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recv|i:listenNOOet:gethostbyname_exet:gethostbyaddrn:CMSG_LENn:CMSG_SPACE|iii:socketpairi:htonssocket.herrorsocket.gaierrorsocket.timeoutSocketTypehas_ipv6_socket.CAPIAF_UNSPECAF_INETAF_INET6AF_UNIXAF_AX25AF_IPXAF_APPLETALKAF_NETROMAF_BRIDGEAF_ATMPVCAF_X25AF_ROSEAF_DECnetAF_NETBEUIAF_SECURITYAF_KEYAF_NETLINKNETLINK_ROUTENETLINK_USERSOCKNETLINK_FIREWALLNETLINK_NFLOGNETLINK_XFRMNETLINK_IP6_FWNETLINK_DNRTMSGAF_ROUTEAF_ASHAF_ECONETAF_ATMSVCAF_SNAAF_IRDAAF_PPPOXAF_WANPIPEAF_LLCAF_BLUETOOTHBTPROTO_L2CAPBTPROTO_HCISOL_HCIHCI_FILTERHCI_TIME_STAMPHCI_DATA_DIRBTPROTO_SCOBTPROTO_RFCOMM00:00:00:00:00:00BDADDR_ANY00:00:00:FF:FF:FFBDADDR_LOCALAF_CANPF_CANAF_RDSPF_RDSAF_PACKETPF_PACKETPACKET_HOSTPACKET_BROADCASTPACKET_MULTICASTPACKET_OTHERHOSTPACKET_OUTGOINGPACKET_LOOPBACKPACKET_FASTROUTEAF_TIPCTIPC_ADDR_NAMESEQTIPC_ADDR_NAMETIPC_ADDR_IDTIPC_ZONE_SCOPETIPC_CLUSTER_SCOPETIPC_NODE_SCOPESOL_TIPCTIPC_IMPORTANCETIPC_SRC_DROPPABLETIPC_DEST_DROPPABLETIPC_CONN_TIMEOUTTIPC_LOW_IMPORTANCETIPC_MEDIUM_IMPORTANCETIPC_HIGH_IMPORTANCETIPC_CRITICAL_IMPORTANCETIPC_SUB_PORTSTIPC_SUB_SERVICETIPC_SUB_CANCELTIPC_WAIT_FOREVERTIPC_PUBLISHEDTIPC_WITHDRAWNTIPC_SUBSCR_TIMEOUTTIPC_CFG_SRVTIPC_TOP_SRVSOCK_STREAMSOCK_DGRAMSOCK_RAWSOCK_SEQPACKETSOCK_RDMSOCK_CLOEXECSOCK_NONBLOCKSO_DEBUGSO_ACCEPTCONNSO_REUSEADDRSO_KEEPALIVESO_DONTROUTESO_BROADCASTSO_LINGERSO_OOBINLINESO_REUSEPORTSO_SNDBUFSO_RCVBUFSO_SNDLOWATSO_RCVLOWATSO_SNDTIMEOSO_RCVTIMEOSO_ERRORSO_TYPESO_PASSCREDSO_PEERCREDSO_BINDTODEVICESO_PRIORITYSO_MARKSOMAXCONNSCM_RIGHTSSCM_CREDENTIALSMSG_OOBMSG_PEEKMSG_DONTROUTEMSG_DONTWAITMSG_EORMSG_TRUNCMSG_CTRUNCMSG_WAITALLMSG_NOSIGNALMSG_CMSG_CLOEXECMSG_ERRQUEUEMSG_CONFIRMMSG_MOREMSG_FASTOPENSOL_SOCKETSOL_IPSOL_TCPSOL_UDPSOL_CAN_BASESOL_CAN_RAWCAN_EFF_FLAGCAN_RTR_FLAGCAN_ERR_FLAGCAN_SFF_MASKCAN_EFF_MASKCAN_ERR_MASKCAN_RAW_FILTERCAN_RAW_ERR_FILTERCAN_RAW_LOOPBACKCAN_RAW_RECV_OWN_MSGSCAN_RAW_FD_FRAMESCAN_BCMCAN_BCM_TX_SETUPCAN_BCM_TX_DELETECAN_BCM_TX_READCAN_BCM_TX_SENDCAN_BCM_RX_SETUPCAN_BCM_RX_DELETECAN_BCM_RX_READCAN_BCM_TX_STATUSCAN_BCM_TX_EXPIREDCAN_BCM_RX_STATUSCAN_BCM_RX_TIMEOUTCAN_BCM_RX_CHANGEDSOL_RDSIPPROTO_IPIPPROTO_HOPOPTSIPPROTO_ICMPIPPROTO_IGMPIPPROTO_IPV6IPPROTO_IPIPIPPROTO_TCPIPPROTO_EGPIPPROTO_PUPIPPROTO_UDPIPPROTO_IDPIPPROTO_TPIPPROTO_ROUTINGIPPROTO_FRAGMENTIPPROTO_RSVPIPPROTO_GREIPPROTO_ESPIPPROTO_AHIPPROTO_ICMPV6IPPROTO_NONEIPPROTO_DSTOPTSIPPROTO_PIMIPPROTO_SCTPIPPROTO_RAWIPPORT_RESERVEDIPPORT_USERRESERVEDINADDR_ANYINADDR_BROADCASTINADDR_LOOPBACKINADDR_UNSPEC_GROUPINADDR_ALLHOSTS_GROUPINADDR_MAX_LOCAL_GROUPINADDR_NONEIP_OPTIONSIP_HDRINCLIP_TOSIP_TTLIP_RECVOPTSIP_RECVRETOPTSIP_RETOPTSIP_MULTICAST_IFIP_MULTICAST_TTLIP_MULTICAST_LOOPIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIPIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIPIP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTLIP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOPIP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPSIP_TRANSPARENTIPV6_JOIN_GROUPIPV6_LEAVE_GROUPIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPSIPV6_MULTICAST_IFIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOPIPV6_UNICAST_HOPSIPV6_V6ONLYIPV6_CHECKSUMIPV6_DONTFRAGIPV6_DSTOPTSIPV6_HOPLIMITIPV6_HOPOPTSIPV6_NEXTHOPIPV6_PATHMTUIPV6_PKTINFOIPV6_RECVDSTOPTSIPV6_RECVHOPLIMITIPV6_RECVHOPOPTSIPV6_RECVPKTINFOIPV6_RECVRTHDRIPV6_RECVTCLASSIPV6_RTHDRIPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTSIPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0IPV6_RECVPATHMTUIPV6_TCLASSTCP_NODELAYTCP_MAXSEGTCP_CORKTCP_KEEPIDLETCP_KEEPINTVLTCP_KEEPCNTTCP_SYNCNTTCP_LINGER2TCP_DEFER_ACCEPTTCP_WINDOW_CLAMPTCP_INFOTCP_QUICKACKTCP_FASTOPENEAI_ADDRFAMILYEAI_AGAINEAI_BADFLAGSEAI_FAILEAI_FAMILYEAI_MEMORYEAI_NODATAEAI_NONAMEEAI_OVERFLOWEAI_SERVICEEAI_SOCKTYPEEAI_SYSTEMAI_PASSIVEAI_CANONNAMEAI_NUMERICHOSTAI_NUMERICSERVAI_ALLAI_ADDRCONFIGAI_V4MAPPEDNI_MAXHOSTNI_MAXSERVNI_NOFQDNNI_NUMERICHOSTNI_NAMEREQDNI_NUMERICSERVNI_DGRAMSHUT_RDSHUT_WRSHUT_RDWRbuffernbytesflagsprotofilenohost_socketgethostnamedupntohlhtonlgetdefaulttimeoutsetdefaulttimeoutif_nameindexif_indextonamethe