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use st2listast2tuple is removed in 3.x; use st2tuplecompileast is removed in 3.x; use compilestIllegal number of children for %s node.Expected node type %d, got %d.illegal comparison operator typeIllegal terminal: expected "%s"expected variable argument trailer for varargslistillegal variable argument trailer for varargslistvarargslist missing child nodesillegal formation for varargslistinvalid number of arguments for subscript nodemissing child nodes of testlist_compillegal trailing nodes for testlist_compmissing child nodes of listmakerillegal trailing nodes for listmakerillegal number of nodes for dictorsetmakerillegal trailing nodes for dictorsetmakerillegal number of children for dotted_as_nameneed '(', ')' for generator expressionillegal use of '**' in arglistillegal number of nodes for 'power'illegal augmented assignment operatorillegal import_stmt child typeIllegal number of children for try/%s node.Illegal compound statement type: %d.VALIDATION FAILURE: report this to the maintainer!sequence2st() requires a single sequence argumentIllegal syntax-tree; cannot start with terminal symbol.encoding must be a string, found %.200scould not validate expression tupleparse tree does not use a valid start symboltuple2ast is removed in 3.x; use tuple2stCreates a tuple-tree representation of an ST.Creates a list-tree representation of an ST.Compiles an ST object into a code object.Creates an ST object from an expression.Determines if an ST object was created from an expression.Determines if an ST object was created from a suite.Creates an ST object from a suite.Creates an ST object from a tree representation.Returns the pickle magic to allow ST objects to be pickled.Intermediate representation of a Python parse tree.Compile this ST object into a code object.Determines if this ST object was created from an expression.Determines if this ST object was created from a suite.Creates a list-tree representation of this ST.Creates a tuple-tree representation of this ST.Returns size in memory, in bytes.HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHȶ ,D| ,\$<\ \D< t DLd|4  L d ;@Gl\<L܆ ܉P <\l$ TX '-4Q@c ~#B>H(E>Il,t лw}}2/QF nȍv !CP,-rVգ_[I#B* ϡNetIҳ3z貨,Y&`B~aELA]6Z V-ay txk*'tiRނ_R\сl)#jNOTrN@DIa՘OD5F?i6h:>fX޻fxhpˆd y~'+mJ`?\܌XIG:6-XKs؟6V֐J< aH]cka;]btM7q`ji\EP@1dE9m?iDI>z?nڟWgEm bVr^7; 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