U:RDoc::NormalModule[iI" Helpers:ETI"Rack::Request::Helpers;T0o:RDoc::Markup::Document: @parts[o;;[: @fileI"lib/rack/request.rb;T:0@omit_headings_from_table_of_contents_below0; 0; 0[[U:RDoc::Constant[iI"FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES;TI"2Rack::Request::Helpers::FORM_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES;T: public0o;;[o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[I"EThe set of form-data media-types. Requests that do not indicate ;TI"Fone of the media types present in this list will not be eligible ;TI"#for form-data / param parsing.;T; @ ; 0@ @cRDoc::NormalModule0U; [iI"PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES;TI"7Rack::Request::Helpers::PARSEABLE_DATA_MEDIA_TYPES;T; 0o;;[o; ;[I";The set of media-types. Requests that do not indicate ;TI"Fone of the media types present in this list will not be eligible ;TI"Bfor param parsing like soap attachments or generic multiparts;T; @ ; 0@ @@0U; [iI"DEFAULT_PORTS;TI"*Rack::Request::Helpers::DEFAULT_PORTS;T; 0o;;[o; ;[I"FDefault ports depending on scheme. Used to decide whether or not ;TI",to include the port in a generated URI.;T; @ ; 0@ @@0U; [iI"HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR;TI"1Rack::Request::Helpers::HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR;T; 0o;;[o; ;[I"