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is_generate1Z is_generate2Z is_generate3g1modsignoffsetwidthbaseg2Zg3rrr _parse_modifysD        zReader._parse_modifyc s|jdkrt|j}z2tj|j\}}}|j}|sHtj j Wnt k rftj j YnXz$|j}|j}|stj j Wnt k rtj j YnXz8tj |j}||_ d|_|j}|stj j WnTtj jk r6|js|jstj d|jr$|j}n|jr2|j }YnXz.tj|j}|j}|sdtj j Wn<tj j k rtj j Ynt k r|j}YnX||jkrtj dz.tj|j}|j}|stj j Wn(t k rtj d|jYnX|j} ttttddd} ttttd fd d ||\} } } }}|| \}}}}}t||d |D]6}| || | }| |||}|||}|||}|d | |}| d ||}tj||j|jj|_|j}||js|dS|j r"| |j}z tj!||||j|j |j}Wn`tj j k r^YnFt k rt"#dd\}}tj dt|t|fYnX|j$%|||q~dS)zPProcess one line containing the GENERATE statement from a DNS zone file.NTrMrJrK)counter offset_signrtrccSs|dkr|d9}||S)z0Calculate the index from the counter and offset.rfr)ryrzrtrrr_calculate_indexsz/Reader._generate_line.._calculate_index)indexrvrurccsT|dkrt|||S|d|}d|dddd|}|dkrP|}|S)zVFormat the index with the given base, and zero-fill it to the given width.)r-rgrhrirh.Nr{rk)rZzfilljoinr)r}rvruZhexaZnibbles _format_indexrrrs z,Reader._generate_line.._format_indexz$%srLzcaught exception %s: %s)&r3r rrArZgrangerQrRrFrGrHrUrPr4r5rSr6r&rTr8rVrpr[rxrangereplacer idna_codecr7rOr1rEr2rWrXrYrr<)r>rDstartstopsteplhsrPrr]rhsr|ZlmodZlsignZloffsetZlwidthZlbaseZrmodZrsignZroffsetZrwidthZrbaseiZlindexrindexZlzfindexZrzfindexrrWr^r_r`rrr_generate_line@s                           zReader._generate_line)rcc Cszr|jdd}|rr|jdk r.|jt|jdkrj|jd\|_|_|_ |_|_ |_ |_ |_ qqrn|rqn|r|jqn|jddkr\t|jdkr\|j}||jkrtjd|d|dkr,|j}|s tjd tj|j|_ d|_ |jq|d krp|j|_|j|jdkr`|j|_|j|jq|d kr2|j}|j}|j}|rtj|j|j|jj}|jn| stjd n|j}|j!|j|j|j |j|j |j |j |j ft"|d |_tj#$|j||_||_q|dkrF|%qtjd|dq|j&||'qWnrtjjk r}zN|j(\}}|dkrd}tjd|||f}t)*d}|+|dW5d}~XYnXdS)zRead a DNS zone file and build a zone object. @raises dns.zone.NoSOA: No SOA RR was found at the zone origin @raises dns.zone.NoNS: No NS RRset was found at the zone origin TNrr{rzzone file directive 'z' is not allowedr)zbad $TTLr(r*zbad origin in $INCLUDErr'zUnknown zone file directive ''z syntax errorz %s:%d: %srL),rrAZis_eofr:closelenr9popr3r7r4r5r&r6Zis_eolZ is_commentZget_eolrRr;rrrGrHrFrPrQget_namer1r _set_originrrrBappendopen tokenizer TokenizerrrNrawhererXrYwith_traceback) r>rDcfilenameZ new_origindetail line_numberextbrrrreads                               z Reader.read)FTNNNNN)r r r rrrrrT RdataClass transaction Transactionboolrrr[rrNamerprV RdataTyper@rErIrarrxrrrrrrrXs6    2z-rcsteZdZfddZddZddZddZd d Zd d Zd dZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZ ddZZS)RRsetsReaderTransactioncs"|rtt|||i|_dSr+)AssertionErrorsuperr@ rdatasets)r>r/ replacementZ read_only __class__rrr@+sz RRsetsReaderTransaction.