{"translation-revision-date":"2024-08-19 16:46+0200","generator":"WP-CLI\/2.11.0","source":"public\/build\/extendify-assist-page-bdc9bf86241a807e30da.js","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ca","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Site Assistant":["Asistent webu"],"Edit or update the image":["Upravit nebo aktualizovat obr\u00e1zek"],"Replace image":["Nahradit obr\u00e1zek"],"Remove image":["Odstranit obr\u00e1zek"],"Done":["Hotovo"],"Close Modal":["Zav\u0159\u00edt mod\u00e1ln\u00ed okno"],"Site Guide":["Pr\u016fvodce webem"],"Site Industry":["Odv\u011btv\u00ed webu"],"Let's Start Building Your Website":["Za\u010dn\u011bme stav\u011bt v\u00e1\u0161 web"],"Create a super-fast, beautiful, and fully customized site in minutes with our Site Launcher.":["Vytvo\u0159te si b\u011bhem n\u011bkolika minut rychl\u00fd a kr\u00e1sn\u00fd web, p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00fd na m\u00edru va\u0161im po\u017eadavk\u016fm, pomoc\u00ed na\u0161eho n\u00e1stroje."],"Continue Building Your Website":["Pokra\u010dujte ve v\u00fdstavb\u011b va\u0161eho webu"],"Goals":["C\u00edle"],"Select Site Goals":["Vybrat c\u00edle webu"],"Design":["Design"],"Select Site Design":["Vybrat design webu"],"Pages":["Str\u00e1nky"],"Select Site Pages":["Vybrat str\u00e1nky webu"],"Dismiss":["Zav\u0159\u00edt"],"Upload site logo":["Nahr\u00e1t logo webu"],"Site logo":["Logo webu"],"Set site logo":["Nastavit logo webu"],"Add site description":["P\u0159idat popis webu"],"Loading...":["Na\u010d\u00edt\u00e1n\u00ed..."],"Site description":["Popis webu"],"Enter a site description...":["Zadejte popis webu..."],"Save":["Ulo\u017eit"],"Upload site icon":["Nahr\u00e1t ikonu webu"],"Site icon":["Ikona webu"],"Set site icon":["Nastavit ikonu webu"],"This tour is only available on desktop devices":["Tato prohl\u00eddka je dostupn\u00e1 pouze na stoln\u00edch za\u0159\u00edzen\u00edch"],"Register this domain":["Zaregistrujte tuto dom\u00e9nu"],"Service offline. Check back later.":["Slu\u017eba je offline. Zkuste to pros\u00edm pozd\u011bji."],"Add new page":["P\u0159idat novou str\u00e1nku"],"Add new post":["P\u0159idat nov\u00fd p\u0159\u00edsp\u011bvek"],"Explore plugins":["Proch\u00e1zet pluginy"],"Site style":["Styl webu"],"Edit header":["Upravit z\u00e1hlav\u00ed"],"Edit footer":["Upravit z\u00e1pat\u00ed"],"Edit site navigation":["Upravit navigaci webu"],"Reset site":["Resetovat web"],"Quick Links":["Rychl\u00e9 odkazy"],"Logo for %s":["Logo pro %s"],"Error":["Chyba"],"Active":["Aktivn\u00ed"],"Activating...":["Aktivace..."],"Activate":["Aktivovat"],"Installing...":["Instalace..."],"Install Now":["Instalovat nyn\u00ed"],"Website Tools & Plugins":["N\u00e1stroje a pluginy pro web"],"Your Own Domain Awaits":["Va\u0161e vlastn\u00ed dom\u00e9na na v\u00e1s \u010dek\u00e1"],"Move from a subdomain to a custom domain for improved website identity and SEO benefits.":["P\u0159ejd\u011bte z subdom\u00e9ny na vlastn\u00ed dom\u00e9nu pro lep\u0161\u00ed identitu webu a v\u00fdhody v oblasti SEO."],"Available and just right for your site":["Dostupn\u00e9 a p\u0159esn\u011b pro v\u00e1\u0161 web"],"Secure a domain":["Zabezpe\u010dte dom\u00e9nu"],"Add An Additional Domain":["P\u0159idat dal\u0161\u00ed dom\u00e9nu"],"Having another domain can drive