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Node with most memory consumption : %s:%u (%llu bytes) Node with least free space : %s:%u (%llu bytes remaining) Node with longest uptime : %s:%u (%us) Pool-wide Hit Ratio : %1.f%% %s (%d) => failed to reach the server %s (%d) => %ld.%ld seconds Slowest Server: %s (%d) => %ld.%ld seconds Invalid Analyzer Option provided %s v%u.%u /dev/nullArgument for statisticsSelect hash type.Switch to binary protocol.Analyze the provided servers.Enable request buffering.%s v%u.%u %s %s --%s%c CRCFNV1_64FNV1A_64FNV1_32FNV1A_32hash: type not recognized %s hash: memcache error %s Memcached daemon software versionforgot to document this function :)Display the version of the application and then exit.List which servers you wish to connect to.Give more details on the progression of the application.stderr and stdin will be closed at application startup.Provide output only useful for debugging.Provide flag information for storage operation.Set the expire option for the object.Use set command with memcached when storing.Use replace command with memcached when storing.Use add command with memcached when storing.Number of times to execute the given test.Number of key pairs to load before executing tests.Test to run (currently "get" or "set").Number of users to simulate with load.Set TCP up to use non-blocking IO.Set TCP socket up to use nodelay.Flush servers before running tests.Use UDP protocol when communicating with server.Username to use for SASL authenticationPassword to use for SASL authenticationPath to file in which to save resultDisplay this message and then exit.Current options. 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