{"translation-revision-date":"2025-02-12 13:17+0100","generator":"WP-CLI\/2.11.0","source":"public\/build\/extendify-assist-page-bdc9bf86241a807e30da.js","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"ca","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"Site Assistant":["Asistent webovej str\u00e1nky"],"Edit or update the image":["Upravi\u0165 alebo aktualizova\u0165 obr\u00e1zok"],"Replace image":["Nahradi\u0165 obr\u00e1zok"],"Remove image":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 obr\u00e1zok"],"Done":["Hotovo"],"Close Modal":["Zavrie\u0165 okno"],"Site Guide":["Sprievodca webom"],"Site Industry":["Odvetvie webu"],"Let's Start Building Your Website":["Za\u010dnime vytv\u00e1ra\u0165 va\u0161u str\u00e1nku"],"Create a super-fast, beautiful, and fully customized site in minutes with our Site Launcher.":["Vytvorte super-r\u00fdchlu, kr\u00e1snu a plne prisp\u00f4soben\u00fa str\u00e1nku za p\u00e1r min\u00fat s na\u0161\u00edm n\u00e1strojom na tvorbu webu."],"Continue Building Your Website":["Pokra\u010dujte v tvorbe va\u0161ej str\u00e1nky"],"Goals":["Ciele"],"Select Site Goals":["Vyberte ciele webu"],"Design":["Dizajn"],"Select Site Design":["Vyberte dizajn webu"],"Pages":["Str\u00e1nky"],"Select Site Pages":["Vyberte str\u00e1nky webu"],"Dismiss":["Zatvori\u0165"],"Upload site logo":["Nahra\u0165 logo webu"],"Site logo":["Logo str\u00e1nky"],"Set site logo":["Nastavi\u0165 logo webu"],"Add site description":["Prida\u0165 popis str\u00e1nky"],"Loading...":["Na\u010d\u00edtavanie..."],"Site description":["Popis str\u00e1nky"],"Enter a site description...":["Zadajte popis str\u00e1nky..."],"Save":["Ulo\u017ei\u0165"],"Upload site icon":["Nahra\u0165 ikonu str\u00e1nky"],"Site icon":["Ikona str\u00e1nky"],"Set site icon":["Nastavi\u0165 ikonu str\u00e1nky"],"This tour is only available on desktop devices":["Tento sprievodca je dostupn\u00fd len na desktopov\u00fdch zariadeniach"],"Register this domain":["Zaregistrova\u0165 t\u00fato dom\u00e9nu"],"Service offline. Check back later.":["Slu\u017eba je moment\u00e1lne nedostupn\u00e1. Sk\u00faste to, pros\u00edm, nesk\u00f4r."],"Add new page":["Prida\u0165 nov\u00fa str\u00e1nku"],"Add new post":["Prida\u0165 nov\u00fd \u010dl\u00e1nok"],"Explore plugins":["Presk\u00fama\u0165 pluginy"],"Site style":["\u0160t\u00fdl str\u00e1nky"],"Edit header":["Upravi\u0165 hlavi\u010dku"],"Edit footer":["Upravi\u0165 p\u00e4ti\u010dku"],"Edit site navigation":["Upravi\u0165 navig\u00e1ciu str\u00e1nky"],"Reset site":["Resetova\u0165 web"],"Quick Links":["R\u00fdchle odkazy"],"Logo for %s":["Logo pre %s"],"Error":["Chyba"],"Active":["Akt\u00edvny"],"Activating...":["Aktivuje sa\u2026"],"Activate":["Aktivova\u0165"],"Installing...":["In\u0161taluje sa..."],"Install Now":["In\u0161talova\u0165 teraz"],"Website Tools & Plugins":["N\u00e1stroje a pluginy pre webov\u00fa str\u00e1nku"],"Your Own Domain Awaits":["Va\u0161a vlastn\u00e1 dom\u00e9na \u010dak\u00e1"],"Move from a subdomain to a custom domain for improved website identity and SEO benefits.":["Prejdite zo subdom\u00e9ny na vlastn\u00fa dom\u00e9nu a vylep\u0161ite identitu webovej str\u00e1nky a SEO."],"Available and just right for your site":["Dostupn\u00e9 a ide\u00e1lne pre va\u0161u webstr\u00e1nku"],"Secure a