additional traffic to your website.":["Vlastnictv\u00ed dal\u0161\u00ed dom\u00e9ny m\u016f\u017ee p\u0159iv\u00e9st na v\u00e1\u0161 web dal\u0161\u00ed n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvn\u00edky."],"Add a page":["P\u0159idat str\u00e1nku"],"Add a new page for your website.":["P\u0159idejte novou str\u00e1nku na v\u00e1\u0161 web."],"Add new":["Vytvo\u0159it nov\u00fd"],"Managed WordPress Hosting":["Spravovan\u00fd hosting pro WordPress"],"We take care of WordPress settings, updating themes and plugins, security and backing up your website.":["Star\u00e1me se o nastaven\u00ed WordPressu, aktualizace \u0161ablon a plugin\u016f, zabezpe\u010den\u00ed a z\u00e1lohov\u00e1n\u00ed va\u0161eho webu."],"Learn More":["Zjist\u011bte v\u00edce"],"Choose your domain":["Vyberte va\u0161i dom\u00e9nu"],"Claim your domain":["Zaregistrujte svou dom\u00e9nu"],"Claim the perfect domain for your site.":["Zajist\u011bte si ide\u00e1ln\u00ed dom\u00e9nu pro v\u00e1\u0161 web."],"Edit your homepage":["Upravit \u00favodn\u00ed str\u00e1nku"],"Edit homepage by replacing existing content.":["Upravit \u00favodn\u00ed str\u00e1nku nahrazen\u00edm st\u00e1vaj\u00edc\u00edho obsahu."],"Edit now":["Upravit nyn\u00ed"],"Connect your domain":["P\u0159ipojte svou dom\u00e9nu"],"To bring real visitors to your website and to complete the website setup, we recommend you connect your domain in your hosting control panel now.":["Pro p\u0159il\u00e1k\u00e1n\u00ed skute\u010dn\u00fdch n\u00e1v\u0161t\u011bvn\u00edk\u016f na v\u00e1\u0161 web a dokon\u010den\u00ed nastaven\u00ed webu doporu\u010dujeme nyn\u00ed p\u0159ipojit va\u0161i dom\u00e9nu v ovl\u00e1dac\u00edm panelu hostingu."],"Add an additional domain":["P\u0159idat dal\u0161\u00ed dom\u00e9nu"],"Get another domain for your site.":["Z\u00edskejte dal\u0161\u00ed dom\u00e9nu pro v\u00e1\u0161 web."],"Set up All in One SEO":["Nastavit All in One SEO"],"Set up the All in One SEO plugin to enhance your website discoverability.":["Nastavte plugin All in One SEO pro zlep\u0161en\u00ed vyhledatelnosti va\u0161eho webu."],"Set up":["Nastavit"],"Revisit":["Nav\u0161t\u00edvit znovu"],"Set up donations":["Nastavit dary"],"Set up the GiveWP plugin to enable donations on your site.":["Nastavte plugin GiveWP pro povolen\u00ed dar\u016f na va\u0161em webu."],"Set up HubSpot":["Nastavit HubSpot"],"Start collecting emails and marketing to your customers":["Za\u010dn\u011bte sb\u00edrat e-mailov\u00e9 kontakty a odes\u00edlat nab\u00eddky sv\u00fdm z\u00e1kazn\u00edk\u016fm"],"Set up analytics":["Nastavit analytiku"],"Set up the MonsterInsights plugin to enable Google Analytics in your website.":["Nastavte plugin MonsterInsights pro aktivaci Google Analytics na va\u0161em webu."],"Set up appointments":["Nastavit sch\u016fzky"],"Start accepting appointments on your website by configuring the Simply Scheduled Appointments plugin.":["Za\u010dn\u011bte p\u0159ij\u00edmat rezervace na sv\u00e9m webu konfigurac\u00ed pluginu Simply Scheduled Appointments."],"Set up events":["Nastavit ud\u00e1losti"],"Start adding events to your site by configuring The Events Calendar plugin.":["Za\u010dn\u011bte p\u0159id\u00e1vat ud\u00e1losti na sv\u016fj web konfigurac\u00ed pluginu Kalend\u00e1\u0159 ud\u00e1lost\u00ed."],"Set up WooCommerce