to right/bottom to top=right to left/bottom to top=top to bottom/left to right=top to bottom/right to left= bottom to top/left to right= bottom to top/right to left =CDFNetCDF Data Format data =Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) dataapplication/x-hdf =CPCCartesian Perceptual Compression imageimage/x-cpi =C565OLPC firmware icon image datax  %u xx  %u =Cytovision Metaphases file =Cytovision Karyotype file = Cytovision FISH Probe file =ھCytovision FLEX file =Cytovision FLEX file =Cytovision RATS file =!@PCO-PCO B16 image datax ", %dxx #%d= $, short header= %, extended header= &, grayscale= $'linear LUT= $(logarithmic LUTx )[%dx *,%d]= +, color= @,linear LUT= @-logarithmic LUTx (.r[%dx ,/,%d]x 00g[%dx 41,%d]x 82b[%dx <3,%d] =EXcurX11 cursor =JMMOROlympus ORF raw image data, big-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =LIIROOlympus ORF raw image data, little-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =NIIRSOlympus ORF raw image data, little-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =kFOVbFoveon X3F raw image dataimage/x-x3fx m, version %d.x n%dx o, %dxx p%d =tPDN3Paint.NET image dataimage/x-paintnet =yFMRISO/IEC 19794-2 Format Minutiae Record (FMR) = 4ZIntel serial flash for ICH/PCH ROM <= 5 or 3400 series A-step = 5ZIntel serial flash for PCH ROM =OPSInterleaf saved data =:ISPLispellx;hash file version %d,x<lexletters %d,x =lexsize %d,x>hashsize %d,x?stblsize %d =IsZ!ISO Zipped filex, header size %ux, version %ux  , serial %u> , password protected = Java KeyStoreapplication/x-java-keystore =Java JCE KeyStoreapplication/x-java-jce-keystore =hsi1JPEG image data, HSI proprietary =QOJPEG 2000 codestream = ٢Keepass password database=  eK1.x KDB> 0 , %d groups> 4, %d entries= , SHA-256= , AES= , RC4= , Twofish> x, %d key transformation rounds= gK2.x KDBX =lectDEC SRC Virtual Paper Lectern file = dLinux/i386 impure executable (OMAGIC)= , stripped = dLinux/i386 pure executable (NMAGIC)= , stripped =  dLinux/i386 demand-paged executable (ZMAGIC)= , stripped = dLinux/i386 demand-paged executable (QMAGIC)= , stripped =Linux-8086 impure executable!not stripped = Linux-8086 executable!not stripped =!Linux-8086 object file =#Minix-386 impure executable!$not stripped =% Minix-386 executable!&not stripped ='Minix-386 NSYM/GNU executable!(not stripped = *Linux/i386 core file>+of '%s'> ,(signal %d) =0LILOLinux/i386 LILO boot/chain loader =yLinux kernel=zLoadingversion 1.3.79 or older={Loadingfrom prehistoric times =MOOOUser-mode Linux COW file<, version %d>, backing file %s>, version %d> , backing file %s =Linux=SKLEELKS Kernel!SKLEstyle boot sector = $(oLinux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (little-endian) =$(oLinux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (big-endian) = Linux-Dev86 executable, headerless=.>, libc version %s = Linux-8086 executable!, unmapped zero page= , impure! !, A_EXEC!, A_PAL!, A_NSYM!, A_STAND!@, A_PURE!, A_TOVLY!, not stripped=%.>$, libc version %s = =SYSLINUX' LSS16 image dataimage/x-lss16x , width %dx , height %d =OOOMUser-Mode-Linux's Copy-On-Write disk imagexversion %d = |SE Linux policyx v%d= MLSx %d symbolsx %d ocons =<SnApLVM Snapshot (CopyOnWrite store)! =- valid,= >- invalid,x ?version %d,x @chunk_size %d = C|SE Linux policyx Dv%d= EMLSx F%d symbolsx G%d ocons =,ҋvpCLISP memory image data =-pvCLISP memory image data, other endian =0MIT scheme (library?) =llvmLLVM byte-codes, uncompressed =  LLVM bitcode, wrapper= x86_64= i386= ppc= ppc64=  arm =BCLLVM IR bitcode =LuaLua bytecode,=Pversion 5.0=Qversion 5.1=Rversion 5.2 =SIT!StuffIt Archive (data)application/x-stuffitSITx: %s =SITDStuffIt Deluxe (data)x: %s =fmBINMacBinary III data with surprising version number =SPSS Portable Filex(%s =$FL2SPSS System Filex%s = $FL3SPSS System Filex %s = magic binary file for file(1) cmdx (version %d) (little endian) = magic binary file for file(1) cmdx (version %d) (big endian) = $x>"Transport Neutral Encapsulation Formatapplication/vnd.ms-tnef =/JAMJAM message area header file> 0(%d messages) =Maple help database ='$Maple something=,EAn old revision=-RThe latest save =(*^ Mathematica notebook version 2.x = HG10Mercurial changeset bundle= UN(uncompressed)= GZ(gzip compressed)= BZ(bzip2 compressed) =zMirage Assembler m.out executable = ͫMLSSA datafile,x algorithm %d,x %d samples =MMDF mailbox =RMD1raw modem data>(%s />compression type 0x%04x) =*`Atari ST M68K contiguous executablex+(txt=%ld,x,dat=%ld,x -bss=%ld,x.sym=%ld) =/`Atari ST M68K non-contig executablex0(txt=%ld,x1dat=%ld,x 2bss=%ld,x3sym=%ld)(= DR-DOS executable (COM) ="UPX!FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPX compressed =#UPX!FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPX compressed =1Microsoft Word Documentapplication/msword =@7#Microsoft Office Documentapplication/msword =@ۥ-Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Documentapplication/msword =@ۥ-Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Documentapplication/msword =Lotus 1-2-3application/x-123=wk3 document data=wk4 document data=fm3 or fmb document data=fm3 or fmb document data =Lotus 1-2-3application/x-123=wk1 document data=fmt document data =,@ƚms-windows metafont .wmf =-@ ms-windows metafont .wmf =.@ ms-windows metafont .wmf =F@MS Windows icon resourceimage/x-icon=H- 1 icon>I- %d icons>J, %dx>K%d=L, 256-colors>M, %d-colors =mPFM data=n>o0- %s =qPFM data=r>s0- %s =DCU1Borland Delphi .DCU file = pkTurboC BGI file = PKTurboC Font file =PMCCWindows 3.x .GRP file =DOS EPS Binary File>Postscript starts at byte %d>length %d> Metafile starts at byte %d>length %d>TIFF starts at byte %d>length %d(= 4DH4DOS help filex, version %-4.4s =@ISc(InstallShield Cabinet archive data=`version 6,!`version 4/5,x  (%u files =@COWDVMWare3=disk imagex (%d/x $%d/x (%d)=undoable disk image> (%s) =@VMDKVMware4 disk image =@KDMVVMware4 disk image = @QFIQEMU QCOW Image=(v1)> , has backing file (> path %s> , mtime %s)x)x", %lld bytes=$%, AES-encrypted=((v2)>+, has backing file> 3(path %s)x4, %lld bytes= 5, AES-encrypted=7(v3)>:, has backing file> B(path %s)xC, %lld bytes= D, AES-encryptedxF(unknown version) =H@QEVMQEMU suspend to disk image =L@QEDQEMU QED Image =@O@ھVDI Image=DP@version 1.1>Q(%s)xpR, %lld bytes = XΊFBochs Sparse disk image = Microsoft Visual C library ==Microsoft Visual C library =}Microsoft Visual C library =)MSVC .bsc =KSCCKSS music file v1.03==, soundchips: AY-3-8910, SCC(+)=, soundchip(s): SN76489=stereo=, YM2413=, Y8950 =KSSXKSS music file v1.20= =!