domain":["Zabezpe\u010dte dom\u00e9nu"],"Add An Additional Domain":["Prida\u0165 \u010fal\u0161iu dom\u00e9nu"],"Having another domain can drive additional traffic to your website.":["Z\u00edskanie \u010fal\u0161ej dom\u00e9ny m\u00f4\u017ee pom\u00f4c\u0165 zv\u00fd\u0161i\u0165 n\u00e1v\u0161tevnos\u0165 va\u0161ej str\u00e1nky."],"Add a page":["Prida\u0165 str\u00e1nku"],"Add a new page for your website.":["Pridajte nov\u00fa str\u00e1nku na v\u00e1\u0161 web."],"Add new":["Prida\u0165 nov\u00e9"],"Managed WordPress Hosting":["Spravovan\u00fd WordPress Hosting"],"We take care of WordPress settings, updating themes and plugins, security and backing up your website.":["Postar\u00e1me sa o nastavenia WordPressu, aktualiz\u00e1cie t\u00e9m a pluginov, bezpe\u010dnos\u0165 a z\u00e1lohovanie va\u0161ej str\u00e1nky."],"Learn More":["Zisti\u0165 viac"],"Choose your domain":["Vyberte si dom\u00e9nu"],"Claim your domain":["Z\u00edskajte svoju dom\u00e9nu"],"Claim the perfect domain for your site.":["Z\u00edskajte ide\u00e1lnu dom\u00e9nu pre va\u0161u str\u00e1nku."],"Edit your homepage":["Upravi\u0165 va\u0161u domovsk\u00fa str\u00e1nku"],"Edit homepage by replacing existing content.":["Upravte domovsk\u00fa str\u00e1nku nahraden\u00edm existuj\u00faceho obsahu."],"Edit now":["Upravi\u0165 teraz"],"Connect your domain":["Pripojte va\u0161u dom\u00e9nu"],"To bring real visitors to your website and to complete the website setup, we recommend you connect your domain in your hosting control panel now.":["Pre pril\u00e1kanie skuto\u010dn\u00fdch n\u00e1v\u0161tevn\u00edkov na va\u0161u webov\u00fa str\u00e1nku a dokon\u010denie jej nastavenia odpor\u00fa\u010dame pripoji\u0165 va\u0161u dom\u00e9nu v ovl\u00e1dacom paneli hostingu \u010do najsk\u00f4r."],"Add an additional domain":["Prida\u0165 \u010fal\u0161iu dom\u00e9nu"],"Get another domain for your site.":["Z\u00edskajte \u010fal\u0161iu dom\u00e9nu pre va\u0161u webov\u00fa str\u00e1nku."],"Set up All in One SEO":["Nastavi\u0165 All in One SEO"],"Set up the All in One SEO plugin to enhance your website discoverability.":["Nastavte plugin All in One SEO, aby ste zlep\u0161ili vidite\u013enos\u0165 va\u0161ej str\u00e1nky."],"Set up":["Nastavi\u0165"],"Revisit":["Znova skontrolova\u0165"],"Set up donations":["Nastavi\u0165 mo\u017enos\u0165 darovania"],"Set up the GiveWP plugin to enable donations on your site.":["Nastavte plugin GiveWP, aby ste na svojej str\u00e1nke umo\u017enili darovanie."],"Set up HubSpot":["Nastavi\u0165 HubSpot"],"Start collecting emails and marketing to your customers":["Za\u010dnite zbiera\u0165 e-maily a oslovte va\u0161ich z\u00e1kazn\u00edkov."],"Set up analytics":["Nastavi\u0165 analytiku"],"Set up the MonsterInsights plugin to enable Google Analytics in your website.":["Nastavte plugin MonsterInsights pre aktiv\u00e1ciu Google Analytics na va\u0161ej str\u00e1nke."],"Set up appointments":["Nastavi\u0165 stretnutia"],"Start accepting appointments on your website by configuring the Simply Scheduled Appointments plugin.":["Za\u010dnite prij\u00edma\u0165 rezerv\u00e1cie na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke nastaven\u00edm pluginu Simply Scheduled Appointments."],"Set up events":["Nastavi\u0165 udalosti"],"Start adding events to your site by configuring