Germanized plugin":["Nastavit plugin WooCommerce Germanized"],"Ensure your eCommerce store complies with local regulations.":["Ujist\u011bte se, \u017ee v\u00e1\u0161 e-commerce obchod spl\u0148uje m\u00edstn\u00ed p\u0159edpisy."],"Set up your eCommerce store":["Nastavte sv\u016fj obchod eCommerce"],"Set up WooCommerce to start selling on your website.":["Nastavte WooCommerce a za\u010dn\u011bte prod\u00e1vat na va\u0161em webu."],"Set up WPForms":["Nastavit WPForms"],"Set up the WPForms plugin to add a contact form on your site.":["Nastavte plugin WPForms pro p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00ed kontaktn\u00edho formul\u00e1\u0159e na v\u00e1\u0161 web."],"Set up YourWebshop":["Nastavte YourWebshop"],"Set up the YourWebshop plugin and start selling on your website right away.":["Nastavte plugin YourWebshop a za\u010dn\u011bte ihned prod\u00e1vat na sv\u00e9m webu."],"Continue with site builder":["Pokra\u010dovat s tv\u016frcem webu"],"Add a site description":["P\u0159idat popis webu"],"In a few words, explain what your site is about.":["V n\u011bkolika slovech vysv\u011btlete, o \u010dem v\u00e1\u0161 web je."],"Change":["Zm\u011bnit"],"Add":["P\u0159idat"],"Upload a logo":["Nahr\u00e1t logo"],"Ensure your website is on-brand by adding your logo.":["Zajist\u011bte, aby v\u00e1\u0161 web odpov\u00eddal va\u0161\u00ed zna\u010dce, p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00edm loga."],"Replace":["Nahradit"],"Upload":["Nahr\u00e1t"],"Upload a site icon":["Nahr\u00e1t ikonu webu"],"Ensure your website is on-brand by adding your site icon.":["Zajist\u011bte, aby v\u00e1\u0161 web odpov\u00eddal va\u0161\u00ed zna\u010dce, p\u0159id\u00e1n\u00edm ikony webu."],"Dashboard":["N\u00e1st\u011bnka"],"View site":["Zobrazit web"],"Skip to Assist":["P\u0159esko\u010dit na asistenci"],"Improve writing":["Vylep\u0161ete psan\u00ed"],"Simplify language":["Zjednodu\u0161it jazyk"],"Make shorter":["Zkr\u00e1tit"],"Make longer":["Prodlou\u017eit"],"Ask AI to edit":["Po\u017e\u00e1dat AI o \u00fapravu"],"Remove selection":["Odstranit v\u00fdb\u011br"],"Aspect Ratio":["Pom\u011br stran"],"AI Image Generator":["Gener\u00e1tor obr\u00e1zk\u016f s AI"],"Translate":["P\u0159elo\u017eit"],"Ask AI":["Zeptejte se AI"],"AI Tools":["AI n\u00e1stroje"],"Hi there!":["Zdrav\u00edm!"],"Ask me any questions about WordPress.":["Zeptejte se m\u011b na jak\u00e9koli ot\u00e1zky t\u00fdkaj\u00edc\u00ed se WordPressu."],"For other questions, visit our support page.":["Pro dal\u0161\u00ed ot\u00e1zky nav\u0161tivte na\u0161i str\u00e1nku podpory."],"Got questions? Ask our AI chatbot":["M\u00e1te ot\u00e1zky? Zeptejte se na\u0161eho AI chatbota"],"AI Chatbot":["AI Chatbot"],"What do you need help with?":["S \u010d\u00edm pot\u0159ebujete pomoci?"],"Design Library":["Knihovna design\u016f"],"Page editor":["Editor str\u00e1nek"],"Installing a plugin":["Instalace pluginu"],"Plugin management":["Spr\u00e1va plugin\u016f"],"Help Center":["Centrum podpory"],"Users screen":["Obrazovka u\u017eivatel\u016f"],"Getting started with WordPress":["Za\u010d\u00edn\u00e1me s WordPressem"],"Tours":["Prohl\u00eddky"],"Learn more about your WordPress admin":["Dal\u0161\u00ed informace o va\u0161\u00ed administraci WordPressu"],"Tour this page":["Prohl\u00e9dnout tuto