"""Logic related to validators applied to models etc. via the `@field_validator` and `@model_validator` decorators.""" from __future__ import annotations as _annotations from collections import deque from dataclasses import dataclass, field from functools import cached_property, partial, partialmethod from inspect import Parameter, Signature, isdatadescriptor, ismethoddescriptor, signature from itertools import islice from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Generic, Iterable, TypeVar, Union from pydantic_core import PydanticUndefined, core_schema from typing_extensions import Literal, TypeAlias, is_typeddict from ..errors import PydanticUserError from ._core_utils import get_type_ref from ._internal_dataclass import slots_true from ._typing_extra import get_function_type_hints if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..fields import ComputedFieldInfo from ..functional_validators import FieldValidatorModes @dataclass(**slots_true) class ValidatorDecoratorInfo: """A container for data from `@validator` so that we can access it while building the pydantic-core schema. Attributes: decorator_repr: A class variable representing the decorator string, '@validator'. fields: A tuple of field names the validator should be called on. mode: The proposed validator mode. each_item: For complex objects (sets, lists etc.) whether to validate individual elements rather than the whole object. always: Whether this method and other validators should be called even if the value is missing. check_fields: Whether to check that the fields actually exist on the model. """ decorator_repr: ClassVar[str] = '@validator' fields: tuple[str, ...] mode: Literal['before', 'after'] each_item: bool always: bool check_fields: bool | None @dataclass(**slots_true) class FieldValidatorDecoratorInfo: """A container for data from `@field_validator` so that we can access it while building the pydantic-core schema. Attributes: decorator_repr: A class variable representing the decorator string, '@field_validator'. fields: A tuple of field names the validator should be called on. mode: The proposed validator mode. check_fields: Whether to check that the fields actually exist on the model. """ decorator_repr: ClassVar[str] = '@field_validator' fields: tuple[str, ...] mode: FieldValidatorModes check_fields: bool | None @dataclass(**slots_true) class RootValidatorDecoratorInfo: """A container for data from `@root_validator` so that we can access it while building the pydantic-core schema. Attributes: decorator_repr: A class variable representing the decorator string, '@root_validator'. mode: The proposed validator mode. """ decorator_repr: ClassVar[str] = '@root_validator' mode: Literal['before', 'after'] @dataclass(**slots_true) class FieldSerializerDecoratorInfo: """A container for data from `@field_serializer` so that we can access it while building the pydantic-core schema. Attributes: decorator_repr: A class variable representing the decorator string, '@field_serializer'. fields: A tuple of field names the serializer should be called on. mode: The proposed serializer mode. return_type: The type of the serializer's return value. when_used: The serialization condition. Accepts a string with values `'always'`, `'unless-none'`, `'json'`, and `'json-unless-none'`. check_fields: Whether to check that the fields actually exist on the model. """ decorator_repr: ClassVar[str] = '@field_serializer' fields: tuple[str, ...] mode: Literal['plain', 'wrap'] return_type: Any when_used: core_schema.WhenUsed check_fields: bool | None @dataclass(**slots_true) class ModelSerializerDecoratorInfo: """A container for data from `@model_serializer` so that we can access it while building the pydantic-core schema. Attributes: decorator_repr: A class variable representing the decorator string, '@model_serializer'. mode: The proposed serializer mode. return_type: The type of the serializer's return value. when_used: The serialization condition. Accepts a string with values `'always'`, `'unless-none'`, `'json'`, and `'json-unless-none'`. """ decorator_repr: ClassVar[str] = '@model_serializer' mode: Literal['plain', 'wrap'] return_type: Any when_used: core_schema.WhenUsed @dataclass(**slots_true) class ModelValidatorDecoratorInfo: """A container for data from `@model_validator` so that we can access it while building the pydantic-core schema. Attributes: decorator_repr: A class variable representing the decorator string, '@model_serializer'. mode: The proposed serializer mode. """ decorator_repr: ClassVar[str] = '@model_validator' mode: Literal['wrap', 'before', 'after'] DecoratorInfo: TypeAlias = """Union[ ValidatorDecoratorInfo, FieldValidatorDecoratorInfo, RootValidatorDecoratorInfo, FieldSerializerDecoratorInfo, ModelSerializerDecoratorInfo, ModelValidatorDecoratorInfo, ComputedFieldInfo, ]""" ReturnType = TypeVar('ReturnType') DecoratedType: TypeAlias = ( 'Union[classmethod[Any, Any, ReturnType], staticmethod[Any, ReturnType], Callable[..., ReturnType], property]' ) @dataclass # can't use slots here since we set attributes on `__post_init__` class PydanticDescriptorProxy(Generic[ReturnType]): """Wrap a classmethod, staticmethod, property or unbound function and act as a descriptor that allows us to detect decorated items from the class' attributes. This class' __get__ returns the wrapped item's __get__ result, which makes it transparent for classmethods and staticmethods. Attributes: wrapped: The decorator that has to be wrapped. decorator_info: The decorator info. shim: A wrapper function to wrap V1 style function. """ wrapped: DecoratedType[ReturnType] decorator_info: DecoratorInfo shim: Callable[[Callable[..., Any]], Callable[..., Any]] | None = None def __post_init__(self): for attr in 'setter', 'deleter': if hasattr(self.wrapped, attr): f = partial(self._call_wrapped_attr, name=attr) setattr(self, attr, f) def _call_wrapped_attr(self, func: Callable[[Any], None], *, name: str) -> PydanticDescriptorProxy[ReturnType]: self.wrapped = getattr(self.wrapped, name)(func) return self def __get__(self, obj: object | None, obj_type: type[object] | None = None) -> PydanticDescriptorProxy[ReturnType]: try: return self.wrapped.__get__(obj, obj_type) except AttributeError: # not a descriptor, e.g. a partial object return self.wrapped # type: ignore[return-value] def __set_name__(self, instance: Any, name: str) -> None: if hasattr(self.wrapped, '__set_name__'): self.wrapped.__set_name__(instance, name) # pyright: ignore[reportFunctionMemberAccess] def __getattr__(self, __name: str) -> Any: """Forward checks for __isabstractmethod__ and such.""" return getattr(self.wrapped, __name) DecoratorInfoType = TypeVar('DecoratorInfoType', bound=DecoratorInfo) @dataclass(**slots_true) class Decorator(Generic[DecoratorInfoType]): """A generic container class to join together the decorator metadata (metadata from decorator itself, which we have when the decorator is called but not when we are building the core-schema) and the bound function (which we have after the class itself is created). Attributes: cls_ref: The class ref. cls_var_name: The decorated function name. func: The decorated function. shim: A wrapper function to wrap V1 style function. info: The decorator info. """ cls_ref: str cls_var_name: str func: Callable[..., Any] shim: Callable[[Any], Any] | None info: DecoratorInfoType @staticmethod def build( cls_: Any, *, cls_var_name: str, shim: Callable[[Any], Any] | None, info: DecoratorInfoType, ) -> Decorator[DecoratorInfoType]: """Build a new decorator. Args: cls_: The class. cls_var_name: The decorated function name. shim: A wrapper function to wrap V1 style function. info: The decorator info. Returns: The new decorator instance. """ func = get_attribute_from_bases(cls_, cls_var_name) if shim is not None: func = shim(func) func = unwrap_wrapped_function(func, unwrap_partial=False) if not callable(func): # This branch will get hit for classmethod properties attribute = get_attribute_from_base_dicts(cls_, cls_var_name) # prevents the binding call to `__get__` if isinstance(attribute, PydanticDescriptorProxy): func = unwrap_wrapped_function(attribute.wrapped) return Decorator( cls_ref=get_type_ref(cls_), cls_var_name=cls_var_name, func=func, shim=shim, info=info, ) def bind_to_cls(self, cls: Any) -> Decorator[DecoratorInfoType]: """Bind the decorator to a class. Args: cls: the class. Returns: The new decorator instance. """ return self.build( cls, cls_var_name=self.cls_var_name, shim=self.shim, info=self.info, ) def get_bases(tp: type[Any]) -> tuple[type[Any], ...]: """Get the base classes of a class or typeddict. Args: tp: The type or class to get the bases. Returns: The base classes. """ if is_typeddict(tp): return tp.__orig_bases__ # type: ignore try: return tp.