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Use tobytes() instead.__reduce_ex__ argument should an integerunsigned short is less than minimumunsigned short is greater than maximumu#;array item must be unicode characterarray item must be unicode charactersigned char is less than minimumsigned char is greater than maximumunsigned int is greater than maximumunsigned int is less than minimumtounicode() may only be called on unicode type arrayscannot resize an array that is exporting buffersfromunicode() may only be called on unicode type arraysa bytes-like object is requiredbytes length not a multiple of item sizeread() didn't return enough bytesfromstring() is deprecated. Use frombytes() instead.can only extend with array of same kindcan only extend array with array (not "%.200s")array indices must be integersarray assignment index out of rangecan only assign array (not "%.200s") to array sliceattempt to assign array of size %zd to extended slice of size %zdcannot use a str to initialize an array with typecode '%c'cannot use a unicode array to initialize an array with typecode '%c'bad typecode (must be b, B, u, h, H, i, I, l, L, q, Q, f or d)OCiO:array._array_reconstructorfirst argument must a type object, not %.200s%.200s is not a subtype of %.200sthird argument must be a valid machine format code.fourth argument should be bytes, not %.200sstring length not a multiple of item sizesecond argument must be a valid type codearray.remove(x): x not in listInternal. Used for pickling support.the typecode character used to create the arraythe size, in bytes, of one array item@`````P````````````````````````к```p````p```uj_TXXXXXXXXXXXXXXFF?C;WH X4(H8\hph4`h(H,h@TXxȶ(H(h<PȸlظXt(hȼHȾ 8p hL  $ P H| , t x x HL H x,pXXtl(<(h@0zRx $FJ w?:*3$"Dp\ pث ԫ+(tEGN0E AAG (PtEGN0H AAD (lEGN0C AAA (DlEGN0C AAA (p,tEGN0D AAH (tEGN0F AAF (ԭtEGN0E AAG (40@FGD D0O  AABH PܮI\h| 0,FGD D0O  AABH Ȱ԰аܰ(<P dx$0?D \ H TLPBBA A(D0k (A ABBE S (D ABBD @ FBB A(A0G 0A(A BBBA @PlFAD  ABE A ABL qAE(SEs H $l;EAD XQC8E[ H K =0 ܴIEPG W GAE DCA,T}FAD a ABA dH$SBB B(A0A8DP 8C0A(B BBBD O8A0A(B BBBG\FBB A(A0` (C BBBK W (C BBBH A(D BBB\LpFBB B(A0A8D@q 8C0A(B BBBA G8D0A(B BBB\FEB D(C0N (D BBBD D (A EBBB G(A EBBx FBB A(D0G@HKPcHA@] 0A(A BBBJ o 0A(A BBBI \ 0A(A BBBD 0lEID u DAD VDAXPFBG A(D0 (D ABBF O (D ABBH D(A ABB3Ee(4EGN0Q AAC (`EGN@T AAH (0EGN0Q AAC ĻAd\0FGD D0`  AABG  ȼAd\H EAD0A AAC X AAF Q CAK DMADh dBAD m ABI V ABG ` ABE L BBA A(D0 (J ABBK I (A ABBA  7H_ I F8 ̾BAG R AEN v FBB (\ PEAQ@Y AAF L FBB D(A0 (A BBBC r (A BBBG ` /BBB A(D0 (A BBBJ I (A BBBH _ (C BBBH (< peENDF AAA @h FBB A(N0D` 0A(A BBBE 0 PFIK Dh  AABA L BBA D(G0 (A ABBG D (G ABBH 0 \,HY G `L pFBB A(A0s (A BBBJ o (C BBBH L (C BBBK yEQ0X AA ( h|EDG t AAJ ( EKD O DAH x, FBE E(A0A8KPp 8A0A(B BBBG o 8C0A(B BBBE V 8A0A(B BBBH H DFBB B(A0G8DpL 8A0A(B BBBB 4 xBBA D(I0\(D ABBH,0FBB B(D0D8G 8A0A(B BBBG HxZBBB E(D0D8GP 8C0A(B BBBC Tt_@FBB D(D0K` 0A(A BBBB X |BIA D(D@C (A ABBC X (A ABBB D(C ABBH|FLB B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBD ($EAQ0 AAH `FBB B(A0A8D@n 8C0A(B BBBD H8A0A(B BBBX lFEK0! AF GNU6`6 % , z  o`  W  8&P oooo8o - -0-@-P-`-p---------.. .0.@.P.`.p.........// /0/@/P/`/p/////////00 000@0P0`0p00000000011 101@1P1`1p1Set state information for unpickling.array(typecode [, initializer]) -> array Return a new array whose items are restricted by typecode, and initialized from the optional initializer value, which must be a list, string or iterable over elements of the appropriate type. Arrays represent basic values and behave very much like lists, except the type of objects stored in them is constrained. The type is specified at object creation time by using a type code, which is a single character. The following type codes are defined: Type code C Type Minimum size in bytes 'b' signed integer 1 'B' unsigned integer 1 'u' Unicode character 2 (see note) 'h' signed integer 2 'H' unsigned integer 2 'i' signed integer 2 'I' unsigned integer 2 'l' signed integer 4 'L' unsigned integer 4 'q' signed integer 8 (see note) 'Q' unsigned integer 8 (see note) 'f' floating point 4 'd' floating point 8 NOTE: The 'u' typecode corresponds to Python's unicode character. On narrow builds this is 2-bytes on wide builds