U e@s,dZddlZddlmZGdddeZdS)aGUse the AllModules plugin by passing ``--all-modules`` or setting the NOSE_ALL_MODULES environment variable to enable collection and execution of tests in all python modules. Normal nose behavior is to look for tests only in modules that match testMatch. More information: :doc:`../doc_tests/test_allmodules/test_allmodules` .. warning :: This plugin can have surprising interactions with plugins that load tests from what nose normally considers non-test modules, such as the :doc:`doctest plugin `. This is because any given object in a module can't be loaded both by a plugin and the normal nose :class:`test loader `. Also, if you have functions or classes in non-test modules that look like tests but aren't, you will likely see errors as nose attempts to run them as tests. N)Pluginc@s(eZdZdZddZddZddZdS) AllModulesz+Collect tests from all python modules. c Cs6d}|jdd|j||d|jj||fddS)z&Register commandline options. ZNOSE_ALL_MODULESz --all-modules store_truezEnable plugin %s: %s [%s])actiondestdefaulthelpN) add_optionZ enableOptget __class____name__r)selfparserenvZenv_optrE/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nose/plugins/allmodules.pyoptionsszAllModules.optionscCs|drdSdS)z5Override to return True for all files ending with .pyz.pyTN)endswith)r filerrrwantFile%s zAllModules.wantFilecCsdS)z$Override return True for all modulesTr)r modulerrr wantModule+szAllModules.wantModuleN)r __module__ __qualname____doc__rrrrrrrrs r)rosZnose.plugins.baserrrrrrs