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Error opening <%s>. pkgdata: %s -- return status = %d # Calling: %s %s: Error calling '%s' %s %s %s%s %s%s %s -o %s%s %s %s%s %s %s.rm -fcd %s && %s %s && %s %s %sln -scd %s && %s %s %s%s%s# Reading options file %s # pkgDataFlags= [%d] %s: %s %s %s%s%s %s%s%sUnable to open list file: %s .dat# Writing package file %s .. # libFileName[LIB_FILE] = %s %s%s%s%s%s%s %s -o %s %s%s_%s# Generating %s woma.cvoid oma(){}%s %s -o %soma.objFailed to compile %s %s%s%s.%s%s %s %s%s %s%sicu-config --incpkgdatafileor --commonRun '%s --help' for help. pkgdata.inc%-5s -%c %s%-10s %s modes: (-m option) %-9s / %-9s options: [REQ]PKGDATAGENCCODE_ASSEMBLY_TYPESOSOBJLIBPREFIXLIB_EXT_ORDERCOMPILELIBFLAGSGENLIBLDICUDTFLAGSLD_SONAMERPATH_FLAGSBIR_LDFLAGSARARFLAGSRANLIBINSTALL_CMDbldoptmodehelpverbosecopyrightcommentdestdirrebuildtempdirinstallsourcedirentrypointrevisionforce-prefixlibnamequietwithout-assemblyzos-pds-buildwindows-uwp-buildwindows-DLL-archwindows-dynamicbasefilesdlllibraryarchivestatic%s:%d - line too long (over %d chars) %s:%d - missing trailing double quote (") %s:%d - malformed quoted line at position %d, expected ' ' got '%c' pkgdata: Error: absolute path encountered. Old style paths are not supported. Use relative paths such as 'fur.res' or 'translit%cfur.res'. Bad path: '%s' pkgdata: Error: Unable to allocate tmp buffer size: %d Unable to allocate memory for command. Error generating library file. Failed command: %s Error creating symbolic links. Failed command: %s Error installing library. Failed command: %s Error allocating memory for pkgDataFlags. Unable to open or read "%s" option file. status = %s # Install: Files mode, copying files to %s.. Error creating installation directory: %s Failed to install data file with command: %s Failed to read line from file: %s Error writing package dat file. Unable to remove old dat file: %s # Moving package file to %s .. Unable to move dat file (%s) to target location (%s). Warning: Providing a revision number with the -r option is recommended when packaging data in the current mode. # libFileName[LIB_FILE_VERSION] = %s # libFileName[LIB_FILE_VERSION] = %s (static) # Installing already-built library into %s # Not rebuilding %s - up to date. # Not installing up-to-date library %s into %s # Not installing missing %s into %s # Generating assembly code %s of type %s .. Assembly type "%s" is unknown. Error creating with assembly code. Failed command: %s Error generating assembly code for data. # Installing static library into %s # Writing object code to %s .. Unable to allocate memory for cmd. Unable to allocate memory for buffer. Error creating library without assembly code. Failed command: %s T_FileStream_remove failed to delete %s T_FileStream_open failed to open %s for writing Error generating package data. # Creating data archive library file .. Error creating archive library. Failed command: %s Error creating symbolic links of the data library file. # Installing library file to %s .. Error installing the data library. Error creating data archive library file. pkg-config --variable=pkglibdir icu-uc%s: error in command line argument "%s" %s: icu-config not found. Fix PATH or specify -O option %s: Unable to locate pkgdata.inc. Unable to parse the results of '%s'. Check paths or use the -O option to specify the path to pkgdata.inc. required parameter is missing: -O is required for static and shared builds. required parameter -p is missing No input files specified. Run '%s --help' for help. Warning: You are using the -z option which only works on z/OS. Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html Note: Ignoring option -b (windows-dynamicbase). error loading input file lists: %s usage: %s [-options] [-] [packageFile] Produce packaged ICU data from the given list(s) of files. '-' by itself means to read from stdin. packageFile is a text file containing the list of files to package. Uses raw data files (no effect). Installation copies all files to the target location.Generates one shared library, .soGenerates one common data file, .datGenerates one statically linked library, lib.abrkitrcollcurrlangrbnfregiontranslitzoneunitSet the data nameThe directory where the ICU is located (e.g. which contains the bin directory)Specify the mode of building (see below; default: common)This usage textThis usage textMake the output verboseUse the standard ICU copyrightUse a custom comment (instead of the copyright)Specify the destination directory for filesForce rebuilding of all dataSpecify temporary dir (default: output dir)Install the data (specify target)Specify a custom source directorySpecify a custom entrypoint name (default: short name)Specify a version when packaging in dll or static modeAdd package to all file names if not presentLibrary name to build (if different than package name)Quiet mode. (e.g. Do not output a readme file for static libraries)Build the data without assembly codeBuild PDS dataset (zOS build only)Build for Universal Windows Platform (Windows build only)Specify the DLL machine architecture for LINK.exe (Windows build only)Ignored. Enable DYNAMICBASE on the DLL. This is now the default. (Windows build only)"pkgtypes.c%s:%d: Internal error, line too long (greater than 1023 chars) ## ERR: Path too long [%d chars]: %s ;l,8(PhhXXh((H488$\pXPHx(<d h, h 8 zRx ؕ/D0$DFJ w?:*3$"l؉pd`BBB B(A0A8H Q D# 8A0A(B BBBA  Pj SAf I bzPLRx  4$ȚBDD G  AABA $zPLRx]  ,(()BEE B(A0A8D@LHFPCXF`HhFpBxBT@e 8D0A(B BBBA kHDPBXB`T@rHGPRHB@p(BIB A(A0GASFVNcwKQHT{ 0A(A BBBA (AY BGI A 0 AC h A ,zPLRx   4sD`,PlwObAC d ABC !+TLпF4 {EDG x AAF eDATPL ,H @D <T@PODD UABAH TABLPFBA A(D0V (A ABBF D (D DBBH HFBD C(G0f (A ABBF |(C DBB0DXl pLFNB B(D0A8NPHArPHA 8A0A(B BBBA Lx<FBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBJ Llh#FBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBJ H!$d-EDL UAA8lFEA A(G@z (A ABBD 4 *Ed@P4FEJ G(A0G 0A(A BBBC (AJAG fAAF84TJDG g FAE DCAADXeFEE E(H0H8G@n8A0A(B BBBD"Si"25&=6<<== ,,Zr`,@0,@h@u@h@h@u@f@h@v@h@h@Hv@% 0@ Xd@``o@P @@  `(@`@ o@oo@```@p@@@@@@@@@@@ @0@@@P@`@p@@@@@@@@@@@ @0@@@P@`@p@@@@@@@@@@@ @0@@@P@`@p@@@@@@Sg@[g@rg@ug@Yg@zg@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@ph@pg@Og@mh@hh@?h@vh@ch@C"h@d*h@F2h@T:h@IBh@sLh@eWh@r`h@fmh@Luh@q{h@wh@zh@uh@ah@bGA$3a10@ed@ GA$3c890@#@x#@ GA$3s890x#@s+@ GA$3p878+@Ud@GA$gcc 8.3.1 20191121 GA*GOW*E GA* +@c@GA!GA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONSGA*cf_protectionGA+omit_frame_pointerGA+stack_clashGA!stack_realignGA*+@+@GA* GA*FORTIFY GA$3p890p,@c@GA*GA$annobin gcc 8.3.1 20190507GA$running gcc 8.3.1 20191121GA* GA*FORTIFY GA*GOW*GA*c@Ud@ GA* GA*GA! 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