U 췀g@s<ddlmZddlmZddlmZd ddddd d Zd S) ) annotations)Path) WheelFile.strNone)pathdestreturnc Cst|l}|jd}t||}td|dddd|jD]0}||||jd?d@}||j  |q>W5QRXtd d S) zUnpack a wheel. Wheel content will be unpacked to {dest}/{name}-{ver}, where {name} is the package name and {ver} its version. :param path: The path to the wheel. :param dest: Destination directory (default to current directory). nameverzUnpacking to: z...T)endflushiOKN) rZparsed_filenamegrouprprintfilelistextract external_attrjoinpathfilenamechmod)r r Zwfr Z destinationzinfoZ permissionsr>/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wheel/cli/unpack.pyunpacks     rN)r) __future__rpathlibrZ wheelfilerrrrrrs