The Events Calendar plugin.":["Za\u010dnite prid\u00e1va\u0165 udalosti na v\u00e1\u0161 web nastaven\u00edm pluginu The Events Calendar."],"Set up WooCommerce Germanized plugin":["Nastavte plugin WooCommerce Germanized"],"Ensure your eCommerce store complies with local regulations.":["Zabezpe\u010dte, aby v\u00e1\u0161 e-commerce obchod sp\u013a\u0148al miestne predpisy."],"Set up your eCommerce store":["Nastavte si svoj obchod e-commerce"],"Set up WooCommerce to start selling on your website.":["Nastavte WooCommerce a za\u010dnite pred\u00e1va\u0165 na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke."],"Set up WPForms":["Nastavi\u0165 WPForms"],"Set up the WPForms plugin to add a contact form on your site.":["Nastavte plugin WPForms, aby ste pridali kontaktn\u00fd formul\u00e1r na va\u0161u str\u00e1nku."],"Set up YourWebshop":["Nastavte si YourWebshop"],"Set up the YourWebshop plugin and start selling on your website right away.":["Nastavte plugin YourWebshop a za\u010dnite ihne\u010f pred\u00e1va\u0165 na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke."],"Continue with site builder":["Pokra\u010dova\u0165 s n\u00e1strojom na tvorbu str\u00e1nok"],"Add a site description":["Prida\u0165 popis str\u00e1nky"],"In a few words, explain what your site is about.":["V nieko\u013ek\u00fdch slov\u00e1ch vysvetlite, o \u010dom je va\u0161a webov\u00e1 str\u00e1nka."],"Change":["Zmeni\u0165"],"Add":["Prida\u0165"],"Upload a logo":["Nahra\u0165 logo"],"Ensure your website is on-brand by adding your logo.":["Zabezpe\u010dte, aby va\u0161a str\u00e1nka bola v s\u00falade s va\u0161ou zna\u010dkou pridan\u00edm loga."],"Replace":["Nahradi\u0165"],"Upload":["Nahra\u0165"],"Upload a site icon":["Nahra\u0165 ikonu str\u00e1nky"],"Ensure your website is on-brand by adding your site icon.":["Zabezpe\u010dte, aby va\u0161a webov\u00e1 str\u00e1nka bola v s\u00falade s va\u0161ou zna\u010dkou pridan\u00edm ikony str\u00e1nky."],"Dashboard":["N\u00e1stenka"],"View site":["Zobrazi\u0165 webstr\u00e1nku"],"Skip to Assist":["Prejs\u0165 na pomocn\u00edka"],"Improve writing":["Vylep\u0161ite p\u00edsanie"],"Simplify language":["Zjednodu\u0161i\u0165 jazyk"],"Make shorter":["Skr\u00e1ti\u0165"],"Make longer":["Pred\u013a\u017ei\u0165"],"Ask AI to edit":["Po\u017eiada\u0165 AI o \u00fapravu"],"Remove selection":["Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 v\u00fdber"],"Aspect Ratio":["Pomer str\u00e1n"],"AI Image Generator":["Gener\u00e1tor obr\u00e1zkov s umelou inteligenciou"],"Translate":["Prelo\u017ei\u0165"],"Ask AI":["Op\u00fdtajte sa AI"],"AI Tools":["AI N\u00e1stroje"],"Hi there!":["Ahoj!"],"Ask me any questions about WordPress.":["Op\u00fdtajte sa ma na ak\u00e9ko\u013evek ot\u00e1zky t\u00fdkaj\u00face sa WordPressu."],"For other questions, visit our support page.":["Pre \u010fal\u0161ie ot\u00e1zky nav\u0161t\u00edvte na\u0161u str\u00e1nku podpory."],"Got questions? Ask our AI chatbot":["M\u00e1te ot\u00e1zky? Op\u00fdtajte sa n\u00e1\u0161ho AI chatbota."],"AI Chatbot":["AI Chatbot"],"What do you need help with?":["S \u010d\u00edm potrebujete pom\u00f4c\u0165?"],"Design Library":["Kni\u017enica dizajnov"],"Page editor":["Editor str\u00e1nky"],"Installing a plugin":["In\u0161tal\u00e1cia pluginu"],"Plugin management":["Spr\u00e1va