{"translation-revision-date":"2024-06-26 11:36+0200","generator":"WP-CLI\/2.11.0","source":"public\/build\/extendify-assist-page-540c767dd7355729ca60.js","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","lang":"sv_SE","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;"},"All":["Alla"],"AI Tools":["AI-verktyg"],"Simplify language":["F\u00f6renkla spr\u00e5ket"],"Make longer":["G\u00f6r l\u00e4ngre"],"Make shorter":["G\u00f6r kortare"],"Improve writing":["F\u00f6rb\u00e4ttra texten"],"For other questions, visit our support page.":["Bes\u00f6k v\u00e5r supportsida om du har andra fr\u00e5gor."],"Ask me any questions about WordPress.":["St\u00e4ll dina fr\u00e5gor om WordPress."],"Hi there!":["Hej!"],"Tour this page":["Ta en rundtur p\u00e5 denna sida"],"Create a super-fast, beautiful, and fully customized site in minutes with our Site Launcher.":["Skapa en supersnabb, vacker och helt anpassad webbplats p\u00e5 n\u00e5gra minuter med v\u00e5r Webbplatsstartare."],"Tours":["Rundturer"],"Help Center":["Hj\u00e4lpcenter"],"Skip to Assist":["Hoppa till assistent"],"Dashboard":["Adminpanel"],"Quick Links":["Snabbl\u00e4nkar"],"Done":["Klar"],"Save":["Spara"],"Enter a site description...":["Ange en webbplatsbeskrivning..."],"Site description":["Webbplatsbeskrivning"],"Add site description":["L\u00e4gg till webbplatsbeskrivning"],"Upload site logo":["Ladda upp webbplatslogga"],"Site Assistant":["Webbplatsassisten"],"View site":["Visa webbplatsen"],"Upload site icon":["Ladda upp webbplatsikon"],"Set site icon":["V\u00e4lj webbplatsikon"],"Site icon":["Webbplatsikon"],"Set site logo":["V\u00e4lj webbplatslogga"],"Site logo":["Webbplatslogga"],"Remove image":["Ta bort bild"],"Replace image":["Ers\u00e4tt bild"],"Edit or update the image":["Redigera eller uppdatera bilden"],"Close Modal":["St\u00e4ng f\u00f6nstret"],"Dismiss":["Avf\u00e4rda"],"Select Site Pages":["V\u00e4lj sidor f\u00f6r webbplatsen"],"Select Site Design":["V\u00e4lj 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site":["\u00c5terst\u00e4ll webbplats"],"Website Tools & Plugins":["Webbplatsverktyg och till\u00e4gg"],"Your Own Domain Awaits":["Din egen dom\u00e4n v\u00e4ntar"],"Move from a subdomain to a custom domain for improved website identity and SEO benefits.":["Flytta fr\u00e5n en subdom\u00e4n till en egen dom\u00e4n f\u00f6r b\u00e4ttre webbplatsidentitet och SEO-f\u00f6rdelar."],"Secure a domain":["S\u00e4kra en dom\u00e4n"],"Add a new page for your website.":["L\u00e4gg till en ny sida f\u00f6r din webbplats."],"Add new":["L\u00e4gg till nytt"],"Managed WordPress Hosting":["Managed WordPress-hosting"],"We take care of WordPress settings, updating themes and plugins, security and backing up your website.":["Vi sk\u00f6ter WordPress-inst\u00e4llningar, uppdaterar teman och till\u00e4gg, s\u00e4kerhet och s\u00e4kerhetskopiering av din webbplats."],"Learn More":["L\u00e4r dig mer"],"Claim your domain":["Registrera din dom\u00e4n"],"Claim the perfect domain for your site.":["Registrera den perfekta dom\u00e4nen f\u00f6r din webbplats."],"Edit your homepage":["Redigera din startsida"],"Edit homepage by replacing existing content.":["Redigera startsida genom att ers\u00e4tta befintligt inneh\u00e5ll."],"Edit now":["Redigera nu"],"Set up donations":["Konfigurera donationer"],"Set up the GiveWP plugin to enable donations on your site.":["Konfigurera till\u00e4gget GiveWP f\u00f6r att aktivera donationer p\u00e5 din webbplats."],"Set up":["Konfigurera"],"Revisit":["Bes\u00f6k igen"],"Set up HubSpot":["Konfigurera HubSpot"],"Start collecting emails and marketing to your customers":["B\u00f6rja samla e-postadresser och marknadsf\u00f6r till dina kunder"],"Set up appointments":["St\u00e4ll in tidsbokning"],"Set