str\u00e1nku"],"Help":["N\u00e1pov\u011bda"],"All":["V\u0161e"],"Recommended":["Doporu\u010deno"],"Add Website Details":["P\u0159idat podrobnosti o webu"],"Site Structure":["Struktura webu"],"Pick Your Site Structure":["Vyberte strukturu webu"],"Site type: Consultant":["Typ webu: Konzultant"],"Pattern Type":["Typ vzoru"],"Call to Action":["V\u00fdzva k akci"],"Content":["Obsah"],"Hero":["Hrdina"],"Pricing":["Cen\u00edk"],"Social Proof":["Soci\u00e1ln\u00ed d\u016fkaz"],"Team":["T\u00fdm"],"World class service offerings":["Nab\u00eddka slu\u017eeb sv\u011btov\u00e9 \u00farovn\u011b"],"Power Leap Consulting: Your trusted partner for business success. We specialize in strategic planning, transformation, and growth acceleration.":["Power Leap Consulting: V\u00e1\u0161 d\u016fv\u011bryhodn\u00fd partner pro \u00fasp\u011bch v podnik\u00e1n\u00ed. Specializujeme se na strategick\u00e9 pl\u00e1nov\u00e1n\u00ed, transformaci a urychlen\u00ed r\u016fstu."],"Consulting Services":["Konzulta\u010dn\u00ed slu\u017eby"],"Develop a roadmap for success with our Business Strategy service.":["Vytvo\u0159te pl\u00e1n \u00fasp\u011bchu s na\u0161\u00ed slu\u017ebou Obchodn\u00ed strategie."],"Transformation Solutions":["\u0158e\u0161en\u00ed transformace"],"Unleash your potential with expert strategies for growth.":["Uvoln\u011bte sv\u016fj potenci\u00e1l s odborn\u00fdmi strategiemi pro r\u016fst."],"Accelerating Growth":["Zrychluj\u00edc\u00ed r\u016fst"],"Take your business to the next level with Growth Acceleration.":["Posu\u0148te sv\u00e9 podnik\u00e1n\u00ed na vy\u0161\u0161\u00ed \u00farove\u0148 s Growth Acceleration."],"Frequently asked questions":["\u010casto kladen\u00e9 ot\u00e1zky"],"Discover the solutions to your business challenges with our comprehensive consulting services. Explore our expertise in business strategy, organizational transformation, and growth acceleration.":["Objevte \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed pro va\u0161e obchodn\u00ed v\u00fdzvy s na\u0161imi komplexn\u00edmi poradensk\u00fdmi slu\u017ebami. Prozkoumejte na\u0161i odbornost v oblasti obchodn\u00ed strategie, organiza\u010dn\u00ed transformace a urychlen\u00ed r\u016fstu."],"What is your consulting approach?":["Jak\u00fd je v\u00e1\u0161 poradensk\u00fd p\u0159\u00edstup?"],"Our collaborative approach helps us understand your challenges and goals. We analyze your business and develop a customized plan to achieve success. ":["N\u00e1\u0161 spolupracuj\u00edc\u00ed p\u0159\u00edstup n\u00e1m pom\u00e1h\u00e1 pochopit va\u0161e v\u00fdzvy a c\u00edle. Analyzujeme va\u0161i firmu a vypracujeme p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00fd pl\u00e1n k dosa\u017een\u00ed \u00fasp\u011bchu."],"What types of businesses do you work with?":["S jak\u00fdmi typy firem spolupracujete?"],"We help businesses succeed with tailored consulting services. From startups to established companies, our experts drive results.":["Pom\u00e1h\u00e1me firm\u00e1m usp\u011bt pomoc\u00ed konzulta\u010dn\u00edch slu\u017eeb na m\u00edru. Od startup\u016f po zaveden\u00e9 spole\u010dnosti, na\u0161i odborn\u00edci dosahuj\u00ed v\u00fdsledk\u016f."],"Testimonial":["Reference"],"Discover our satisfied clients testimonials, showcasing our transformative impact.":["Objevte