// function to show dependent dropdowns for "Site Display" field. function hfcm_showotherboxes(type) { var header = '', before_content = '', after_content = '', footer = '', all_options = header + before_content + after_content + footer; if (type == 'All') { jQuery('#ex_pages, #ex_posts, #locationtr').show(); hfcm_remember_loc(header + footer); jQuery('#s_categories, #s_pages, #s_tags, #c_posttype, #lp_count, #s_posts').hide(); } else if (type == 's_pages') { jQuery('#s_pages, #locationtr').show(); hfcm_remember_loc(all_options); jQuery('#s_categories, #s_tags, #ex_pages, #ex_posts, #c_posttype, #lp_count, #s_posts').hide(); } else if (type == 's_posts') { jQuery('#s_posts, #locationtr').show(); hfcm_remember_loc(all_options); jQuery('#s_pages, #s_categories, #ex_pages, #ex_posts, #s_tags, #c_posttype, #lp_count').hide(); } else if (type == 's_categories') { jQuery('#s_categories, #locationtr').show(); hfcm_remember_loc(all_options); jQuery('#s_pages, #s_tags, #c_posttype, #ex_pages, #ex_posts, #lp_count, #s_posts').hide(); } else if (type == 's_custom_posts') { jQuery('#c_posttype, #locationtr').show(); hfcm_remember_loc(all_options); jQuery('#s_categories, #s_tags, #s_pages, #ex_pages, #ex_posts, #lp_count, #s_posts').hide(); } else if (type == 's_tags') { hfcm_remember_loc(all_options); jQuery('#s_tags, #locationtr').show(); jQuery('#s_categories, #s_pages, #c_posttype, #ex_pages, #ex_posts, #lp_count, #s_posts').hide(); } else if (type == 'latest_posts') { hfcm_remember_loc(all_options); jQuery('#s_pages, #s_categories, #s_tags, #ex_pages, #ex_posts, #c_posttype, #s_posts').hide(); jQuery('#lp_count, #locationtr').show(); } else if (type == 'manual') { jQuery('#s_pages, #s_categories, #s_tags,#ex_pages, #ex_posts, #c_posttype, #lp_count, #locationtr, #s_posts').hide(); } else { hfcm_remember_loc(header + footer); jQuery('#s_pages, #s_categories, #s_tags, #c_posttype, #lp_count, #s_posts').hide(); jQuery('#locationtr').show(); } } function hfcm_remember_loc(new_html) { var tmp = jQuery('#data_location option:selected').val(); jQuery('#data_location').html(new_html); jQuery('#data_location option[value="' + tmp + '"]').prop('selected', true); } function hfcmCopyToClipboard(elem) { // create hidden text element, if it doesn't already exist var targetId = "_hiddenCopyText_"; var isInput = elem.tagName === "INPUT" || elem.tagName === "TEXTAREA"; var origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd; // must use a temporary form element for the selection and copy target = document.getElementById(targetId); if (!target) { var target = document.createElement("textarea"); target.style.position = "absolute"; target.style.left = "-9999px"; target.style.top = "0"; target.id = targetId; document.body.appendChild(target); } target.textContent = elem.getAttribute('data-shortcode'); elem.textContent = "Copied!"; setTimeout( function () { elem.textContent = "Copy"; }, 2000 ); // select the content var currentFocus = document.activeElement; target.focus(); target.setSelectionRange(0, target.value.length); // copy the selection var succeed; try { succeed = document.execCommand("copy"); } catch (e) { succeed = false; } // restore original focus if (currentFocus && typeof currentFocus.focus === "function") { currentFocus.focus(); } if (isInput) { // restore prior selection elem.setSelectionRange(origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd); } else { // clear temporary content target.textContent = ""; } target.remove(); return succeed; } function nnr_confirm_delete_snippet() { return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this snippet?"); } // init selectize.js jQuery('#loader').show(); jQuery( function ($) { var nnr_hfcm_data = { action: 'hfcm-request', id: hfcm_localize.id, get_posts: true, security: hfcm_localize.security }; $.post( ajaxurl, nnr_hfcm_data, function (new_data) { var all_posts = $.merge([{text: "", value:""}], new_data.posts); var options = { plugins: ['remove_button'], options: all_posts, items: new_data.selected }; $('#loader').hide(); $('#s_posts select').selectize(options); var options = { plugins: ['remove_button'], options: new_data.posts, items: new_data.excluded }; $('#loader').hide(); $('#ex_posts select').selectize(options); }, 'json', // ajax result format ); // selectize all