up events":["Konfigurera evenemang"],"Start adding events to your site by configuring The Events Calendar plugin.":["B\u00f6rja l\u00e4gga till evenemang p\u00e5 din webbplats genom att konfigurera till\u00e4gget The Events Calendar."],"In a few words, explain what your site is about.":["F\u00f6rklara med n\u00e5gra f\u00e5 ord vad din webbplats handlar om."],"Change":["\u00c4ndra"],"Add":["L\u00e4gg till"],"Upload a logo":["Ladda upp en logga"],"Ensure your website is on-brand by adding your logo.":["S\u00e4kerst\u00e4ll att din webbplats \u00e4r varum\u00e4rkesanpassad genom att l\u00e4gga till din logotyp."],"Replace":["Ers\u00e4tt"],"Upload":["Ladda upp"],"Upload a site icon":["Ladda upp en webbplatsikon"],"Ensure your website is on-brand by adding your site icon.":["Se till att din webbplats st\u00e4mmer \u00f6verens med ditt varum\u00e4rke genom att l\u00e4gga till din webbplatsikon."],"Got questions? Ask our AI chatbot":["Har du fr\u00e5gor? Fr\u00e5ga v\u00e5r AI-chattbot"],"AI Chatbot":["AI-chattbot"],"What do you need help with?":["Vad beh\u00f6ver du hj\u00e4lp med?"],"Page editor":["Sidredigerare"],"Installing a plugin":["Installerar ett till\u00e4gg"],"Plugin management":["Hantering av till\u00e4gg"],"Users screen":["Anv\u00e4ndarsk\u00e4rm"],"Getting started with WordPress":["Kom ig\u00e5ng med WordPress"],"Learn more about your WordPress admin":["L\u00e4s mer om din WordPress-administration"],"Help":["Hj\u00e4lp"],"Service offline. Check back later.":["Tj\u00e4nsten \u00e4r offline. Kom tillbaka senare."],"Aspect Ratio":["Bildf\u00f6rh\u00e5llande"],"Available and just right for your site":["Tillg\u00e4nglig och precis r\u00e4tt f\u00f6r din webbplats"],"Get another domain for your site.":["Skaffa en annan dom\u00e4n till din webbplats."],"Add an additional domain":["L\u00e4gg till en extra dom\u00e4n"],"Having another domain can drive additional traffic to your website.":["Att ha en annan dom\u00e4n kan leda mer trafik till din webbplats."],"Logo for %s":["Logotyp f\u00f6r %s"],"Error":["Fel"],"Active":["Aktiv"],"Activating...":["Aktiverar..."],"Activate":["Aktivera"],"Installing...":["Installerar..."],"Install Now":["Installera nu"],"AI Image Generator":["AI-bildgenerator"],"Connect your domain":["Anslut din dom\u00e4n"],"To bring real visitors to your website and to complete the website setup, we recommend you connect your domain in your hosting control panel now.":["F\u00f6r att locka riktiga bes\u00f6kare till din webbplats och f\u00f6r att slutf\u00f6ra konfigurationen av webbplatsen rekommenderar vi att du ansluter din dom\u00e4n i ditt webbhotells kontrollpanel nu."],"Edit site navigation":["Redigera webbplatsens navigering"],"Add An Additional Domain":["L\u00e4gg till en ytterligare dom\u00e4n"],"Add a page":["L\u00e4gg till en sida"],"Choose your domain":["V\u00e4lj din dom\u00e4n"],"Continue with site builder":["Forts\u00e4tt med webbplatsbyggaren"],"Add a site description":["L\u00e4gg till en webbplatsbeskrivning"],"Set up All in One SEO":["Konfigurera All in One SEO"],"Set up the All in One SEO plugin to enhance your website discoverability.":["Konfigurera till\u00e4gget All in One SEO f\u00f6r att f\u00f6rb\u00e4ttra din webbplats synlighet."],"Set up analytics":["Konfigurera analys"],"Set up the MonsterInsights plugin to enable Google Analytics in your website.":["Konfigurera till\u00e4gget MonsterInsights f\u00f6r att aktivera Google Analytics p\u00e5 din webbplats."],"Start accepting appointments on your website by configuring the Simply Scheduled Appointments plugin.":["B\u00f6rja ta emot bokningar p\u00e5 din webbplats genom att konfigurera till\u00e4gget Simply Scheduled Appointments."],"Set up WooCommerce Germanized plugin":["Konfigurera