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Differences: - result() and exception() do not take a timeout argument and raise an exception when the future isn't done yet. - Callbacks registered with add_done_callback() are always called via the event loop's call_soon_threadsafe(). - This class is not compatible with the wait() and as_completed() methods in the concurrent.futures package.Task(coro, *, loop=None, name=None) -- A coroutine wrapped in a Future._repr_info($self, /) -- get_loop($self, /) -- Return the event loop the Future is bound to.cancel($self, /) -- Cancel the future and schedule callbacks. If the future is already done or cancelled, return False. Otherwise, change the future's state to cancelled, schedule the callbacks and return True.set_exception($self, exception, /) -- Mark the future done and set an exception. If the future is already done when this method is called, raises InvalidStateError.set_result($self, result, /) -- Mark the future done and set its result. If the future is already done when this method is called, raises InvalidStateError.get_coro($self, /) -- set_name($self, value, /) -- get_name($self, /) -- _repr_info($self, /) -- print_stack($self, /, *, limit=None, file=None) -- Print the stack or traceback for this task's coroutine. This produces output similar to that of the traceback module, for the frames retrieved by get_stack(). The limit argument is passed to get_stack(). The file argument is an I/O stream to which the output is written; by default output is written to sys.stderr.get_stack($self, /, *, limit=None) -- Return the list of stack frames for this task's coroutine. If the coroutine is not done, this returns the stack where it is suspended. If the coroutine has completed successfully or was cancelled, this returns an empty list. If the coroutine was terminated by an exception, this returns the list of traceback frames. The frames are always ordered from oldest to newest. The optional limit gives the maximum number of frames to return; by default all available frames are returned. Its meaning differs depending on whether a stack or a traceback is returned: the newest frames of a stack are returned, but the oldest frames of a traceback are returned. (This matches the behavior of the traceback module.) For reasons beyond our control, only one stack frame is returned for a suspended coroutine.cancel($self, /) -- Request that this task cancel itself. This arranges for a CancelledError to be thrown into the wrapped coroutine on the next cycle through the event loop. The coroutine then has a chance to clean up or even deny the request using try/except/finally. Unlike Future.cancel, this does not guarantee that the task will be cancelled: the exception might be caught and acted upon, delaying cancellation of the task or preventing cancellation completely. The task may also return a value or raise a different exception. Immediately after this method is called, Task.cancelled() will not return True (unless the task was already cancelled). A task will be marked as cancelled when the wrapped coroutine terminates with a CancelledError exception (even if cancel() was not called).all_tasks($type, /, loop=None) -- Return a set of all tasks for an event loop. By default all tasks for the current event loop are returned.current_task($type, /, loop=None) -- Return the currently running task in an event loop or None. By default the current task for the current event loop is returned. None is returned when called not in the context of a Task.set_exception($self, exception, /) -- set_result($self, result, /) -- done($self, /) -- Return True if the future is done. Done means either that a result / exception are available, or that the future was cancelled.cancelled($self, /) -- Return True if the future was cancelled.remove_done_callback($self, fn, /) -- Remove all instances of a callback from the "call when done" list. Returns the number of callbacks removed.add_done_callback($self, fn, /, *, context=) -- Add a callback to be run when the future becomes done. The callback is called with a single argument - the future object. If the future is already done when this is called, the callback is scheduled with call_soon.exception($self, /) -- Return the