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The function is called as function(text, state), for state in 0, 1, 2, ..., until it returns a non-string. It should return the next possible completion starting with 'text'.get_completer_delims() -> string get the readline word delimiters for tab-completionadd_history(string) -> None add a line to the history bufferreplace_history_item(pos, line) -> None replaces history item given by its position with contents of lineremove_history_item(pos) -> None remove history item given by its positionset_completer_delims(string) -> None set the readline word delimiters for tab-completionget_endidx() -> int get the ending index of the readline tab-completion scopeget_begidx() -> int get the beginning index of the readline tab-completion scopeget_completion_type() -> int Get the type of completion being attempted.set_pre_input_hook([function]) -> None Set or remove the pre_input_hook function. The function is called with no arguments after the first prompt has been printed and just before readline starts reading input characters.set_startup_hook([function]) -> None Set or remove the startup_hook function. The function is called with no arguments just before readline prints the first prompt.set_completion_display_matches_hook([function]) -> None Set or remove the completion display function. The function is called as function(substitution, [matches], longest_match_length) once each time matches need to be displayed.get_history_length() -> int return the maximum number of items that will be written to the history file.set_history_length(length) -> None set the maximal number of items which will be written to the history file. A negative length is used to inhibit history truncation.write_history_file([filename]) -> None Save a readline history file. The default filename is ~/.history.read_history_file([filename]) -> None Load a readline history file. The default filename is ~/.history.read_init_file([filename]) -> None Parse a readline initialization file. The default filename is the last filename used.parse_and_bind(string) -> None Parse and execute single line of a readline init file.H0?@l H9`a G>` H>`` G=k G<@k Gp;j HPA b HP;a GP6j H@;i H8b H@b I ;f I5 f !I@5e G:`e rG5@d ,ICe @ICd UI8c J@8h jI8g {I7f I 5 a I` 0l 101GA$3a1(&iG GA$3p11130YGGA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA! GA*FORTIFYGA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS GA*GOW*GA*cf_protectionGA+omit_frame_pointerGA+stack_clashGA!stack_realign GA*FORTIFY01GA+GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONSreadline.cpython-34m.so-3.4.10-11.el8.x86_64.debugas'7zXZִF!t/]?Eh=ڊ2N^hwۋ=920z[ߤ+7?(pS.W LIˀfy-ITqq3f+ȓ/p4PiF!z ]ciT{eyI\Kaή˱*,D eRz"C6R6?uf#Då_pk'`4pfxv{S`3:ѨXAg[qށ%.l"!|19xoL7hԗI^}(-!y3n/ uu)9(\ ȴTɪz ?1Ro[JݽۡEq+(Gbkg,:XJ6ގwgkypZ8VG^Cի|MG1k .Qrn3ͦ~b;IB8zHꧢxz B/B?EU 9ѧ$mC`v]6y06>n:S6 sEZh&e91z~U:-*f.@f=0}<qNƁ.Ma!37׍oku% x'%Wvc |5,g"ȁ + ,YIOS#p؋D<`&/í8;:Bqȶ[\omJݰ5d+.ﱄ>dP#Hb.x6A,)7It&z؅Y1<l^RMwKIPfK@/2%@gYbb SHg; !;oIZ7}G'2S4b(m3ug9%3i~pؾ Y/P2Ԗ+FRp);3ek"s$aN^; +|2"ɔJ$ĉo