@, 60Hz="@@, 50Hz=#, soundchips: AY-3-8910, SCC(+)=$, soundchips: SN76489=%stereo=&, ='YM2413=(YM2413, Y8950=)YM2413+Y8950 pseudostereo=*, Majyutsushi DAC = RSRCNational Instruments,=LVLabVIEW File,= SBCode Resource File, data= INVirtual Instrument Program, data= ARVI Library, data=LMNULBVWPortable File Names, data=rscResources File, data =VMAPNational Instruments, VXI File, data =  a.out NetBSD/i386 demand paged& < shared library= dynamically linked executable> dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/i386 pure&dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/i386&dynamically linked executable^&@position independent! executable= object file> not stripped =Ga.out NetBSD/i386 core> from '%s'! (signal %d) =" a.out NetBSD/m68k demand paged&#<$ shared library=% dynamically linked executable>& dynamically linked executable^'executable>(not stripped =)a.out NetBSD/m68k pure&*dynamically linked executable^+executable>,not stripped =-a.out NetBSD/m68k&.dynamically linked executable^/&0@position independent!1executable=2object file>3not stripped =4Ga.out NetBSD/m68k core> 5from '%s'! 6(signal %d) =8 a.out NetBSD/m68k4k demand paged&9<:shared library=;dynamically linked executable><dynamically linked executable^=executable>>not stripped =?a.out NetBSD/m68k4k pure&@dynamically linked executable^Aexecutable>Bnot stripped =Ca.out NetBSD/m68k4k&Ddynamically linked executable^E&F@position independent!Gexecutable=Hobject file>Inot stripped =JGa.out NetBSD/m68k4k core> Kfrom '%s'! L(signal %d) =N a.out NetBSD/ns32532 demand paged&O< Pshared library= Qdynamically linked executable> Rdynamically linked executable^Sexecutable> Tnot stripped =Ua.out NetBSD/ns32532 pure&Vdynamically linked executable^Wexecutable> Xnot stripped =Ya.out NetBSD/ns32532&Zdynamically linked executable^[&\@position independent! ]executable= ^object file> _not stripped =`Ga.out NetBSD/ns32532 core> afrom '%s'! b(signal %d) =dGa.out NetBSD/powerpc core> efrom '%s' =g a.out NetBSD/sparc demand paged&h<i shared library=j dynamically linked executable>k dynamically linked executable^lexecutable>mnot stripped =na.out NetBSD/sparc pure&odynamically linked executable^pexecutable>qnot stripped =ra.out NetBSD/sparc&sdynamically linked executable^t&u@position independent!vexecutable=wobject file>xnot stripped =yGa.out NetBSD/sparc core> zfrom '%s'! {(signal %d) =} a.out NetBSD/pmax demand paged&~< shared library= dynamically linked executable> dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/pmax pure&dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/pmax&dynamically linked executable^&@position independent! executable= object file> not stripped =Ga.out NetBSD/pmax core> from '%s'! (signal %d) = a.out NetBSD/vax 1k demand paged&< shared library= dynamically linked executable> dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/vax 1k pure&dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/vax 1k&dynamically linked executable^&@position independent! executable= object file> not stripped =Ga.out NetBSD/vax 1k core> from '%s'! (signal %d) = a.out NetBSD/vax 4k demand paged&< shared library= dynamically linked executable> dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/vax 4k pure&dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/vax 4k&dynamically linked executable^&@position independent! executable= object file> not stripped =Ga.out NetBSD/vax 4k core> from '%s'! (signal %d) = ECOFF NetBSD/alpha binary= not stripped= stripped =Ga.out NetBSD/alpha core> from '%s'! (signal %d) = a.out NetBSD/mips demand paged&< shared library= dynamically linked executable> dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped =a.out NetBSD/mips pure&dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped =a.out NetBSD/mips&dynamically linked executable^&@position independent!executable=object file>not stripped =Ga.out NetBSD/mips core> from '%s'! (signal %d) = a.out NetBSD/arm32 demand paged&< shared library= dynamically linked executable> dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/arm32 pure&dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped =a.out NetBSD/arm32&dynamically linked executable^&@position independent! executable= object file> not stripped =Ga.out NetBSD/arm core> from '%s'! (signal %d) =ʏNetBSD kernel core file=, Unknown=, sun 68010/68020=, sun 68020=d, 386 PC=, i386 BSD=, m68k BSD (8K pages)=, m68k BSD (4K pages)=, ns32532 BSD=, sparc/32 BSD=, pmax BSD=, vax BSD (1K pages)=, alpha BSD=, mips BSD (Big Endian)=, arm6 BSD=, m68k BSD (2K pages)=, sh3 BSD= , ppc BSD (Big Endian)= , vax BSD (4K pages)= , mips1 BSD= , mips2 BSD= , parisc BSD=, sh5/64 BSD=, sparc/64 BSD=, amd64 BSD=, hp200 (68010) BSD=, hp300 (68020+68881) BSD=, hp300 (68020+68881) BSD=, hp200= , hp300 (68020+68881) HP-UX= , hp300 (68020+68881) HP-UX=, CPU=, DATA=, STACKx , (headersize = %dx , segmentsize = %dx , segments = %d) = BINetscape Communicator address book =D)zNeWS bitmap font = G)zNeWS font family = P)zscalable OpenFont binary = Q)zencrypted scalable OpenFont binary = E+zX11/NeWS bitmap font = H+zX11/NeWS font family =NPFFNItpicker Flow File xV%d.x%dx  started: %sx stopped: %sx Bytes: %ux Bytes1: %ux Flows: %uxPkts: %u =OLFOLF=invalid class=32-bit=64-bit=invalid os=OpenBSD=NetBSD=FreeBSD=4.4BSD=Linux=SVR4=esix=Solaris= Irix= SCO= Dell= NCR=invalid byte order= LSB= !no file type,= "relocatable,= #executable,= $shared object,= 'core file>8(of '%s'> 8)(signal %d),& *processor-specific,= +no machine,= ,AT&T WE32100 - invalid byte order,= -SPARC - invalid byte order,= .Intel 80386,= /Motorola 68000 - invalid byte order,= 0Motorola 88000 - invalid byte order,= 1Intel 80486,= 2Intel 80860,= 3MIPS R3000_BE - invalid byte order,= 4 Amdahl - invalid byte order,= 5 MIPS R3000_LE,= 6 RS6000 - invalid byte order,= 7PA-RISC - invalid byte order,= 8nCUBE,= 9VPP500,= :SPARC32PLUS,= ;PowerPC,= <&Alpha,= =invalid version= >version 1= $?MathCoPro/FPU/MAU Required>@(%s)=AMSB=Bno file type,=Crelocatable,=Dexecutable,=Eshared object,=Fcore file,>8Gof '%s'>8H(signal %d),&Iprocessor-specific,=Jno machine,=KAT&T WE32100,=LSPARC,=MIntel 80386 - invalid byte order,=NMotorola 68000,=OMotorola 88000,=PIntel 80486 - invalid byte order,=QIntel 80860,=RMIPS R3000_BE,=S Amdahl,=T MIPS R3000_LE - invalid byte order,=U RS6000,=VPA-RISC,=WnCUBE,=XVPP500,=YSPARC32PLUS,=ZPowerPC or cisco 4500,=[cisco 7500,=\cisco SVIP,=]cisco 7200,=^$cisco 12000,=_&Alpha,=`invalid version=aversion 1=$bMathCoPro/FPU/MAU Required =OSF/Rose object =<zTXTA GutenPalm zTXT e-book>"%s"=NxN(v0.%02d)=NxN(v1.