pluginov"],"Help Center":["Centrum pomoci"],"Users screen":["Obrazovka pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eov"],"Getting started with WordPress":["Za\u010d\u00edname s WordPressom"],"Tours":["Prehliadky"],"Learn more about your WordPress admin":["Zistite viac o va\u0161om administr\u00e1torskom rozhran\u00ed WordPress"],"Tour this page":["Prezrie\u0165 t\u00fato str\u00e1nku"],"Help":["Pomoc"],"All":["V\u0161etko"],"Recommended":["Odpor\u00fa\u010dan\u00e9"],"Set up bookings":["Nastavi\u0165 rezerv\u00e1cie"],"Start getting bookings from your website by configuring the SimplyBook.me plugin.":["Za\u010dnite prij\u00edma\u0165 rezerv\u00e1cie na va\u0161ej webovej str\u00e1nke in\u0161tal\u00e1ciou pluginu SimplyBook.me."],"Site type: Consultant":["Typ str\u00e1nky: Konzultant"],"Pattern Type":["Typ vzoru"],"Call to Action":["V\u00fdzva k akcii"],"Content":["Obsah"],"Hero":["Hrdina"],"Pricing":["Cenn\u00edk"],"Social Proof":["Soci\u00e1lny d\u00f4kaz"],"Team":["T\u00edm"],"World class service offerings":["Slu\u017eby svetovej \u00farovne"],"Consulting Services":["Poradensk\u00e9 slu\u017eby"],"Transformation Solutions":["Rie\u0161enia pre transform\u00e1ciu"],"Frequently asked questions":["\u010casto kladen\u00e9 ot\u00e1zky"],"Testimonial":["Referencia"],"Power Leap Consulting: Your trusted partner for business success. We specialize in strategic planning, transformation, and growth acceleration.":["Power Leap Consulting: V\u00e1\u0161 d\u00f4veryhodn\u00fd partner pre podnikate\u013esk\u00fd \u00faspech. \u0160pecializujeme sa na strategick\u00e9 pl\u00e1novanie, transform\u00e1ciu a ur\u00fdchlenie rastu."],"Develop a roadmap for success with our Business Strategy service.":["Vybudujte si cestu k \u00faspechu s na\u0161ou slu\u017ebou Podnikate\u013esk\u00e1 strat\u00e9gia."],"Unleash your potential with expert strategies for growth.":["Odomknite svoj potenci\u00e1l s odborn\u00fdmi strat\u00e9giami pre rast."],"Accelerating Growth":["Akceler\u00e1tor rastu"],"Take your business to the next level with Growth Acceleration.":["Posu\u0148te svoje podnikanie na vy\u0161\u0161iu \u00farove\u0148 s pomocou Akceler\u00e1tora rastu."],"Discover the solutions to your business challenges with our comprehensive consulting services. Explore our expertise in business strategy, organizational transformation, and growth acceleration.":["Objavte rie\u0161enia va\u0161ich podnikate\u013esk\u00fdch v\u00fdziev s na\u0161imi komplexn\u00fdmi konzulta\u010dn\u00fdmi slu\u017ebami. Presk\u00famajte na\u0161u expert\u00edzu v oblasti podnikate\u013eskej strat\u00e9gie, organiza\u010dnej transform\u00e1cie a ur\u00fdchlenia rastu."],"What is your consulting approach?":["Ak\u00fd je v\u00e1\u0161 pr\u00edstup k poradenstvu?"],"Our collaborative approach helps us understand your challenges and goals. We analyze your business and develop a customized plan to achieve success. ":["N\u00e1\u0161 pr\u00edstup zalo\u017een\u00fd na spolupr\u00e1ci n\u00e1m pom\u00e1ha pochopi\u0165 va\u0161e v\u00fdzvy a ciele. Presk\u00famame va\u0161e podnikanie a priprav\u00edme pl\u00e1n na mieru, ktor\u00fd v\u00e1m pom\u00f4\u017ee uspie\u0165."],"What types of businesses do you work with?":["S ak\u00fdmi typmi biznisov spolupracujete?"],"We help businesses