{"translation-revision-date":"2023-10-17 14:31:16+0000","generator":"WP-CLI\/2.11.0","source":"public\/build\/extendify-help-center-3d55e69f476b931bf98d.js","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ca","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Accept":["Accepta"],"Terms of Use":["Termes d'\u00fas"],"Searching...":["Buscant..."],"For other questions, visit our support page.":["Per a altres preguntes, visiteu la nostra p\u00e0gina de suport."],"WordPress Comfort Level":["Nivell de comoditat amb el WordPress"],"Advanced":["Avan\u00e7at"],"Intermediate":["Intermedi"],"Beginner":["Principiant"],"Rate that this answer was not helpful":["Valora que aquesta resposta no ha estat \u00fatil"],"Rate that this answer was helpful":["Valoreu si aquesta resposta ha estat \u00fatil"],"Remove rating":["Elimina la valoraci\u00f3"],"Ask your WordPress question\u2026":["Feu la vostra pregunta sobre WordPress\u2026"],"Ask me any questions about WordPress.":["Feu-me qualsevol pregunta sobre WordPress."],"Hi there!":["Hola!"],"Ask Another Question":["Feu una altra pregunta"],"Oops! We were unable to send your question.":["Vaja... No s\u2019ha pogut enviar la vostra pregunta."],"Please try again.":["Torneu-ho a provar."],"Use this toggle to collapse or expand the sidebar menu.":["Utilitzeu aquest commutador per reduir o ampliar el men\u00fa de la barra lateral."],"Collapse menu":["Redueix el men\u00fa"],"Search for articles":["Cerca articles"],"The selected pattern has been inserted into the page.":["S\u2019ha inserit el patr\u00f3 seleccionat a la p\u00e0gina."],"View the Inserted Pattern":["Mostra el Patr\u00f3 Inserit"],"Simply select any pattern you wish to insert into a page by clicking on it.":["Simplement, seleccioneu qualsevol patr\u00f3 que desitgeu inserir a la p\u00e0gina fent-hi clic."],"Select a Pattern":["Selecciona un Patr\u00f3"],"Click on any pattern category to refine the selection.":["Feu clic a qualsevol categoria de patr\u00f3 per refinar la selecci\u00f3."],"Filter Patterns":["Filtra Patrons"],"The Extendify pattern library can be opened by clicking the button to the left.":["Es pot obrir la biblioteca de patrons d\u2019Extendify fent clic al bot\u00f3 de l'esquerra."],"Open the Pattern Library":["Obre la Biblioteca de Patrons"],"Tour this page":["Feu una visita guiada per aquesta p\u00e0gina"],"Manage your profile or log out of your account here.":["Gestioneu el vostre perfil o tanqueu la sessi\u00f3 del compte aqu\u00ed."],"User":["Usuari"],"Advanced settings for your site and for certain plugins.":["Configuraci\u00f3 avan\u00e7ada per al lloc i determinats plugins."],"Import\/export post data, check site health, and edit theme or plugin files directly in the WordPress admin.":["Importeu\/exporteu dades de publicaci\u00f3, comproveu la salut del lloc i editeu els fitxers del tema o plugin directament a l\u2019administrador de WordPress."],"Tools":["Eines"],"Add or manage users on your site, both admin users and others.":["Afegiu o gestioneu els usuaris del lloc, tant usuaris administradors com d\u2019altres."],"Add or manage the plugins on your site.":["Afegiu o gestioneu els plugins del lloc."],"Manage your theme and access the Site Editor from the Appearance menu. The Site Editor is where you can make global changes to your site (such as the menu, header\/footer, and styles).":["Gestioneu el tema i accediu a l\u2019Editor del Lloc des del men\u00fa Aparen\u00e7a. L\u2019Editor del Lloc \u00e9s on podeu fer canvis globals al lloc (com ara el men\u00fa, l\u2019encap\u00e7alament\/peu de p\u00e0gina, i estils)."],"Appearance":["Aparen\u00e7a"],"If you have commenting enabled on your posts, you can manage those comments here.":["Si teniu activats els comentaris a les vostres entrades, podeu gestionar-los aqu\u00ed."],"Comments":["Comentaris"],"Add, edit, or remove images and other media from your library. When you upload an image to be used on your site, it will be added to the library.":["Afegiu, editeu o elimineu imatges i altres suports de la biblioteca. Quan carregeu una imatge per utilitzar-la al lloc, s'afegir\u00e0 a la biblioteca."],"Media":["Suports"],"Manage and create blog posts.":["Gestioneu i creeu entrades de blog."],"Posts":["Entrades"],"The default WordPress dashboard will have some overall