%02d)>N <N - 1 bookmark>N - %d bookmarks>N<N- 1 annotation>N- %d annotations>N(v%d.xN%02d) =<librPalm OS dynamic library data>"%s" =<ptchPalm OS operating system patch data>"%s" = mPDP-11 single precision APL workspace = lPDP-11 double precision APL workspace =6pst0perl Storable (v0.7) data>7&8(network-ordered)=9(major 2)=:(major 2)>;(minor %d) =Plan 9 executable, Motorola 68k =Plan 9 executable, Intel 386 = GPlan 9 executable, Intel 960 = Plan 9 executable, SPARC = Plan 9 executable, MIPS R3000 = Plan 9 executable, AT&T DSP 3210 = Plan 9 executable, MIPS R4000 BE =Plan 9 executable, AMD 29000 =GPlan 9 executable, ARM 7-something =Plan 9 executable, PowerPC =Plan 9 executable, MIPS R4000 LE =KPlan 9 executable, DEC Alpha =!DOS EPS Binary File>"Postscript starts at byte %d>#length %d> $Metafile starts at byte %d>%length %d>&TIFF starts at byte %d>'length %d =cRastRST-format raster font data>-d0face %s =Vps database>version %s>from kernel %s = Pulsar POP3 daemon mailbox cache file.x Version: %d.x %d =PWS3Password Safe V3 database =PPyramid 90x family executable = PPyramid 90x family pure executable> not stripped = PPyramid 90x family demand paged pure executable> not stripped = Npython 1.5/1.6 byte-compiled = Ƈpython 2.0 byte-compiled = *python 2.1 byte-compiled = -python 2.2 byte-compiled = ;python 2.3 byte-compiled = mpython 2.4 byte-compiled = python 2.5 byte-compiled = python 2.6 byte-compiled = python 2.7 byte-compiled = ;python 3.0 byte-compiled = Opython 3.1 byte-compiled = lpython 3.2 byte-compiled = python 3.3 byte-compiled = ?Conary changeset data =tOcGit pack index=, version 2 =!DIRCGit index>", version %d>#, %d entries ='HG10Mercurial bundle,=(UNuncompressed=)BZbzip2 compressed = RIFFRIFF (little-endian) data= PAL, palettex , version %dx , %d entries=RDIB, device-independent bitmap=BM=  , OS/2 1.x formatx ", %d xx $%d= @, OS/2 2.x formatx ", %d xx $%d= (, Windows 3.x formatx ", %d xx &%d xx ,%d=RMID, MIDI= RMMP, multimedia movie="RMP3, MPEG Layer 3 audio=$WAVE, WAVE audioaudio/x-wav= &, Microsoft PCM> "', %d bit= (, Microsoft ADPCM= ), ITU G.711 A-law= *, ITU G.711 mu-law= +, Microsoft DTS= ,, IMA ADPCM= -, ITU G.723 ADPCM (Yamaha)= .1, GSM 6.10= /@, ITU G.721 ADPCM= 0P, MPEG= 1U, MPEG Layer 3= 2 , DTS= 3, mono= 4, stereo> 5, %d channels> 6%d Hz=8CDRA, Corel Draw Pictureimage/x-coreldraw=:CDR6, Corel Draw Picture, version 6image/x-coreldraw==AVI , AVIvideo/x-msvideo= ?LIST=@hdrlavihx $A, %lu xx (B%lu,> C@B<1 fps,= D@B1.00 fps,= E 2.00 fps,= F3.00 fps,= G4.00 fps,= H@ 5.00 fps,= I 6.00 fps,= J .7.00 fps,= KH8.00 fps,= L9.00 fps,= M10.00 fps,< O> P‚! Q~10 fps,= RE12.00 fps,< TBH> UB! VE~12 fps,= Wk15.00 fps,< Y*> Z! [k~15 fps,= \P20.00 fps,= ]23.98 fps,= ^â24.00 fps,< `q> a! b! câ~24 fps,= d@25.00 fps,< f> g! h@~25 fps,= iW29.97 fps,= j530.00 fps,< l> mǁ! nW! o5~30 fps,< p}>30 fps,=XwLIST=`xstrlstrh=lyvidsvideo:= zuncompressed= hl|strf= h}RLE 8bpp= h~cvidCinepak= hi263Intel I.263= hiv32Indeo 3.2= hiv41Indeo 4.1= hiv50Indeo 5.0= hmp42Microsoft MPEG-4 v2= hmp43Microsoft MPEG-4 v3= hfmp4FFMpeg MPEG-4= hmjpgMotion JPEG= hdiv3DivX 3=pdiv3Low-Motion=pdiv4Fast-Motion= hdivxDivX 4= hdx50DivX 5= hxvidXviD= hh264H.264= hwmv3Windows Media Video 9= hh264X.264 or H.264= h= \`LIST= \hstrlstrh= \tauds, audio:= \strf= \uncompressed PCM= \ADPCM= \aLaw= \uLaw= \PMPEG-1 Layer 1 or 2= \UMPEG-1 Layer 3= \ Dolby AC3= \aDivX= \(mono,= \(stereo,> \(%d channels,x \%d Hz)= \strf= \uncompressed PCM= \ADPCM= \UMPEG-1 Layer 3= \ Dolby AC3= \aDivX= \(mono,= \(stereo,> \(%d channels,x \%d Hz)=ACON, animated cursor=sfbkSoundFont/Bank=CDXA, wrapped MPEG-1 (CDXA)=4XMV, 4X Movie file =AMV , AMV =RIFXRIFF (big-endian) data=PAL, palettex, version %dx, %d entries=RDIB, device-independent bitmap=BM= , OS/2 1.x formatx", %d xx$%d=@, OS/2 2.x formatx", %d xx$%d=(, Windows 3.x formatx", %d xx&%d xx,%d=RMID, MIDI=RMMP, multimedia movie=WAVE, WAVE audio= , Microsoft PCM> ", %d bit=, mono=, stereo>, %d channels>%d Hz=CDRA, Corel Draw Picture=CDR6, Corel Draw Picture, version 6=AVI , AVI=ACON, animated cursor=NIFF, Notation Interchange File Format=sfbkSoundFont/Bank =RPMapplication/x-rpmx v%dx .%d= src= bin= i386/x86_64=Alpha/Sparc64=Sparc=MIPS=PowerPC=68000=SGI=RS6000= IA64= Sparc64= MIPSel= ARM= MiNT=S/390=S/390x=PowerPC64=SuperH=Xtensa=noarch ="drpmDelta RPMapplication/x-rpmx $%s=% MIPSel=& ARM=' MiNT=(S/390=)S/390x=*PowerPC64=+SuperH=,Xtensax -%s = MTZ MTZ reflection file =MAP CCP4 Electron Density Map= , Big-endian=!", VAX format="D, Little-endian=#U, Convex native =fGDSII Stream file=gxhversion %d.0>iversion %dxj.%d =Sun 'jks' Java Keystore File data = |SE Linux modular policyx version %d,x %d sections,= |x   mod version %d,=   Not MLS,=   MLS,=   >  /module name %s=  base = BALANCE NS32000 .o>  not stripped> | version %ld = BALANCE NS32000 executable (0 @ 0)>  not stripped> | version %ld =  BALANCE NS32000 executable (invalid @ 0)> not stripped> |version %ld = 0BALANCE NS32000 standalone executable> not stripped> |version %ld =MFCSIRIS Showcase filex- version %ld =MFCTIRIS Showcase templatex- version %ld =IRIX Parallel Arena>- version %ld ="IRIX core dump=#of>$'%s' =&@IRIX 64-bit core dump='of>('%s' =*IRIX N32 core dump=+of>,'%s' =LPmNsPCP compiled namespace (V.0) =P&PPCP archivexQ(V.%d)=Vtemporal index=Wmetadata=Xlog volume #0>Ylog volume #%ld>Zhost: %s =mPcPhPCP Help=n1Index=o2Text>p(V.%1.1s) = wSpeedShop data file = zb9mdbm file, version 0 (obsolete) ={mdbmmdbm file,x|version %d,x}2^%d pages,x~pagesize 2^%d,xhash %d,x dataformat %d =CIMGAlias Maya Image File =DEEPAlias Maya Image File ='JQDOS executablex ('%s' =+JQL plugin-ROM data,= ,un-named> -named: %s = RTSSNetMon capture filex - version %dx.%d= (Unknown)= (Ethernet)= (Token Ring)= (FDDI)= (ATM)> (type %d) =GMBUNetMon capture filex- version %dx.%d= (Unknown)= (Ethernet)= (Token Ring)= (FDDI)=  (ATM)= !(IP-over-IEEE 1394)= "(802.11)= #(Raw IP)= $(Raw IP)= % (Raw IP)> & (type %d) =EXCPNetXRay capture file>F- version %s= ,G(Ethernet)= ,H(Token Ring)= ,I(FDDI)= ,J(WAN)= ,K(ATM)= ,L (802.11)(=òtcpdump capture file (big-endian)application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap=.pcap-be(= òtcpdump capture file (little-endian)application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap=.^pcap-be(=4Ͳextended tcpdump capture file (big-endian)=.pcap-be(= 4Ͳextended tcpdump capture file (little-endian)=.^pcap-be =NetSNetStumbler log filex , %d stations found =verEtherPeek/AiroPeek/OmniPeek capture file =VNFVisual Networks traffic capture file =5View capture file =#X hpSoftQuad troff Context intermediate for HP LaserJet =%X psSoftQuad troff Context intermediate for PostScript =specSPEC= .cpuCPU< :%.4s= .raw result text =*RZX!Spectrum .RZX datax+version %dx,.