__bases__ except AttributeError: return () def mro(tp: type[Any]) -> tuple[type[Any], ...]: """Calculate the Method Resolution Order of bases using the C3 algorithm. See https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/ """ # try to use the existing mro, for performance mainly # but also because it helps verify the implementation below if not is_typeddict(tp): try: return tp.__mro__ except AttributeError: # GenericAlias and some other cases pass bases = get_bases(tp) return (tp,) + mro_for_bases(bases) def mro_for_bases(bases: tuple[type[Any], ...]) -> tuple[type[Any], ...]: def merge_seqs(seqs: list[deque[type[Any]]]) -> Iterable[type[Any]]: while True: non_empty = [seq for seq in seqs if seq] if not non_empty: # Nothing left to process, we're done. return candidate: type[Any] | None = None for seq in non_empty: # Find merge candidates among seq heads. candidate = seq[0] not_head = [s for s in non_empty if candidate in islice(s, 1, None)] if not_head: # Reject the candidate. candidate = None else: break if not candidate: raise TypeError('Inconsistent hierarchy, no C3 MRO is possible') yield candidate for seq in non_empty: # Remove candidate. if seq[0] == candidate: seq.popleft() seqs = [deque(mro(base)) for base in bases] + [deque(bases)] return tuple(merge_seqs(seqs)) _sentinel = object() def get_attribute_from_bases(tp: type[Any] | tuple[type[Any], ...], name: str) -> Any: """Get the attribute from the next class in the MRO that has it, aiming to simulate calling the method on the actual class. The reason for iterating over the mro instead of just getting the attribute (which would do that for us) is to support TypedDict, which lacks a real __mro__, but can have a virtual one constructed from its bases (as done here). Args: tp: The type or class to search for the attribute. If a tuple, this is treated as a set of base classes. name: The name of the attribute to retrieve. Returns: Any: The attribute value, if found. Raises: AttributeError: If the attribute is not found in any class in the MRO. """ if isinstance(tp, tuple): for base in mro_for_bases(tp): attribute = base.__dict__.get(name, _sentinel) if attribute is not _sentinel: attribute_get = getattr(attribute, '__get__', None) if attribute_get is not None: return attribute_get(None, tp) return attribute raise AttributeError(f'{name} not found in {tp}') else: try: return getattr(tp, name) except AttributeError: return get_attribute_from_bases(mro(tp), name) def get_attribute_from_base_dicts(tp: type[Any], name: str) -> Any: """Get an attribute out of the `__dict__` following the MRO. This prevents the call to `__get__` on the descriptor, and allows us to get the original function for classmethod properties. Args: tp: The type or class to search for the attribute. name: The name of the attribute to retrieve. Returns: Any: The attribute value, if found. Raises: KeyError: If the attribute is not found in any class's `__dict__` in the MRO. """ for base in reversed(mro(tp)): if name in base.__dict__: return base.__dict__[name] return tp.__dict__[name] # raise the error @dataclass(**slots_true) class DecoratorInfos: """Mapping of name in the class namespace to decorator info. note that the name in the class namespace is the function or attribute name not the field name! """ validators: dict[str, Decorator[ValidatorDecoratorInfo]] = field(default_factory=dict) field_validators: dict[str, Decorator[FieldValidatorDecoratorInfo]] = field(default_factory=dict) root_validators: dict[str, Decorator[RootValidatorDecoratorInfo]] = field(default_factory=dict) field_serializers: dict[str, Decorator[FieldSerializerDecoratorInfo]] = field(default_factory=dict) model_serializers: dict[str, Decorator[ModelSerializerDecoratorInfo]] = field(default_factory=dict) model_validators: dict[str, Decorator[ModelValidatorDecoratorInfo]] = field(default_factory=dict) computed_fields: dict[str, Decorator[ComputedFieldInfo]] = field(default_factory=dict) @staticmethod def build(model_dc: type[Any]) -> DecoratorInfos: # noqa: C901 (ignore complexity) """We want to collect all DecFunc instances that exist as attributes in the namespace of the class (a BaseModel or dataclass) that called us But we want to collect these in the order of the bases So instead of getting them all from the leaf class (the class that called us), we traverse the bases from root (the oldest ancestor class) to leaf and collect all of the instances as we go, taking care to replace any duplicate ones with the last one we see to mimic how function overriding works with inheritance. If we do replace any functions we put the replacement into the position the replaced function was in; that is, we maintain the order. """ # reminder: dicts are ordered and replacement does not alter the order res = DecoratorInfos() for base in reversed(mro(model_dc)[1:]): existing: DecoratorInfos | None = base.