site metrics and modules added from certain plugins.":["El tauler predeterminat de WordPress tindr\u00e0 diversos m\u00f2duls i m\u00e8triques generals del lloc afegides per determinats plugins."],"Access the Site Assistant at any time.":["Accediu a l\u2019Assistent del Lloc en qualsevol moment."],"Come back to the Site Assistant any time by clicking the menu item.":["Torneu a l\u2019Assistent del Lloc en qualsevol moment fent clic a l\u2019element men\u00fa."],"See our personalized recommendations for you that will help you accomplish your goals.":["Vegeu les nostres recomanacions personalitzades, que us ajudaran a acomplir els vostres objectius."],"Easily access some of the most common items in WordPress with these quick links.":["Accediu f\u00e0cilment a alguns dels elements m\u00e9s comuns de WordPress amb aquets enlla\u00e7os r\u00e0pids."],"Knowledge Base":["Coneixements B\u00e0sics"],"Now that you've created your starter site, make it your own with these follow up tasks.":["Ara que heu creat el lloc d\u2019inici, feu-lo vostre amb aquestes tasques de seguiment."],"There was an error loading this article":["S\u2019ha produ\u00eft un error en carregar aquest article"],"Tours":["Visites guiades"],"Help Center":["Centre d\u2019Ajuda"],"Click the Add New button to add a new user to your site.":["Feu clic al bot\u00f3 Afegeix Nou per afegir un usuari nou al lloc."],"Add a new user":["Afegeix un usuari nou"],"Use the search bar to find a particular user.":["Utilitzeu la barra de cerca per trobar un usuari espec\u00edfic."],"Search for users":["Cerca per usuaris"],"Click the edit button to change the user's role, manage their account, or change their profile information.":["Feu clic al bot\u00f3 edita per canviar el rol de l\u2019usuari, gestionar el seu compte o canviar la informaci\u00f3 del seu perfil."],"Edit user information":["Edita la informaci\u00f3 de l\u2019usuari"],"See all of your users, including admin users in this table.":["Vegeu tots els vostres usuaris, incloent els usuaris administradors, en aquesta taula."],"Users":["Usuaris"],"Click here to view and manage the users on your site.":["Feu clic aqu\u00ed per veure i gestionar els usuaris del lloc."],"All Users menu":["Men\u00fa Tots els Usuaris"],"Click here to add another plugin to your site.":["Feu clic aqu\u00ed per afegir un altre plugin al lloc."],"Add another":["Afegeix-ne un altre"],"Under each plugin you can activate or deactivate it.":["Sota cada plugin podeu activar-lo o desactivar-lo."],"Deactivate\/activate option":["Opci\u00f3 desactivar\/activar"],"See all plugins installed on your site. This includes plugins that are active and deactivated.":["Vegeu tots els plugins instal\u00b7lats al lloc. S\u2019inclouen els plugins que estan actius i desactivats."],"Installed plugins":["Plugins instal\u00b7lats"],"Click this menu to see and manage the plugins you have installed.":["Feu clic en aquest men\u00fa per veure i gestionar els plugins que heu instal\u00b7lat."],"Installed Plugins menu":["Men\u00fa Plugins Instal\u00b7lats"],"If you have a plugin from an external source, you can upload it directly here.":["Si teniu un pluguin d\u2019una font externa, podeu carregar-lo directament aqu\u00ed."],"Upload Plugin":["Carrega Plugin"],"Install the plugin. Then, press this button again to activate the plugin.":["Instal\u00b7la el plugin. Ara torneu a pr\u00e9mer aquest bot\u00f3 per activar el plugin."],"Install now":["Instal\u00b7la ara"],"See important information about each plugin.":["Vegeu la informaci\u00f3 important sobre cada plugin."],"Plugin details":["Detalls del plugin"],"Search for a plugin by name or functionality.":["Cerqueu un plugin per nom o funcionalitat."],"Click here to access the Add Plugins page.":["Feu clic aqu\u00ed per accedir a la p\u00e0gina Afegeix Plugins."],"Add New plugin menu":["Men\u00fa Afegeix Plugin Nou"],"Publish or Save":["Publica o Desa"],"Click preview to view how your changes look on the front end of your site.":["Feu clic a previsualitza per veure com queden els canvis a la interf\u00edcie del lloc."],"Preview":["Previsualitza"],"Select either page or block to change the settings for the entire page or the block that is selected.":["Seleccioneu qualsevol p\u00e0gina o bloqueu-la per canviar la configuraci\u00f3 de tota la