Visit site'), home_url('/'));
' . __('Your new theme has been activated. You will now be redirected to the') . ' ' . BRAND_SM_EDITOR . '
} else {
Visit site'), home_url('/'));
* This PHP is synchronized with the tmpl-theme template below!
if (empty($paged)) $paged = 1;
$skip = ($paged - 1) * $perpage;
$count = 0;
$skipped = 0;
// Display Search Query (condition added to search from all themes and not only search results)
$show_themes = $searched;
} else {
$show_themes = $themes;
// r_print($themes);
$selected_themes = $unselected_themes = array();
// Show the selected theme 1st and then others
foreach($show_themes as $key => $theme){
if($theme['id'] == $selected_theme){
$selected_themes[] = $theme;
$unselected_themes[] = $theme;
$show_themes = array_merge($selected_themes, $unselected_themes);
// r_print($show_themes);
foreach($show_themes as $theme):
$aria_action = esc_attr($theme['id'] . '-action');
$aria_name = esc_attr($theme['id'] . '-name');
// We have already displayed themes allowed per page
if ($count >= $perpage) {
// Are we to skip themes until we reach the themes for desired page
if (!empty($skip) && $skipped < $skip) {
$needs_premium = 0;
if($theme['type'] > $sitepad['features']['themes']){
$needs_premium = 1;
echo '
echo '
echo '
if ($theme['id'] == $selected_theme) {
echo '
/* translators: %s: theme name */
printf(__('Selected: %s'), $theme['name']);
echo '
} else {
echo '
if ($theme['id'] != $selected_theme) {
if (!empty($needs_premium)) {
echo '
'.__('View Plans').'';
} else {
$active_url = str_replace('themes.php', 'setup.php', $theme['actions']['activate']);