exception that was set on this future. The exception (or None if no exception was set) is returned only if the future is done. If the future has been cancelled, raises CancelledError. If the future isn't done yet, raises InvalidStateError.result($self, /) -- Return the result this future represents. If the future has been cancelled, raises CancelledError. If the future's result isn't yet available, raises InvalidStateError. If the future is done and has an exception set, this exception is raised._leave_task($module, /, loop, task) -- Leave task execution or suspend a task. Task belongs to loop. Returns None._enter_task($module, /, loop, task) -- Enter into task execution or resume suspended task. Task belongs to loop. Returns None._unregister_task($module, /, task) -- Unregister a task. Returns None._register_task($module, /, task) -- Register a new task in asyncio as executed by loop. Returns None._set_running_loop($module, loop, /) -- Set the running event loop. This is a low-level function intended to be used by event loops. This function is thread-specific._get_running_loop($module, /) -- Return the running event loop or None. This is a low-level function intended to be used by event loops. This function is thread-specific.get_running_loop($module, /) -- Return the running event loop. Raise a RuntimeError if there is none. This function is thread-specific.get_event_loop($module, /) -- Return an asyncio event loop. When called from a coroutine or a callback (e.g. scheduled with call_soon or similar API), this function will always return the running event loop. If there is no running event loop set, the function will return the result of `get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop()` call.Accelerator module for asyncio;$c`@phpʚ›ޛ0DXYq< _ w4H ƞ(k,HtߠCd2 ݢDX lNi @p]ɧj $ @ dl , < "X ޭ  b C L " 0 H ;| M . -D  8FXpYe0(\$cp,4zRx $FJ w?:*3$"D\'p' 4 FDD  ABB AAB' # 44@FDD _ ABB JABlŗɗ(͗xFDD fAB#(#7;4$?}BDD d ABE CAB$\H0m8V@DHBPI0@EYEYCE},CE}SGEA~.Eh($BDA ABP VH MhKdH [4!NK4EJF@nHSPDXB`I@fAA4EJF0o8R@EHBPI0BAA 4HCE}d_EYbE\G}H t{Eu bA`$UEKA AAL A zRx  ȝ`ў*[KxBE| :[S+EE}Z,EbjMEG(^AA ]ABHAD Ah[ H|PBEA D(B0Z (D ABBA V(D DBB$H0m8V@DHBPI0@$H l(V0D8B@I \@A~$4¢H l(V0D8B@I |\0&EXx:&EXD^EO A D8FBA A(QP(A ABB4'BEA A(GP(A ABB4(˥rBFD K(A0P(D ABB(`BAA AB:Y`(NY!A+QYgAe Q(NY0$ aFAA D@y AAB8X sFBD A(DP[(A ABB( FAA AB$ aEAA AA4 BBA A(A0(D ABB` [FBB B(A0A8DP 8A0A(B BBBE R8C0A(B BBB خAD {A : $ /EAA |AA  REs A P REs A P04 *BDA J AAB<h ܰFID D@sHUPEXB`I@u AAB( gBAD \AB4 EGF0t8P@DHBPI0}AA( -FDA ABL8 ijFEB A(A0GPwXU`EhBpIP'0A(A BBB4 EID0s8R@EHBPI0AA< ۶TFIA D0s8R@EHBPI0 AABH HBBB B(D0A8J&8A0A(B BBB8L FBA G(D`(A ABB x`FQ E C( <EHD  DAA zRx   pOGNU Ufv : ̅  o`    2 oopooo P:`:p:::::::::;; ;0;@;P;`;p;;;;;;;;;<< <0<@<P<`<p<<<<<<<<<== =0=@=P=`=p=========>> >0>@>P>`>p>>>>>>>>>?? ?0?@?IOf #lNi^]@-Pi? d@\`TPD^wD@cI9LБlMs{EMCE-bI"HKI.MEygBXÍQɍ9FɍiFf #lN-Pi? d@TPD^wD@HHҍpo SLDK 9LߍDvSDlMs{EMCE-bI"HKI.MEFLG?GWG(T`8J7iJIEl@[Wj V`{qUG@ ~ ҍҍp ֎-sCc #( -Î9ێێ# [ j {*3=` @ ͎g aDFR`IO` Xm`W@Ef hg aDDQ`IO Xk^E W |@EgQ YWCz@QF=Q o JSGA$3a1:ɅGA$3a1̅م_asyncio.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so-3.8.17-2.module_el8.9.0+3633+e453b53a.x86_64.debug{aPL7zXZִF!t/G]?Eh=ڊ2Na܎9RBX_>.kҸe& o )*2/5ڌ/sfv`p@U֬L?7zL^g*ʛԒ{ L<ە%3)6gˏx+aYw X2fhN޽%v%$r{e%GE9$-]S|C9`j̬{i#u g3Vd0u0t:'$KMV\~/όi㭋8)bx8\EKgk̞L@Hx<҆kLNvx J9J 2B|p$di1W XLnnDt^5oE_w/ |-э[DR_^48kԶ ]]'`/6GmENZye/u<)7$gs?81a]߼ړWΣApWKVKI_RY6t 3pƑXi+srs- ^狊vh+AVGӋW܂! ,lVEWG >{h' Sj>]fM[#_xOoYնe^_',y3L嫨C#iֳJ~:`n="Lj dp8Nlu?h߃T$Is\W ád7Z'0iIy4>cܵQvTTq]` h2HShE7s[G 9z.E# lze!I#l6P[ Lm2-gIpcJ'IɪL{x?).UT}4K~rו]&NZ)ξ@6tLOPةq%wu ii,&#d$&h)aoFH#,?7Dz6}G/7Eȿ&֮uIS)`?i; "?PgJ_|G)s|VnIj#%-L G*x'a2XyoA_AV]\w6d\:{Q&!kdupDc W$}K+ǡДukNx\ lmt$KvQNZ#i$GIl F]7Zg̟>.i_J}Ħ2\Zjfz)v$CkiːXuBRtj2/x1*湚3Eg[2s|"26ܕ4CN(O3Q45[ 2N}U3qCO1zH>P[(c$7\9=-G^ )V4VxV /ηeP63u"կZzƘt/}(&Z׸PBvK(=]&O PEntȋ%ĺ#rN,g| }7+vĭ'}~ɗ`zު`C:RcYc92Oȝ32rt!`:Χѳ(/.LB Oakz,k8kk'(Q7ɻuuR; h7k%]"Q#&~R3 pYo_<VbsѰ>!uugYZ.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.sec.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.note.gnu.property.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.data.bss.gnu.build.attributes.gnu_debuglink.gnu_debugdata 88$o``4(  0 8oEopp0T^B22h::c@:@:nP?P?wPDPDyA}̅̅ # $       8 ` ` ```H `DL(