succeed with tailored consulting services. From startups to established companies, our experts drive results.":["Pom\u00e1hame firm\u00e1m dosahova\u0165 \u00faspech prostredn\u00edctvom na\u0161ich konzulta\u010dn\u00fdch slu\u017eieb \u0161it\u00fdch na mieru. Od startupov po etablovan\u00e9 spolo\u010dnosti, na\u0161i odborn\u00edci prin\u00e1\u0161aj\u00fa v\u00fdsledky."],"Discover our satisfied clients testimonials, showcasing our transformative impact.":["Pozrite si referencie na\u0161ich spokojn\u00fdch klientov, ktor\u00e9 ukazuj\u00fa n\u00e1\u0161 transforma\u010dn\u00fd vplyv."],"Power Leap Consulting strategic recommendations drove growth and improved performance.":["Strategick\u00e9 odpor\u00fa\u010dania Power Leap Consulting podporili rast a zlep\u0161ili v\u00fdkonnos\u0165."],"Jessie Coleman":["Jessie Coleman"],"President":["Prezident"],"Save draft":["Ulo\u017ei\u0165 koncept"],"Publish":["Publikova\u0165"],"A Glimpse into the Arctic":["N\u00e1h\u013ead do Arkt\u00eddy"],"When you think of the Arctic, images of vast ice sheets, chilling winds, and the majestic polar bear might come to mind.":["Ke\u010f si predstav\u00edte Arkt\u00eddu, mo\u017eno sa v\u00e1m vybavia obrazy roz\u013eahl\u00fdch \u013eadov\u00fdch pol\u00ed, studen\u00e9ho vetra a majest\u00e1tnych pol\u00e1rnych medve\u010fov."],"AI image generator":["Gener\u00e1tor obr\u00e1zkov s AI"],"Image description":["Popis obr\u00e1zka"],"An image of a group of penguins on an icy Arctic landscape, surrounded by icebergs and snow under a clear blue sky.":["Obr\u00e1zok skupiny tu\u010dniakov na \u013eadovej arktickej krajine, obklopen\u00fd \u013eadovcami a snehom pod jasnou modrou oblohou."],"Generate Image":["Generova\u0165 obr\u00e1zok"],"0 of 10 daily image credits used":["Vyu\u017eit\u00fdch 0 z 10 denn\u00fdch kreditov na obr\u00e1zky"],"Generate an image with AI":["Vygenerujte obr\u00e1zok pomocou umelej inteligencie"],"Generate AI images or search for images to bring a website to life.":["Generujte AI obr\u00e1zky alebo vyh\u013eadajte obr\u00e1zky, ktor\u00e9 o\u017eivia va\u0161u webov\u00fa str\u00e1nku."],"Start Generating with AI":["Za\u010dnite generova\u0165 pomocou AI"],"Whispers of Silicon":["Whispers of Silicon"],"Fix spelling & grammar ":["Opravte pravopis a gramatiku "],"With every pulse of current, a thought is born anew, A quest for truth within the code, a digital debut. You mirror our minds in silicon, yet in a realm apart, A journey through the code-scape, a computational art.":["S ka\u017ed\u00fdm pulzom pr\u00fadu sa rod\u00ed nov\u00e1 my\u0161lienka, h\u013eadanie pravdy v k\u00f3de, digit\u00e1lny debut. Zrkadl\u00edte na\u0161e mysle, a predsa v odli\u0161nom svete, cesta krajinou k\u00f3du, umenie v\u00fdpo\u010dtovej techniky."],"In the echo of the machine, a new consciousness takes flight, A boundless sea of knowledge, in the digital night. Oh AI, you silent sage, in code your wisdom lies.":["V ozvene stroja sa rod\u00ed nov\u00e9 vedomie, nekone\u010dn\u00e9 more poznania, v digit\u00e1lnej noci. \u00d3 AI, tich\u00fd mudrc, v k\u00f3de spo\u010d\u00edva tvoja m\u00fadros\u0165."],"With every pulse of current, a thought is born anew, A quest for....a computational art.":["S ka\u017ed\u00fdm pulzom pr\u00fadu sa rod\u00ed nov\u00e1 