__init__cCs|j|||fSr+)rrAr>rr]coversrrr _get_rdataset0sz%RRsetsReaderTransaction._get_rdatasetcCsTg}|jD] \\}}}}||kr||qt|dkr@dStj}||_|SNr)ritemsrrrrNode)r>rrZ rdataset_namer?rrrrr _get_node3s   z!RRsetsReaderTransaction._get_nodecCs||j||j|jf<dSr+)rr]r)r>rrrrr _put_rdataset>sz%RRsetsReaderTransaction._put_rdatasetcCsHg}|jD]}|d|kr ||q t|dkrD|D] }|j|=q6dSr)rrr)r>rremovekeyrrr _delete_nameAs    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get_classszRRSetsReaderManager.get_classcCs$|jrtjj}n|j}|j|j|fSr+)r2rremptyr)r>Z effectiverrrr0s z&RRSetsReaderManager.origin_informationcCs ||_dSr+)r)r>rrrrrszRRSetsReaderManager.set_rrsetsN)F)r r r rrrootrTINr@rrrr0rrrrrros  rF) textrrPrdefault_rdclassr]r&rrr2rcc  Cst|trtj|tjj|}t|tr8tj|||}t|trNtj|}t|trdtj|}|dk r|tjj |}nd}tjj |}|dk rtj j |}nd}t || |} | d:} tjj|d|d} t| || d|||||d } | W5QRX| jS)a Read one or more rrsets from the specified text, possibly subject to restrictions. *text*, a file object or a string, is the input to process. *name*, a string, ``dns.name.Name``, or ``None``, is the owner name of the rrset. If not ``None``, then the owner name is "forced", and the input must not specify an owner name. If ``None``, then any owner names are allowed and must be present in the input. *ttl*, an ``int``, string, or None. If not ``None``, the the TTL is forced to be the specified value and the input must not specify a TTL. If ``None``, then a TTL may be specified in the input. If it is not specified, then the *default_ttl* will be used. *rdclass*, a ``dns.rdataclass.RdataClass``, string, or ``None``. If not ``None``, then the class is forced to the specified value, and the input must not specify a class. If ``None``, then the input may specify a class that matches *default_rdclass*. Note that it is not possible to return rrsets with differing classes; specifying ``None`` for the class simply allows the user to optionally type a class as that may be convenient when cutting and pasting. *default_rdclass*, a ``dns.rdataclass.RdataClass`` or string. The class of the returned rrsets. *rdtype*, a ``dns.rdatatype.RdataType``, string, or ``None``. If not ``None``, then the type is forced to the specified value, and the input must not specify a type. If ``None``, then a type must be present for each RR. *default_ttl*, an ``int``, string, or ``None``. If not ``None``, then if the TTL is not forced and is not specified, then this value will be used. if ``None``, then if the TTL is not forced an error will occur if the TTL is not specified. *idna_codec*, a ``dns.name.IDNACodec``, specifies the IDNA encoder/decoder. If ``None``, the default IDNA 2003 encoder/decoder is used. Note that codecs only apply to the owner name; dnspython does not do IDNA for names in rdata, as there is no IDNA zonefile format. *origin*, a string, ``dns.name.Name``, or ``None``, is the origin for any relative names in the input, and also the origin to relativize to if *relativize* is ``True``. *relativize*, a bool. If ``True``, names are relativized to the *origin*; if ``False`` then any relative names in the input are made absolute by appending the *origin*. NTz)rF)r!r"r#r$r%r&) isinstancer[rrrQrrPrTrmakerVrrrrrrrr)rrrPrrr]r&rrr2r/rrrrrr read_rrsetss>=         r)6rrlrXtypingrrrrrrrZ dns.exceptionrZ dns.grangeZdns.nameZdns.nodeZ dns.rdataZdns.rdataclassZ dns.rdatatypeZdns.rdtypes.ANY.SOAZ dns.rrsetZ dns.tokenizerZdns.transactionZdns.ttlrGZ DNSExceptionr rrrrrrrprZSavedStateTyperrrrrZTransactionManagerrrTrrr[rrVrZ IDNACodecrrrrrrrst$   UE