3 좃[¥ã@sFddlmZmZmZddlmZ[[[d dd„Zd dd„Zdd „ZdS) é)Úabsolute_importÚprint_functionÚunicode_literals)ÚgetpassNcCs6d}|dk rd|}|r |d7}td||fƒtƒS)z£This is a sample callback that will read a passphrase from the terminal. The hook here, if present, will be used to describe why the passphrase is needed.ÚNú z (again)zPlease supply %s' password%s:)Úprintr)ZhintZdescZprev_badÚhookZwhy©r ú!/usr/lib64/python3.6/callbacks.pyÚpassphrase_stdinsr cCstd||||fƒdS)Nz?PROGRESS UPDATE: what = %s, type = %d, current = %d, total = %d)r)ZwhatÚtypeZcurrentZtotalr r r r Úprogress_stdout&srcCs0|r|j|ƒSt|dƒsdS|jddƒdSdS)z?A callback for data. hook should be a Python file-like object.ÚseekNr)ÚreadÚhasattrr)Úcountr r r r Ú readcb_fh+s    r)N)N)Z __future__rrrrr rrr r r r Ús