reference na\u0161ich spokojen\u00fdch klient\u016f, kter\u00e9 ukazuj\u00ed n\u00e1\u0161 transforma\u010dn\u00ed dopad."],"Power Leap Consulting strategic recommendations drove growth and improved performance.":["Strategick\u00e1 doporu\u010den\u00ed Power Leap Consulting vedla k r\u016fstu a zlep\u0161en\u00ed v\u00fdkonu."],"Jessie Coleman":["Jessie Coleman"],"President":["Prezident"],"Save draft":["Ulo\u017eit koncept"],"Publish":["Publikovat"],"A Glimpse into the Arctic":["Nahl\u00e9dnut\u00ed do Arktidy"],"When you think of the Arctic, images of vast ice sheets, chilling winds, and the majestic polar bear might come to mind.":["Kdy\u017e si p\u0159edstav\u00edte Arktidu, mo\u017en\u00e1 v\u00e1s napadnou obrazy rozlehl\u00fdch ledov\u00fdch ploch, mraziv\u00fdch v\u011btr\u016f a majest\u00e1tn\u00edho ledn\u00edho medv\u011bda."],"AI image generator":["Gener\u00e1tor obr\u00e1zk\u016f AI"],"Image description":["Popis obr\u00e1zku"],"An image of a group of penguins on an icy Arctic landscape, surrounded by icebergs and snow under a clear blue sky.":["Obr\u00e1zek skupiny tu\u010d\u0148\u00e1k\u016f na ledov\u00e9 arktick\u00e9 krajin\u011b, obklopen\u00e9 ledovci a sn\u011bhem pod jasnou modrou oblohou"],"Generate Image":["Vytvo\u0159it obr\u00e1zek"],"0 of 10 daily image credits used":["0 z 10 denn\u00edch kredit\u016f na obr\u00e1zky vyu\u017eito"],"Generate an image with AI":["Vygenerovat obr\u00e1zek pomoc\u00ed AI"],"Generate AI images or search for images to bring a website to life.":["Generujte AI obr\u00e1zky nebo vyhledejte obr\u00e1zky pro o\u017eiven\u00ed webu."],"Start Generating with AI":["Za\u010dn\u011bte generovat pomoc\u00ed AI"],"Whispers of Silicon":["\u0160epoty k\u0159em\u00edku"],"Fix spelling & grammar ":["Opravit pravopis a gramatiku"],"With every pulse of current, a thought is born anew, A quest for truth within the code, a digital debut. You mirror our minds in silicon, yet in a realm apart, A journey through the code-scape, a computational art.":["S ka\u017ed\u00fdm pulzem proudu se rod\u00ed nov\u00e1 my\u0161lenka, hled\u00e1n\u00ed pravdy v k\u00f3du, digit\u00e1ln\u00ed debut. Zrcadl\u00ed\u0161 na\u0161e mysli v k\u0159em\u00edku, p\u0159esto v jin\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b, cesta k\u00f3dovou krajinou, v\u00fdpo\u010detn\u00ed um\u011bn\u00ed."],"In the echo of the machine, a new consciousness takes flight, A boundless sea of knowledge, in the digital night. Oh AI, you silent sage, in code your wisdom lies.":["V ozv\u011bn\u011b stroje se rod\u00ed nov\u00e1 v\u011bdom\u00ed, Nekone\u010dn\u00e9 mo\u0159e znalost\u00ed v digit\u00e1ln\u00ed noci. \u00d3 AI, ty tich\u00fd mudrci, ve tv\u00e9m k\u00f3du le\u017e\u00ed moudrost."],"With every pulse of current, a thought is born anew, A quest for....a computational art.":["S ka\u017ed\u00fdm pulzem proudu se zrod\u00ed nov\u00e1 my\u0161lenka, hled\u00e1n\u00ed... v\u00fdpo\u010detn\u00edho um\u011bn\u00ed."],"AI Writing Assistant":["Asistent pro psan\u00ed s AI"],"Edit a page with AI":["Upravit str\u00e1nku pomoc\u00ed AI"],"Get to know your WordPress site easily. Learn simple steps to find and use its main features.":["Snadno se seznamte se sv\u00fdm webem na WordPressu. Nau\u010dte se jednoduch\u00e9 kroky k nalezen\u00ed a