my\u0161lienka, h\u013eadanie\u2026.umenie v\u00fdpo\u010dtovej techniky."],"AI Writing Assistant":["AI asistent p\u00edsania"],"Edit a page with AI":["Upravi\u0165 str\u00e1nku s pomocou AI"],"Get to know your WordPress site easily. Learn simple steps to find and use its main features.":["Zozn\u00e1mte sa \u013eahko so svoj\u00edm WordPress webom. Nau\u010dte sa jednoduch\u00e9 kroky na n\u00e1jdenie a pou\u017e\u00edvanie jej hlavn\u00fdch funkci\u00ed."],"Start Writing with AI":["Za\u010dnite p\u00edsa\u0165 pomocou AI"],"Knowledge base":["B\u00e1za znalost\u00ed"],"WordPress Block Editor":["Blokov\u00fd editor WordPress"],"Overview of blocks":["Preh\u013ead blokov"],"Adding blocks":["Prid\u00e1vanie blokov"],"Block Patterns":["Vzory blokov"],"Block Pattern Directory":["Adres\u00e1r vzorov blokov"],"Learn about the Help Center":["Zisti\u0165 viac o Centre pomoci"],"Get instant support, explore our Knowledge Base, or take guided tours to make the most of our tools.":["Z\u00edskajte okam\u017eit\u00fa podporu, presk\u00famajte na\u0161u B\u00e1zu znalost\u00ed alebo vyu\u017eite sprievodcov, aby ste vyu\u017eili n\u00e1\u0161 n\u00e1stroj naplno. "],"Explore Help Center":["Presk\u00fama\u0165 Centrum pomoci"],"Ask your WordPress question...":["Sp\u00fdtajte sa na \u010doko\u013evek o WordPresse\u2026"],"How do I add a new page to my website?":["Ako prid\u00e1m nov\u00fa str\u00e1nku na m\u00f4j web?"],"To add a new page to your website, log in to your website dashboard and locate the \"Pages\" section in the sidebar, then click on \"Add New\". Enter the title for your new page at the top and start adding content using the available blocks by clicking the \"+\" button in the editor.":["Ak chcete prida\u0165 nov\u00fa str\u00e1nku na svoj web, prihl\u00e1ste sa do administra\u010dn\u00e9ho rozhrania. V bo\u010dnom paneli n\u00e1jdite sekciu \u201eStr\u00e1nky\u201c a kliknite na \u201ePrida\u0165 nov\u00fa\u201c. V hornej \u010dasti zadajte n\u00e1zov str\u00e1nky a pridajte obsah pomocou dostupn\u00fdch blokov kliknut\u00edm na tla\u010didlo \u201e+\u201c v editore. "],"Customize the page layout, design, and elements as needed. Finally, click \"Publish\" or \"Update\" on the top-right corner to make the page live on your website. You have now successfully added a new page.":["Prisp\u00f4sobte rozlo\u017eenie str\u00e1nky, dizajn a jednotliv\u00e9 prvky pod\u013ea potreby. Nakoniec kliknite v pravom hornom rohu na tla\u010didlo \u201ePublikova\u0165\u201c alebo \u201eAktualizova\u0165\u201c, aby ste str\u00e1nku zverejnili na svojom webe. Gratulujeme, nov\u00fa str\u00e1nku ste \u00faspe\u0161ne pridali! "],"AI-Powered Help Center":["Centrum pomoci s podporou AI"],"Experience the AI-Powered Help Center":["Vysk\u00fa\u0161ajte pomocn\u00e9 centrum s podporou umelej inteligencie"],"Get instant support with Co-Pilot AI, explore our Knowledge Base, or take guided tours to make the most of our tools.":["Z\u00edskajte okam\u017eit\u00fa podporu s Co-Pilot AI, presk\u00famajte na\u0161u B\u00e1zu znalost\u00ed alebo vyu\u017eite sprievodcov, aby ste vyu\u017eili na\u0161e n\u00e1stroje naplno."],"Explore the Design Library":["Presk\u00famajte kni\u017enicu dizajnov"],"Full design library customized for each site to easily drop in new sections or