__dict__.get('__pydantic_decorators__') if existing is None: existing = DecoratorInfos.build(base) res.validators.update({k: v.bind_to_cls(model_dc) for k, v in existing.validators.items()}) res.field_validators.update({k: v.bind_to_cls(model_dc) for k, v in existing.field_validators.items()}) res.root_validators.update({k: v.bind_to_cls(model_dc) for k, v in existing.root_validators.items()}) res.field_serializers.update({k: v.bind_to_cls(model_dc) for k, v in existing.field_serializers.items()}) res.model_serializers.update({k: v.bind_to_cls(model_dc) for k, v in existing.model_serializers.items()}) res.model_validators.update({k: v.bind_to_cls(model_dc) for k, v in existing.model_validators.items()}) res.computed_fields.update({k: v.bind_to_cls(model_dc) for k, v in existing.computed_fields.items()}) to_replace: list[tuple[str, Any]] = [] for var_name, var_value in vars(model_dc).items(): if isinstance(var_value, PydanticDescriptorProxy): info = var_value.decorator_info if isinstance(info, ValidatorDecoratorInfo): res.validators[var_name] = Decorator.build( model_dc, cls_var_name=var_name, shim=var_value.shim, info=info ) elif isinstance(info, FieldValidatorDecoratorInfo): res.field_validators[var_name] = Decorator.build( model_dc, cls_var_name=var_name, shim=var_value.shim, info=info ) elif isinstance(info, RootValidatorDecoratorInfo): res.root_validators[var_name] = Decorator.build( model_dc, cls_var_name=var_name, shim=var_value.shim, info=info ) elif isinstance(info, FieldSerializerDecoratorInfo): # check whether a serializer function is already registered for fields for field_serializer_decorator in res.field_serializers.values(): # check that each field has at most one serializer function. # serializer functions for the same field in subclasses are allowed, # and are treated as overrides if field_serializer_decorator.cls_var_name == var_name: continue for f in info.fields: if f in field_serializer_decorator.info.fields: raise PydanticUserError( 'Multiple field serializer functions were defined ' f'for field {f!r}, this is not allowed.', code='multiple-field-serializers', ) res.field_serializers[var_name] = Decorator.build( model_dc, cls_var_name=var_name, shim=var_value.shim, info=info ) elif isinstance(info, ModelValidatorDecoratorInfo): res.model_validators[var_name] = Decorator.build( model_dc, cls_var_name=var_name, shim=var_value.shim, info=info ) elif isinstance(info, ModelSerializerDecoratorInfo): res.model_serializers[var_name] = Decorator.build( model_dc, cls_var_name=var_name, shim=var_value.shim, info=info ) else: from ..fields import ComputedFieldInfo isinstance(var_value, ComputedFieldInfo) res.computed_fields[var_name] = Decorator.build( model_dc, cls_var_name=var_name, shim=None, info=info ) to_replace.append((var_name, var_value.wrapped)) if to_replace: # If we can save `__pydantic_decorators__` on the class we'll be able to check for it above # so then we don't need to re-process the type, which means we can discard our descriptor wrappers # and replace them with the thing they are wrapping (see the other setattr call below) # which allows validator class methods to also function as regular class methods setattr(model_dc, '__pydantic_decorators__', res) for name, value in to_replace: setattr(model_dc, name, value) return res def inspect_validator(validator: Callable[..., Any], mode: FieldValidatorModes) -> bool: """Look at a field or model validator function and determine whether it takes an info argument. An error is raised if the function has an invalid signature. Args: validator: The validator function to inspect. mode: The proposed validator mode. Returns: Whether the validator takes an info argument. """ try: sig = signature(validator) except (ValueError, TypeError): # `inspect.signature` might not be able to infer a signature, e.g. with C objects. # In this case, we assume no info argument is present: return False n_positional = count_positional_required_params(sig) if mode == 'wrap': if n_positional == 3: return True elif n_positional == 2: return False else: assert mode in {'before', 'after', 'plain'}, f"invalid mode: {mode!r}, expected 'before', 'after' or 'plain" if n_positional == 2: return True elif n_positional == 1: return False raise PydanticUserError( f'Unrecognized field_validator function signature for {validator} with `mode={mode}`:{sig}', code='validator-signature', ) def inspect_field_serializer( serializer: Callable[..., Any], mode: Literal['plain', 'wrap'], computed_field: bool = False ) -> tuple[bool, bool]: """Look at a field serializer function and determine if it is a field serializer, and whether it takes an info argument. An error is raised if the function has an invalid signature. Args: serializer: The serializer function to inspect. mode: The serializer mode, either 'plain' or 'wrap'. computed_field: When serializer is applied on computed_field. It doesn't require info signature. Returns: Tuple of (is_field_serializer, info_arg). """ try: sig = signature(serializer) except (ValueError, TypeError): # `inspect.signature` might not be able to infer a signature, e.g. with C objects. # In this case, we assume no info argument is present and this is not a method: return (False, False) first = next(iter(sig.parameters.values()), None) is_field_serializer = first is not None and first.name == 'self' n_positional = count_positional_required_params(sig) if is_field_serializer: # -1 to correct for self parameter info_arg = _serializer_info_arg(mode, n_positional - 1) else: info_arg = _serializer_info_arg(mode, n_positional) if info_arg is None: raise PydanticUserError( f'Unrecognized field_serializer function signature for {serializer} with `mode={mode}`:{sig}', code='field-serializer-signature', ) if info_arg and computed_field: raise PydanticUserError( 'field_serializer on computed_field does not use info signature', code='field-serializer-signature' ) else: return is_field_serializer, info_arg def inspect_annotated_serializer(serializer: Callable[..., Any], mode: Literal['plain', 'wrap']) -> bool: """Look at a serializer function used via `Annotated` and determine whether it takes an info argument. An error is raised if the function has an invalid signature. Args: serializer: The serializer function to check. mode: The serializer mode, either 'plain' or 'wrap'. Returns: info_arg """ try: sig = signature(serializer) except (ValueError, TypeError): # `inspect.signature` might not be able to infer a signature, e.g. with C objects. # In this case, we assume no info argument is present: return False info_arg = _serializer_info_arg(mode, count_positional_required_params(sig)) if info_arg is None: raise PydanticUserError( f'Unrecognized field_serializer function signature for {serializer} with `mode={mode}`:{sig}', code='field-serializer-signature', ) else: return info_arg def inspect_model_serializer(serializer: Callable[..., Any], mode: Literal['plain', 'wrap']) -> bool: """Look at a model serializer function and determine whether it takes an info argument. An error is raised if the function has an invalid signature. Args: serializer: The serializer function to check. mode: The serializer mode, either 'plain' or 'wrap'. Returns: `info_arg` - whether the function expects an info argument. """ if isinstance(serializer, (staticmethod, classmethod)) or not is_instance_method_from_sig(serializer): raise PydanticUserError( '`@model_serializer` must be applied to instance methods', code='model-serializer-instance-method' ) sig = signature(serializer) info_arg = _serializer_info_arg(mode, count_positional_required_params(sig)) if info_arg is None: raise PydanticUserError( f'Unrecognized model_serializer function signature for {serializer} with `mode={mode}`:{sig}', code='model-serializer-signature', ) else: return info_arg def _serializer_info_arg(mode: Literal['plain', 'wrap'], n_positional: int) -> bool | None: if mode == 'plain': if n_positional == 1: # (input_value: Any, /) -> Any return False elif n_positional == 2: # (model: Any, input_value: Any, /) -> Any return True else: assert mode == 'wrap', f"invalid mode: {mode!r}, expected 'plain' or 'wrap'" if n_positional == 2: # (input_value: Any, serializer: SerializerFunctionWrapHandler, /) -> Any return False elif n_positional == 3: # (input_value: Any, serializer: SerializerFunctionWrapHandler, info: SerializationInfo, /) -> Any return True return None AnyDecoratorCallable: TypeAlias = ( 'Union[classmethod[Any, Any, Any], staticmethod[Any, Any], partialmethod[Any], Callable[..., Any]]' ) def is_instance_method_from_sig(function: AnyDecoratorCallable) -> bool: """Whether the function is an instance method. It will consider a function as instance method