U í üe|ã@sLddlmZddlZddlmZejr2ddlmZdddd d d œd d „ZdS)é)Ú annotationsNé)ÚUrlé)Ú ProxyConfigz Url | NonezProxyConfig | Nonez str | NoneÚbool)Ú proxy_urlÚ proxy_configÚdestination_schemeÚreturncCs4|dkr dS|dkrdS|jdkr0|r0|jr0dSdS)a? Returns True if the connection requires an HTTP CONNECT through the proxy. :param URL proxy_url: URL of the proxy. :param ProxyConfig proxy_config: Proxy configuration from poolmanager.py :param str destination_scheme: The scheme of the destination. (i.e https, http, etc) NFÚhttpÚhttpsT)ÚschemeÚuse_forwarding_for_https)rr r ©rú@/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/urllib3/util/proxy.pyÚconnection_requires_http_tunnel sÿþýr)NNN) Ú __future__rÚtypingÚurlrÚ TYPE_CHECKINGÚ connectionrrrrrrÚs   ý