{"translation-revision-date":"2023-10-17 14:31:16+0000","generator":"WP-CLI\/2.11.0","source":"public\/build\/extendify-help-center-2c623e51e7572436e40c.js","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ca","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Site Assistant":["Asistent webovej str\u00e1nky"],"View Site":["Zobrazi\u0165 web"],"Done":["Hotovo"],"Close Modal":["Zavrie\u0165 mod\u00e1lne okno"],"Pages":["Str\u00e1nky"],"Quick Links":["R\u00fdchle odkazy"],"Website Tools & Plugins":["N\u00e1stroje & Pluginy pre webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky"],"Dashboard":["N\u00e1stenka"],"Terms of Use":["Podmienky pou\u017e\u00edvania"],"Accept":["Prija\u0165"],"Ask AI":["Op\u00fdtajte sa AI"],"Please try again.":["Sk\u00faste to pros\u00edm znova."],"Remove rating":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 hodnotenie"],"Rate that this answer was helpful":["Ohodno\u0165te, \u010di bola t\u00e1to odpove\u010f u\u017eito\u010dn\u00e1"],"Rate that this answer was not helpful":["Ohodno\u0165te, \u017ee t\u00e1to odpove\u010f nebola u\u017eito\u010dn\u00e1"],"Oops! We were unable to send your question.":["Hups! Nepodarilo sa n\u00e1m odosla\u0165 va\u0161u ot\u00e1zku."],"Ask Another Question":["Op\u00fdta\u0165 sa na \u010fal\u0161iu ot\u00e1zku"],"Chat History":["Hist\u00f3ria chatu"],"Close history":["Zavrie\u0165 hist\u00f3riu"],"Remove from history":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 z hist\u00f3rie"],"Beginner":["Za\u010diato\u010dn\u00edk"],"Intermediate":["Stredne pokro\u010dil\u00fd"],"Advanced":["Pokro\u010dil\u00e9"],"Toggle menu":["Prepn\u00fa\u0165 menu"],"WordPress Comfort Level":["\u00darove\u0148 pohodlia s WordPress"],"Chat History (%d)":["Hist\u00f3ria chatu (%d)"],"Hi there!":["Ahojte!"],"Ask me any questions about WordPress.":["Op\u00fdtajte sa ma na ak\u00e9ko\u013evek ot\u00e1zky t\u00fdkaj\u00face sa WordPress."],"Ask your WordPress question\u2026":["Op\u00fdtajte sa na svoju ot\u00e1zku t\u00fdkaj\u00facu sa WordPress..."],"For other questions, visit our support page.":["Pre \u010fal\u0161ie ot\u00e1zky nav\u0161t\u00edvte na\u0161u str\u00e1nku podpory."],"Got questions? Ask our AI chatbot":["M\u00e1te ot\u00e1zky? Op\u00fdtajte sa n\u00e1\u0161ho AI chatbota"],"AI Chatbot":["AI Chatbot"],"There was an error loading this article":["Pri na\u010d\u00edtavan\u00ed tohto \u010dl\u00e1nku sa vyskytla chyba."],"Search for articles":["H\u013eada\u0165 \u010dl\u00e1nky"],"What do you need help with?":["S \u010d\u00edm potrebujete pom\u00f4c\u0165?"],"Knowledge Base":["Datab\u00e1za znalost\u00ed"],"Searching...":["Vyh\u013ead\u00e1vanie..."],"Search results":["V\u00fdsledky h\u013eadania"],"Search the knowledge base":["Vyh\u013eada\u0165 v b\u00e1ze znalost\u00ed"],"Design Library":["Kni\u017enica dizajnov"],"Open the Pattern Library":["Otvori\u0165 kni\u017enicu vzorov"],"The Extendify pattern library can be opened by clicking the button to the left.":["Kni\u017enicu vzorov Extendify m\u00f4\u017eete otvori\u0165 kliknut\u00edm na tla\u010didlo v\u013eavo."],"Filter Patterns":["Filtrova\u0165 vzory"],"Click on any pattern category to refine the selection.":["Kliknite na \u013eubovo\u013en\u00fa kateg\u00f3riu vzorov, aby ste upresnili v\u00fdber."],"Select a Pattern":["Vybra\u0165 vzor"],"Simply select any pattern you wish to insert into a page by clicking on it.":["Jednoducho vyberte vzor, ktor\u00fd chcete vlo\u017ei\u0165 na str\u00e1nku, kliknut\u00edm na\u0148."],"View the Inserted Pattern":["Zobrazi\u0165 vlo\u017een\u00fd vzor"],"The selected pattern has been inserted into the page.":["Vybran\u00fd vzor bol vlo\u017een\u00fd na str\u00e1nku."],"Page editor":["Editor str\u00e1nky"],"Add a Block":["Prida\u0165 blok"],"Click the plus to open the block inserter.":["Kliknite na plus, aby ste otvorili vklada\u010d bloku."],"Block Inserter":["Vklada\u010d blokov"],"Add a block by