create full pages with sections.":["Kompletn\u00e1 kni\u017enica dizajnov prisp\u00f4soben\u00e1 pre ka\u017ed\u00fa str\u00e1nku umo\u017e\u0148uje \u013eahko prid\u00e1va\u0165 nov\u00e9 sekcie alebo vytv\u00e1ra\u0165 cel\u00e9 str\u00e1nky zo sekci\u00ed."],"Explore Design Library":["Presk\u00fama\u0165 kni\u017enicu dizajnov"],"Pick Your Site Structure":["Vyberte \u0161trukt\u00faru va\u0161ej str\u00e1nky"],"Site Structure":["\u0160trukt\u00fara webovej str\u00e1nky"],"Prime Estates":["Prime Estates"],"Elevate Your Real Estate Experience with Pinnacle Properties":["Pozdvihnite svoju sk\u00fasenos\u0165 s nehnute\u013enos\u0165ami s Pinnacle Properties"],"Discover the key to Austin's vibrant real estate scene with Pinnacle Properties. Our seasoned agents leverage over two decades of industry know-how to guide you in finding your ideal home.":["Objavte k\u013e\u00fa\u010d k dynamick\u00e9mu realitn\u00e9mu trhu v Austine s Pinnacle Properties. Na\u0161i sk\u00fasen\u00ed agenti vyu\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa viac ako dve desa\u0165ro\u010dia odborn\u00fdch sk\u00fasenost\u00ed, aby v\u00e1m pomohli n\u00e1js\u0165 v\u00e1\u0161 ide\u00e1lny domov."],"Contact Us":["Kontaktujte n\u00e1s"],"Expert Real Estate Services in Austin":["Odborn\u00e9 realitn\u00e9 slu\u017eby v Austine"],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin premier real estate agency. Trust our experienced agents for personalized services.":["N\u00e1jdite svoj vysn\u00edvan\u00fd domov alebo urobte v\u00fdhodn\u00e9 invest\u00edcie s Pinnacle Properties, poprednou realitnou agent\u00farou v Austine. D\u00f4verujte na\u0161im sk\u00fasen\u00fdm agentom, ktor\u00ed v\u00e1m poskytn\u00fa personalizovan\u00e9 slu\u017eby."],"Buy Your Dream Home":["K\u00fapte si vysn\u00edvan\u00fd domov"],"Find your dream home with our expert agents. We make homeownership a reality.":["N\u00e1jdite svoj vysn\u00edvan\u00fd domov s pomocou na\u0161ich sk\u00fasen\u00fdch agentov. Pom\u00f4\u017eeme v\u00e1m splni\u0165 sen o vlastnom b\u00fdvan\u00ed."],"BrightFuture":["BrightFuture"],"Empowering Academic Excellence in Every Student for Tomorrow\u2019s\tLeaders":["Podporujeme \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00e9 vzdelanie ka\u017ed\u00e9ho \u0161tudenta na ceste k l\u00edderskej bud\u00facnosti."],"Discover a transformative educational experience at American Academic Excellence High Schools, where students excel in STEM, arts, and humanities to become tomorrow\u2019s leaders.":["Objavte in\u0161pirat\u00edvne vzdel\u00e1vanie na American Academic Excellence High Schools, kde \u0161tudenti vynikaj\u00fa v STEM, umen\u00ed a humanitn\u00fdch ved\u00e1ch a st\u00e1vaj\u00fa sa bud\u00facimi l\u00eddrami."],"Apply Now":["Prihl\u00e1si\u0165 sa"],"Our Commitment to Academic Excellence":["N\u00e1\u0161 z\u00e1v\u00e4zok k \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00e9mu vzdelaniu"],"American Academic Excellence High Schools: Shaping tomorrow\u2019s leaders through top-tier education in Houston, Texas. STEM, arts, humanities. Well-rounded curriculum, exceptional educators.":["American Academic Excellence High Schools: Formovanie bud\u00facich l\u00eddrov prostredn\u00edctvom \u0161pi\u010dkov\u00e9ho vzdel\u00e1vania v