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H)HHH?HHtH HtfD=m. u+UH=j Ht H= dE. ]wHHO&i:tcflowO&i:tcflushO&:tcdrainO&i:tcsendbreakO&iO:tcsetattrO&:tcgetattrtermios.errorB50B75B110B134B150B200B300B600B1200B1800B2400B4800B9600B19200B38400B57600B115200B230400B460800B500000B576000B921600B1000000B1152000B1500000B2000000B2500000B3000000B3500000B4000000CBAUDEXTCSANOWTCSADRAINTCSAFLUSHTCIFLUSHTCOFLUSHTCIOFLUSHTCOOFFTCOONTCIOFFTCIONIGNBRKBRKINTIGNPARPARMRKINPCKISTRIPINLCRIGNCRICRNLIUCLCIXONIXANYIXOFFIMAXBELOPOSTOLCUCONLCROCRNLONOCRONLRETOFILLOFDELNLDLYCRDLYTABDLYBSDLYVTDLYFFDLYNL0NL1CR0CR1CR2CR3TAB0TAB1TAB2TAB3XTABSBS0BS1VT0VT1FF0FF1CSIZECSTOPBCREADPARENBPARODDHUPCLCLOCALCIBAUDCRTSCTSCS5CS6CS7CS8ISIGICANONXCASEECHOECHOEECHOKECHONLECHOCTLECHOPRTECHOKEFLUSHONOFLSHTOSTOPPENDINIEXTENVINTRVQUITVERASEVKILLVEOFVTIMEVMINVSWTCVSWTCHVSTARTVSTOPVSUSPVEOLVREPRINTVDISCARDVWERASEVLNEXTVEOL2CBAUDCDSUSPCEOFCEOLCEOTCERASECFLUSHCINTRCKILLCLNEXTCQUITCRPRNTCSTARTCSTOPCSUSPCWERASEEXTAEXTBFIOASYNCFIOCLEXFIONBIOFIONCLEXFIONREADIOCSIZE_MASKIOCSIZE_SHIFTNCCNCCSN_MOUSEN_PPPN_SLIPN_STRIPN_TTYTCFLSHTCGETATCGETSTCSBRKTCSBRKPTCSETATCSETAFTCSETAWTCSETSTCSETSFTCSETSWTCXONCTIOCCONSTIOCEXCLTIOCGETDTIOCGICOUNTTIOCGLCKTRMIOSTIOCGPGRPTIOCGSERIALTIOCGSOFTCARTIOCGWINSZTIOCINQTIOCLINUXTIOCMBICTIOCMBISTIOCMGETTIOCMIWAITTIOCMSETTIOCM_CARTIOCM_CDTIOCM_CTSTIOCM_DSRTIOCM_DTRTIOCM_LETIOCM_RITIOCM_RNGTIOCM_RTSTIOCM_SRTIOCM_STTIOCNOTTYTIOCNXCLTIOCOUTQTIOCPKTTIOCPKT_DATATIOCPKT_DOSTOPTIOCPKT_FLUSHREADTIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITETIOCPKT_NOSTOPTIOCPKT_STARTTIOCPKT_STOPTIOCSCTTYTIOCSERCONFIGTIOCSERGETLSRTIOCSERGETMULTITIOCSERGSTRUCTTIOCSERGWILDTIOCSERSETMULTITIOCSERSWILDTIOCSER_TEMTTIOCSETDTIOCSLCKTRMIOSTIOCSPGRPTIOCSSERIALTIOCSSOFTCARTIOCSTITIOCSWINSZtermiostcsetattr, arg 3: must be 7 element listtcsetattr: attributes[6] must be %d element listtcsetattr: elements of attributes must be characters or integerstcflow(fd, action) -> None Suspend or resume input or output on file descriptor fd. The action argument can be termios.TCOOFF to suspend output, termios.TCOON to restart output, termios.TCIOFF to suspend input, or termios.TCION to restart input.tcflush(fd, queue) -> None Discard queued data on file descriptor fd. The queue selector specifies which queue: termios.TCIFLUSH for the input queue, termios.TCOFLUSH for the output queue, or termios.TCIOFLUSH for both queues. tcdrain(fd) -> None Wait until all output written to file descriptor fd has been transmitted.tcsendbreak(fd, duration) -> None Send a break on file descriptor fd. A zero duration sends a break for 0.25-0.5 