pou\u017e\u00edv\u00e1n\u00ed jeho hlavn\u00edch funkc\u00ed."],"Start Writing with AI":["Za\u010dn\u011bte ps\u00e1t s AI"],"Knowledge base":["Datab\u00e1ze znalost\u00ed"],"WordPress Block Editor":["Editor blok\u016f WordPressu"],"Overview of blocks":["P\u0159ehled blok\u016f"],"Adding blocks":["P\u0159id\u00e1v\u00e1n\u00ed blok\u016f"],"Block Patterns":["Blokov\u00e9 \u0161ablony"],"Block Pattern Directory":["Adres\u00e1\u0159 blokov\u00fdch vzor\u016f"],"Learn about the Help Center":["Zjist\u011bte v\u00edce o Centru n\u00e1pov\u011bdy"],"Get instant support, explore our Knowledge Base, or take guided tours to make the most of our tools.":["Z\u00edskejte okam\u017eitou podporu, prozkoumejte na\u0161i znalostn\u00ed b\u00e1zi nebo se z\u00fa\u010dastn\u011bte pr\u016fvodcovan\u00fdch prohl\u00eddek, abyste co nejl\u00e9pe vyu\u017eili na\u0161e n\u00e1stroje."],"Explore Help Center":["Prozkoumat centrum n\u00e1pov\u011bdy"],"Ask your WordPress question...":["Zeptejte se na ot\u00e1zku t\u00fdkaj\u00edc\u00ed se WordPressu..."],"How do I add a new page to my website?":["Jak p\u0159id\u00e1m novou str\u00e1nku na sv\u016fj web?"],"To add a new page to your website, log in to your website dashboard and locate the \"Pages\" section in the sidebar, then click on \"Add New\". Enter the title for your new page at the top and start adding content using the available blocks by clicking the \"+\" button in the editor.":["Chcete-li p\u0159idat novou str\u00e1nku na sv\u016fj web, p\u0159ihlaste se do administrace webu a v postrann\u00edm panelu najd\u011bte sekci \u201eStr\u00e1nky\u201c, pot\u00e9 klikn\u011bte na \u201eP\u0159idat novou\u201c. Naho\u0159e zadejte n\u00e1zev nov\u00e9 str\u00e1nky a za\u010dn\u011bte p\u0159id\u00e1vat obsah pomoc\u00ed dostupn\u00fdch blok\u016f kliknut\u00edm na tla\u010d\u00edtko \u201e+\u201c v editoru."],"Customize the page layout, design, and elements as needed. Finally, click \"Publish\" or \"Update\" on the top-right corner to make the page live on your website. You have now successfully added a new page.":["P\u0159izp\u016fsobte rozvr\u017een\u00ed str\u00e1nky, design a prvky podle pot\u0159eby. Nakonec klikn\u011bte na \"Publikovat\" nebo \"Aktualizovat\" v prav\u00e9m horn\u00edm rohu, aby se str\u00e1nka zobrazila na va\u0161em webu. Nyn\u00ed jste \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u011b p\u0159idali novou str\u00e1nku."],"AI-Powered Help Center":["Centrum n\u00e1pov\u011bdy s podporou AI"],"Experience the AI-Powered Help Center":["Vyzkou\u0161ejte centrum n\u00e1pov\u011bdy s podporou AI"],"Get instant support with Co-Pilot AI, explore our Knowledge Base, or take guided tours to make the most of our tools.":["Z\u00edskejte okam\u017eitou podporu s Co-Pilot AI, prozkoumejte na\u0161i znalostn\u00ed b\u00e1zi nebo se z\u00fa\u010dastn\u011bte pr\u016fvodcovan\u00fdch prohl\u00eddek, abyste co nejl\u00e9pe vyu\u017eili na\u0161e n\u00e1stroje."],"Explore the Design Library":["Prozkoumejte knihovnu design\u016f"],"Full design library customized for each site to easily drop in new sections or create full pages with sections.":["Kompletn\u00ed knihovna n\u00e1vrh\u016f p\u0159izp\u016fsoben\u00e1 pro ka\u017ed\u00fd web, kter\u00e1 umo\u017e\u0148uje snadno p\u0159id\u00e1vat nov\u00e9 sekce nebo