import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Icon, chevronDown, chevronUp, quote } from '@wordpress/icons'; export default function DesignLibraryMarkup(props) { return (
{__('Site type: Consultant', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Pattern Type', 'extendify-local')}
{__('All', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Call to Action', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Content', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Hero', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Pricing', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Social Proof', 'extendify-local')}
{__('Team', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'World class service offerings', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Power Leap Consulting: Your trusted partner for business success. We specialize in strategic planning, transformation, and growth acceleration.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Consulting Services', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'Develop a roadmap for success with our Business Strategy service.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Transformation Solutions', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Unleash your potential with expert strategies for growth.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Accelerating Growth', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'Take your business to the next level with Growth Acceleration.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Frequently asked questions', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Discover the solutions to your business challenges with our comprehensive consulting services. Explore our expertise in business strategy, organizational transformation, and growth acceleration.', 'extendify-local', )}
{' '}
{__( 'What is your consulting approach?', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Our collaborative approach helps us understand your challenges and goals. We analyze your business and develop a customized plan to achieve success. ', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'What types of businesses do you work with?', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'We help businesses succeed with tailored consulting services. From startups to established companies, our experts drive results.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Testimonial', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'Discover our satisfied clients testimonials, showcasing our transformative impact.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Power Leap Consulting strategic recommendations drove growth and improved performance.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Jessie Coleman', 'extendify-local')}
{__('President', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'Power Leap Consulting strategic recommendations drove growth and improved performance.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Jessie Coleman', 'extendify-local')}
{__('President', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'Power Leap Consulting strategic recommendations drove growth and improved performance.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Jessie Coleman', 'extendify-local')}
{__('President', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'Power Leap Consulting strategic recommendations drove growth and improved performance.', 'extendify-local', )}
{__('Jessie Coleman', 'extendify-local')}
{__('President', 'extendify-local')}
{__( 'World class service offerings', 'extendify-local', )}
{__( 'Power Leap Consulting: Your trusted partner for business success. We specialize in strategic planning, transformation, and growth acceleration.', 'extendify-local', )}
); }