module Gem class << self ## # Returns full path of previous but one directory of dir in path # E.g. for '/usr/share/ruby', 'ruby', it returns '/usr' def previous_but_one_dir_to(path, dir) return unless path split_path = path.split(File::SEPARATOR) File.join(split_path.take_while { |one_dir| one_dir !~ /^#{dir}$/ }[0..-2]) end private :previous_but_one_dir_to ## # Detects --install-dir option specified on command line. def opt_install_dir? @opt_install_dir ||= ARGV.include?('--install-dir') || ARGV.include?('-i') end private :opt_install_dir? ## # Detects --build-root option specified on command line. def opt_build_root? @opt_build_root ||= ARGV.include?('--build-root') end private :opt_build_root? ## # Tries to detect, if arguments and environment variables suggest that # 'gem install' is executed from rpmbuild. def rpmbuild? @rpmbuild ||= ENV['RPM_PACKAGE_NAME'] && (opt_install_dir? || opt_build_root?) end private :rpmbuild? ## # Default gems locations allowed on FHS system (/usr, /usr/share). # The locations are derived from directories specified during build # configuration. def default_locations @default_locations ||= { :system => previous_but_one_dir_to(RbConfig::CONFIG['vendordir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']), :local => previous_but_one_dir_to(RbConfig::CONFIG['sitedir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']) } end ## # For each location provides set of directories for binaries (:bin_dir) # platform independent (:gem_dir) and dependent (:ext_dir) files. def default_dirs @libdir ||= case RUBY_PLATFORM when 'java' RbConfig::CONFIG['datadir'] else RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] end @default_dirs ||= default_locations.inject( do |hash, location| destination, path = location hash[destination] = if path { :bin_dir => File.join(path, RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'].split(File::SEPARATOR).last), :gem_dir => File.join(path, RbConfig::CONFIG['datadir'].split(File::SEPARATOR).last, 'gems'), :ext_dir => File.join(path, @libdir.split(File::SEPARATOR).last, 'gems') } else { :bin_dir => '', :gem_dir => '', :ext_dir => '' } end hash end end ## # Remove methods we are going to override. This avoids "method redefined;" # warnings otherwise issued by Ruby. remove_method :operating_system_defaults if method_defined? :operating_system_defaults remove_method :default_dir if method_defined? :default_dir remove_method :default_path if method_defined? :default_path remove_method :default_ext_dir_for if method_defined? :default_ext_dir_for ## # Regular user installs into user directory, root manages /usr/local. def operating_system_defaults unless opt_build_root? options = if Process.uid == 0 "--install-dir=#{Gem.default_dirs[:local][:gem_dir]} --bindir #{Gem.default_dirs[:local][:bin_dir]}" end {"gem" => options} else {} end end ## # RubyGems default overrides. def default_dir Gem.default_dirs[:system][:gem_dir] end def default_path path = default_dirs.collect {|location, paths| paths[:gem_dir]} path.unshift Gem.user_dir if File.exist? Gem.user_home path end def default_ext_dir_for base_dir dir = if rpmbuild? build_dir = base_dir.chomp Gem.default_dirs[:system][:gem_dir] if build_dir != base_dir File.join build_dir, Gem.default_dirs[:system][:ext_dir] end else dirs = Gem.default_dirs.detect {|location, paths| paths[:gem_dir] == base_dir} dirs && dirs.last[:ext_dir] end dir && File.join(dir, RbConfig::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']) end # This method should be available since RubyGems 2.2 until RubyGems 3.0. # if method_defined? :install_extension_in_lib remove_method :install_extension_in_lib def install_extension_in_lib false end end end end