clicking or dragging it onto the page.":["Pridajte blok kliknut\u00edm alebo presunut\u00edm na str\u00e1nku."],"Page Title":["Nadpis str\u00e1nky"],"Edit the page title by clicking it. Note: The title may or may not show up on the published page, depending on the page template used.":["Upravte nadpis str\u00e1nky kliknut\u00edm na\u0148. Pozn\u00e1mka: Nadpis sa na publikovanej str\u00e1nke m\u00f4\u017ee, ale nemus\u00ed zobrazi\u0165, v z\u00e1vislosti od pou\u017eitej \u0161abl\u00f3ny str\u00e1nky."],"Blocks":["Bloky"],"Each block will show up on the page and can be edited by clicking on it.":["Ka\u017ed\u00fd blok sa zobraz\u00ed na str\u00e1nke a je mo\u017en\u00e9 ho upravi\u0165 kliknut\u00edm na\u0148."],"This is a sample paragraph block. It can be several sentences long and will span multiple rows. You can add as many blocks as you'd like to the page.":["Toto je vzorov\u00fd blok odseku. M\u00f4\u017ee obsahova\u0165 nieko\u013eko viet a zauj\u00edma\u0165 viacero riadkov. Na str\u00e1nku m\u00f4\u017eete prida\u0165 to\u013eko blokov, ko\u013eko chcete."],"Page and Block Settings":["Nastavenia str\u00e1nok a blokov"],"Select either page or block to change the settings for the entire page or the block that is selected.":["Vyberte bu\u010f str\u00e1nku alebo blok, aby ste zmenili nastavenia pre cel\u00fa str\u00e1nku alebo vybran\u00fd blok."],"Preview":["N\u00e1h\u013ead"],"Click preview to view how your changes look on the front end of your site.":["Kliknite na n\u00e1h\u013ead, aby ste videli, ako va\u0161e zmeny vyzeraj\u00fa na verejnej \u010dasti va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky."],"Publish or Save":["Publikova\u0165 alebo ulo\u017ei\u0165"],"Click publish or update to save the changes you have made to the page and make them live on the site.":["Kliknite na Publikova\u0165 alebo Aktualizova\u0165, aby ste ulo\u017eili vykonan\u00e9 zmeny na str\u00e1nke a zverejnili ich na webovej str\u00e1nke."],"Installing a plugin":["In\u0161tal\u00e1cia pluginu"],"Add New plugin menu":["Prida\u0165 nov\u00e9 menu pluginu"],"Click here to access the Add Plugins page.":["Kliknite sem pre pr\u00edstup na str\u00e1nku Prida\u0165 pluginy."],"Search":["Vyh\u013eada\u0165"],"Search for a plugin by name or functionality.":["Vyh\u013eadajte plugin pod\u013ea n\u00e1zvu alebo funkcionality."],"Plugin details":["Detaily pluginu"],"See important information about each plugin.":["Zobrazi\u0165 d\u00f4le\u017eit\u00e9 inform\u00e1cie o ka\u017edom plugine."],"Install now":["In\u0161talova\u0165 teraz"],"Install the plugin. Then, press this button again to activate the plugin.":["Nain\u0161talujte plugin. Potom stla\u010dte toto tla\u010didlo znova, aby ste plugin aktivovali."],"Upload Plugin":["Nahra\u0165 plugin"],"If you have a plugin from an external source, you can upload it directly here.":["Ak m\u00e1te plugin z extern\u00e9ho zdroja, m\u00f4\u017eete ho tu priamo nahra\u0165."],"Plugin management":["Spr\u00e1va pluginov"],"Installed Plugins menu":["Menu nain\u0161talovan\u00fdch pluginov"],"Click this menu to see and manage the plugins you have installed.":["Kliknite na toto menu, aby ste videli a spravovali nain\u0161talovan\u00e9 pluginy."],"Installed plugins":["Nain\u0161talovan\u00e9 pluginy"],"See all plugins installed on your site. This includes plugins that are active and deactivated.":["Zobrazi\u0165 v\u0161etky pluginy nain\u0161talovan\u00e9 na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke. Zahrnut\u00e9 s\u00fa akt\u00edvne aj deaktivovan\u00e9 pluginy."],"Deactivate\/activate option":["Deaktivova\u0165\/aktivova\u0165 mo\u017enos\u0165"],"Under each plugin you can activate or deactivate it.":["Pod ka\u017ed\u00fdm pluginom ho m\u00f4\u017eete aktivova\u0165 alebo deaktivova\u0165."],"Add another":["Prida\u0165 \u010fal\u0161iu"],"Click here to add another plugin to your site.":["Kliknite sem a pridajte \u010fal\u0161\u00ed