import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { addQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url'; import { pageNames } from '@shared/lib/pages'; import { sleep } from '@shared/lib/utils'; import { Axios as api } from '@launch/api/axios'; import { fetchFontFaceFile, makeFontFamilyFormData, makeFontFaceFormData, } from '@launch/lib/fonts-helpers'; const { wpRoot } = window.extOnbData; export const updateOption = (option, value) =>'launch/options', { option, value }); export const getOption = async (option) => { const { data } = await api.get('launch/options', { params: { option }, }); return data; }; export const createPage = (pageData) =>`${wpRoot}wp/v2/pages`, pageData); export const updatePage = (pageData) =>`${wpRoot}wp/v2/pages/${}`, pageData); export const getPageById = (pageId) => api.get(`${wpRoot}wp/v2/pages/${pageId}`); export const createPost = (postData) =>`${wpRoot}wp/v2/posts`, postData); export const uploadMedia = (formData) =>`${wpRoot}wp/v2/media`, formData); export const createCategory = (CategoryData) =>`${wpRoot}wp/v2/categories`, CategoryData); export const createTag = (tagData) =>`${wpRoot}wp/v2/tags`, tagData); export const createNavigation = async (content = '') => { const payload = await apiFetch({ path: 'extendify/v1/launch/create-navigation', method: 'POST', data: { title: __('Header Navigation', 'extendify-local'), slug: 'site-navigation', content, }, }); return; }; export const updateNavigation = async (id, content) => { const payload = await apiFetch({ path: `wp/v2/navigation/${id}`, method: 'POST', data: { content, }, }); return; }; export const updateTemplatePart = (part, content) =>`${wpRoot}wp/v2/template-parts/${part}`, { slug: `${part}`, theme: 'extendable', type: 'wp_template_part', status: 'publish', // See: // translators: Launch is the product name. Unless otherwise specified by the glossary, do not translate this name. description: __('Added by Launch', 'extendify-local'), content, }); const allowedHeaders = ['header', 'header-with-center-nav-and-social']; const allowedFooters = [ 'footer', 'footer-social-icons', 'footer-with-center-logo-and-menu', ]; export const getHeadersAndFooters = async () => { let patterns = await getTemplateParts(); patterns = patterns?.filter((p) => p.theme === 'extendable'); const headers = patterns?.filter((p) => allowedHeaders.includes(p?.slug)); const footers = patterns?.filter((p) => allowedFooters.includes(p?.slug)); return { headers, footers }; }; const getTemplateParts = () => api.get(wpRoot + 'wp/v2/template-parts'); export const getThemeVariations = async () => { const variations = await api.get( wpRoot + 'wp/v2/global-styles/themes/extendable/variations', ); if (!Array.isArray(variations)) { throw new Error('Could not get theme variations'); } // Filter out color and typography presets, and keep only main style variations. const mainStyleVariations = variations.filter((variation) => { const settingsKeys = Object.keys(variation.settings || {}); const stylesKeys = Object.keys(variation.styles || {}); const combinedKeys = new Set([...settingsKeys, ...stylesKeys]); return combinedKeys.has('color') && combinedKeys.has('typography'); }); // Adds slug to match with color palettes from airtable const variationsWithSlugs = => { const slug = // The Fusion Sky variation is misspelled in Extendable, so it needs a special case. variation.title === 'FusionSky' ? 'fusion-sky' : variation.title.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/\s+/, '-'); return { ...variation, slug }; }); // Randomize return [...variationsWithSlugs].sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5); }; export const updateThemeVariation = (id, variation) =>`${wpRoot}wp/v2/global-styles/${id}`, { id, settings: variation.settings, styles: variation.styles, }); export const addSectionLinksToNav = async ( navigationId, homePatterns = [], pluginPages = [], createdPages = [], ) => { // Extract plugin page slugs for comparison const pluginPageTitles ={ title }) => title?.rendered?.toLowerCase(), ); const pages = createdPages ?.filter((page) => page?.slug !== 'home') ?.map((page) => page.slug) ?.filter(Boolean) ?? []; // ['about-us', 'services', 'contact-us'] const sections = homePatterns .map(({ patternTypes }) => patternTypes?.[0]) .filter(Boolean) // Filter out any pattern type that has a page created by 3rd party plugins. .filter((patternType) => { const { slug } = Object.values(pageNames).find(({ alias }) => alias.includes(patternType), ) || {}; return slug && !pluginPageTitles.includes(slug); }); const seen = new Set(); const sectionsNavigationLinks = => { const { title, slug } = Object.values(pageNames).find(({ alias }) => alias.includes(patternType), ) || {}; if (!slug) return ''; if (seen.has(slug)) return ''; seen.add(slug); const url = pages.includes(slug) ? `${window.extSharedData.homeUrl}/${slug}` : `${window.extSharedData.homeUrl}/#${slug}`; const attributes = JSON.stringify({ label: title, type: 'custom', url, kind: 'custom', isTopLevelLink: true, }); return ``; }); const pluginPagesNavigationLinks = ({ title, id, type, link }) => { const attributes = JSON.stringify({ label: title.rendered, id, type, url: link, kind: id ? 