U 淀g@sddlZddlmZmZmZmZmZddlmZddl m Z m Z GdddZ Gdd d e ZGd d d Zed kre ZeejdS) N)DictListIOMappingOptional)DEFAULT_STYLES)Style StyleTypec@seZdZUdZeeefed<dee ee fe dddZ e edd d Zedeeeee dd d d Zedee eeddddZdS)Themea'A container for style information, used by :class:`~rich.console.Console`. Args: styles (Dict[str, Style], optional): A mapping of style names on to styles. Defaults to None for a theme with no styles. inherit (bool, optional): Inherit default styles. Defaults to True. stylesNT)r inheritcCs8|r tni|_|dk r4|jdd|DdS)NcSs*i|]"\}}|t|tr|nt|qS) isinstancer parse.0namestylerrD/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/theme.py sz"Theme.__init__..)rcopyr updateitems)selfr r rrr__init__szTheme.__init__returncCs&ddddt|jD}|S)z-Get contents of a config file for this theme.z [styles]  css |]\}}|d|VqdS)z = Nrrrrr !szTheme.config..)joinsortedr r)rconfigrrrr"s  z Theme.config) config_filesourcer rcCs:t}|j||ddd|dD}t||d}|S)aQLoad a theme from a text mode file. Args: config_file (IO[str]): An open conf file. source (str, optional): The filename of the open file. Defaults to None. inherit (bool, optional): Inherit default styles. Defaults to True. Returns: Theme: A New theme instance. )r$cSsi|]\}}|t|qSr)r r)rrvaluerrrr6sz#Theme.from_file..r )r ) configparser ConfigParser read_filerr )clsr#r$r r"r themerrr from_file&s  zTheme.from_file)pathr encodingrc Cs6t|d|d}|j|||dW5QRSQRXdS)agRead a theme from a path. Args: path (str): Path to a config file readable by Python configparser module. inherit (bool, optional): Inherit default styles. Defaults to True. encoding (str, optional): Encoding of the config file. Defaults to None. Returns: Theme: A new theme instance. rt)r-)r$r N)openr+)r)r,r r-r#rrrread:sz Theme.read)NT)NT)TN)__name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__rstrr __annotations__rrr boolrpropertyr" classmethodrr+r0rrrrr s8  r c@seZdZdZdS)ThemeStackErrorz5Base exception for errors related to the theme stack.N)r1r2r3r4rrrrr:Lsr:c@sBeZdZdZeddddZd eedddd Zdd d d ZdS) ThemeStackzJA stack of themes. Args: theme (Theme): A theme instance N)r*rcCs|jg|_|jdj|_dS)N)r _entriesget)rr*rrrrWs zThemeStack.__init__T)r*r rcCs<|r|jd|jn|j}|j||jdj|_dS)zPush a theme on the top of the stack. Args: theme (Theme): A Theme instance. inherit (boolean, optional): Inherit styles from current top of stack. r<N)r=r rappendr>)rr*r r rrr push_theme[s  zThemeStack.push_themercCs2t|jdkrtd|j|jdj|_dS)z%Pop (and discard) the top-most theme.rzUnable to pop base themer<N)lenr=r:popr>)rrrr pop_themeis zThemeStack.pop_theme)T) r1r2r3r4r rr7r@rCrrrrr;Psr;__main__)r&typingrrrrrdefault_stylesrrr r r Exceptionr:r;r1r*printr"rrrrs D!