U ee@sXddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZGdddeZ GdddeZ dS) N)OptionConflictError)warn)tolistc@s`eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZddZ dddZ dd d Z d d Z d dZ ddZddZdS)PluginaBase class for nose plugins. It's recommended but not *necessary* to subclass this class to create a plugin, but all plugins *must* implement `options(self, parser, env)` and `configure(self, options, conf)`, and must have the attributes `enabled`, `name` and `score`. The `name` attribute may contain hyphens ('-'). Plugins should not be enabled by default. Subclassing Plugin (and calling the superclass methods in __init__, configure, and options, if you override them) will give your plugin some friendly default behavior: * A --with-$name option will be added to the command line interface to enable the plugin, and a corresponding environment variable will be used as the default value. The plugin class's docstring will be used as the help for this option. * The plugin will not be enabled unless this option is selected by the user. FNdcCs:|jdkr|jj|_|jdkr6d|jdd|_dS)Nzenable_plugin_%s-_)name __class____name__lower enableOptreplaceselfr?/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nose/plugins/base.py__init__!s  zPlugin.__init__cCs|||dS)aAdd command-line options for this plugin. The base plugin class adds --with-$name by default, used to enable the plugin. .. warning :: Don't implement addOptions unless you want to override all default option handling behavior, including warnings for conflicting options. Implement :meth:`options ` instead. N) add_optionsrparserenvrrr addOptions's zPlugin.addOptionsc Csj|dkrtj}z|||d|_Wn@tk rd}z"td||ftd|_d|_W5d}~XYnXdS)zNon-camel-case version of func name for backwards compatibility. .. warning :: DEPRECATED: Do not use this method, use :meth:`options ` instead. NTz@Plugin %s has conflicting option string: %s and will be disabledF)osenvironoptions can_configurerrRuntimeWarningenabled)rrrerrrr6s   zPlugin.add_optionsc CsRd|j}|dd}|jd|jd|j||d|jj||fddS) a Register commandline options. Implement this method for normal options behavior with protection from OptionConflictErrors. If you override this method and want the default --with-$name option to be registered, be sure to call super(). z NOSE_WITH_%srrz --with-%s store_truezEnable plugin %s: %s [%s])actiondestdefaulthelpN) r upperr add_optionr getr r r$)rrrZenv_optrrrrLs  zPlugin.optionscCs.|js dS||_t||jr*t||j|_dS)zConfigure the plugin and system, based on selected options. The base plugin class sets the plugin to enabled if the enable option for the plugin (self.enableOpt) is true. N)rconfhasattrr getattrrrrr(rrr configure\s  zPlugin.configurecCs|jjrt|jjSdS)zReturn help for this plugin. This will be output as the help section of the --with-$name option that enables the plugin. z(no help available))r __doc__textwrapdedentrrrrr$hsz Plugin.helpcCstdtt|S)Nz9Plugin.tolist is deprecated. Use nose.util.tolist instead)rDeprecationWarningr)rvalrrrrrsz Plugin.tolist)N)N)r __module__ __qualname__r-rrr r Zscorerrrrr,r$rrrrrrs    rc@seZdZdZddZddZeZde_ddZde_d d Z de _ d d Z de _ d dZ de _ddZ de _ ddZde_ddZde_ddZde_ddZde_ddZde_ddZde_ddZde_dd Zde_d!d"Zd#d$Zd%d&Zd'd(Zde_d)d*Zde_de_d+e_d,d-Zde_de_d+e_d.d/Zde_d0d1Z de _d2d3Z!de!_"de!_dmd5d6Z#de#_"dnd7d8Z$de$_"dod9d:Z%de%_de%_d;d<Z&de&_"de&_d=d>Z'de'_d?d@Z(de(_"dAdBZ)de)_de)_"dCdDZ*de*_de*_"dEdFZ+de+_dGdHZ,dIdJZ-de-_dKdLZ.de._dMdNZ/de/_dOdPZ0de0_dQdRZ1dSdTZ2dUdVZ3de3_dWdXZ4dYdZZ5de5_d[d\Z6d]d^Z7de7_d_d`Z8dadbZ9dcddZ:dedfZ;dgdhZde>_d4S)pIPluginInterfacezd IPluginInterface describes the plugin API. Do not subclass or use this class directly. cOs tddS)Nz0IPluginInterface class is for documentation only) TypeError)clsargkwrrr__new__}szIPluginInterface.__new__cCsdS)aZCalled to allow plugin to register command-line options with the parser. DO NOT return a value from this method unless you want to stop all other plugins from setting their options. .. warning :: DEPRECATED -- implement :meth:`options ` instead. Nrrrrrrs zIPluginInterface.addOptionsTcCsdS)zCalled when a deprecated test is seen. DO NOT return a value unless you want to stop other plugins from seeing the deprecated test. .. warning :: DEPRECATED -- check error class in addError instead Nrrtestrrr addDeprecatedszIPluginInterface.addDeprecatedcCsdS)aTCalled when a test raises an uncaught exception. DO NOT return a value unless you want to stop other plugins from seeing that the test has raised an error. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` :param err: sys.exc_info() tuple :type err: 3-tuple Nrrr;errrrraddErrors zIPluginInterface.addErrorcCsdS)a Called when a test fails. DO NOT return a value unless you want to stop other plugins from seeing that the test has failed. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` :param err: 3-tuple :type err: sys.exc_info() tuple Nrr=rrr addFailures zIPluginInterface.addFailurecCsdS)zCalled when a test is skipped. DO NOT return a value unless you want to stop other plugins from seeing the skipped test. .. warning:: DEPRECATED -- check error class in addError instead Nrr:rrraddSkipszIPluginInterface.addSkipcCsdS)zCalled when a test passes. DO NOT return a value unless you want to stop other plugins from seeing the passing test. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrr addSuccessszIPluginInterface.addSuccesscCsdS)zCalled after a context (generally a module) has been lazy-loaded, imported, setup, had its tests loaded and executed, and torn down. Nrrrrr afterContextszIPluginInterface.afterContextcCsdS)zCalled after all tests have been loaded from directory at path and run. :param path: the directory that has finished processing :type path: string NrrpathrrrafterDirectoryszIPluginInterface.afterDirectorycCsdS)a Called after module is imported from filename. afterImport is called even if the import failed. :param filename: The file that was loaded :type filename: string :param module: The name of the module :type module: string Nrrfilenamemodulerrr afterImports zIPluginInterface.afterImportcCsdS)zCalled after the test has been run and the result recorded (after stopTest). :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrr afterTestszIPluginInterface.afterTestcCsdS)aCalled before a context (generally a module) is examined. Because the context is not yet loaded, plugins don't get to know what the context is; so any context operations should use a stack that is pushed in `beforeContext` and popped in `afterContext` to ensure they operate symmetrically. `beforeContext` and `afterContext` are mainly useful for tracking and restoring global state around possible changes from within a context, whatever the context may be. If you need to operate on contexts themselves, see `startContext` and `stopContext`, which are passed the context in question, but are called after it has been loaded (imported in the module case). Nrrrrr beforeContextszIPluginInterface.beforeContextcCsdS)zCalled before tests are loaded from directory at path. :param path: the directory that is about to be processed NrrDrrrbeforeDirectorysz IPluginInterface.beforeDirectorycCsdS)zCalled before module is imported from filename. :param filename: The file that will be loaded :param module: The name of the module found in file :type module: string NrrGrrr beforeImportszIPluginInterface.beforeImportcCsdS)zCalled before the test is run (before startTest). :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrr beforeTestszIPluginInterface.beforeTestcCsdS)zzCalled before any tests are collected or run. Use this to perform any setup needed before testing begins. NrrrrrbeginszIPluginInterface.begincCsdS)adCalled after the command line has been parsed, with the parsed options and the config container. Here, implement any config storage or changes to state or operation that are set by command line options. DO NOT return a value from this method unless you want to stop all other plugins from being configured. Nrr+rrrr,s zIPluginInterface.configurecCsdS)aKCalled after all report output, including output from all plugins, has been sent to the stream. Use this to print final test results or perform final cleanup. Return None to allow other plugins to continue printing, or any other value to stop them. :param result: test result object .. Note:: When tests are run under a test runner other than :class:`nose.core.TextTestRunner`, such as via ``python setup.py test``, this method may be called **before** the default report output is sent. Nrrresultrrrfinalize(szIPluginInterface.finalizecCsdS)zReturn a test description. Called by :meth:`nose.case.Test.shortDescription`. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrr describeTest8szIPluginInterface.describeTestcCsdS)acCalled in result.addError, before plugin.addError. If you want to replace or modify the error tuple, return a new error tuple, otherwise return err, the original error tuple. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` :param err: sys.exc_info() tuple :type err: 3-tuple Nrr=rrr formatErrorCs zIPluginInterface.formatError)TFcCsdS)agCalled in result.addFailure, before plugin.addFailure. If you want to replace or modify the error tuple, return a new error tuple, otherwise return err, the original error tuple. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` :param err: sys.exc_info() tuple :type err: 3-tuple Nrr=rrr formatFailureSs zIPluginInterface.formatFailurecCsdS)aCalled on addError. To handle the error yourself and prevent normal error processing, return a true value. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` :param err: sys.exc_info() tuple :type err: 3-tuple Nrr=rrr handleErrorcs zIPluginInterface.handleErrorcCsdS)aCalled on addFailure. To handle the failure yourself and prevent normal failure processing, return a true value. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` :param err: sys.exc_info() tuple :type err: 3-tuple Nrr=rrr handleFailureos zIPluginInterface.handleFailurecCsdS)a@Return iterable of tests from a directory. May be a generator. Each item returned must be a runnable unittest.TestCase (or subclass) instance or suite instance. Return None if your plugin cannot collect any tests from directory. :param path: The path to the directory. NrrDrrrloadTestsFromDir{s z!IPluginInterface.loadTestsFromDirNcCsdS)a/Return iterable of tests in a module. May be a generator. Each item returned must be a runnable unittest.TestCase (or subclass) instance. Return None if your plugin cannot collect any tests from module. :param module: The module object :type module: python module :param path: the path of the module to search, to distinguish from namespace package modules .. note:: NEW. The ``path`` parameter will only be passed by nose 0.11 or above. Nr)rrIrErrrloadTestsFromModulesz$IPluginInterface.loadTestsFromModulecCsdS)aReturn tests in this file or module. Return None if you are not able to load any tests, or an iterable if you are. May be a generator. :param name: The test name. May be a file or module name plus a test callable. Use split_test_name to split into parts. Or it might be some crazy name of your own devising, in which case, do whatever you want. :param module: Module from which the name is to be loaded :param importPath: Path from which file (must be a python module) was found .. warning:: DEPRECATED: this argument will NOT be passed. Nr)rr rIZ importPathrrrloadTestsFromNamesz"IPluginInterface.loadTestsFromNamecCsdS)aReturn a tuple of (tests loaded, remaining names). Return None if you are not able to load any tests. Multiple plugins may implement loadTestsFromNames; the remaining name list from each will be passed to the next as input. :param names: List of test names. :type names: iterable :param module: Module from which the names are to be loaded Nr)rnamesrIrrrloadTestsFromNamess z#IPluginInterface.loadTestsFromNamescCsdS)aReturn tests in this file. Return None if you are not interested in loading any tests, or an iterable if you are and can load some. May be a generator. *If you are interested in loading tests from the file and encounter no errors, but find no tests, yield False or return [False].* .. Note:: This method replaces loadTestsFromPath from the 0.9 API. :param filename: The full path to the file or directory. Nr)rrHrrrloadTestsFromFiles z"IPluginInterface.loadTestsFromFilecCsdS)zJ .. warning:: DEPRECATED -- use loadTestsFromFile instead NrrDrrrloadTestsFromPathsz"IPluginInterface.loadTestsFromPathcCsdS)aReturn tests in this test case class. Return None if you are not able to load any tests, or an iterable if you are. May be a generator. :param cls: The test case class. Must be subclass of :class:`unittest.TestCase`. Nrrr6rrrloadTestsFromTestCasesz&IPluginInterface.loadTestsFromTestCasecCsdS)a:Return tests in this test class. Class will *not* be a unittest.TestCase subclass. Return None if you are not able to load any tests, an iterable if you are. May be a generator. :param cls: The test case class. Must be **not** be subclass of :class:`unittest.TestCase`. Nrr`rrrloadTestsFromTestClasssz'IPluginInterface.loadTestsFromTestClasscCsdS)aGiven an object and its parent, return or yield one or more test cases. Each test must be a unittest.TestCase (or subclass) instance. This is called before default test loading to allow plugins to load an alternate test case or cases for an object. May be a generator. :param obj: The object to be made into a test :param parent: The parent of obj (eg, for a method, the class) Nr)robjparentrrrmakeTests zIPluginInterface.makeTestcCsdS)awCalled to allow plugin to register command line options with the parser. DO NOT return a value from this method unless you want to stop all other plugins from setting their options. :param parser: options parser instance :type parser: :class:`ConfigParser.ConfigParser` :param env: environment, default is os.environ Nrrrrrrs zIPluginInterface.optionscCsdS)aCalled before the test is run by the test runner. Please note the article *the* in the previous sentence: prepareTest is called *only once*, and is passed the test case or test suite that the test runner will execute. It is *not* called for each individual test case. If you return a non-None value, that return value will be run as the test. Use this hook to wrap or decorate the test with another function. If you need to modify or wrap individual test cases, use `prepareTestCase` instead. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrr prepareTestszIPluginInterface.prepareTestcCsdS)aPrepare or wrap an individual test case. Called before execution of the test. The test passed here is a nose.case.Test instance; the case to be executed is in the test attribute of the passed case. To modify the test to be run, you should return a callable that takes one argument (the test result object) -- it is recommended that you *do not* side-effect the nose.case.Test instance you have been passed. Keep in mind that when you replace the test callable you are replacing the run() method of the test case -- including the exception handling and result calls, etc. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrrprepareTestCasesz IPluginInterface.prepareTestCasecCsdS)ahCalled before tests are loaded. To replace the test loader, return a test loader. To allow other plugins to process the test loader, return None. Only one plugin may replace the test loader. Only valid when using nose.TestProgram. :param loader: :class:`nose.loader.TestLoader` (or other loader) instance Nr)rloaderrrrprepareTestLoader)s z"IPluginInterface.prepareTestLoadercCsdS)abCalled before the first test is run. To use a different test result handler for all tests than the given result, return a test result handler. NOTE however that this handler will only be seen by tests, that is, inside of the result proxy system. The TestRunner and TestProgram -- whether nose's or other -- will continue to see the original result handler. For this reason, it is usually better to monkeypatch the result (for instance, if you want to handle some exceptions in a unique way). Only one plugin may replace the result, but many may monkeypatch it. If you want to monkeypatch and stop other plugins from doing so, monkeypatch and return the patched result. :param result: :class:`nose.result.TextTestResult` (or other result) instance NrrQrrrprepareTestResult5sz"IPluginInterface.prepareTestResultcCsdS)a2Called before tests are run. To replace the test runner, return a test runner. To allow other plugins to process the test runner, return None. Only valid when using nose.TestProgram. :param runner: :class:`nose.core.TextTestRunner` (or other runner) instance Nr)rrunnerrrrprepareTestRunnerIsz"IPluginInterface.prepareTestRunnercCsdS)a2Called after all error output has been printed. Print your plugin's report to the provided stream. Return None to allow other plugins to print reports, any other value to stop them. :param stream: stream object; send your output here :type stream: file-like object NrrstreamrrrreportTszIPluginInterface.reportcCsdS)adCalled before test output begins. To direct test output to a new stream, return a stream object, which must implement a `write(msg)` method. If you only want to note the stream, not capture or redirect it, then return None. :param stream: stream object; send your output here :type stream: file-like object NrrmrrrsetOutputStream^sz IPluginInterface.setOutputStreamcCsdS)a3Called before context setup and the running of tests in the context. Note that tests have already been *loaded* from the context before this call. :param context: the context about to be setup. May be a module or class, or any other object that contains tests. Nrrcontextrrr startContexthszIPluginInterface.startContextcCsdS)zCalled before each test is run. DO NOT return a value unless you want to stop other plugins from seeing the test start. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrr startTestsszIPluginInterface.startTestcCsdS)zCalled after the tests in a context have run and the context has been torn down. :param context: the context that has been torn down. May be a module or class, or any other object that contains tests. Nrrqrrr stopContext|szIPluginInterface.stopContextcCsdS)zCalled after each test is run. DO NOT return a value unless you want to stop other plugins from seeing that the test has stopped. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrrstopTestszIPluginInterface.stopTestcCsdS)zReturn a short test name. Called by `nose.case.Test.__str__`. :param test: the test case :type test: :class:`nose.case.Test` Nrr:rrrtestNameszIPluginInterface.testNamecCsdS)zReturn true if you want the main test selector to collect tests from this class, false if you don't, and None if you don't care. :param cls: The class being examined by the selector Nrr`rrr wantClassszIPluginInterface.wantClasscCsdS)zReturn true if you want test collection to descend into this directory, false if you do not, and None if you don't care. :param dirname: Full path to directory being examined by the selector Nr)rdirnamerrr wantDirectoryszIPluginInterface.wantDirectorycCsdS)aReturn true if you want to collect tests from this file, false if you do not and None if you don't care. Change from 0.9: The optional package parameter is no longer passed. :param file: Full path to file being examined by the selector Nr)rfilerrrwantFileszIPluginInterface.wantFilecCsdS)zReturn true to collect this function as a test, false to prevent it from being collected, and None if you don't care. :param function: The function object being examined by the selector Nr)rfunctionrrr wantFunctionszIPluginInterface.wantFunctioncCsdS)zReturn true to collect this method as a test, false to prevent it from being collected, and None if you don't care. :param method: The method object being examined by the selector :type method: unbound method Nr)rmethodrrr wantMethodszIPluginInterface.wantMethodcCsdS)a$Return true if you want to collection to descend into this module, false to prevent the collector from descending into the module, and None if you don't care. :param module: The module object being examined by the selector :type module: python module NrrrIrrr wantModuleszIPluginInterface.wantModulecCsdS)z .. warning:: DEPRECATED -- this method will not be called, it has been folded into wantModule. NrrrrrwantModuleTestssz IPluginInterface.wantModuleTests)N)NN)N)?r r2r3r-r9rr deprecatedr<r?changedr@rArBrC_newrFrJrKrLrMrNrOrPr,rSrTrUZ chainableZ static_argsrVrWrXrYZ generativerZr[r]r^r_rarbrerrfrgrirjrlrorprsrtrurvrwrxrzr|r~rrrrrrrr4xs                              r4) rr.optparserwarningsrZ nose.utilrobjectrr4rrrrs    q