socket timeoutthe socket familythe socket typethe socket protocol_acceptbindcloseconnectconnect_exdetachgetpeernamegetsocknamesetblockingsettimeoutgettimeoutshutdown_socket.socketillegal IP address string passed to inet_ptonpacked IP wrong length for inet_ntoastring or unicode text buffer expected, not %sencoding of hostname failed to return byteshost name must not contain null charactergetsockopt buflen out of rangegetsockaddrlen: unknown BT protocolgetnameinfo() argument 1 must be a tuplegetsockaddrarg: flowinfo must be 0-1048575.sockaddr resolved to multiple addressesinvalid length of packed IP address stringwildcard resolved to multiple addresscan't use invalid socket valuegetaddrinfo() argument 1 must be string or Noneillegal IP address string passed to inet_atoncan't convert negative number to unsigned longgetservbyport: port must be 0-65535.getsockaddrarg: AF_NETLINK address must be tuple, not %.500sgetsockaddrarg: AF_INET address must be tuple, not %.500sgetsockaddrarg: port must be 0-65535.getsockaddrarg: AF_INET6 address must be tuple, not %.500sgetsockaddrarg: unknown Bluetooth protocolgetsockaddrarg: AF_PACKET address must be tuple, not %.500sHardware address must be 8 bytes or lessgetsockaddrarg: protoNumber must be 0-65535.getsockaddrarg: AF_TIPC address must be tuple, not %.500sIIII|I;Invalid TIPC address formatAF_CAN interface name too longgetsockaddrarg: unsupported CAN protocolsendmsg() argument 1 must be an iterablesendmsg() argument 1 is too longy*;sendmsg() argument 1 must be an iterable of bytes-like objectssendmsg() argument 2 must be an iterable(iiy*):[sendmsg() ancillary data items]unexpected NULL result from %s()ancillary data does not fit in calculated spaceitem size out of range for CMSG_LEN()negative buffersize in recvfrom_intonbytes is greater than the length of the buffernegative buffersize in recvfrominvalid ancillary data buffer lengthreceived malformed or improperly-truncated ancillary datarecvmsg_into() argument 1 must be an iterablerecvmsg_into() argument 1 is too longw*;recvmsg_into() argument 1 must be an iterable of single-segment read-write buffersnegative buffer size in recvmsg()sendto() takes 2 or 3 arguments (%d given)negative buffersize in recv_intobuffer too small for requested bytesCMSG_LEN() argument out of rangeCMSG_SPACE() argument out of rangennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn@pЁ(@h;[NU(]@@^T`^h__P`Pa0b\bp0bbcPd`d,dH gPggh,hHidPiijPkk,l@llmn0oo o<0pTp@qqt( vT y z { { |4 p|` ~ D  P0 @\ @ Pl @ Т\ФP0lЪ ,p@0t Pl0`H0p4@X0zRx $JFJ w?:*3$"D`R\ZfpZHZ,FBB B(A0A8D@ 8D0A(B BBBF [:Et0[wAU0W8E@EHEPX0\ AA ( D\EKFPx AAH (L]EKDX AAB x] ]$]BEAD uAA<]qEDD o DAG P DAC KDA( ^JEAQ AAC 40_ H,_#EY`d@_FBA D(D0 (G DBBG Y (D ABBF P (G DBBI la#EYa>YW H E@aFEB A(A0Qt 0A(A BBBD Hlb/Eedb'E]$bMEDG sHAb'E](bAEND@ AAB (cEKF0S AAE (HdLDD [ ADL Hd (\dEAG@{ AAF 4leDk A L D O A O A O A | D (DfEDD@R AAG fEN e AG (4g]H\ D P A F A \<hgYH F B Xg2dI0pgFAA Gc  AABJ @hoFz H MK0hxARZBIAf AH DhFKA G [ Y F A }  AABK (D`kiEKN AAK @plBFE D(A0G 0A(A BBBG (@pERIx AAA pU[ P aoF$0qaAFD0NFA ,xqoEG \ AA (PqkEAJ @ AAF <|r6FHA T@wHFPRHA@  AABJ <tBAA G`  AABD zhYpOhA``wFOI B(A0A8GTFFFU 8A0A(B BBBB 8`t{FFA A(J (A ABBF 8|FFA A(J (A ABBF (|EKF@[ AAE  0}H P H ( }EKF0` AAH (L ~EKD@ AAD (x ~EKF@} AAK 0 pAN@^HFPFXF`U@a AJ , BBB B(A0A8G3SQB 8A0A(B BBBF gPRA WRA(\ hAAD0 AAA H ܊BEE E(D0A8G`# 8C0A(B BBBD \ FFE B(A0A8G/ 8A0A(B BBBK ~aIA@4 FNC GEkFDs  AABA \x LBEI E(D0A8JP^FAC 8A0A(B BBBJ 8 zENQa[MAy AAG  P?EQ@ AH L8 lFFA A(J\EPA (A ABBJ \ FBB O(A0A8G`KA 8A0A(B BBBE \ BBME E(D0D8JoFA 8A0A(B BBBE XH NFBB B(A0A8DpxNWxApi 8A0A(B BBBH , EQ`vhdpThA`p AJ L ТFBA G(Jn (A ABBB kqFA$$0mD@sHCPFHA@] A @LxTFNK DaRMAg  AABA EQ0l AE @rFAG x ABG K CBH AEB0FAA Q0p  AABC X,8IBEE A(D0G@| 0A(A BBBD _HLPUHA@SHLPYHA@(,EAJ` AAF (EAJf AAH 0FAA Jx  AABB L`\BBB B(A0A8D  8A0A(B BBBK 4dpEAH Q G AAA `8lFBB A(A0H Q GFND~ 0A(A BBBJ D2dIlH R F 4H \ D PdU[ P aoFHtBLG D(E0{ (A BBBH c(A BBB04PFKA D@  AABE PH P H 4IJEMD U DAH FDAGNUJJx !bw : dh !p !o`0   !