p\u00e0gina o del bloc seleccionat."],"Page and Block Settings":["Configuraci\u00f3 de P\u00e0gina i Bloc"],"This is a sample paragraph block. It can be several sentences long and will span multiple rows. You can add as many blocks as you'd like to the page.":["Aix\u00f2 \u00e9s una mostra de bloc de par\u00e0grafs. Hi pot haver diverses frases llargues i pot contenir m\u00faltiples l\u00ednies. Podeu afegir a la p\u00e0gina tants blocs com vulgueu."],"Each block will show up on the page and can be edited by clicking on it.":["Tots els blocs es mostraran a la p\u00e0gina i es poden editar fent clic a sobre."],"Blocks":["Blocs"],"Edit the page title by clicking it. Note: The title may or may not show up on the published page, depending on the page template used.":["Editeu el t\u00edtol de la p\u00e0gina fent-hi clic. Nota: Pot ser que el t\u00edtol es mostri o no a la p\u00e0gina publicada, segons la plantilla de p\u00e0gina utilitzada."],"Page Title":["T\u00edtol de la P\u00e0gina"],"Add a block by clicking or dragging it onto the page.":["Afegiu un bloc fent clic o arrossegant-lo a la p\u00e0gina."],"Block Inserter":["Inseridor de Blocs"],"Click the plus to open the block inserter.":["Feu clic al m\u00e9s per obrir l\u2019inseridor de blocs."],"Add a Block":["Afegeix un Bloc"],"Dashboard":["Tauler de control"],"Tasks":["Tasques"],"Quick Links":["Enlla\u00e7os r\u00e0pids"],"At any time, you can view your site (from a visitor's perspective) from the top admin bar under your site's name.":["En qualsevol moment, podeu visualitzar el lloc (des de la perspectiva d\u2019un visitant) des de la barra d\u2019administraci\u00f3 superior que hi ha sota el nom del lloc."],"Use the pages menu to add, delete, or edit the pages on your site.":["Utilitzeu el men\u00fa de les p\u00e0gines per afegir, esborrar o editar les p\u00e0gines del lloc."],"Done":["Fet"],"Tour Steps":["Passos Visita Guiada"],"Tour":["Visita Guiada"],"Site Assistant":["Assistent del Lloc"],"Close Modal":["Tanca la finestra modal"],"Back":["Torna"],"Plugins":["Plugins"],"View Site":["Visualitza el Lloc"],"Next":["Seg\u00fcent"],"Pages":["P\u00e0gines"],"Design Library":["Biblioteca de dissenys"],"Settings":["Configuraci\u00f3"],"Search":["Cerca"],"%1$s of %2$s":["%1$s de %2$s"],"Ask AI":["Pregunta a la IA"],"Website Tools & Plugins":["Eines i extensions per a llocs web"],"Chat History":["Historial de xat"],"Close history":["Tanca l'historial"],"Remove from history":["Elimina de l'historial"],"Toggle menu":["Commuta el men\u00fa"],"Chat History (%d)":["Historial de xat (%d)"],"Got questions? Ask our AI chatbot":["Tens preguntes? Pregunta al nostre xatbot d'IA"],"AI Chatbot":["Xatbot d'IA"],"What do you need help with?":["Amb qu\u00e8 necessiteu ajuda?"],"Search results":["Resultats de la cerca"],"Search the knowledge base":["Cerca a la base de coneixement"],"Page editor":["Editor de p\u00e0gines"],"Click publish or update to save the changes you have made to the page and make them live on the site.":["Feu clic a \"Publica\" o \"Actualitza\" per desar els canvis que heu fet a la p\u00e0gina i fer-los visibles al lloc web."],"Installing a plugin":["Instal\u00b7lant una extensi\u00f3"],"Plugin management":["Gesti\u00f3 d'extensions"],"You can always access the help center by clicking this button.":["Sempre podeu accedir al centre d'ajuda fent clic en aquest bot\u00f3."],"Visit your site":["Visita el teu lloc web"],"You can always visit your site by clicking this button.":["Sempre podeu visitar el vostre lloc web fent clic en aquest bot\u00f3."],"Users screen":["Pantalla d'usuaris"],"Getting started with WordPress":["Comen\u00e7ar amb WordPress"],"Learn more about your WordPress admin":["Apr\u00e8n m\u00e9s sobre el teu administrador de WordPress"],"Show Help Center":["Mostra el Centre d'Ajuda"],"Minimize Help Center":["Minimitza el Centre d'Ajuda"],"close":["tanca"],"Go back":["Torna enrere"],"Extendify Help Center":["Centre d'Ajuda d'Extendify"],"Help":["Ajuda"],"Click here to go to your website management dashboard. From there you will be able to create more websites, and manage your account settings.":["Feu clic aqu\u00ed per anar al tauler de gesti\u00f3 del vostre lloc web. Des d'all\u00e0 podreu crear m\u00e9s llocs web i gestionar els par\u00e0metres del vostre compte."]}}}