seconds; a nonzero duration has a system dependent meaning.tcsetattr(fd, when, attributes) -> None Set the tty attributes for file descriptor fd. The attributes to be set are taken from the attributes argument, which is a list like the one returned by tcgetattr(). The when argument determines when the attributes are changed: termios.TCSANOW to change immediately, termios.TCSADRAIN to change after transmitting all queued output, or termios.TCSAFLUSH to change after transmitting all queued output and discarding all queued input. tcgetattr(fd) -> list_of_attrs Get the tty attributes for file descriptor fd, as follows: [iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc] where cc is a list of the tty special characters (each a string of length 1, except the items with indices VMIN and VTIME, which are integers when these fields are defined). The interpretation of the flags and the speeds as well as the indexing in the cc array must be done using the symbolic constants defined in this module.This module provides an interface to the Posix calls for tty I/O control. For a complete description of these calls, see the Posix or Unix manual pages. It is only available for those Unix versions that support Posix termios style tty I/O control. All functions in this module take a file descriptor fd as their first argument. This can be an integer file descriptor, such as returned by sys.stdin.fileno(), or a file object, such as sys.stdin itself.;\ x& 4zRx $xFJ w?:*3$"D`\HH wtEXH wzH q|H wHFSB B(A0A8Da8A0A(B BBBH$'/FSB B(A0A8D8A0A(B BBB$pEMA yAAGNU1p1L Ufv `% 1L L o`  N `"  oo oo, oL %%%%%%%&& &0&@&P&`&p&&&&&&&&&'' '0'@'P'`'p''$27.>2+=2(+@<1*;1.*:1)914<2@2D2I2N2S2X2]2b2 h2 n2 t2 z2 22222222222 2 2 2 2 23 333'313:3C3M3T3Z3a3g3n3u3|333 3@3333333 333333 3@33334 4@4444#4'4+4/44494>4C4I4M4 Q4U4@Y4]4a40g4@n4t4{44444444 40444444 4@4444445@ 5555%5+50565;5A5H5O5 U5 [5 `5 i5 r5z5525555555555555555555RT5QT6!T6PT6T!6?.6<6@6 E6M6S6Z6b6h6 To6Tv6T}6 T6%T6T6T6T6T6T6T6 T6T6 T6$T6]T6VT6T7T 7T7T%7T-7T77T@7TI7TR7\T]7Tf7@p7@y7 777777777"T7 T7T7 T78 8!848C8Q8^8Th8STv8YT8ZT8XT8TT8[T8UT88#T8WT8T8T9T9T9T(9@P GA$3a1`%1GA$3a111termios.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so-3.8.17-2.module_el8.9.0+3633+e453b53a.x86_64.debug!6)7zXZִF!t/'a]?Eh=ڊ2N?> btq`7GFy#D$ąvg7 |~&Y9WIA:_F[9]lC7Ǵ53[IMnO<)1a*ASִY;_y@@CTr^.9!^N |-K%ו~Af )-hzbFu4.Sz%!Vw۷Õ :DȞ;1hF ,؇^G4%c+޴{GA`3ibʲ:r#fkTx WH'[>+Jp +ͿOtݦ9|@_$&㴟Osq[k'PxBCG^I.2ߓ"Peݺ ۿscx(aе^5=񾊖Z$_5 AΨ 7fQ X{tl z[. |N9-Vd8+="\nmAMF{ھ3@%"`s8K$b$h0(OZ)r̢gG[LjrV+˜E\HUlmiwB)B0C@L@'B,P O$9Y Аua\T/33܋I6RVE5ܐ3lp i |O1B'5藍]LJr P*SE@0,D)RcdIvXzl85`z.TX