@ / oohooDo !0;@;P;`;p;;;;;;;;;<< <0<@<P<`<p<<<<<<<<<== =0=@=P=`=p=========>> >0>@>P>`>p>>>>>>>>>?? ?0?@?P?`?p?????????@@ @0@@@P@`@p@@@@@@@@@AA A0A@APA`ApAAAAAAAAABB B0B@BPB`BpBBBBImplementation module for socket operations. See the socket module for documentation.CMSG_SPACE(length) -> buffer size Return the buffer size needed for recvmsg() to receive an ancillary data item with associated data of the given length, along with any trailing padding. The buffer space needed to receive multiple items is the sum of the CMSG_SPACE() values for their associated data lengths. Raises OverflowError if length is outside the permissible range of values.CMSG_LEN(length) -> control message length Return the total length, without trailing padding, of an ancillary data item with associated data of the given length. This value can often be used as the buffer size for recvmsg() to receive a single item of ancillary data, but RFC 3542 requires portable applications to use CMSG_SPACE() and thus include space for padding, even when the item will be the last in the buffer. Raises OverflowError if length is outside the permissible range of values.if_indextoname(if_index) Returns the interface name corresponding to the interface index if_index.if_nametoindex(if_name) Returns the interface index corresponding to the interface name if_name.if_nameindex() Returns a list of network interface information (index, name) tuples.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) Set the default timeout in seconds (float) for new socket objects. A value of None indicates that new socket objects have no timeout. When the socket module is first imported, the default is None.getdefaulttimeout() -> timeout Returns the default timeout in seconds (float) for new socket objects. A value of None indicates that new socket objects have no timeout. When the socket module is first imported, the default is None.getnameinfo(sockaddr, flags) --> (host, port) Get host and port for a sockaddr.getaddrinfo(host, port [, family, type, proto, flags]) -> list of (family, type, proto, canonname, sockaddr) Resolve host and port into addrinfo struct.inet_ntop(af, packed_ip) -> string formatted IP address Convert a packed IP address of the given family to string format.inet_pton(af, ip) -> packed IP address string Convert an IP address from string format to a packed string suitable for use with low-level network functions.inet_ntoa(packed_ip) -> ip_address_string Convert an IP address from 32-bit packed binary format to string formatinet_aton(string) -> bytes giving packed 32-bit IP representation Convert an IP address in string format ( to the 32-bit packed binary format used in low-level network functions.htonl(integer) -> integer Convert a 32-bit integer from host to network byte order.htons(integer) -> integer Convert a 16-bit integer from host to network byte order.ntohl(integer) -> integer Convert a 32-bit integer from network to host byte order.ntohs(integer) -> integer Convert a 16-bit integer from network to host byte order.socketpair([family[, type [, proto]]]) -> (socket object, socket object) Create a pair of socket objects from the sockets returned by the platform socketpair() function. The arguments are the same as for socket() except the default family is AF_UNIX if defined on the platform; otherwise, the default is AF_INET.dup(integer) -> integer Duplicate an integer socket file descriptor. This is like os.dup(), but for sockets; on some platforms os.dup() won't work for socket file descriptors.getprotobyname(name) -> integer Return