%d = MySQL MyISAM index filexVersion %d =MySQL MyISAM compressed data filexVersion %d = MySQL Maria index filexVersion %d = MySQL Maria compressed data filexVersion %d =MySQL ISAM index filexVersion %d =MySQL ISAM compressed data filexVersion %d =binMySQL replication log =G7SQLite Write-Ahead Log,xHversion %ld = a.out SunOS sparc demand paged& <shared library=dynamically linked executable>dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped =a.out SunOS sparc pure&dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped =a.out SunOS sparc&dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped = a.out SunOS mc68020 demand paged&< shared library=!dynamically linked executable>"dynamically linked executable^#executable>$not stripped =&a.out SunOS mc68020 pure&'dynamically linked executable^(executable>)not stripped =+a.out SunOS mc68020&,dynamically linked executable^-executable>.not stripped =0 a.out SunOS mc68010 demand paged&1<2shared library=3dynamically linked executable>4dynamically linked executable^5executable>6not stripped =8a.out SunOS mc68010 pure&9dynamically linked executable^:executable>;not stripped ==a.out SunOS mc68010&>dynamically linked executable^?executable>@not stripped =FVSunOS core file=G(SPARC)>Hfrom '%s'=tI(quit)=tJ(illegal instruction)=tK(trace trap)=tL(abort)=tM(emulator trap)=tN(arithmetic exception)=tO (kill)=tP (bus error)=tQ (segmentation violation)=tR (bad argument to system call)=tS(resource lost)xxT(T=%dK,x|UD=%dK,xVS=%dK)=W:(68K)>Xfrom '%s'=Y(SPARC 4.x BCP)>Zfrom '%s' =\3SunPC 4.0 Hard Disk =CRfsCOBALT boot rom data (Flat boot rom or file system) =SMD1SymbOS driverx, name: %cx%cx%cx%cx%cx%cx%cx%cx%cx%cx%cx%cx%c =@T707Roland TR-707 Data =l#LyXLyX document text = TZiftimezone data= , old version> , version %c= , no gmt time flags= , 1 gmt time flag>, %d gmt time flags=, no std time flags=, 1 std time flag>, %d std time flags=, no leap seconds=, 1 leap second>, %d leap seconds= , no transition times= , 1 transition time> , %d transition times=$, no abbreviation chars=$, 1 abbreviation char>$, %d abbreviation chars = +/v8Unicode text, UTF-7 = +/v9Unicode text, UTF-7 = +/v+Unicode text, UTF-7 = +/v/Unicode text, UTF-7 = sfsUnicode text, UTF-8-EBCDIC =Unicode text, UTF-32, big-endian =Unicode text, UTF-32, little-endian = unknown demand paged pure executable>!not stripped ="unknown readable demand paged pure executable =UTE+uterus file=v, versionx %c= ..x %c= <>, big-endian> , slut size %u=><, litte-endian> , slut size %u& , compressed =TXUltrix core file>Xfrom '%s' =gmonGNU prof performance datax- version %ld = HRBHarbour HRB filex !version %d =#HBVHarbour variable dump filex $version %d = ,~ST40 component image format>-, name '%s' = oVAX single precision APL workspace = nVAX double precision APL workspace = a.out VAX demand paged (first page unmapped) pure executable> not stripped(= @ھVirtualBox Disk Image> D, major %u> F, minor %u =Virtutech CRAFFxv%d= uncompressed= bzipp2ed= gzipped= not clean =0VMS VAX executable=PK, Info-ZIP SFX archive v5.12 w/decryption =NVRMVMware nvram =OggSOgg dataapplication/ogg!UNKNOWN REVISION %u== FLAC, FLAC audio="theora, Theora video= $kate, Katex%%v%ux&&.%u,=('utf8 encoding,!((unknown character encoding,><)language %s,=<*no language set,>L+category %s=L,no category set=.fishead, Skeletonx$/v%ux(0.%u=2Speex , Speex audio= 4video, OGM video=%5div3(DivX 3)=%6divx(DivX 4)=%7dx50(DivX 5)=%8xvid(XviD)=:vorbis, Vorbis audio,! #;UNKNOWN VERSION %lu,= #=='>mono,='?stereo,>'@%u channels,x (A%lu Hz< 0C,! 4E! 4I! 4Jx 4K<%lu! 0Lx 0M~%lu! ,N! ,O! ,Px ,Q>%lu< 0Rbps=TUZvorbis=T`[Xiphophorus libVorbis I, created by: Xiphophorus libVorbis I>Tx\00000000<Tx^20000508(Tx`20000508<Txa20001031(beta2-3)=Txb20001031(1.0 beta 3)>Txc20001031<Txd20010225(beta3-4)=Txe20010225(1.0 beta 4)>Txf20010225<Txg20010615(beta4-RC1)=Txh20010615(1.0 RC1)=Txi20010813(1.0 RC2)=Txj20010816(RC2 - Garf tuned v1)=Txk20011014(RC2 - Garf tuned v2)=Txl20011217(1.0 RC3)=Txm20011231(1.0 RC3)>Txo20011231(pre-1.0 CVS)=T`qXiph.Org libVorbis I, created by: Xiph.Org libVorbis I>Tur00000000<Tus20020717(pre-1.0 CVS)=Tut20020717(1.0)=Tuu20030909(1.0.1)=Tuv20040629(1.1.0 RC1) =  N,+GVXL data file,> schema version no %d =ϭMS Outlook Express DBX file=, message database=, folder database=, account information=0, offline database =?PMCCMS Windows 3.1 group files = E?_MS Windows 3.x help file = !BDNMicrosoft Outlook email folder= (<=2002)= (>=2003) =regfMS Windows registry file, NT/2000 or above =CREGMS Windows 95/98/ME registry file =RGDBCRDA wireless regulatory database file=(Version 1) =rCSBKTed Neslson's CosmicBook hypertext file =tEYWRAmigaWriter file =y\1cwChiWriter file =Adobe InDesign=DOCUMENTDocument(= gfxboot compiled html help file = wsdlPHP WSDL cache,x version 0x%02xx  , created %s< x , uri: "%s"< x , source: "%s"< x , target_ns: "%s" = VCDIFF binary diff =corecore file (Xenix) = 6b.out& 7overlay& 8separate& 9pure& :segmented& ;standalone& <executable^ =object file& >@V2.3& ?V3.0&@86&A 186&B 286&C)286&D 386& ELarge Text& FLarge Data& GHuge Objects Enabled =Uznaxo65 object,x version %d,=  with debug info=  no debug info = naUzxo65 library,x version %d = Jaleo XFS filex- version %ldx- [%ld -x%ldxx%ldx=YUV422]=RGB24] = XcurXcursor dataimage/x-xcursorx "version %hdx #.%hd = object file (z8000 a.out) = pure object file (z8000 a.out) = separate object file (z8000 a.out) = overlay object file (z8000 a.out)@=&A^( |\t){0,50}def {1,50}[a-zA-Z]{1,100}="B {0,50}\(([a-zA-Z]|,| ){1,500}\):$Python script text executabletext/x-python@=+4\documentstyleLaTeX document texttext/x-tex@ =+L#! /usr/local/bin/phpPHP script text executabletext/x-php =*RaS=+tCups Raster version 1, Big Endian=,2Cups Raster version 2, Big Endian=-3Cups Raster version 3, Big Endianapplication/vnd.cups-raster^./cups-be =3SaR=4tCups Raster version 1, Little Endian=52Cups Raster version 2, Little Endian=63Cups Raster version 3, Little Endianapplication/vnd.cups-raster=.8^cups-be =HP3=8HP 38=9HP 39=Binbinary=AscASCII=A(Directory List)=B(Zaplet)=C(Note)=D(Program)=E(Variable)=F(List)=G(Matrix)= H(Library)= I(Target List)= J(ASCII Vector specification)= K(wildcard) =HP3=8HP 38=9HP 39=Binbinary=AscASCII=A(Directory List)=B(Zaplet)=C(Note)=D(Program)=E(Variable)=F(List)=G(Matrix)=H(Library)=I(Target List)=J(ASCII Vector specification)=K(wildcard) =G9B=  >  >MSX G9B image, depth=%dx , %dxx %d< =x, codec=%d RGB color palettes=@, codec=RGB fixed color=, codec=YJK=, codec=YUV>codec=RGB fixed color= , raw= , bitbuster compression@=eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'execPerl script texttext/x-perl =yOAK=z= {Oak Technologies printer stream@=^[ ]*require[ ]'[A-Za-z_/]+'=include [A-Z]|def [a-z]| do$=^[ ]*end([ ]*[;#].