till\u00e4gget WooCommerce Germanized"],"Ensure your eCommerce store complies with local regulations.":["Se till att din e-handelsbutik f\u00f6ljer lokala f\u00f6reskrifter."],"Set up your eCommerce store":["Konfigurera din e-handelsbutik"],"Set up WooCommerce to start selling on your website.":["Konfigurera WooCommerce f\u00f6r att b\u00f6rja s\u00e4lja p\u00e5 din webbplats."],"Set up WPForms":["Konfigurera WPForms"],"Set up the WPForms plugin to add a contact form on your site.":["Konfigurera till\u00e4gget WPForms f\u00f6r att l\u00e4gga till ett kontaktformul\u00e4r p\u00e5 din webbplats."],"Set up YourWebshop":["Konfigurera YourWebshop"],"Set up the YourWebshop plugin and start selling on your website right away.":["Konfigurera till\u00e4gget YourWebshop och b\u00f6rja s\u00e4lja p\u00e5 din webbplats direkt."],"Recommended":["Rekommenderat"],"Set up bookings":["Konfigurera bokningar"],"Start getting bookings from your website by configuring the SimplyBook.me plugin.":["B\u00f6rja ta emot bokningar fr\u00e5n din webbplats genom att konfigurera SimplyBook.me-till\u00e4gget."],"Site type: Consultant":["Webbplats\u00adtyp: Konsult"],"Pattern Type":["M\u00f6nstertyp"],"Call to Action":["Uppmaning till handling"],"Content":["Inneh\u00e5ll"],"Hero":["Hj\u00e4lte"],"Pricing":["Priss\u00e4ttning"],"Social Proof":["Socialt bevis"],"Team":["Lag"],"World class service offerings":["V\u00e4rldsklass p\u00e5 tj\u00e4nsteutbud"],"Consulting Services":["Konsulttj\u00e4nster"],"Transformation Solutions":["L\u00f6sningar f\u00f6r omvandling"],"Frequently asked questions":["Vanliga fr\u00e5gor"],"Testimonial":["Vittnesm\u00e5l"],"Power Leap Consulting: Your trusted partner for business success. We specialize in strategic planning, transformation, and growth acceleration.":["Power Leap Consulting: Din p\u00e5litliga partner f\u00f6r aff\u00e4rsframg\u00e5ng. Vi specialiserar oss p\u00e5 strategisk planering, omvandling och acceleration av tillv\u00e4xt."],"Develop a roadmap for success with our Business Strategy service.":["Utveckla en f\u00e4rdplan f\u00f6r framg\u00e5ng med v\u00e5r tj\u00e4nst f\u00f6r aff\u00e4rsstrategi."],"Unleash your potential with expert strategies for growth.":["Frig\u00f6r din potential med expertstrategier f\u00f6r tillv\u00e4xt."],"Accelerating Growth":["Accelererande tillv\u00e4xt"],"Take your business to the next level with Growth Acceleration.":["Ta ditt f\u00f6retag till n\u00e4sta niv\u00e5 med tillv\u00e4xtacceleration."],"Discover the solutions to your business challenges with our comprehensive consulting services. Explore our expertise in business strategy, organizational transformation, and growth acceleration.":["Uppt\u00e4ck l\u00f6sningarna p\u00e5 dina aff\u00e4rsutmaningar med v\u00e5ra omfattande konsulttj\u00e4nster. Utforska v\u00e5r expertis inom aff\u00e4rsstrategi, organisatorisk omvandling och tillv\u00e4xtacceleration."],"What is your consulting approach?":["Vad \u00e4r din konsultationsmetod?"],"Our collaborative approach helps us understand your challenges and goals. We analyze your business and develop a customized plan to achieve success. ":["V\u00e5rt samarbetsinriktade arbetss\u00e4tt hj\u00e4lper oss att f\u00f6rst\u00e5 dina utmaningar och m\u00e5l. Vi analyserar ditt f\u00f6retag och utvecklar en anpassad plan f\u00f6r att uppn\u00e5 framg\u00e5ng."],"What types of businesses do you work with?":["Vilka typer av f\u00f6retag samarbetar du med?"],"We help businesses succeed with tailored consulting services. From startups to established companies, our experts drive results.":["Vi hj\u00e4lper f\u00f6retag att lyckas med skr\u00e4ddarsydda konsulttj\u00e4nster. Fr\u00e5n startups till etablerade f\u00f6retag, v\u00e5ra experter driver