--TEST-- Test ImagickDraw->setResolution --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- newImage(1000,1000, "white","png"); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $draw->setFont (dirname (__FILE__) . '/anonymous_pro_minus.ttf'); $draw->setFontSize(72); $draw->setResolution(10, 10); $small = $im->queryFontMetrics($draw, "Hello World"); $draw->setResolution(300, 300); $large = $im->queryFontMetrics($draw, "Hello World"); if ($small['textWidth'] < $large['textWidth']) { echo "Small font _is_ smaller than big font.".PHP_EOL; } //These will both be one line. $oneLine = $im->queryFontMetrics($draw, "Hello Hello"); $forceOneLine = $im->queryFontMetrics($draw, "Hello \nHello", false); //These will both be multiline $forceMultiLine = $im->queryFontMetrics($draw, "Hello \nHello", true); $guessLine = $im->queryFontMetrics($draw, "Hello\nHello"); if (abs($oneLine["textHeight"] - $forceOneLine["textHeight"]) > 0.1) { //Reaching this is bad echo "One line and forced one line are not the same height.".PHP_EOL; echo $oneLine["textHeight"]." ".$forceOneLine["textHeight"].PHP_EOL; } if ($forceMultiLine["textHeight"] - (2 * $forceOneLine["textHeight"]) + 2 > 0) { echo "Two lines are 2 times one line.".PHP_EOL; } if ($guessLine["textHeight"] - (2 * $forceOneLine["textHeight"]) + 2 > 0) { echo "Two lines are 2 times one line.".PHP_EOL; } echo "OK\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- Small font _is_ smaller than big font. Two lines are 2 times one line. Two lines are 2 times one line. OK