this is 4-bytes. NOTE: The 'q' and 'Q' type codes are only available if the platform C compiler used to build Python supports 'long long', or, on Windows, '__int64'. Methods: append() -- append a new item to the end of the array buffer_info() -- return information giving the current memory info byteswap() -- byteswap all the items of the array count() -- return number of occurrences of an object extend() -- extend array by appending multiple elements from an iterable fromfile() -- read items from a file object fromlist() -- append items from the list frombytes() -- append items from the string index() -- return index of first occurrence of an object insert() -- insert a new item into the array at a provided position pop() -- remove and return item (default last) remove() -- remove first occurrence of an object reverse() -- reverse the order of the items in the array tofile() -- write all items to a file object tolist() -- return the array converted to an ordinary list tobytes() -- return the array converted to a string Attributes: typecode -- the typecode character used to create the array itemsize -- the length in bytes of one array item This module defines an object type which can efficiently represent an array of basic values: characters, integers, floating point numbers. Arrays are sequence types and behave very much like lists, except that the type of objects stored in them is constrained. Return state information for pickling.__sizeof__() -> int Size of the array in memory, in bytes.tounicode() -> unicode Convert the array to a unicode string. The array must be a unicode type array; otherwise a ValueError is raised. Use array.tobytes().decode() to obtain a unicode string from an array of some other type.fromunicode(ustr) Extends this array with data from the unicode string ustr. The array must be a unicode type array; otherwise a ValueError is raised. Use array.frombytes(ustr.encode(...)) to append Unicode data to an array of some other type.tostring() -> bytes Convert the array to an array of machine values and return the bytes representation. This method is deprecated. Use tobytes instead.tobytes() -> bytes Convert the array to an array of machine values and return the bytes representation.frombytes(bytestring) Appends items from the string, interpreting it as an array of machine values, as if it had been read from a file using the fromfile() method).fromstring(string) Appends items from the string, interpreting it as an array of machine values, as if it had been read from a file using the fromfile() method). This method is deprecated. Use frombytes instead.tolist() -> list Convert array to an ordinary list with the same items.fromlist(list) Append items to array from list.tofile(f) Write all items (as machine values) to the file object f.fromfile(f, n) Read n objects from the file object f and append them to the end of the array.reverse() Reverse the order of the items in the array.byteswap() Byteswap all items of the array. If the items in the array are not 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes in size, RuntimeError is raised.append(x) Append new value x to the end of the array.buffer_info() -> (address, length) Return a tuple (address, length) giving the current memory address and the length in items of the buffer used to hold array's contents The length should be multiplied by the itemsize attribute to calculate the buffer length in bytes.insert(i,x) Insert a new item x into the array before position i.extend(array or iterable) Append items to the end of the array.pop([i]) Return the i-th element and delete it from the array. i defaults to -1.remove(x) Remove the first occurrence of x in the array.index(x) Return index of first occurrence of x in the array.count(x) Return number of occurrences of x in the array.copy(array) Return a copy of the array.||||| |`r0}PD }C 676B@LOkHp]U6 ac)}S 0}K` <}`< E}0y` |G N}0y` [}[ {PX b}[@ 0|0Z {W@ {T k}0G O|\ | w@ q}@I }@x } B@ }F }E }0E }D }Q }D }0AX}?b?N}Bp?:}u?@N}hP?P:}H0?M}i?9}I>P}l>`9}L>=}q=8}Q=;}fp;p8}dP;7|}(D@77 }@@MPQ` @ @ ^0] kGA$3a1,z GA$3p11136zGA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA! 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