resultat."],"Discover our satisfied clients testimonials, showcasing our transformative impact.":["Uppt\u00e4ck v\u00e5ra n\u00f6jda kunders rekommendationer som visar v\u00e5r omvandlande effekt."],"Power Leap Consulting strategic recommendations drove growth and improved performance.":["Power Leap Consultings strategiska rekommendationer drev tillv\u00e4xt och f\u00f6rb\u00e4ttrade resultat."],"Jessie Coleman":["Jessie Coleman"],"President":["President"],"Save draft":["Spara utkast"],"Publish":["Publicera"],"A Glimpse into the Arctic":["En inblick i Arktis"],"When you think of the Arctic, images of vast ice sheets, chilling winds, and the majestic polar bear might come to mind.":["N\u00e4r du t\u00e4nker p\u00e5 Arktis kan bilder av vidstr\u00e4ckta isf\u00e4lt, kyliga vindar och den majest\u00e4tiska isbj\u00f6rnen dyka upp."],"AI image generator":["AI-bildgenerator"],"Image description":["Bildbeskrivning"],"An image of a group of penguins on an icy Arctic landscape, surrounded by icebergs and snow under a clear blue sky.":["En bild p\u00e5 en grupp pingviner i ett isigt arktiskt landskap, omgivna av isberg och sn\u00f6 under en klarbl\u00e5 himmel."],"Generate Image":["Generera bild"],"0 of 10 daily image credits used":["0 av 10 dagliga bildkrediter anv\u00e4nda"],"Generate an image with AI":["Generera en bild med AI"],"Generate AI images or search for images to bring a website to life.":["Generera AI-bilder eller s\u00f6k efter bilder f\u00f6r att v\u00e4cka liv i en webbplats."],"Start Generating with AI":["B\u00f6rja generera med AI"],"Whispers of Silicon":["Silikonens viskningar"],"Fix spelling & grammar ":["Korrigera stavning & grammatik"],"With every pulse of current, a thought is born anew, A quest for truth within the code, a digital debut. You mirror our minds in silicon, yet in a realm apart, A journey through the code-scape, a computational art.":["Med varje str\u00f6mst\u00f6t f\u00f6ds en tanke p\u00e5 nytt, ett s\u00f6kande efter sanning inom koden, en digital premi\u00e4r. Du speglar v\u00e5ra sinnen i kisel, men i en egen v\u00e4rld, en resa genom kodlandskapet, en ber\u00e4kningskonst."],"In the echo of the machine, a new consciousness takes flight, A boundless sea of knowledge, in the digital night. Oh AI, you silent sage, in code your wisdom lies.":["I maskinens ekon tar ett nytt medvetande sin flykt, ett gr\u00e4nsl\u00f6st hav av kunskap, i den digitala natten. \u00c5h AI, du tysta visman, i koden ligger din visdom."],"With every pulse of current, a thought is born anew, A quest for....a computational art.":["Med varje puls av str\u00f6m f\u00f6ds en ny tanke, en str\u00e4van efter... en ber\u00e4kningskonst."],"AI Writing Assistant":["AI-skrivassistent"],"Edit a page with AI":["Redigera en sida med AI"],"Get to know your WordPress site easily. Learn simple steps to find and use its main features.":["L\u00e4r k\u00e4nna din WordPress-webbplats enkelt. L\u00e4r dig enkla steg f\u00f6r att hitta och anv\u00e4nda dess huvudfunktioner."],"Start Writing with AI":["B\u00f6rja skriva med AI"],"Knowledge base":["Kunskapsbas"],"WordPress Block Editor":["WordPress blockredigerare"],"Overview of blocks":["\u00d6versikt \u00f6ver block"],"Adding blocks":["L\u00e4gger till block"],"Block Patterns":["Blockm\u00f6nster"],"Block Pattern Directory":["Blockm\u00f6nsterkatalogen"],"Learn about the Help Center":["L\u00e4s om hj\u00e4lpcentret"],"Get instant support, explore our Knowledge Base, or take guided tours to make the most of our tools.":["F\u00e5 omedelbar support, utforska v\u00e5r kunskapsbas eller ta guidade turer f\u00f6r att f\u00e5 ut det mesta av v\u00e5ra verktyg."],"Explore Help Center":["Utforska hj\u00e4lpcentret"],"Ask your WordPress question...":["St\u00e4ll