*)?$Ruby script texttext/x-ruby =><Spectrum .TAP data "%-10.10s"=- BASIC program=- number array=- character array= - memory block=!@(screen)@=f% BibTeX standard bibliography BibTeX standard bibliography style text file@=Decode the following with bdecobencoded News text =DOC=+Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v4application/x-ichitaro4=JDASHapplication/x-ichitaro4 =DOC=+Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v5application/x-ichitaro5 =DOC=+Just System Word Processor Ichitaro v6application/x-ichitaro6 =@LZXLZX compressed archive (Amiga) =/BIKBink Video=0[a-z]rev.%sx 2, %dx 3x%dx 4, %d framesx 5at rate %d/> 6%d= (7, no audio! (8, %d audio track! (9sx 0;%dHz=3< mono!3= stereo =zSMKRAD Game Tools Smacker Multimediax{version %c,x |%d xx }%d,x ~%d frames = GLBinary II (apple ][) data =LH5SAR archive data =-ahMAR archive data =DSQuantum archive data =6"AMGC archive data =PSAPSA archive data =ESPESP archive data =UFAUFA archive data = 'MS Compress archive data= = KWAJ=MS Compress archive data>, original size: %ld bytes>ex, was %.8sx .%.3s ="UHAUHarc archive data =$ABABComp archive data ='COCMP archive data =)Splint archive data =-GTHGather archive data =/BOABOA archive data =>RNCPRO-PACK archive data =@777777 archive data =DHPAHPA archive data =QPARPar archive data =WNSKNaShrink archive data =\DSTDisintegrator archive data =^ASDASD archive data =bT4TOP4 archive data =sAKTAKT archive data =ySEMSemOne archive data =}FIZFIZ archive data =SBCSBC archive data =YBSYbs archive data =DitPack archive data =VSVSARC archive data =PDZPDZ archive data =UHBUHBC archive data =WWPWWPack archive data =BSN archive data =BSN archive data =BSN archive data =xpaXPack archive data =ZZ0ZZip archive data =PAQPAQ archive data=0x(v%c) =--lZPUT archive data =.-lzLZS archive data =zPQZPAQ streamx, level %d =`SBISoundBlaster instrument dataaudio/x-unknown =TOCTOC sound file =(ID3Audio file with ID3 version 2x).%dx*.%d&+, unsynchronized frames&,@, extended header&- , experimental&., footer presentx)'/, contains: =zMEDMED_Song =}THXAHX version=~1 module data=2 module data =AMFAMF Module>Title: "%s" =,RoRAMUSIC Adlib Tracker =JCHEdLib ==MP+Musepack audioaudio/x-musepack=?, SV pre8=@, SV 6=A, SV 8=B, SV 7=C.0=D.1=E.15= F, no profile= G, profile 'Unstable/Experimental'= HP, quality 0= I`, quality 1= Jp, quality 2 (Telephone)= K, quality 3 (Thumb)= L, quality 4 (Radio)= M, quality 5 (Standard)= N, quality 6 (Xtreme)= O, quality 7 (Insane)= P, quality 8 (BrainDead)= Q, quality 9= R, quality 10=S, Buschmann 1.7.0-9, Klemm 0.90-1.05=Tf, Beta 1.02=Uh, Beta 1.04=Vi, Alpha 1.05=Wj, Beta 1.06=Xn, Release 1.1=Yo, Alpha 1.11=Zp, Beta 1.12=[q, Alpha 1.13=\r, Beta 1.14=]s, Alpha 1.15 = XISChiasmus key = Microstation==EDGNFile=EDGNFile=;GDGNFile=;HDGNFile=FGDGNFile=HCDGNFile=PDDGNFile=zDDGNFile=zEDGNFile= zFDGNFile=!FDGNFile="EDGNFile=#FDGNFile=$DDGNFile=%DDGNFile=&CDGNFile='DDGNFile=(FDGNFile=)CDGNFile=*CITFile=+CITFile =mscMessage Sequence Chart (chart) =LBZhbzip2 compressed dataapplication/x-bzip2>N/, block size = %c00k =GBSNintendo Gameboy Music/Audio Data =ICEICE authority data =.ddis/ddif =/|ddis/dots archive =0~ddis/dtif table data =1cLN03 output = tdfloppy image data (TeleDisk, compressed) = TDfloppy image data (TeleDisk) = CQfloppy image data (CopyQM, x  %d sectors, x  %d heads.) = FWSMacromedia Flash data,x version %dapplication/x-shockwave-flash = CWSMacromedia Flash data (compressed),application/x-shockwave-flashxversion %d =FLVMacromedia Flash Videovideo/x-flv =+flfFIGlet font>,2aversion %-2.2s =-flcFIGlet controlfile>.2aversion %-2.2s =]FuseCompress(ed) data=(none format)=(bz2 format)=(gz format)= (lzo format)= (xor format)> (unknown format)x uncompressed size: %d =*HCALADS Caris Ascii Format (CAF) bathymetric lidar= +[0-9]*.[0-9]*version %s =-HCBLADS Caris Binary Format (CBF) bathymetric lidar waveform datax.version %d .x/%d =`U3DECMA-363, Universal 3D =GRGGringotts data file= 1v.1, MCRYPT S2K, SERPENT crypt, SHA-256 hash, ZLib lvl.9= 2v.2, MCRYPT S2K, = pRIJNDAEL-128 crypt,=pSERPENT crypt,=p TWOFISH crypt, =p0CAST-256 crypt,=p@SAFER+ crypt,=pPLOKI97 crypt,=p`3DES crypt,=ppRIJNDAEL-256 crypt,=SHA1 hash,=RIPEMD-160 hash,=ZLib=BZip2=lvl.0=lvl.3=lvl.6=lvl.9=3v.3, OpenPGP S2K, =pRIJNDAEL-128 crypt,= pSERPENT crypt,=!p TWOFISH crypt, ="p0CAST-256 crypt,=#p@SAFER+ crypt,=$pPLOKI97 crypt,=%p`3DES crypt,=&ppRIJNDAEL-256 crypt,='SHA1 hash,=(RIPEMD-160 hash,=)ZLib=*BZip2=+lvl.0=,lvl.3=-lvl.6=.lvl.9>03v.%.1s (unknown details) =PBFPBF image (deflate compression)image/x-unknown =Linux/i386 object file>  , DLL library =HMLVM1 (Linux Logical Volume Manager), version 1>,, System ID: %s =HMLVM1 (Linux Logical 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EFI PART= EFI PARTGPT partition table= .gpt-mbr-type= .gpt-tablexof 512 bytes &!AIX core file&fulldump&32-bit>, %s&64-bit>$, %s =BM=  PC bitmap, OS/2 1.x formatimage/x-ms-bmpx , %d xx  %d=  @PC bitmap, OS/2 2.x formatimage/x-ms-bmpx  , %d xx  %d= (PC bitmap, Windows 3.x formatimage/x-ms-bmpx , %d xx %d xx %d= |PC bitmap, Windows 98/2000 and newer formatimage/x-ms-bmpx , %d xx %d xx %d= lPC bitmap, Windows 95/NT4 and newer formatimage/x-ms-bmpx , %d xx %d xx %d= PC bitmap, Windows NT/2000 formatimage/x-ms-bmpx , %d xx  %d xx !%d@=#!/usr/bin/env nodejsNode.js script text executableapplication/javascript =-R@= #! /usr/local/bin/luaLua script text executabletext/x-lua = 45=(^[0-9]{5})[acdnp][^bhlnqsu-z]MARC21 Bibliographicapplication/marc=(^[0-9]{5})[acdnosx][z]MARC21 Authorityapplication/marc=(^[0-9]{5})[cdn][uvxy]MARC21 Holdingsapplication/marc =,@MZapplication/x-dosexec< /@MS-DOS executable> 7?