if the first parameter of function is `self`. Args: function: The function to check. Returns: `True` if the function is an instance method, `False` otherwise. """ sig = signature(unwrap_wrapped_function(function)) first = next(iter(sig.parameters.values()), None) if first and first.name == 'self': return True return False def ensure_classmethod_based_on_signature(function: AnyDecoratorCallable) -> Any: """Apply the `@classmethod` decorator on the function. Args: function: The function to apply the decorator on. Return: The `@classmethod` decorator applied function. """ if not isinstance( unwrap_wrapped_function(function, unwrap_class_static_method=False), classmethod ) and _is_classmethod_from_sig(function): return classmethod(function) # type: ignore[arg-type] return function def _is_classmethod_from_sig(function: AnyDecoratorCallable) -> bool: sig = signature(unwrap_wrapped_function(function)) first = next(iter(sig.parameters.values()), None) if first and first.name == 'cls': return True return False def unwrap_wrapped_function( func: Any, *, unwrap_partial: bool = True, unwrap_class_static_method: bool = True, ) -> Any: """Recursively unwraps a wrapped function until the underlying function is reached. This handles property, functools.partial, functools.partialmethod, staticmethod, and classmethod. Args: func: The function to unwrap. unwrap_partial: If True (default), unwrap partial and partialmethod decorators. unwrap_class_static_method: If True (default), also unwrap classmethod and staticmethod decorators. If False, only unwrap partial and partialmethod decorators. Returns: The underlying function of the wrapped function. """ # Define the types we want to check against as a single tuple. unwrap_types = ( (property, cached_property) + ((partial, partialmethod) if unwrap_partial else ()) + ((staticmethod, classmethod) if unwrap_class_static_method else ()) ) while isinstance(func, unwrap_types): if unwrap_class_static_method and isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)): func = func.__func__ elif isinstance(func, (partial, partialmethod)): func = func.func elif isinstance(func, property): func = func.fget # arbitrary choice, convenient for computed fields else: # Make coverage happy as it can only get here in the last possible case assert isinstance(func, cached_property) func = func.func # type: ignore return func def get_function_return_type( func: Any, explicit_return_type: Any, types_namespace: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> Any: """Get the function return type. It gets the return type from the type annotation if `explicit_return_type` is `None`. Otherwise, it returns `explicit_return_type`. Args: func: The function to get its return type. explicit_return_type: The explicit return type. types_namespace: The types namespace, defaults to `None`. Returns: The function return type. """ if explicit_return_type is PydanticUndefined: # try to get it from the type annotation hints = get_function_type_hints( unwrap_wrapped_function(func), include_keys={'return'}, types_namespace=types_namespace ) return hints.get('return', PydanticUndefined) else: return explicit_return_type def count_positional_required_params(sig: Signature) -> int: """Get the number of positional (required) arguments of a signature. This function should only be used to inspect signatures of validation and serialization functions. The first argument (the value being serialized or validated) is counted as a required argument even if a default value exists. Returns: The number of positional arguments of a signature. """ parameters = list(sig.parameters.values()) return sum( 1 for param in parameters if can_be_positional(param) # First argument is the value being validated/serialized, and can have a default value # (e.g. `float`, which has signature `(x=0, /)`). We assume other parameters (the info arg # for instance) should be required, and thus without any default value. and (param.default is Parameter.empty or param == parameters[0]) ) def can_be_positional(param: Parameter) -> bool: return param.kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) def ensure_property(f: Any) -> Any: """Ensure that a function is a `property` or `cached_property`, or is a valid descriptor. Args: f: The function to check. Returns: The function, or a `property` or `cached_property` instance wrapping the function. """ if ismethoddescriptor(f) or isdatadescriptor(f): return f else: return property(f)