import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { safeParseJson } from '@shared/lib/parsing'; import { create } from 'zustand'; import { devtools, persist, createJSONStorage } from 'zustand/middleware'; const startingState = { articles: [], recentArticles: [], viewedArticles: [], searchTerm: '', // initialize the state with default values ...(safeParseJson(window.extHelpCenterData.userData.supportArticlesData) ?.state ?? {}), }; const state = (set, get) => ({ ...startingState, pushArticle: (article) => { const { slug, title } = article; const state = get(); const lastViewedAt = new Date().toISOString(); const firstViewedAt = lastViewedAt; const viewed = state.viewedArticles.find((a) => a.slug === slug); const viewedArticles = [ // Remove the article if it's already in the list ...state.viewedArticles.filter((a) => a.slug !== slug), // Either add the article or update the count viewed ? { ...viewed, count: viewed.count + 1, lastViewedAt } : { slug, title, firstViewedAt, lastViewedAt, count: 1, }, ]; // Persist the detailed history to the server (don't wait for response) apiFetch({ path: '/extendify/v1/help-center/support-articles-data', method: 'POST', data: { state: { viewedArticles } }, }); set({ articles: [article, ...state.articles], recentArticles: [article, ...state.recentArticles.slice(0, 9)], viewedArticles, }); }, popArticle: () => set((state) => ({ articles: state.articles.slice(1) })), clearArticles: () => set({ articles: [] }), reset: () => set({ articles: [], searchTerm: '' }), updateTitle: (slug, title) => set((state) => ({ articles: => { // We don't always know the title until after we fetch the article data if (article.slug === slug) { article.title = title; } return article; }), })), clearSearchTerm: () => set({ searchTerm: '' }), setSearchTerm: (searchTerm) => set({ searchTerm }), }); export const useKnowledgeBaseStore = create( persist(devtools(state, { name: 'Extendify Help Center Knowledge Base' }), { name: 'extendify-help-center-knowledge-base', storage: createJSONStorage(() => sessionStorage), }), );