= <:PEPE= <; 32 executable= << 32+ executable= <=ROM imagex <>Unknown PE signaturex ?0x%x> <@ (DLL)= <\A(native)= <\B(GUI)= <\C(console)= <\D(POSIX)= <\E (Windows CE)= <\F (EFI application)= <\G (EFI boot service driver)= <\H (EFI runtime driver)= <\I (EFI ROM)= <\J(XBOX)= <\K(Windows boot application)x <\L(Unknown subsystemx M0x%x)= <NLIntel 80386= <OfMIPS R4000= <PhMIPS R10000= <QAlpha= <RHitachi SH3= <SHitachi SH4= <TARM= <UARM Thumb= <VARMv7 Thumb= <WPowerPC= <XIntel Itanium= <YfMIPS16= <ZhMotorola 68000= <[PA-RISC= <\fMIPSIV= <]fMIPS16 with FPU= <^EFI byte code= <_dx86-64= <`MSILx <aUnknown processor typex b0x%x> <c(stripped to external PDB)> <dsystem file= <e > <fMono/.Net assembly= <g > <hMono/.Net assembly= l32STUB, 32rtm DOS extender! m32STUB, for MS Windows= <nUPX0, UPX compressed= <o@PEC2, PECompact2 compressed= <p@UPX2= qPK, ZIP self-extracting archive (Info-Zip)= <r@.idata= sPK, ZIP self-extracting archive (Info-Zip)= tZZ0, ZZip self-extracting archive= uZZ1, ZZip self-extracting archive= <v@.rsrc= wa\, WinHKI self-extracting archive= xRar!, RAR self-extracting archive= y0MSCF, InstallShield self-extracting archive= z Nullsoft, Nullsoft Installer self-extracting archive= <{@.data= |WEXTRACT, MS CAB-Installer self-extracting archive= <}@.petite, Petite compressedx <~= !sfx!, ACE self-extracting archive= <@.WISE, WISE installer self-extracting archive= <@.dz, Dzip self-extracting archive= <_winzip_, ZIP self-extracting archive (WinZip)= <SharedD, Microsoft Installer self-extracting archive=0Inno, InnoSetup self-extracting archive! <PEMS-DOS executable= <NE, NE= <6for OS/2 1.x= <6for MS Windows 3.x= <6for MS-DOS= <6for Windows 386= <6for Borland Operating System Servicesx <6x <6(unknown OS %x)= <6for MS-DOS, Phar Lap DOS extender= < (DLL)= < (driver)= $ARJSFX, ARJ self-extracting archive= <pWinZip(R) Self-Extractor, ZIP self-extracting archive (WinZip)= <LX, LX< < (unknown OS)= < for OS/2= < for MS Windows= < for DOS> < (unknown OS)= <(DLL)> <(device driver)= <(GUI)< <(console)= <i80286= <i80386= <i80486= emx, emxx%s= Tarjsfx, ARJ self-extracting archive= <W3, W3 for MS Windows= <LE, LE executable= < =@DOS/4Gfor MS-DOS, DOS4GW DOS extender= @WATCOM C/C++for MS-DOS, DOS4GW DOS extender=@CauseWay DOS Extenderfor MS-DOS, CauseWay DOS extender=@@PMODE/Wfor MS-DOS, PMODE/W DOS extender=@@STUB/32Afor MS-DOS, DOS/32A DOS extender (stub)=@STUB/32Cfor MS-DOS, DOS/32A DOS extender (configurable stub)=@DOS/32Afor MS-DOS, DOS/32A DOS extender (embedded)< $P= LWATCOM=3f, 32Lite compressed= < for MS Windows= < for DOS= < for MS Windows (VxD)= |&UPX, UPX compressed= TUNACE, ACE self-extracting archive> < ! L, MZ for MS-DOS!< @! L! LE!BW, MZ for MS-DOS= LE, LE=@DOS/4Gfor MS-DOS, DOS4GW DOS extender= BW=@DOS/4G,\b LE for MS-DOS, DOS4GW DOS extender (embedded)!@DOS/4G,\b BW collection for MS-DOS= L, COFF= go32stubfor MS-DOS, DJGPP go32 DOS extender= emxxfor DOS, Win or OS/2, emx %sx B=&UPX, UPX compressed=,.text< > `, 32lite compressed= $WdX, WDos/X DOS extender=5JuÎ30, aPack compressed=LH/2 Self-Extract \b, %s=UC2X, UCEXE compressed=WWP , WWPACK compressed=RJSX, ARJ self-extracting archive=diet, diet compressed=LZ09, LZEXE v0.90 compressed=LZ91, LZEXE v0.91 compressed=tz, TinyProg compressed=Copyright 1989-1990 PKWARE Inc.Self-extracting PKZIP archiveapplication/zip= PKLITE Copr.Self-extracting PKZIP archiveapplication/zip= aRJsfX, ARJ self-extracting archive= AIN=#2, AIN 2.x compressed<#2, AIN 1.x compressed>#2, AIN 1.x compressed= $LHa's SFX, LHa self-extracting archiveapplication/x-lha= $LHA's SFX, LHa self-extracting archiveapplication/x-lha=$ $ARX, ARX self-extracting archive=$ $LHarc, LHarc self-extracting archive=  SFX by LARC, LARC self-extracting archive=@aPKG, aPackage self-extracting archive= dW Collis, Compack compressed=zWindows self-extracting ZIP, ZIP self-extracting archive= @@=  MSCF, WinHKI CAB self-extracting archive=f -lh5-, LHa self-extracting archive v2.13S=x Rar!, RAR self-extracting archivex x =PK, ZIP self-extracting archive=Rar!, RAR self-extracting archive=!, AIN 2.x self-extracting archive=!, AIN 2.x self-extracting archive=!, AIN 1.x self-extracting archive=!, AIN 1.x self-extracting archive=**ACE**, ACE self-extracting archive= UC2SFX Header, UC2 self-extracting archive=  PKSFX, ZIP self-extracting archive (PKZIP)=#yv, CODEC archive v3.21= $, 1 file> %, %u files(= ! L!COM executable for DOS(= = L!COM executable (32-bit COMBOOT)(= = L!COM executable (32-bit COMBOOT, relocatable) =@=w =$UPX!FREE-DOS executable (COM), UPX compressed =!!COM executable for DOS = !!!COM executable for DOS =5? ={@ =}A= BMSX OPX Music file=Cv1.5>D, title: %s=Ev2.4>F, title: %s =AB= MSX ROMx , init=0x%4x> , stat=0x%4x> , dev=0x%4x> , bas=0x%4x= @MSX ROMx , init=0x%04x> , stat=0x%04x> , dev=0x%04x> , bas=0x%04x= MSX ROMx , init=0x%04x> , stat=0x%04x> , dev=0x%04x> , bas=0x%04x =AB>  = MSX ROM=YZKonami Game Master 2 MSX ROM=CD, Konami RC-x%dx%dx%d=EF, Konami RC-x%dx%dx%dx , init=0x%04x> , stat=0x%04x> , dev=0x%04x> , bas=0x%04x= = = > MSX BASIC program in ROM, bas=0x%04x =@AB> @@= @MSX MegaROM with nonstandard page orderx @, init=0x%04x> @, stat=0x%04x> @, dev=0x%04x> @, bas=0x%04x =AB> @= MSX MegaROM with nonstandard page orderx , init=0x%04x> , stat=0x%04x> , dev=0x%04x> , bas=0x%04x =AB=MSX MegaROM with nonstandard page orderx , init=0x%04x> , stat=0x%04x> , dev=0x%04x> , bas=0x%04x(=  === =#=%>0<ZKonami King's Valley-2 custom stage, title: "%-8.8s"< , theme: %d = ! DXPDP-11 UNIX/RT ldp@=#!/usr/bin/env pythonPython script text executabletext/x-python@= ^%?[ ]*SiSU[ ]+textSiSU text= [0-9.]+%s@= #! /usr/local/bin/tclTcl script text executabletext/x-tcl@=+(\inputTeX document texttext/x-tex@=++\beginLaTeX document texttext/x-tex@=+=\relaxLaTeX auxiliary filetext/x-tex = = > DW = D@Windows Precompiled iNFapplication/x-pnf! x, version %ux.%u! , InfStyle %u=  , unicoded=   , digitally signedx , at 0x%x= x "%s"! x "%s"> D*W= + = D,W\:C ! D/W\:Cx D0, WinDirPath "%s"! 1!  D4C:\WINDOWS, WinDirPath "%s"> H7,= 8x H9OsLoaderPath "%s"! :x H<OsLoaderPath "%s"! N?, LanguageId %x> PD,= Ex PFSourcePath "%s"! G> PHSourcePath "%s"> TK,= Lx TMInfName "%s"! N> TOInfName "%s" = =====aXilinx BIT datax - from %s=bx - for %s=cx - built %s =d x (%s) ="e x$- data length 0x%lx = RCOFF DSP21k& executable,^  &  static object,^  relocatable object,&  stripped^  not stripped = ALAN game data< version 2.6%d = 0420 Alliant virtual executable& common library>not stripped =0421 Alliant compact executable& common library>not stripped = Amiga Workbench==0disk icon=0drawer icon=0tool icon=0project icon=0garbage icon=0device icon=0kickstart icon=0workbench application icon>icon, vers. %d =+AmigaOS bitmap font =,AmigaOS outline font =!jPJPEG 2000 imageimage/jp2 =WMPEG ADTS, layer II, v1audio/mpeg=Z, 32 kbps=[ , 48 kbps=\0, 56 kbps=]@, 64 kbps=^P, 80 kbps=_`, 96 kbps=`p, 112 kbps=a, 128 kbps=b, 160 kbps=c, 192 kbps=d, 224 kbps=e, 256 kbps=f, 320 kbps=g, 384 kbps=i , 44.1 kHz=j , 48 kHz=k , 32 kHz=m, Stereo=n@, JntStereo=o, 2x Monaural=p, Monaural =MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2audio/mpeg=, 8 kbps= , 16 kbps=0, 24 kbps=@, 32 kbps=P, 40 kbps=`, 48 kbps=p, 56 kbps=, 64 kbps=, 80 kbps=, 96 kbps=, 112 kbps=, 128 kbps=, 144 kbps=, 160 kbps= , 22.05 kHz= , 24 kHz= , 16 kHz=, Stereo=@, JntStereo=, 2x Monaural=, Monaural =MPEG ADTS, layer II, v2=, 8 kbps= , 16 kbps =0, 24 kbps=@, 32 kbps=P, 40 kbps=`, 48 kbps=p, 56 kbps=, 64 kbps=, 80 kbps=, 96 kbps=, 112 kbps=, 128 kbps=, 144 kbps=, 160 kbps= , 22.05 kHz= , 24 kHz= , 16 kHz=, Stereo=@, JntStereo=, 2x Monaural=, Monaural =MPEG ADTS, layer I, v2audio/mpeg=, 32 kbps= , 48 kbps=0, 56 kbps=@, 64 kbps=P, 80 kbps=`, 96 kbps=p, 112 kbps=, 128 kbps=, 144 kbps=, 160 kbps=, 176 kbps=, 192 kbps=, 224 kbps=, 256 kbps= , 22.05 kHz= , 24 kHz= , 16 kHz=, Stereo=@, JntStereo=, 2x Monaural=, Monaural = MPEG ADTS, layer III, v2.5audio/mpeg= , 8 kbps= , 16 kbps=0, 24 kbps=@, 32 kbps=P, 40 kbps=`, 48 kbps=p, 56 kbps=, 64 kbps=, 80 kbps=, 96 kbps=, 112 kbps=, 128 kbps=, 144 kbps=, 160 kbps= , 11.025 kHz= , 12 kHz= , 8 kHz= , Stereo=!