Yc@@sLdZddlmZddlZddlmZdefdYZdS(s raven.contrib.zerorpc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: (c) 2010-2013 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. i(tabsolute_importN(tClienttSentryMiddlewarecB@s&eZdZeddZdZRS(slSentry/Raven middleware for ZeroRPC. >>> import zerorpc >>> from raven.contrib.zerorpc import SentryMiddleware >>> sentry = SentryMiddleware(dsn='udp://..../') >>> zerorpc.Context.get_instance().register_middleware(sentry) Exceptions detected server-side in ZeroRPC will be submitted to Sentry (and propagated to the client as well). cK@s"|pt||_||_dS(s Create a middleware object that can be injected in a ZeroRPC server. - hide_zerorpc_frames: modify the exception stacktrace to remove the internal zerorpc frames (True by default to make the stacktrace as readable as possible); - client: use an existing raven.Client object, otherwise one will be instantiated from the keyword arguments. N(Rt_sentry_clientt_hide_zerorpc_frames(tselfthide_zerorpc_framestclienttkwargs((sO/opt/alt/python27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/raven/contrib/zerorpc/__init__.pyt__init__s cC@s|jrs|d}x]|ro|j}t|jds