the protocol number for the named protocol. (Rarely used.)getservbyport(port[, protocolname]) -> string Return the service name from a port number and protocol name. The optional protocol name, if given, should be 'tcp' or 'udp', otherwise any protocol will match.getservbyname(servicename[, protocolname]) -> integer Return a port number from a service name and protocol name. The optional protocol name, if given, should be 'tcp' or 'udp', otherwise any protocol will match.gethostbyaddr(host) -> (name, aliaslist, addresslist) Return the true host name, a list of aliases, and a list of IP addresses, for a host. The host argument is a string giving a host name or IP number.gethostbyname_ex(host) -> (name, aliaslist, addresslist) Return the true host name, a list of aliases, and a list of IP addresses, for a host. The host argument is a string giving a host name or IP number.gethostbyname(host) -> address Return the IP address (a string of the form '') for a host.sethostname(name) Sets the hostname to name.gethostname() -> string Return the current host name.shutdown(flag) Shut down the reading side of the socket (flag == SHUT_RD), the writing side of the socket (flag == SHUT_WR), or both ends (flag == SHUT_RDWR).sendmsg(buffers[, ancdata[, flags[, address]]]) -> count Send normal and ancillary data to the socket, gathering the non-ancillary data from a series of buffers and concatenating it into a single message. The buffers argument specifies the non-ancillary data as an iterable of bytes-like objects (e.g. bytes objects). The ancdata argument specifies the ancillary data (control messages) as an iterable of zero or more tuples (cmsg_level, cmsg_type, cmsg_data), where cmsg_level and cmsg_type are integers specifying the protocol level and protocol-specific type respectively, and cmsg_data is a bytes-like object holding the associated data. The flags argument defaults to 0 and has the same meaning as for send(). If address is supplied and not None, it sets a destination address for the message. The return value is the number of bytes of non-ancillary data sent.sendto(data[, flags], address) -> count Like send(data, flags) but allows specifying the destination address. For IP sockets, the address is a pair (hostaddr, port).sendall(data[, flags]) Send a data string to the socket. For the optional flags argument, see the Unix manual. This calls send() repeatedly until all data is sent. If an error occurs, it's impossible to tell how much data has been sent.send(data[, flags]) -> count Send a data string to the socket. For the optional flags argument, see the Unix manual. Return the number of bytes sent; this may be less than len(data) if the network is busy.recvmsg_into(buffers[, ancbufsize[, flags]]) -> (nbytes, ancdata, msg_flags, address) Receive normal data and ancillary data from the socket, scattering the non-ancillary data into a series of buffers. The buffers argument must be an iterable of objects that export writable buffers (e.g. bytearray objects); these will be filled with successive chunks of the non-ancillary data until it has all been written or there are no more buffers. The ancbufsize argument sets the size in bytes of the internal buffer used to receive the ancillary data; it defaults to 0, meaning that no ancillary data will be received. Appropriate buffer sizes for ancillary data can be calculated using CMSG_SPACE() or CMSG_LEN(), and items which do not fit into the buffer might be truncated or discarded. The flags argument defaults to 0 and has the same meaning as for recv(). The return value is a 4-tuple: (nbytes, ancdata, msg_flags, address). The nbytes item is the total number of bytes of non-ancillary data written into the buffers. The ancdata item is a list of zero or more tuples (cmsg_level, cmsg_type, cmsg_data) representing the ancillary data (control messages) received: cmsg_level and cmsg_type