@, JntStereo=", 2x Monaural=#, Monaural =HMPEG ADTS, AACaudio/x-hx-aac-adts&J, v2^K, v4&M LTP=N Main=O@ LC=P SSR=R<, 96 kHz=S<, 88.2 kHz=T<, 64 kHz=U< , 48 kHz=V<, 44.1 kHz=W<, 32 kHz=X<, 24 kHz=Y<, 22.05 kHz=Z< , 16 kHz=[<$, 12 kHz=\<(, 11.025 kHz=]<,, 8 kHz=_@, monaural=`, stereo=a, stereo + center=b, stereo+center+LFE=c@, surround=d, surround + LFE&e, surround + side =mVMPEG-4 LOASaudio/x-mp4a-latm=p@=q<, single stream=r<, 2 streams=s< , 3 streams&t, 4 or more streams&u , 8 or more streams=v=wx, single stream=xx, 2 streams=yx, 3 streams&z , 4 or more streams&{@, 8 or more streams =vSqueezed (apple ][) data =qcpio archiveapplication/x-cpio =!qbyte-swapped cpio archiveapplication/x-cpio = 7mvery old 16-bit-int little-endian archive =8mvery old 16-bit-int big-endian archive = <eold 16-bit-int little-endian archive= =__.SYMDEFrandom library =>eold 16-bit-int big-endian archive= ?__.SYMDEFrandom library =7QuArk archive data =YCYAC archive data =X1X1 archive data =vNSQ archive data =TTComp archive data =@Sky archive data =FLGArhangel archive data =SUBHIT archive data =nLogitech Compress archive data =pNPPMN archive data =3AIN archive data =3AIN archive data =jmXPack DiskImage archive data =DZDzip archive datax, version %ix.%i = `ARJ archive dataapplication/x-arjx, v%d,&multi-volume,&slash-switched,& backup,x"original name: %s,=os: MS-DOS=os: PRIMOS=os: Unix=os: Amiga=os: Macintosh=os: OS/2=os: Apple ][ GS=os: Atari ST=os: NeXT= os: VAX/VMS>%d] = `ARJ archive data = PRCS packaged project =Atari MSA archive datax, %d sectors per track=, 1 sided=, 2 sidedx, starting track: %dx, ending track: %d =pWE32000 COFF^object&executable> not stripped^N/A on 3b2/300 w/paging& 32100 required&@and MAU hardware required=(impure)=(pure)= (demand paged)=#(target shared library)> - version %ld =!qWE32000 COFF executable (TV)> "not stripped =VAX-order 68K Blit (standalone) executable =VAX-order2 68k Blit mpx/mux executable =VAX-order 68k Blit mpx/mux executable@=+ ^template[ ]+C++ source texttext/x-c++ =8C64 PCLink Image = Bentley/Intergraph MicroStation==CIT raster CAD = C3Clarion Developer (v2 and above) data file&  , locked&  , encrypted& , memo file exists& , compressed& @, read onlyx , %ld records = M3Clarion Developer (v2 and above) memo data = IClarion Developer (v2 and above) help data =}CLIPPER COFF executable (VAX #)= (impure)=!(5.2 compatible)=" (pure)=# (demand paged)=$#(target shared library)> %not stripped>&- version %ld ='CLIPPER COFF executable=(xC1 R1 =)xC2 R1=*xC3 R1=+xxTEST=,(impure)=-(pure)=. (separate I&D)=/ (paged)=0#(target shared library)> 1not stripped>2- version %ld=03alignment trap enabled=44-Ctnc=45-Ctsw=46-Ctpw=47-Ctcb=58-Cdnc=59-Cdsw=5:-Cdpw=5;-Cdcb=6<-Csnc=6=-Cssw=6>-Cspw=6?-Cscb@ =+Eblock compressedx%d bits =6packed dataapplication/octet-stream>8, %d characters originally=9, %d character originally =<old packed dataapplication/octet-stream =Bcompacted dataapplication/octet-stream =Fcompacted dataapplication/octet-stream =Hhuf outputapplication/octet-stream =Wvsqueezed data,xXoriginal name %s =Yvcrunched data,xZoriginal name %s =[vLZH compressed data,x\original name %s =_frozen file 2.1 =`frozen file 1.0 (or gzip 0.5) =cSCO compress -H (LZH) data =Quasijarus strong compressed data = )Alpha compressed COFF = *Alpha u-code object =8locale data table=9$for MIPS=:@for Alpha = w ATSC A/52 aka AC-3 aka Dolby Digital stream,audio/vnd.dolby.dd-raw= 48 kHz,=@44.1 kHz,=32 kHz,=reserved frequency,=, complete main (CM)=, music and effects (ME)=, visually impaired (VI)=, hearing impaired (HI)=, dialogue (D)=, commentary (C)=, emergency (E)= , voiceover (VO) > , karaoke=1+1 front,=LFE on,= 1 front/0 rear,= LFE on,=!@2 front/0 rear,=#Dolby Surround not indicated=$not Dolby Surround encoded=%Dolby Surround encoded=&reserved Dolby Surround mode='LFE on,=(`3 front/0 rear,=)LFE on,=*2 front/1 rear,=+LFE on,=,3 front/1 rear,=-LFE on,=.2 front/2 rear,=/LFE on,=03 front/2 rear,=1LFE on,=3>, 32 kbit/s=4>, 40 kbit/s=5>, 48 kbit/s=6>, 56 kbit/s=7>, 64 kbit/s=8> , 80 kbit/s=9> , 96 kbit/s=:>, 112 kbit/s=;>, 128 kbit/s=<>, 160 kbit/s==>, 192 kbit/s=>>, 224 kbit/s=?>, 256 kbit/s=@>, 320 kbit/s=A>, 384 kbit/s=B>, 448 kbit/s=C> , 512 kbit/s=D>", 576 kbit/s=E>$, 640 kbit/s = Tkold-fs dump file (16-bit, assuming PDP-11 endianness),xUPrevious dump %s,xVThis dump %s,> WVolume %ld,= Xtape header.= Ybeginning of file record.= Zmap of inodes on tape.= [continuation of file record.= \end of volume.= ]map of inodes deleted.= ^end of medium (for floppy). =Dyalog APLxworkspace type %dxsubtype %d=(32-bit=( 64-bit= classic= unicode=big-endian=little-endian =.``Dyalog APL transfer = TEncore= executable= pure executable= demand-paged executable= unsupported executable> not stripped>- version %ld=- =UEncore unsupported executable> not stripped>- version %ld=- = 8SLinuxx Lrev %dx >.%d^ \ext2 filesystem data^ :(mounted or unclean)& \< `@< dext3 filesystem data> dext4 filesystem data> `?ext4 filesystem dataxh, UUID=%08xxl-%04xxn-%04xxp-%04xxr-%08xxv%04x>x0, volume name "%s"& `(needs journal recovery)& :(errors)& `(compressed)& `@(extents)& `(64bit)& d(large files)& d(huge files) = Linux old jffs2 filesystem data little endian = Linux jffs2 filesystem data little endian = Xfloppy image data (IBM SaveDskF, old) = Yfloppy image data (IBM SaveDskF) = Zfloppy image data (IBM SaveDskF, compressed) =Berkeley vfont data =byte-swapped Berkeley vfont data ="[LPEmbedded OpenType (EOT)application/vnd.ms-fontobject =ufsav macro virus signatures>  (%d-> %02d-> %02d) = RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) =9 GeoSwath RDF = GPG encrypted datatext/PGP =%GPG key public ringapplication/x-gnupg-keyring = Hitachi SH big-endian COFF= object= executable=, stripped=, not stripped = PHitachi SH little-endian COFF= object= executable= , stripped= , not stripped =*Apollo m68k COFF executable^+@not stripped>,- version %ld =-apollo a88k COFF executable^.