$val){ if(in_array($key, $popup_atts)){ $atts .= $key .'="'. $val .'" '; } } if( !empty($value['customlink']) ){ $message .= ' '. $policyTxt .' '; } $content = '[pl_popup popup_content_back="color" trig_load="true" popup_cookie_session="true" popup_sel_close="true" popup_cookie_name="site-cookie-consent" popup_cookie_exp="365" '.$atts.'][/pl_popup][pl_row stretch="auto" col_gap="10" width_content="auto" row_height="default" overlay_hover_delay="400" row_shape_top_color="#fff" row_shape_top_width="100" row_shape_top_height="100" row_shape_bottom_color="#fff" row_shape_bottom_width="100" row_shape_bottom_height="100" content_pos="center"][pl_col overlay_hover_delay="400" col_width="76.29"][pl_heading heading_state="normal" color="'. $value["color"]. '"]'. $message .'[/pl_heading][/pl_col][pl_col overlay_hover_delay="400" col_width="23.71"][pl_btn text="'. $btn_text .'" align="center" type="pagelayer-btn-custom" size="pagelayer-btn-small" btn_hover_delay="400" icon_position="pagelayer-btn-icon-left" icon_spacing="5" ele_classes="'. $btn_class .'" btn_typo=",15,,,,,Solid,,,1," btn_bg_color="'. $value['btn_bg_color'].'" btn_color="'. $value['btn_color'].'"][/pl_btn][/pl_col][/pl_row]'; // We need to create the post if( empty($value['templ_id']) || empty(get_post((int)$value['templ_id'])) ){ $ret = wp_insert_post([ 'post_type' => 'pagelayer-template', 'post_title' => 'Cookie-Consent', 'post_content' => $content, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'ping_status' => 'closed' ]); $value['templ_id'] = $ret; // Save our template metas update_post_meta($ret, 'pagelayer_template_type', 'popup'); update_post_meta($ret, 'pagelayer-data', time()); update_option('sitepad_cookieconsent', $value); }else if( isset($_POST['submit']) ){ // Save global widget content $post = array( 'ID' => (int) $value['templ_id'], 'post_content' => $content, ); // Update the post into the database $ret = wp_update_post($post); } if( !empty($value['templ_id']) && !empty($value['cookieconsentOn']) ){ $meta_array = get_post_meta($value['templ_id'], 'pagelayer_template_conditions', true); if( empty($meta_array) ){ $condi_array[0] = array( 'type' => 'include', 'template' => '', 'sub_template' => '', 'id' => '', ); update_post_meta($value['templ_id'], 'pagelayer_template_conditions', $condi_array); } }else{ update_post_meta($value['templ_id'], 'pagelayer_template_conditions', array()); } } if(!empty($value['templ_id']) && isset($_POST['edit_sitepad']) ){ $templ_link = wp_get_shortlink( (int)$value['templ_id'] ); $templ_link .= substr_count($link, '?') > 0 ? '&pagelayer-live=1' : '&pagelayer-live=1'; if( wp_redirect($templ_link) ){ exit; } } // Include Admin Header $title = __('Cookie Consent'); require_once( ABSPATH . 'site-admin/admin-header.php' ); echo ' '; if(!empty($value) && !empty($_POST) && isset($_POST['submit']) ){ $update = update_option('sitepad_cookieconsent', $value); echo '

'.__('Cookie Consent settings has been saved successfully !').'

'; } ?>

'; ?>
( % )'; ?>
'. __('Left') .'     '. __('Center') .'     '. __('Right'); ?>
'. __('Top') .'     '. __('Middle') .'     '. __('Bottom'); ?>
'; ?>
( millisecond )'; ?>
'; ?>
'; ?>
'; ?>
'; ?>


NOTE : - You can enable cookie consent with the above form or with the SitePad Editor. The above form is a simple wizard while the SitePad Editor will allow you to do a visual edit of your cookie consent. If you edit your cookie consent from here, it will overwrite the contents of the cookie consent settings of the SitePad Editor and vice versa.');?>