are integers specifying the protocol level and protocol-specific type respectively, and cmsg_data is a bytes object holding the associated data. The msg_flags item is the bitwise OR of various flags indicating conditions on the received message; see your system documentation for details. If the receiving socket is unconnected, address is the address of the sending socket, if available; otherwise, its value is unspecified. If recvmsg_into() raises an exception after the system call returns, it will first attempt to close any file descriptors received via the SCM_RIGHTS mechanism.recvmsg(bufsize[, ancbufsize[, flags]]) -> (data, ancdata, msg_flags, address) Receive normal data (up to bufsize bytes) and ancillary data from the socket. The ancbufsize argument sets the size in bytes of the internal buffer used to receive the ancillary data; it defaults to 0, meaning that no ancillary data will be received. Appropriate buffer sizes for ancillary data can be calculated using CMSG_SPACE() or CMSG_LEN(), and items which do not fit into the buffer might be truncated or discarded. The flags argument defaults to 0 and has the same meaning as for recv(). The return value is a 4-tuple: (data, ancdata, msg_flags, address). The data item is a bytes object holding the non-ancillary data received. The ancdata item is a list of zero or more tuples (cmsg_level, cmsg_type, cmsg_data) representing the ancillary data (control messages) received: cmsg_level and cmsg_type are integers specifying the protocol level and protocol-specific type respectively, and cmsg_data is a bytes object holding the associated data. The msg_flags item is the bitwise OR of various flags indicating conditions on the received message; see your system documentation for details. If the receiving socket is unconnected, address is the address of the sending socket, if available; otherwise, its value is unspecified. If recvmsg() raises an exception after the system call returns, it will first attempt to close any file descriptors received via the SCM_RIGHTS mechanism.recvfrom_into(buffer[, nbytes[, flags]]) -> (nbytes, address info) Like recv_into(buffer[, nbytes[, flags]]) but also return the sender's address info.recvfrom(buffersize[, flags]) -> (data, address info) Like recv(buffersize, flags) but also return the sender's address info.recv_into(buffer, [nbytes[, flags]]) -> nbytes_read A version of recv() that stores its data into a buffer rather than creating a new string. Receive up to buffersize bytes from the socket. If buffersize is not specified (or 0), receive up to the size available in the given buffer. See recv() for documentation about the flags.recv(buffersize[, flags]) -> data Receive up to buffersize bytes from the socket. For the optional flags argument, see the Unix manual. When no data is available, block until at least one byte is available or until the remote end is closed. When the remote end is closed and all data is read, return the empty string.listen([backlog]) Enable a server to accept connections. If backlog is specified, it must be at least 0 (if it is lower, it is set to 0); it specifies the number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow before refusing new connections. If not specified, a default reasonable value is chosen.getpeername() -> address info Return the address of the remote endpoint. For IP sockets, the address info is a pair (hostaddr, port).getsockname() -> address info Return the address of the local endpoint. For IP sockets, the address info is a pair (hostaddr, port).fileno() -> integer Return the integer file descriptor of the socket.connect_ex(address) -> errno This is like connect(address), but returns an error code (the errno value) instead of raising an exception when an error occurs.connect(address) Connect the socket to a remote address. For IP sockets, the address is a pair (host, port).detach() Close