'post-type' : 'custom', isTopLevelLink: true, }); return ``; }, ); const navigationLinks = sectionsNavigationLinks .concat(pluginPagesNavigationLinks) .join(''); await updateNavigation(navigationId, navigationLinks); }; export const addPageLinksToNav = async ( navigationId, allPages, createdPages, pluginPages = [], ) => { // Because WP may have changed the slug and permalink (i.e., because of different languages), // we are using the `originalSlug` property to match the original pages with the updated ones. const findCreatedPage = ({ slug }) => createdPages.find(({ originalSlug: s }) => s === slug) || {}; const filteredCreatedPages = allPages .filter((p) => findCreatedPage(p)?.id) // make sure its a page .filter(({ slug }) => slug !== 'home') // exclude home page .map((page) => findCreatedPage(page)); const pageLinks = filteredCreatedPages .concat(pluginPages) .map(({ id, title, link, type }) => { const attributes = JSON.stringify({ label: title.rendered, id, type, url: link, kind: id ? 'post-type' : 'custom', isTopLevelLink: true, }); return ``; }); const topLevelLinks = pageLinks.slice(0, 5).join(''); const submenuLinks = pageLinks.slice(5); // We want a max of 6 top-level links, but if 7+, then move the last // two+ to a submenu. const additionalLinks = submenuLinks.length > 1 ? ` ${submenuLinks.join('')} ` : submenuLinks.join(''); // only 1 link here await updateNavigation(navigationId, topLevelLinks + additionalLinks); }; const getNavAttributes = (headerCode) => { try { return JSON.parse(headerCode.match(//)[1]); } catch (e) { return {}; } }; export const updateNavAttributes = (headerCode, attributes) => { const newAttributes = JSON.stringify({ ...getNavAttributes(headerCode), ...attributes, }); return headerCode.replace( /()/gi, ``, ); }; export const getActivePlugins = () => api.get('launch/active-plugins'); export const prefetchAssistData = async () => await api.get('launch/prefetch-assist-data'); export const processPlaceholders = (patterns) => apiFetch({ path: '/extendify/v1/shared/process-placeholders', method: 'POST', data: { patterns }, }); export const postLaunchFunctions = () => apiFetch({ path: '/extendify/v1/launch/post-launch-functions', method: 'POST', }); export const registerFontFamily = async (fontFamily) => { try { const existingFontFamily = ( await apiFetch({ path: addQueryArgs('/wp/v2/font-families', { slug: fontFamily.slug, _embed: true, }), method: 'GET', }) )?.[0]; if (existingFontFamily) { return { id:, ...existingFontFamily.font_family_settings, fontFace: ({ id, font_face_settings }) => ({ id, ...font_face_settings, }), ), }; } const newFontFamily = await apiFetch({ path: '/wp/v2/font-families', method: 'POST', body: makeFontFamilyFormData(fontFamily), }); return { id:, ...newFontFamily.font_family_settings, fontFace: newFontFamily.fontFaces, }; } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to register font family:', error.message); return; } }; export const registerFontFace = async ({ fontFamilyId, ...fontFace }) => { const max_retries = 2; const fontFaceSlug = `${fontFace.fontFamilySlug}-${fontFace.fontWeight}`; for (let attempt = 0; attempt <= max_retries; attempt++) { try { // Add delay of 1 second if this is not the first attempt if (attempt > 0) await sleep(1000); const response = await apiFetch({ path: `/wp/v2/font-families/${fontFamilyId}/font-faces`, method: 'POST', body: makeFontFaceFormData(fontFace), }); return { id:, ...response.font_face_settings, }; } catch (error) { if (attempt <= max_retries) { console.error( `Failed attempt to upload font file ${fontFaceSlug}:`, error.message, ); continue; } console.error( `Failed to upload font file ${fontFaceSlug} after ${max_retries + 1} attempts.`, ); return; } } }; export const installFontFamily = async (fontFamily) => { const fontFaceDownloadRequests = (fontFace) => { const file = await fetchFontFaceFile(fontFace.src); if (!file) return; return { ...fontFace, file }; }); const fontFacesWithFile = ( await Promise.all(fontFaceDownloadRequests) ).filter(Boolean); // If we don't have any font file to install, we don't register the font family. if (!fontFacesWithFile.length) return; const registeredFontFamily = await registerFontFamily(fontFamily); // If we couldn't register the font family, we don't register the font faces. if (!registeredFontFamily) return; // If font family has font faces, it means it was already registered // and doesn't need to be installed. if (registeredFontFamily?.fontFace?.length) { return registeredFontFamily; } const fontFaces = => ({ fontFamilyId:, fontFamilySlug: registeredFontFamily.slug, ...fontFace, })); const registeredFontFaces = []; for (const fontFace of fontFaces) { registeredFontFaces.push(await registerFontFace(fontFace)); } return { ...registeredFontFamily, fontFace: registeredFontFaces.filter(Boolean), }; }; export const installFontFamilies = async (fontFamilies) => { const installedFontFamilies = []; for (const fontFamily of fontFamilies) { installedFontFamilies.push(await installFontFamily(fontFamily)); } return installedFontFamilies.filter(Boolean); };