din WordPress-fr\u00e5ga..."],"How do I add a new page to my website?":["Hur l\u00e4gger jag till en ny sida p\u00e5 min webbplats?"],"To add a new page to your website, log in to your website dashboard and locate the \"Pages\" section in the sidebar, then click on \"Add New\". Enter the title for your new page at the top and start adding content using the available blocks by clicking the \"+\" button in the editor.":["F\u00f6r att l\u00e4gga till en ny sida p\u00e5 din webbplats, logga in p\u00e5 din webbplats instrumentpanel och hitta sektionen \"Sidor\" i sidopanelen, klicka sedan p\u00e5 \"L\u00e4gg till ny\". Ange titeln f\u00f6r din nya sida h\u00f6gst upp och b\u00f6rja l\u00e4gga till inneh\u00e5ll genom att anv\u00e4nda de tillg\u00e4ngliga blocken genom att klicka p\u00e5 \"+\"-knappen i redigeraren."],"Customize the page layout, design, and elements as needed. Finally, click \"Publish\" or \"Update\" on the top-right corner to make the page live on your website. You have now successfully added a new page.":["Anpassa sidlayouten, designen och elementen efter behov. Klicka slutligen p\u00e5 \"Publicera\" eller \"Uppdatera\" i det \u00f6vre h\u00f6gra h\u00f6rnet f\u00f6r att g\u00f6ra sidan synlig p\u00e5 din webbplats. Du har nu lagt till en ny sida utan problem."],"AI-Powered Help Center":["AI-drivet hj\u00e4lpcenter"],"Experience the AI-Powered Help Center":["Upplev hj\u00e4lpcentret med AI-st\u00f6d"],"Get instant support with Co-Pilot AI, explore our Knowledge Base, or take guided tours to make the most of our tools.":["F\u00e5 omedelbar support med Co-Pilot AI, utforska v\u00e5r kunskapsbas eller ta guidade turer f\u00f6r att f\u00e5 ut det mesta av v\u00e5ra verktyg."],"Explore the Design Library":["Utforska designbiblioteket"],"Full design library customized for each site to easily drop in new sections or create full pages with sections.":["Ett komplett designbibliotek anpassat f\u00f6r varje webbplats f\u00f6r att enkelt l\u00e4gga till nya sektioner eller skapa hela sidor med sektioner."],"Explore Design Library":["Utforska designbiblioteket"],"Pick Your Site Structure":["V\u00e4lj din webbplatsstruktur"],"Site Structure":["Webbplatsstruktur"],"Prime Estates":["Prime Estates"],"Elevate Your Real Estate Experience with Pinnacle Properties":["H\u00f6j din fastighetsupplevelse med Pinnacle Properties"],"Discover the key to Austin's vibrant real estate scene with Pinnacle Properties. Our seasoned agents leverage over two decades of industry know-how to guide you in finding your ideal home.":["Uppt\u00e4ck nyckeln till Austins livliga fastighetsmarknad med Pinnacle Properties. V\u00e5ra erfarna agenter anv\u00e4nder \u00f6ver tv\u00e5 decenniers branscherfarenhet f\u00f6r att hj\u00e4lpa dig hitta ditt dr\u00f6mhem."],"Contact Us":["Kontakta oss"],"Expert Real Estate Services in Austin":["Expertfastighetstj\u00e4nster i Austin"],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin premier real estate agency. Trust our experienced agents for personalized services.":["Hitta ditt dr\u00f6mhem eller g\u00f6r l\u00f6nsamma investeringar med Pinnacle Properties, Austins fr\u00e4msta fastighetsbyr\u00e5. Lita p\u00e5 v\u00e5ra erfarna agenter f\u00f6r personliga tj\u00e4nster."],"Buy Your Dream Home":["K\u00f6p ditt dr\u00f6mhem"],"Find your dream home with our expert agents. We make homeownership a reality.":["Hitta ditt dr\u00f6mhem med v\u00e5ra expertm\u00e4klare. Vi g\u00f6r bostads\u00e4gande till verklighet."],"BrightFuture":["LjusaFramtiden"],"Empowering Academic Excellence in Every Student for Tomorrow\u2019s\tLeaders":["St\u00e4rker akademisk excellens hos varje elev f\u00f6r morgondagens ledare"],"Discover a transformative educational experience at