{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/WikkaWiki http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/wikis/WikkaWiki 11472618 http://wikkawiki.org 1.4.2 14 3 19-04-2020 UserSettings 1.2.0 4.5.4 Wikkawiki is a flexible, standards-compliant and lightweight wiki engine written in PHP, which uses MySQL to store pages. Designed for speed, extensibility, and security.

Wikkawiki is licensed under GNU General Public License.
  • Support for different types of embedded elements:
    • Images
    • Flash
    • Tabular Data
    • safe HTML code
    • RSS feeds
    • I-frames
    • Freemind data and maps
    • "menulets," small actions suitable for embedding in custom menus
  • User-selectable and modular theme support.
  • Administration modules to manage pages and users, including tools for bulk operations like user removal or page reversion.
  • Advanced (but optional) access control, with user registration, password management and provision for user profiles, as well as access control lists for page access.
  • Advanced Syntax Highlighting using GeSHi:
    • support for 68 markup/programming languages;
    • easily customizable output;
    • (optional) line numbering;
    • clickable markup pointers to official documentation;
  • Several page-related features, including full revision control, comments, categories, text searching, page cloning, advanced referrer management, file uploading/downloading interface, and a GUI page editor.
Admin username must be formed by two or more capitalized words without space, e.g. JohnDoe Could not encrypt admin password because the domain is not pointing to the correct server New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password Please provide the username to reset the password The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist!