{{overview}} {{features}} http://www.softaculous.com/demos/XMB http://www.softaculous.com/softwares/forums/XMB 3337895 https://forums.xmbforum2.com/ 17 01-01-2025 cp.php 4.1.7 XMB is a lightweight PHP forum software with all the features you need to support a growing community. With outstanding community support and contribution, you will find XMB to be easy to setup, customize, and enhance.

XMB is available to anyone under the GNU/GPL license.

Though XMB is lightweight out of the box, it offers the key features you need to get your message board up and running

  • Forum Organization with Categories, Forums & Sub-Forums
  • Easy to use Member Management
  • Anti-spam image verification for registration and anonymous posting
  • U2U Private Messaging
  • Inline Mass Moderation
  • Easy-to-use Theming Interface
  • Board Rules & FAQ System

These are just some of the many features included in XMB.

New password. Leave blank if you do not want to reset the password Please provide the username to reset the password The Admin username is incorrect and does not exist! Could not determine the database prefix