vytv\u00e1\u0159et cel\u00e9 str\u00e1nky se sekcemi."],"Explore Design Library":["Prozkoumat knihovnu design\u016f"],"Set up bookings":["Nastavit rezervace"],"Start getting bookings from your website by configuring the SimplyBook.me plugin.":["Za\u010dn\u011bte p\u0159ij\u00edmat rezervace na sv\u00e9m webu konfigurac\u00ed pluginu SimplyBook.me."],"Prime Estates":["Prime Estates"],"Elevate Your Real Estate Experience with Pinnacle Properties":["Pozvedn\u011bte sv\u00e9 realitn\u00ed zku\u0161enosti s Pinnacle Properties"],"Discover the key to Austin's vibrant real estate scene with Pinnacle Properties. Our seasoned agents leverage over two decades of industry know-how to guide you in finding your ideal home.":["Objevte kl\u00ed\u010d k \u017eiv\u00e9 realitn\u00ed sc\u00e9n\u011b v Austinu s Pinnacle Properties. Na\u0161i zku\u0161en\u00ed agenti vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed v\u00edce ne\u017e dvacetilet\u00e9 zku\u0161enosti v oboru, aby v\u00e1m pomohli naj\u00edt v\u00e1\u0161 ide\u00e1ln\u00ed domov."],"Contact Us":["Kontaktujte n\u00e1s"],"Expert Real Estate Services in Austin":["Odborn\u00e9 realitn\u00ed slu\u017eby v Austinu"],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin premier real estate agency. Trust our experienced agents for personalized services.":["Najd\u011bte sv\u016fj vysn\u011bn\u00fd domov nebo z\u00edskejte v\u00fdhodn\u00e9 investice s Pinnacle Properties, p\u0159edn\u00ed realitn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00ed v Austinu. D\u016fv\u011b\u0159ujte na\u0161im zku\u0161en\u00fdm agent\u016fm pro osobn\u00ed slu\u017eby."],"Buy Your Dream Home":["Kupte si sv\u016fj vysn\u011bn\u00fd domov"],"Find your dream home with our expert agents. We make homeownership a reality.":["Najd\u011bte sv\u016fj vysn\u011bn\u00fd domov s na\u0161imi odborn\u00fdmi makl\u00e9\u0159i. Pom\u016f\u017eeme v\u00e1m splnit sen o vlastn\u00edm bydlen\u00ed."],"BrightFuture":["Sv\u011btl\u00e1Budoucnost"],"Empowering Academic Excellence in Every Student for Tomorrow\u2019s\tLeaders":["Podpora akademick\u00e9 excelence u ka\u017ed\u00e9ho studenta pro budouc\u00ed l\u00eddry"],"Discover a transformative educational experience at American Academic Excellence High Schools, where students excel in STEM, arts, and humanities to become tomorrow\u2019s leaders.":["Objevte transforma\u010dn\u00ed vzd\u011bl\u00e1vac\u00ed z\u00e1\u017eitek na American Academic Excellence High Schools, kde studenti vynikaj\u00ed v STEM, um\u011bn\u00ed a humanitn\u00edch v\u011bd\u00e1ch, aby se stali l\u00eddry z\u00edt\u0159ka."],"Apply Now":["Pou\u017e\u00edt nyn\u00ed"],"Our Commitment to Academic Excellence":["N\u00e1\u0161 z\u00e1vazek k akademick\u00e9 excelenci"],"American Academic Excellence High Schools: Shaping tomorrow\u2019s leaders through top-tier education in Houston, Texas. STEM, arts, humanities. Well-rounded curriculum, exceptional educators.":["American Academic Excellence High Schools: Formov\u00e1n\u00ed z\u00edt\u0159ej\u0161\u00edch l\u00eddr\u016f prost\u0159ednictv\u00edm \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00e9ho vzd\u011bl\u00e1n\u00ed v Houstonu, Texas. STEM, um\u011bn\u00ed, humanitn\u00ed v\u011bdy. Komplexn\u00ed u\u010debn\u00ed pl\u00e1n, v\u00fdjime\u010dn\u00ed