the socket object without closing the underlying file descriptor. The object cannot be used after this call, but the file descriptor can be reused for other purposes. The file descriptor is returned.close() Close the socket. It cannot be used after this call.bind(address) Bind the socket to a local address. For IP sockets, the address is a pair (host, port); the host must refer to the local host. For raw packet sockets the address is a tuple (ifname, proto [,pkttype [,hatype]])getsockopt(level, option[, buffersize]) -> value Get a socket option. See the Unix manual for level and option. If a nonzero buffersize argument is given, the return value is a string of that length; otherwise it is an integer.setsockopt(level, option, value) Set a socket option. See the Unix manual for level and option. The value argument can either be an integer or a string.gettimeout() -> timeout Returns the timeout in seconds (float) associated with socket operations. A timeout of None indicates that timeouts on socket operations are disabled.settimeout(timeout) Set a timeout on socket operations. 'timeout' can be a float, giving in seconds, or None. Setting a timeout of None disables the timeout feature and is equivalent to setblocking(1). Setting a timeout of zero is the same as setblocking(0).setblocking(flag) Set the socket to blocking (flag is true) or non-blocking (false). setblocking(True) is equivalent to settimeout(None); setblocking(False) is equivalent to settimeout(0.0)._accept() -> (integer, address info) Wait for an incoming connection. Return a new socket file descriptor representing the connection, and the address of the client. For IP sockets, the address info is a pair (hostaddr, port).6esocket(family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, fileno=None) -> socket object Open a socket of the given type. The family argument specifies the address family; it defaults to AF_INET. The type argument specifies whether this is a stream (SOCK_STREAM, this is the default) or datagram (SOCK_DGRAM) socket. The protocol argument defaults to 0, specifying the default protocol. Keyword arguments are accepted. The socket is created as non-inheritable. A socket object represents one endpoint of a network connection. Methods of socket objects (keyword arguments not allowed): _accept() -- accept connection, returning new socket fd and client address bind(addr) -- bind the socket to a local address close() -- close the socket connect(addr) -- connect the socket to a remote address connect_ex(addr) -- connect, return an error code instead of an exception dup() -- return a new socket fd duplicated from fileno() fileno() -- return underlying file descriptor getpeername() -- return remote address [*] getsockname() -- return local address getsockopt(level, optname[, buflen]) -- get socket options gettimeout() -- return timeout or None listen([n]) -- start listening for incoming connections recv(buflen[, flags]) -- receive data recv_into(buffer[, nbytes[, flags]]) -- receive data (into a buffer) recvfrom(buflen[, flags]) -- receive data and sender's address recvfrom_into(buffer[, nbytes, [, flags]) -- receive data and sender's address (into a buffer) sendall(data[, flags]) -- send all data send(data[, flags]) -- send data, may not send all of it sendto(data[, flags], addr) -- send data to a given address setblocking(0 | 1) -- set or clear the blocking I/O flag setsockopt(level, optname, value) -- set socket options settimeout(None | float) -- set or clear the timeout shutdown(how) -- shut down traffic in one or both directions if_nameindex() -- return all network interface indices and names if_nametoindex(name) -- return the corresponding interface index if_indextoname(index) -- return the corresponding interface name [*] not available on all platforms!\p\!O!W!_g`"!!! !P] #! 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