@not stripped>/- version %ld ="hp200 (68010) BSD=#impure binary=$read-only binary=% demand paged binary =&,hp300 (68020+68881) BSD='impure binary=(read-only binary=) demand paged binary =_370 XA sysV executable > not stripped>- version %d>- 5.2 format =Z370 XA sysV pure executable > not stripped>- version %d>- 5.2 format =X370 sysV pure executable> not stripped =Z370 XA sysV pure executable> not stripped =!]370 sysV executable> "not stripped =#_370 XA sysV executable> $not stripped =%YSVR2 executable (Amdahl-UTS)> &not stripped>'- version %ld =(\SVR2 pure executable (Amdahl-UTS)> )not stripped>*- version %ld =+XSVR2 pure executable (USS/370)> ,not stripped>-- version %ld =.]SVR2 executable (USS/370)> /not stripped>0- version %ld =executable (RISC System/6000 V3.1) or obj module> not stripped = shared library =ctab data =structured file =64-bit XCOFF executable or object module=not stripped =HP7Netpbm PAM image fileimage/x-portable-pixmap =LO:Solitaire Image Recorder format=M MGI Type 11=NMGI Type 17 =yzMGR bitmap, modern format, 8-bit aligned =zzMGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 16-bit aligned =xzMGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 32-bit aligned =yxMGR bitmap, modern format, squeezed =Award BIOS Logo, 136 x 84image/x-award-bioslogo = Award BIOS Logo, 136 x 126image/x-award-bioslogo = /RRLE image data,x 0%d xx 1%d> 2, lower left corner: %d> 3, lower right corner: %d= 4, clear first= 5, no background= 6, alpha channel= 7, comment> 8, %d color channels> 9, %d bits per pixel> :, %d color map channels =XSGI image data=Z, RLE=\, high precisionx], %d-Dx^, %d xx_%dx `, %d channel! as>Pb0, "%s" =PEX Binary Archive = Atari ATR image = Bbasic-16 executable> not stripped = Cbasic-16 executable (TV)> not stripped = Hx86 executable> not stripped = Ix86 executable (TV)> not stripped = JiAPX 286 executable small model (COFF)> not stripped = RiAPX 286 executable large model (COFF)> not stripped = "L80386 COFF executable> #not stripped> $- version %ld =)UBIOS (ia32) ROM Ext.=*USBUSB=+LDRUNDI image=,IBMIBM comp. Video=-AdaptecAdaptec=.AdaptecAdaptec=*/PROMISEPromisex0(%d*512) = little endian ispell= hash file (?),=3.0 hash file,=3.1 hash file,=hash file (?),= 8-bit, no capitalization, 26 flags= 7-bit, no capitalization, 26 flags= 8-bit, capitalization, 26 flags= 7-bit, capitalization, 26 flags= 8-bit, no capitalization, 52 flags= 7-bit, no capitalization, 52 flags= 8-bit, capitalization, 52 flags= 7-bit, capitalization, 52 flags= 8-bit, no capitalization, 128 flags=  7-bit, no capitalization, 128 flags=  8-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=  7-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=  8-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=  7-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags= 8-bit, capitalization, 256 flags=  7-bit, capitalization, 256 flags> !and %d string characters ="big endian ispell=#hash file (?),=$3.0 hash file,=%3.1 hash file,=&hash file (?),='8-bit, no capitalization, 26 flags=(7-bit, no capitalization, 26 flags=)8-bit, capitalization, 26 flags=*7-bit, capitalization, 26 flags=+8-bit, no capitalization, 52 flags=,7-bit, no capitalization, 52 flags=-8-bit, capitalization, 52 flags=.7-bit, capitalization, 52 flags=/8-bit, no capitalization, 128 flags=0 7-bit, no capitalization, 128 flags=1 8-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=2 7-bit, capitalization, 128 flags=3 8-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=4 7-bit, no capitalization, 256 flags=58-bit, capitalization, 256 flags=67-bit, capitalization, 256 flags>7and %d string characters = Java serialization data> , version %d =lif file@=15FKernel ConfigurationLinux make config build file = ;6Linux/i386 PC Screen Font v1 data,=<256 characters,!=512 characters,=>no directory,!?Unicode directory,>@8x%d = (Emacs v18 byte-compiled Lisp dataapplication/x-elc =Macintosh MFS data=KL(bootable)& (locked)x%|created: %s,>%|last backup: %s,xblock size: %d,x number of blocks: %d,x $!volume name: %s =2+HMacintosh HFS Extendedx3version %d data=4KL(bootable)^5(mounted)&6(spared blocks)&7(unclean)&8(locked)x9last mounted by: '%.4s',x<%|created: %s,x >%|last modified: %s,> ?%|last backup: %s,> @%|last checked: %s,x&Ablock size: %d,x*Bnumber of blocks: %d,x.Cfree blocks: %d@=(^[0-9]{5})[acdn][w]MARC21 Classificationapplication/marc=(^[0-9]{5})[cdn][q]MARC21 Communityapplication/marc=(^.{21})([^0]{2})(non-conforming)application/marc =`MIPSEB ECOFF executable=(impure)= (swapped)= (paged)> not stripped= strippedx - version %ldx.%ld =bMIPSEL-BE ECOFF executable=(impure)=(swapped)= (paged)>not stripped=strippedx- version %dx.%ld =`MIPSEB-LE ECOFF executable=(impure)=(swapped)= (paged)>not stripped=strippedx- version %dx .%ld ="bMIPSEL ECOFF executable=#(impure)=$(swapped)=% (paged)>&not stripped='strippedx(- version %ldx).%ld =-cMIPSEB MIPS-II ECOFF executable=.(impure)=/(swapped)=0 (paged)>1not stripped=2strippedx3- version %ldx4.%ld =6fMIPSEL-BE MIPS-II ECOFF executable=7(impure)=8(swapped)=9 (paged)>:not stripped=;strippedx<- version %ldx=.%ld =?cMIPSEB-LE MIPS-II ECOFF executable=@(impure)=A(swapped)=B (paged)>Cnot stripped=DstrippedxE- version %ldxF.%ld =HfMIPSEL MIPS-II ECOFF executable=I(impure)=J(swapped)=K (paged)>Lnot stripped=MstrippedxN- version %ldxO.%ld =S@MIPSEB MIPS-III ECOFF executable=T(impure)=U(swapped)=V (paged)>Wnot stripped=XstrippedxY- version %ldxZ.%ld =\BMIPSEL-BE MIPS-III ECOFF executable=](impure)=^(swapped)=_ (paged)>`not stripped=astrippedxb- version %ldxc.%ld =e@MIPSEB-LE MIPS-III ECOFF executable=f(impure)=g(swapped)=h (paged)>inot stripped=jstrippedxk- version %ldxl.%ld =nBMIPSEL MIPS-III ECOFF executable=o(impure)=p(swapped)=q (paged)>rnot stripped=sstrippedxt- version %ldxu.%ld =wMIPSEB Ucode =xMIPSEL-BE Ucode = ID tags data> version %d = raw G3 data, byte-padded = raw G3 data =Pmc68k COFF^ object& executable> not stripped= .lowmemApple toolbox= (impure)=(pure)= (demand paged)=(standalone) =Qmc68k executable (shared)> not stripped =Rmc68k executable (shared demand paged)> not stripped =l68K BCS executable =m88K BCS executable =!S0Motorola S-Record; binary data in text format =6`Atari 68xxx 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