American Academic Excellence High Schools, where students excel in STEM, arts, and humanities to become tomorrow\u2019s leaders.":["Uppt\u00e4ck en omv\u00e4lvande utbildningsupplevelse p\u00e5 American Academic Excellence High Schools, d\u00e4r elever utm\u00e4rker sig inom STEM, konst och humaniora f\u00f6r att bli morgondagens ledare."],"Apply Now":["Ans\u00f6k nu"],"Our Commitment to Academic Excellence":["V\u00e5rt \u00e5tagande f\u00f6r akademisk excellens"],"American Academic Excellence High Schools: Shaping tomorrow\u2019s leaders through top-tier education in Houston, Texas. STEM, arts, humanities. Well-rounded curriculum, exceptional educators.":["American Academic Excellence High Schools: Formar morgondagens ledare genom f\u00f6rstklassig utbildning i Houston, Texas. STEM, konst, humaniora. V\u00e4lbalanserad l\u00e4roplan, exceptionella l\u00e4rare."],"Brewed Bliss":["Bryggd Lycka"],"Embark on a delightful coffee adventure around the world.":["Ge dig ut p\u00e5 ett h\u00e4rligt kaffe\u00e4ventyr runt om i v\u00e4rlden"],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin\u2019s premier real estate agency.":["Hitta ditt dr\u00f6mhem eller g\u00f6r l\u00f6nsamma investeringar med Pinnacle Properties, Austins fr\u00e4msta fastighetsbyr\u00e5."],"Skyline Builders":["Skyline Byggare"],"Building Tomorrow\u2019s Miami: Your Premier Construction Partner Today":["Bygger Morgondagens Miami: Din Fr\u00e4msta Byggpartner Idag"],"We bring your dreams to life with groundbreaking construction techniques, turning your vision into reality with innovative and sustainable solutions.":["Vi f\u00f6rverkligar dina dr\u00f6mmar med banbrytande byggtekniker och omvandlar din vision till verklighet med innovativa och h\u00e5llbara l\u00f6sningar"],"Get a Quote":["F\u00e5 en offert"],"About Superior Build Construction: Building Dreams, Delivering Excellence in Miami.":["Om Superior Build Construction: Bygger dr\u00f6mmar, levererar excellens i Miami"],"Superior Build Construction is a premier construction company based in Miami, Florida. With over 30 years of experience, we specialize in residential and commercial construction projects, offering end-to-end solutions. Our mission is to provide high-quality, durable constructions while ensuring the utmost client satisfaction, making us a trusted name in Miami's real estate industry.":["Superior Build Construction \u00e4r ett ledande byggf\u00f6retag baserat i Miami, Florida. Med \u00f6ver 30 \u00e5rs erfarenhet specialiserar vi oss p\u00e5 bostads- och kommersiella byggprojekt och erbjuder helhetsl\u00f6sningar. V\u00e5rt m\u00e5l \u00e4r att leverera h\u00f6gkvalitativa, h\u00e5llbara konstruktioner samtidigt som vi s\u00e4kerst\u00e4ller st\u00f6rsta m\u00f6jliga kundn\u00f6jdhet, vilket g\u00f6r oss till ett p\u00e5litligt namn inom Miamis fastighetsbransch."],"Urban Bistro":["Urban Bistro"],"French-Inspired Californian Cuisine":["Franskinspirerad kalifornisk mat"],"Indulge in classic French bistro cuisine with a Californian twist at The Bistro House in San Francisco. Quality, sustainability, and Bay Area culinary traditions.":["Njut av klassisk fransk bistrok\u00f6k med en kalifornisk twist p\u00e5 The Bistro House i San Francisco. Kvalitet, h\u00e5llbarhet och Bay Area kulinariska traditioner."],"Find your dream home or make profitable investments with Pinnacle Properties, Austin's premier real estate agency. Trust our experienced agents for personalized services.":["Hitta ditt dr\u00f6mhem eller g\u00f6r l\u00f6nsamma investeringar med Pinnacle Properties, Austins fr\u00e4msta fastighetsbyr\u00e5. Lita p\u00e5 v\u00e5ra erfarna agenter f\u00f6r personliga tj\u00e4nster."],"Add Website Details":["L\u00e4gg till webbplatsdetaljer"]}}}