package File::Listing; sub Version { $VERSION; } $VERSION = "6.04"; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(parse_dir); use strict; use Carp (); use HTTP::Date qw(str2time); sub parse_dir ($;$$$) { my($dir, $tz, $fstype, $error) = @_; $fstype ||= 'unix'; $fstype = "File::Listing::" . lc $fstype; my @args = $_[0]; push(@args, $tz) if(@_ >= 2); push(@args, $error) if(@_ >= 4); $fstype->parse(@args); } sub line { Carp::croak("Not implemented yet"); } sub init { } # Dummy sub sub file_mode ($) { Carp::croak("Input to file_mode() must be a 10 character string.") unless length($_[0]) == 10; # This routine was originally borrowed from Graham Barr's # Net::FTP package. local $_ = shift; my $mode = 0; my($type); s/^(.)// and $type = $1; # When the set-group-ID bit (file mode bit 02000) is set, and the group # execution bit (file mode bit 00020) is unset, and it is a regular file, # some implementations of `ls' use the letter `S', others use `l' or `L'. # Convert this `S'. s/[Ll](...)$/S$1/; while (/(.)/g) { $mode <<= 1; $mode |= 1 if $1 ne "-" && $1 ne 'S' && $1 ne 'T'; } $mode |= 0004000 if /^..s....../i; $mode |= 0002000 if /^.....s.../i; $mode |= 0001000 if /^........t/i; # De facto standard definitions. From 'stat.h' on Solaris 9. $type eq "p" and $mode |= 0010000 or # fifo $type eq "c" and $mode |= 0020000 or # character special $type eq "d" and $mode |= 0040000 or # directory $type eq "b" and $mode |= 0060000 or # block special $type eq "-" and $mode |= 0100000 or # regular $type eq "l" and $mode |= 0120000 or # symbolic link $type eq "s" and $mode |= 0140000 or # socket $type eq "D" and $mode |= 0150000 or # door Carp::croak("Unknown file type: $type"); $mode; } sub parse { my($pkg, $dir, $tz, $error) = @_; # First let's try to determine what kind of dir parameter we have # received. We allow both listings, reference to arrays and # file handles to read from. if (ref($dir) eq 'ARRAY') { # Already splitted up } elsif (ref($dir) eq 'GLOB') { # A file handle } elsif (ref($dir)) { Carp::croak("Illegal argument to parse_dir()"); } elsif ($dir =~ /^\*\w+(::\w+)+$/) { # This scalar looks like a file handle, so we assume it is } else { # A normal scalar listing $dir = [ split(/\n/, $dir) ]; } $pkg->init(); my @files = (); if (ref($dir) eq 'ARRAY') { for (@$dir) { push(@files, $pkg->line($_, $tz, $error)); } } else { local($_); while (<$dir>) { chomp; push(@files, $pkg->line($_, $tz, $error)); } } wantarray ? @files : \@files; } package File::Listing::unix; use HTTP::Date qw(str2time); # A place to remember current directory from last line parsed. use vars qw($curdir @ISA); @ISA = qw(File::Listing); sub init { $curdir = ''; } sub line { shift; # package name local($_) = shift; my($tz, $error) = @_; s/\015//g; #study; my ($kind, $size, $date, $name); if (($kind, $size, $date, $name) = /^([\-FlrwxsStTdD]{10}) # Type and permission bits .* # Graps \D(\d+) # File size \s+ # Some space (\w{3}\s+\d+\s+(?:\d{1,2}:\d{2}|\d{4})|\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}) # Date \s+ # Some more space (.*)$ # File name /x ) { return if $name eq '.' || $name eq '..'; $name = "$curdir/$name" if length $curdir; my $type = '?'; if ($kind =~ /^l/ && $name =~ /(.*) -> (.*)/ ) { $name = $1; $type = "l $2"; } elsif ($kind =~ /^[\-F]/) { # (hopefully) a regular file $type = 'f'; } elsif ($kind =~ /^[dD]/) { $type = 'd'; $size = undef; # Don't believe the reported size } return [$name, $type, $size, str2time($date, $tz), File::Listing::file_mode($kind)]; } elsif (/^(.+):$/ && !/^[dcbsp].*\s.*\s.*:$/ ) { my $dir = $1; return () if $dir eq '.'; $curdir = $dir; return (); } elsif (/^[Tt]otal\s+(\d+)$/ || /^\s*$/) { return (); } elsif (/not found/ || # OSF1, HPUX, and SunOS return # "$file not found" /No such file/ || # IRIX returns # "UX:ls: ERROR: Cannot access $file: No such file or directory" # Solaris returns # "$file: No such file or directory" /cannot find/ # Windows NT returns # "The system cannot find the path specified." ) { return () unless defined $error; &$error($_) if ref($error) eq 'CODE'; warn "Error: $_\n" if $error eq 'warn'; return (); } elsif ($_ eq '') { # AIX, and Linux return nothing return () unless defined $error; &$error("No such file or directory") if ref($error) eq 'CODE'; warn "Warning: No such file or directory\n" if $error eq 'warn'; return (); } else { # parse failed, check if the dosftp parse understands it File::Listing::dosftp->init(); return(File::Listing::dosftp->line($_,$tz,$error)); } } package File::Listing::dosftp; use HTTP::Date qw(str2time); # A place to remember current directory from last line parsed. use vars qw($curdir @ISA); @ISA = qw(File::Listing); sub init { $curdir = ''; } sub line { shift; # package name local($_) = shift; my($tz, $error) = @_; s/\015//g; my ($date, $size_or_dir, $name, $size); # 02-05-96 10:48AM 1415 src.slf # 09-10-96 09:18AM