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Please reload the page and try again.":["S\u2019ha trobat un error al servidor de qu\u00e8 no ens podem refer. Torneu a carregar la p\u00e0gina i torneu-ho a provar."],"Blog":["Blog"],"Exit Launch":["Surt de la Posada en Marxa"],"Redirecting in 3, 2, 1...":["Redirigint en 3, 2, 1..."],"Your website has been created!":["S'ha creat el teu web!"],"Setting up your Site Assistant":["Configurant el teu assistent de web"],"Starting off with a full website":["Comen\u00e7ant amb un web complet"],"Back":["Torna"],"Goals":["Objectius"],"Take me there":["Porta-m\u2019hi"],"Hey there, Launch is powered by Extendable and is required to proceed. You can install it from the link below and start over once activated.":["Hola, la Posada en marxa funciona gr\u00e0cies a Extendable i \u00e9s necessari per avan\u00e7ar. Podeu instal\u00b7lar-lo amb l\u2019enlla\u00e7 seg\u00fcent i tornar a comen\u00e7ar un cop estigui activat."],"One more thing before we start.":["Una cosa m\u00e9s abans de comen\u00e7ar."],"Site is not ready to launch.":["El lloc no est\u00e0 a punt per posar-lo en marxa."],"Next":["Seg\u00fcent"],"You can personalize this later.":["Podeu personalitzar-lo m\u00e9s endavant."],"Loading...":["Est\u00e0 carregant..."],"What's the name of your website?":["Com es diu el teu web?"],"You can change this later.":["Podeu canviar el nom m\u00e9s endavant."],"What's the name of your new site?":["Com es diu el vostre lloc nou?"],"Press to select":["Premeu per seleccionar"],"Just a moment, this is taking longer than expected.":["Nom\u00e9s un moment, est\u00e0 trigant m\u00e9s del que s\u2019esperava."],"Creating pages with custom content":["Creaci\u00f3 de p\u00e0gines amb contingut personalitzat"],"Setting up site layout":["Configuraci\u00f3 del disseny del lloc web"],"Website description":["Descripci\u00f3 del lloc web"],"Professional":["Professional"],"Friendly":["Amigable"],"Inspirational":["Inspirador"],"Informative":["Informatiu"],"Persuasive":["Persuasiu"],"Skip":["Omet"],"Let us create custom copy for your website":["Permeteu-nos crear text personalitzat per al vostre lloc web"],"Our AI Assistant will take your input and create customized copy for each page. 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Descriviu el vostre lloc web o empresa amb tot el detall que vulgueu i nosaltres l'utilitzarem per crear el vostre lloc perfecte."],"Please accept the terms to continue":["Si us plau, accepteu els termes per continuar"],"Added by Launch":["Afegit per Launch"],"Start over?":["Vols comen\u00e7ar de nou?"],"Go through the onboarding process again to create a new site.":["Realitzeu de nou el proc\u00e9s de posada en marxa per crear un nou lloc web."],"%s pages created in the prior onboarding session will be deleted.":["Se suprimiran %s p\u00e0gines creades en la sessi\u00f3 de posada en marxa anterior."],"Exit":["Surt"],"Processing":["Processant"],"Continue":["Continua"],"Header Navigation":["Navegaci\u00f3 de la cap\u00e7alera"],"E.g., We are a yoga studio in London with professionally trained instructors with focus on hot yoga for therapeutic purposes.":["Per exemple, som un estudi de ioga a Londres amb instructors formats professionalment i ens centrem en el ioga calent per a finalitats terap\u00e8utiques."],"Search for your site type":["Cerca pel tipus del teu lloc web"],"I agree (required to use AI Assistant)":["Estic d'acord (necessari per utilitzar l'Assistent d'IA)"],"Select your site's tone (optional)":["Seleccioneu el to del vostre lloc web (opcional)"],"About":["Sobre nosaltres"],"Contact":["Contacte"],"Pricing":["Preus"],"Team":["Equip"],"about":["sobre-nosaltres"],"blog":["blog"],"Book":["Reserva"],"Careers":["Oportunitats professionals"],"careers":["ocupacions"],"contact":["contacte"],"events":["esdeveniments"],"FAQ":["PMF"],"faq":["pmf"],"Features":["Caracter\u00edstiques"],"features":["caracteristiques"],"Gallery":["Galeria de fotos"],"gallery":["galeria"],"Menu":["Carta"],"menu":["carta"],"Portfolio":["Portafolis"],"portfolio":["portafoli"],"pricing":["preus"],"Products":["Productes"],"products":["productes"],"Quote":["Sol\u00b7licitud de pressupost"],"quote":["pressupost"],"Reservation":["Reserva"],"reservation":["reserva"],"Resources":["Recursos"],"resources":["recursos"],"Service Area":["\u00c0rea de Servei"],"service-area":["area-de-servei"],"Services":["Serveis"],"services":["serveis"],"Specials":["Ofertes especials"],"specials":["ofertes-especials"],"team":["equip"],"Testimonials":["Testimonis"],"testimonials":["testimonis"],"Single-Page Website":["Lloc web d'una sola p\u00e0gina"],"All content displayed on one scrolling page.":["Tot el contingut es mostra en una p\u00e0gina amb despla\u00e7ament."],"Multi-Page Website":["Lloc web de m\u00faltiples p\u00e0gines"],"Multiple interconnected pages.":["Diverses p\u00e0gines interconnectades."],"Pick Your Site Structure":["Trieu l'estructura del vostre lloc web"]}}}