ž 7’Rer$c@sJdZddlZddlmZmZmZddlmZdd„ZGdd„de ƒZ e d d d d d d d dƒZ e ddd dd ddd˜d eƒZ e ddd dd dddd dƒZe ddd dd dd dƒZe ddd dd dddd d ƒZe d!d d"d#d$d d%ƒZe d&d d'd ddd˜d eƒZe d(d)d d*d#d$ded d+ƒZe d,d d-d ddd˜d eƒZe d.d d/d0d1dd2d d3ƒZe d4d5d#d6d d7d0d8dd9d d:ƒZe d;d d<d0d1dd2d eƒZe d=d d>d0d1dd2d eƒZe d?d d@d0dAdBdCdDdEdFgdgd dGd#d d dHƒZe dId dJd0d1dd2d#d$d dKƒZe dLdMdNd dOd#dPddQd dRƒZe dSd dTd#dPd dGdgd dUƒZe dVd dWd ddd˜d dXƒZe dYdZd d[d dGdgd#d\d d]ƒZe d^d_d d`d ddd˜d eƒZe dad dbd#dPd dGdgd eƒZ e dcd ddd dGdgd#ded dfƒZ!e dgd dhd ddd˜d diƒZ"e djd dhd dkdd˜d eƒZ#e dldmd dnd dGdgd#ded doƒZ$e dpd dqd dkdd˜d eƒZ%e drd dsd ddd˜d dtƒZ&e dudvd dwd dGdgd#dxd dyƒZ'e dzd d{d dd eƒZ(e d|d d{d dkdd™d d}ƒZ*e d~d dd#d€ddd dƒZ,e d‚dƒd d„d ddd˜d d…ƒZ-e d†d‡dˆd‰d dŠd#d€d d‹ƒZ.e dŒd dd dGd#dŽd dƒZ/e dd d‘d dGd#dŽd d’ƒZ0e d“d ddd˜d d”ƒZ1id•d–6e e eeeeeeeeeeeeegdŽ6Z2id—d–6eeeeee e!e"e#e$e%e&g dŽ6Z3dS(šuE shared options and groups The principle here is to define options once, but *not* instantiate them globally. One reason being that options with action='append' can carry state between parses. pip parse's general options twice internally, and shouldn't pass on state. To be consistent, all options will follow this design. iN(u OptionGroupu SUPPRESS_HELPuOption(udefault_log_filecCs?t||dƒ}x%|dD]}|j|jƒƒqW|S(u‡ Return an OptionGroup object group -- assumed to be dict with 'name' and 'options' keys parser -- an optparse Parser unameuoptions(u OptionGroupu add_optionumake(ugroupuparseru option_groupuoption((u'/tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/cmdoptions.pyumake_option_groupsumake_option_groupcBs2|EeZdZdZdd„Zdd„ZdS(u OptionMakeru†Class that stores the args/kwargs that would be used to make an Option, for making them later, and uses deepcopy's to reset state.cOs||_||_dS(N(uargsukwargs(uselfuargsukwargs((u'/tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/cmdoptions.pyu__init__s uOptionMaker.__init__cCs1tj|jƒ}tj|jƒ}t||ŽS(N(ucopyudeepcopyuargsukwargsuOption(uselfu args_copyu kwargs_copy((u'/tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/cmdoptions.pyumake suOptionMaker.makeN(u__name__u __module__u __qualname__u__doc__u__init__umake(u __locals__((u'/tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/cmdoptions.pyu OptionMakers u OptionMakeru-hu--helpudestuhelpuactionu Show help.u--require-virtualenvu--require-venvu require_venvu store_trueudefaultu-vu --verboseuverboseucountuDGive more output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3 times.u-Vu --versionuversionuShow version and exit.u-qu--quietuquietuGive less output.u--logulogumetavarupathuAPath to a verbose appending log. This log is inactive by default.u--log-explicit-levelsulog_explicit_levelsu --log-fileu --local-logulog_fileuhPath to a verbose non-appending log, that only logs failures. This log is active by default at %default.u --no-inputuno_inputu--proxyuproxyutypeustruu<Specify a proxy in the form [user:passwd@]proxy.server:port.u --timeoutu--default-timeoutusecutimeoutufloatiu2Set the socket timeout (default %default seconds).u --default-vcsu default_vcsu--skip-requirements-regexuskip_requirements_regexu--exists-actionu exists_actionuchoiceuchoicesusuiuwubuappenduPDefault action when a path already exists: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup.u--certucertuPath to alternate CA bundle.u-iu --index-urlu --pypi-urlu index_urluURLuhttps://pypi.python.org/simple/u4Base URL of Python Package Index (default %default).u--extra-index-urluextra_index_urlsu@Extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to --index-url.u --no-indexuno_indexuAIgnore package index (only looking at --find-links URLs instead).u-fu --find-linksu find_linksuurlu§If a url or path to an html file, then parse for links to archives. If a local path or file:// url that's a directory, then look for archives in the directory listing.u-Mu --use-mirrorsu use_mirrorsu --mirrorsumirrorsu--allow-externaluallow_externaluPACKAGEu1Allow the installation of externally hosted filesu--allow-all-externaluallow_all_externalu5Allow the installation of all externally hosted filesu--no-allow-externalu store_falseu--allow-unverifiedu--allow-insecureuallow_unverifiedu9Allow the installation of insecure and unverifiable filesu--no-allow-insecureuallow_all_insecureu--process-dependency-linksuprocess_dependency_linksu*Enable the processing of dependency links.u-ru --requirementu requirementsufileuQInstall from the given requirements file. This option can be used multiple times.u --use-wheelu use_wheelu--no-use-wheeluVDo not Find and prefer wheel archives when searching indexes and find-links locations.u--download-cacheudownload_cacheudiru#Cache downloaded packages in .u --no-depsu--no-dependenciesuignore_dependenciesu#Don't install package dependencies.u-bu--buildu --build-diru--build-directoryu build_diru/Directory to unpack packages into and build in.u--install-optionuinstall_optionsuoptionsu"Extra arguments to be supplied to the setup.py install command (use like --install-option="--install-scripts=/usr/local/bin"). Use multiple --install-option options to pass multiple options to setup.py install. If you are using an option with a directory path, be sure to use absolute path.u--global-optionuglobal_optionsuTExtra global options to be supplied to the setup.py call before the install command.u --no-cleanu!Don't clean up build directories.uGeneral OptionsunameuPackage Index OptionsFT(4u__doc__ucopyuoptparseu OptionGroupu SUPPRESS_HELPuOptionu pip.locationsudefault_log_fileumake_option_groupuobjectu OptionMakeruhelp_uFalseurequire_virtualenvuverboseuversionuquietulogulog_explicit_levelsulog_fileuno_inputuproxyutimeoutu default_vcsuskip_requirements_regexu exists_actionucertu index_urluextra_index_urluno_indexu find_linksu use_mirrorsumirrorsuallow_externaluallow_all_externaluno_allow_externalu allow_unsafeuno_allow_unsafeuprocess_dependency_linksu requirementsu use_wheeluTrueu no_use_wheeluNoneudownload_cacheuno_depsu build_diruinstall_optionsuglobal_optionsuno_cleanu general_groupu index_group(((u'/tmp/pip-zej_zi-build/pip/cmdoptions.pyu s