plugin na v\u00e1\u0161 web."],"Tasks":["\u00dalohy"],"Now that you've created your starter site, make it your own with these follow up tasks.":["Teraz, ke\u010f ste si vytvorili z\u00e1kladn\u00fa str\u00e1nku, prisp\u00f4sobte si ju pomocou t\u00fdchto nasleduj\u00facich \u00faloh."],"Easily access some of the most common items in WordPress with these quick links.":["S t\u00fdmito r\u00fdchlymi odkazmi jednoducho prist\u00fapte k niektor\u00fdm z naj\u010dastej\u0161ie pou\u017e\u00edvan\u00fdch polo\u017eiek vo WordPress."],"See our personalized recommendations for you that will help you accomplish your goals.":["Pozrite si na\u0161e personalizovan\u00e9 odpor\u00fa\u010dania pre v\u00e1s, ktor\u00e9 v\u00e1m pom\u00f4\u017eu dosiahnu\u0165 va\u0161e ciele."],"Help Center":["Centrum pomoci"],"You can always access the help center by clicking this button.":["Centrum pomoci m\u00f4\u017eete kedyko\u013evek otvori\u0165 kliknut\u00edm na toto tla\u010didlo."],"Visit your site":["Nav\u0161t\u00edvi\u0165 va\u0161u webov\u00fa str\u00e1nku"],"You can always visit your site by clicking this button.":["Svoju webov\u00fa str\u00e1nku m\u00f4\u017eete kedyko\u013evek nav\u0161t\u00edvi\u0165 kliknut\u00edm na toto tla\u010didlo."],"Come back to the Site Assistant any time by clicking the menu item.":["Kedyko\u013evek sa m\u00f4\u017eete vr\u00e1ti\u0165 do Asistenta str\u00e1nky kliknut\u00edm na polo\u017eku v menu."],"Users screen":["Obrazovka pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov"],"All Users menu":["Menu pre v\u0161etk\u00fdch pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov"],"Click here to view and manage the users on your site.":["Kliknite sem pre zobrazenie a spr\u00e1vu pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke."],"Users":["Pou\u017e\u00edvatelia"],"See all of your users, including admin users in this table.":["V tejto tabu\u013eke uvid\u00edte v\u0161etk\u00fdch svojich pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov, vr\u00e1tane administr\u00e1torov."],"Edit user information":["Upravi\u0165 inform\u00e1cie o pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eovi"],"Click the edit button to change the user's role, manage their account, or change their profile information.":["Kliknite na tla\u010didlo \u00fapravy, aby ste zmenili rolu pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea, spravovali jeho \u00fa\u010det alebo zmenili inform\u00e1cie v jeho profile."],"Search for users":["Vyh\u013eada\u0165 pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov"],"Use the search bar to find a particular user.":["Pou\u017eite vyh\u013ead\u00e1vac\u00ed panel na n\u00e1jdenie konkr\u00e9tneho pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea."],"Add a new user":["Prida\u0165 nov\u00e9ho pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea"],"Click the Add New button to add a new user to your site.":["Kliknite na tla\u010didlo Prida\u0165 nov\u00e9ho, aby ste pridali nov\u00e9ho pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013ea na va\u0161u str\u00e1nku."],"Getting started with WordPress":["Za\u010d\u00edname s WordPress"],"At any time, you can view your site (from a visitor's perspective) from the top admin bar under your site's name.":["Kedyko\u013evek si m\u00f4\u017eete prezrie\u0165 va\u0161u webov\u00fa str\u00e1nku (z poh\u013eadu n\u00e1v\u0161tevn\u00edka) cez horn\u00fa administr\u00e1torsk\u00fa li\u0161tu pod n\u00e1zvom va\u0161ej str\u00e1nky."],"Access the Site Assistant at any time.":["K Asistentovi str\u00e1nky m\u00f4\u017eete pristupova\u0165 kedyko\u013evek."],"Click here to go to your website management dashboard. From there you will be able to create more websites, and manage your account settings.":["Kliknite sem a prejdite na n\u00e1stenku spr\u00e1vy va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nky. Odtia\u013e budete m\u00f4c\u0165 vytv\u00e1ra\u0165 \u010fal\u0161ie webov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky a spravova\u0165 nastavenia v\u00e1\u0161ho \u00fa\u010dtu."],"The default WordPress dashboard will have some overall site metrics and modules added from certain plugins.":["Predvolen\u00e1 n\u00e1stenka WordPress bude obsahova\u0165 niektor\u00e9 celkov\u00e9 metriky webovej str\u00e1nky a moduly pridan\u00e9 z ur\u010dit\u00fdch pluginov."],"Posts":["Pr\u00edspevky"],"Manage and create blog posts.":["Spravova\u0165 a vytv\u00e1ra\u0165 pr\u00edspevky blogu."],"Media":["M\u00e9di\u00e1"],"Add, edit, or remove images and other media from your library. When you upload an image to be used on your site, it will be added to the library.":["Pridajte, upravte alebo odstr\u00e1\u0148te obr\u00e1zky a in\u00e9 multim\u00e9di\u00e1 z va\u0161ej kni\u017enice. Ke\u010f nahrajete obr\u00e1zok na pou\u017eitie na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke, bude pridan\u00fd do kni\u017enice."],"Use the pages menu to add, delete, or edit the pages on your site.":["Pomocou menu str\u00e1nok m\u00f4\u017eete prid\u00e1va\u0165, odstra\u0148ova\u0165 alebo upravova\u0165 str\u00e1nky na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke."],"Comments":["Koment\u00e1re"],"If you have commenting enabled on your posts, you can manage those comments here.":["Ak m\u00e1te povolen\u00e9 komentovanie va\u0161ich pr\u00edspevkov, m\u00f4\u017eete tieto koment\u00e1re spravova\u0165 tu."],"Appearance":["Vzh\u013ead"],"Manage your theme and access the Site Editor from the Appearance menu. The Site Editor is where you can make global changes to your site (such as the menu, header\/footer, and styles).":["Spravujte svoju t\u00e9mu a pristupujte k Editoru str\u00e1nky cez menu Vzh\u013ead. Editor str\u00e1nky je miesto, kde m\u00f4\u017eete robi\u0165 glob\u00e1lne zmeny na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke (ako napr\u00edklad menu, hlavi\u010dka\/p\u00e4ti\u010dka a \u0161t\u00fdly)."],"Plugins":["Pluginy"],"Add or manage the plugins on your site.":["Pridajte alebo spravujte pluginy na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke."],"Add or manage users on your site, both admin users and others.":["Prida\u0165 alebo spravova\u0165 pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke, vr\u00e1tane administr\u00e1torov a ostatn\u00fdch."],"Tools":["N\u00e1stroje"],"Import\/export post data, check site health, and edit theme or plugin files directly in the WordPress admin.":["Importujte\/exportujte \u00fadaje \u010dl\u00e1nkov, skontrolujte zdravie webovej str\u00e1nky a priamo v administr\u00e1cii WordPress upravujte s\u00fabory t\u00e9m alebo pluginov."],"Settings":["Nastavenia"],"Advanced settings for your site and for certain plugins.":["Pokro\u010dil\u00e9 nastavenia pre va\u0161u webov\u00fa str\u00e1nku a pre ur\u010dit\u00e9 pluginy."],"Collapse menu":["Zbali\u0165 menu"],"Use this toggle to collapse or expand the sidebar menu.":["Pomocou tohto prep\u00edna\u010da m\u00f4\u017eete zbalit alebo rozbalit bo\u010dn\u00e9 menu navig\u00e1cie."],"User":["Pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013e"],"Manage your profile or log out of your account here.":["Spravujte svoj profil alebo sa odhl\u00e1ste z v\u00e1\u0161ho \u00fa\u010dtu tu."],"Tours":["Prehliadky"],"Learn more about your WordPress admin":["Dozvedie\u0165 sa viac o va\u0161om administr\u00e1torsk\u00e9m rozhran\u00ed WordPress"],"Tour this page":["Prezrie\u0165 t\u00fato str\u00e1nku"],"Show Help Center":["Zobrazi\u0165 centrum pomoci"],"Minimize Help Center":["Minimalizova\u0165 Centrum pomoci"],"close":["zavrie\u0165"],"Go back":["Vr\u00e1\u0165te sa sp\u00e4\u0165"],"Extendify Help Center":["Centrum pomoci Extendify"],"Tour":["Prehliadka"],"Back":["Sp\u00e4\u0165"],"Tour Steps":["Kroky prehliadky"],"%1$s of %2$s":["%1$s z %2$s"],"Next":["\u010ealej"],"Help":["Pomoc"]}}}