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padding-left: 0; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-ius-type { width: 121px; padding-left: 14px; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-eus-type { width: 121px; padding-left: 14px; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-hes-ele { width: 55px; font-weight: bold; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-hes-have { width: 87px; font-weight: bold; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-hes-att { width: 125px; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-hes-op { width: 112px; padding-left: 15px; font-weight: bold; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-hes-val { width: 126px; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-elist-close { padding-left: 21px; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-elist-close .wplnst-elist-close-link { display: block; width: 16px; height: 16px; outline: none; border: 0; text-indent: -9999px; background: url(images/button-close.png) left top no-repeat; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-elist-close .wplnst-elist-close-link:hover { background: url(images/button-close-hover.png) left top no-repeat; } .wplnst-elist tr td.wplnst-elist-split { height: 3px; } #ccj-preview_url { width: 78%; } #ccj-preview { width: 20%; text-align: center; } /** * Settings page */ #ccj_duration_preview, #ccj_editor_theme { width: 220px; } .custom-css-js_page_custom-css-js-config .CodeMirror { height: 200px; } .role-permissions, .role-permissions2 { width: 100%; } .role-permissions td, .role-permissions th, .role-permissions2 td { padding: 6px; text-align: center; } .role-permissions td.desc, .role-permissions2 td.desc { width: 35%; text-align: right; padding-right: 20px; } .role-permissions2 td { text-align: left; } .custom-css-js_page_custom-css-js-config .dashicons-editor-help { color: #999; } /** * Overlay */ #normal-sortables, .ccj_opaque { opacity: 0.4; } .ccj_only_premium { z-index: 9999; width: 160px; height: 60px; position: absolute; margin-left: 254px; color: white; } .ccj_only_premium>div { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px; float: left; background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: white; width: 207px; padding: 20px 20px } .ccj_only_premium a { color: white; text-decoration: none; transition: color 0.3s; } .ccj_only_premium a:hover { color: #0073aa; text-decoration: none; } .ccj_only_premium-right { width: 80px; margin-left: 130px; margin-top: -120px; } .ccj_only_premium-right>div { width: 200px; padding: 10px; margin-left: -110px; } .CodeMirror-fullscreen { position: fixed !important; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: auto; z-index: 100004; } pre.CodeMirror-line { direction: ltr; } .post-type-custom-css-js .metabox-prefs { display: none; } .post-type-custom-css-js #url-rules[style], .post-type-custom-css-js #revisionsdiv[style], .post-type-custom-css-js #previewdiv[style], .post-type-custom-css-js #custom-code-options[style] { display: block !important; } /** * RTL */ .rtl #custom-code-options.postbox .radio-group{ padding-left: 0; padding-right: 10px } .rtl #custom-code-options.postbox .ccj_only_premium-right{ margin-left: 0; margin-right: 130px } .rtl #custom-code-options.postbox .ccj_only_premium>div{ margin-left: 0; margin-right: -110px; float:right } .rtl .ccj_only_premium.ccj_only_premium-first{ margin-left: 0; margin-right: 254px } .rtl .ccj_only_premium.ccj_only_premium-first>div{ float: right } .rtl #revisionsdiv table.revisions thead th{ text-align: right } .rtl #edit-slug-box.hide-if-no-js #ccj-edit-slug-buttons{ margin-right: 5px } .rtl table#post-status-info .autosave-info{ text-align: right } .rtl .code-mirror-buttons, .rtl .code-mirror-before, .rtl .CodeMirror.cm-s-default.ui-resizable, .rtl .code-mirror-after{ direction: ltr } .rtl .CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper{ left: -30px !important }