U e@s,dZddlZddlmZGdddeZdS)z This plugin provides ``--pdb`` and ``--pdb-failures`` options. The ``--pdb`` option will drop the test runner into pdb when it encounters an error. To drop into pdb on failure, use ``--pdb-failures``. N)Pluginc@sDeZdZdZdZdZdZddZddZdd Z d d Z d d Z dS)Pdbz Provides --pdb and --pdb-failures options that cause the test runner to drop into pdb if it encounters an error or failure, respectively. FcCsX|jddd|dddd|jddd |d dd d|jd dd |dddddS)z&Register commandline options. z--pdb store_true debugBothZNOSE_PDBFz(Drop into debugger on failures or errors)actiondestdefaulthelpz--pdb-failures debugFailuresZNOSE_PDB_FAILURESzDrop into debugger on failuresz --pdb-errors debugErrorsZNOSE_PDB_ERRORSzDrop into debugger on errorsN) add_optionget)selfparserenvr@/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nose/plugins/debug.pyoptionss*   z Pdb.optionscCs4||_|jp|j|_|jp|j|_|jp,|j|_dS)zs