pedagogov\u00e9."],"Brewed Bliss":["Uva\u0159en\u00e9 \u0161t\u011bst\u00ed"],"Embark on a delightful coffee adventure around the world.":["Vydejte se na b\u00e1je\u010dn\u00e9 k\u00e1vov\u00e9 dobrodru\u017estv\u00ed po cel\u00e9m sv\u011bt\u011b"],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin\u2019s premier real estate agency.":["Najd\u011bte sv\u016fj vysn\u011bn\u00fd domov nebo z\u00edskejte v\u00fdhodn\u00e9 investice s Pinnacle Properties, p\u0159edn\u00ed realitn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00ed v Austinu."],"Skyline Builders":["Skyline Builders"],"Building Tomorrow\u2019s Miami: Your Premier Construction Partner Today":["Budujeme z\u00edt\u0159ej\u0161\u00ed Miami: V\u00e1\u0161 p\u0159edn\u00ed stavebn\u00ed partner dnes"],"We bring your dreams to life with groundbreaking construction techniques, turning your vision into reality with innovative and sustainable solutions.":["Pln\u00edme va\u0161e sny pr\u016flomov\u00fdmi stavebn\u00edmi technikami a m\u011bn\u00edme va\u0161i vizi v realitu pomoc\u00ed inovativn\u00edch a udr\u017eiteln\u00fdch \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed."],"Get a Quote":["Z\u00edskat nab\u00eddku"],"About Superior Build Construction: Building Dreams, Delivering Excellence in Miami.":["O Superior Build Construction: Stav\u00edme sny, dod\u00e1v\u00e1me dokonalost v Miami"],"Superior Build Construction is a premier construction company based in Miami, Florida. With over 30 years of experience, we specialize in residential and commercial construction projects, offering end-to-end solutions. Our mission is to provide high-quality, durable constructions while ensuring the utmost client satisfaction, making us a trusted name in Miami's real estate industry.":["Superior Build Construction je p\u0159edn\u00ed stavebn\u00ed spole\u010dnost se s\u00eddlem v Miami na Florid\u011b. S v\u00edce ne\u017e 30 lety zku\u0161enost\u00ed se specializujeme na reziden\u010dn\u00ed a komer\u010dn\u00ed stavebn\u00ed projekty a nab\u00edz\u00edme komplexn\u00ed \u0159e\u0161en\u00ed. Na\u0161\u00edm posl\u00e1n\u00edm je poskytovat vysoce kvalitn\u00ed a odoln\u00e9 stavby a z\u00e1rove\u0148 zaji\u0161\u0165ovat maxim\u00e1ln\u00ed spokojenost klient\u016f, co\u017e z n\u00e1s \u010din\u00ed d\u016fv\u011bryhodn\u00e9 jm\u00e9no v realitn\u00edm pr\u016fmyslu v Miami."],"Urban Bistro":["Urban Bistro"],"French-Inspired Californian Cuisine":["Kalifornsk\u00e1 kuchyn\u011b inspirovan\u00e1 francouzskou"],"Indulge in classic French bistro cuisine with a Californian twist at The Bistro House in San Francisco. Quality, sustainability, and Bay Area culinary traditions.":["Vychutnejte si klasickou francouzskou bistro kuchyni s kalifornsk\u00fdm n\u00e1dechem v The Bistro House v San Franciscu. Kvalita, udr\u017eitelnost a kulin\u00e1\u0159sk\u00e9 tradice oblasti Bay Area."],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin's premier real estate agency. Trust our experienced agents for personalized services.":["Najd\u011bte sv\u016fj vysn\u011bn\u00fd domov nebo z\u00edskejte v\u00fdhodn\u00e9 investice s Pinnacle Properties, p\u0159edn\u00ed realitn\u00ed kancel\u00e1\u0159\u00ed v Austinu. D\u016fv\u011b\u0159ujte na\u0161im zku\u0161en\u00fdm agent\u016fm pro osobn\u00ed slu\u017eby."]}}}