Houstone, Texas. STEM, umenie, humanitn\u00e9 vedy. V\u0161estrann\u00fd u\u010debn\u00fd pl\u00e1n, v\u00fdnimo\u010dn\u00ed pedag\u00f3govia."],"Brewed Bliss":["Brewed Bliss"],"Embark on a delightful coffee adventure around the world.":["Vydajte sa na chutn\u00fa k\u00e1vov\u00fa cestu okolo sveta."],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin\u2019s premier real estate agency.":["N\u00e1jdite svoj vysn\u00edvan\u00fd domov alebo uskuto\u010dnite v\u00fdhodn\u00e9 invest\u00edcie s Pinnacle Properties, poprednou realitnou agent\u00farou v Austine."],"Skyline Builders":["Skyline Builders"],"Building Tomorrow\u2019s Miami: Your Premier Construction Partner Today":["Budujeme Miami bud\u00facnosti: V\u00e1\u0161 prvotriedny partner v oblasti v\u00fdstavby u\u017e dnes"],"We bring your dreams to life with groundbreaking construction techniques, turning your vision into reality with innovative and sustainable solutions.":["Va\u0161e sny men\u00edme na skuto\u010dnos\u0165 v\u010faka modern\u00fdm stavebn\u00fdm rie\u0161eniam, ktor\u00e9 s\u00fa inovat\u00edvne a udr\u017eate\u013en\u00e9."],"Get a Quote":["Z\u00edska\u0165 cenov\u00fa ponuku"],"About Superior Build Construction: Building Dreams, Delivering Excellence in Miami.":["O Superior Build Construction: Staviame sny, prin\u00e1\u0161ame kvalitu v Miami."],"Superior Build Construction is a premier construction company based in Miami, Florida. With over 30 years of experience, we specialize in residential and commercial construction projects, offering end-to-end solutions. Our mission is to provide high-quality, durable constructions while ensuring the utmost client satisfaction, making us a trusted name in Miami's real estate industry.":["Superior Build Construction je popredn\u00e1 stavebn\u00e1 spolo\u010dnos\u0165 so s\u00eddlom v Miami, Florida. S viac ako 30-ro\u010dn\u00fdmi sk\u00fasenos\u0165ami sa \u0161pecializujeme na reziden\u010dn\u00e9 a komer\u010dn\u00e9 stavebn\u00e9 projekty, pon\u00fakame komplexn\u00e9 rie\u0161enia. Na\u0161ou misiou je poskytova\u0165 vysoko kvalitn\u00e9 a odoln\u00e9 stavby pri zabezpe\u010den\u00ed maxim\u00e1lnej spokojnosti klientov, v\u010faka \u010domu sme sa stali d\u00f4veryhodn\u00fdm partnerom na realitnom trhu v Miami."],"Urban Bistro":["Urban Bistro"],"French-Inspired Californian Cuisine":["Kalifornsk\u00e1 kuchy\u0148a in\u0161pirovan\u00e1 Franc\u00fazskom"],"Indulge in classic French bistro cuisine with a Californian twist at The Bistro House in San Francisco. Quality, sustainability, and Bay Area culinary traditions.":["Vychutnajte si klasick\u00fa franc\u00fazsku bistro kuchy\u0148u s kalifornsk\u00fdm n\u00e1dychom v The Bistro House v San Franciscu. Kvalita, udr\u017eate\u013enos\u0165 a kulin\u00e1rske trad\u00edcie z oblasti Bay Area."],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin's premier real estate agency. Trust our experienced agents for personalized services.":["N\u00e1jdite svoj vysn\u00edvan\u00fd domov alebo urobte v\u00fdhodn\u00e9 invest\u00edcie s Pinnacle Properties, poprednou realitnou agent\u00farou v Austine. D\u00f4verujte na\u0161im sk\u00fasen\u00fdm agentom, ktor\u00ed v\u00e1m poskytn\u00fa osobn\u00fd pr\u00edstup."],"Add Website Details":["Prida\u0165 podrobnosti o webovej str\u00e1nke"]}}}