--TEST-- RarEntry::getStream() function (good RAR file, several volumes) --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- getStream(); if ($stream === false) { die("Failed to get stream.\n"); break; } echo $e->getName().": "; $a = ""; while (!feof($stream)) { $a .= fread($stream, 8192); } echo strlen($a)." bytes, CRC "; echo int32_to_hex(crc32($a))."\n\n"; //you can confirm they're equal to those given by $e->getCrc() } echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- 3 files: file1.txt: 18 bytes, CRC 52B28202 file2.txt: 17704 bytes, CRC F2C79881 file3.txt: 18 bytes, CRC BCBCE32E Done