import { useCallback, useEffect, useState, useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { deepMerge } from '@shared/lib/utils'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { AnimatePresence, motion } from 'framer-motion'; import { getThemeVariations } from '@launch/api/WPApi'; import { LoadingIndicator } from '@launch/components/LoadingIndicator'; import { SmallPreview } from '@launch/components/SmallPreview'; import { Title } from '@launch/components/Title'; import { useFetch } from '@launch/hooks/useFetch'; import { useHomeLayouts } from '@launch/hooks/useHomeLayouts'; import { useIsMountedLayout } from '@launch/hooks/useIsMounted'; import { PageLayout } from '@launch/layouts/PageLayout'; import { pageState } from '@launch/state/factory'; import { usePagesSelectionStore } from '@launch/state/pages-selections'; import { useUserSelectionStore } from '@launch/state/user-selections'; import { Checkmark } from '@launch/svg'; export const state = pageState('Layout', () => ({ ready: false, canSkip: false, useNav: true, onRemove: () => {}, })); export const HomeSelect = () => { const { loading, homeLayouts } = useHomeLayouts(); return (
<div className="relative mx-auto w-full max-w-6xl"> {loading ? ( <LoadingIndicator /> ) : ( <DesignSelector homeLayouts={homeLayouts} /> )} </div> </div> </PageLayout> ); }; const DesignSelector = ({ homeLayouts }) => { const { data: variations } = useFetch('variations', getThemeVariations); const isMounted = useIsMountedLayout(); const [styles, setStyles] = useState([]); const { setStyle, style: currentStyle } = usePagesSelectionStore(); const { siteInformation, setVariation, variation } = useUserSelectionStore(); const onSelect = useCallback( (style) => { setStyle(style); setVariation(style?.variation); }, [setStyle, setVariation], ); const wrapperRef = useRef(); const once = useRef(false); useEffect(() => { state.setState({ ready: !!variation?.title }); }, [variation]); useEffect(() => { if (!homeLayouts || !variations) return; if (styles.length) return; setStyle(null); setVariation(null); (async () => { const slicedEntries = Array.from(homeLayouts.entries()); for (const [index, style] of slicedEntries) { if (!isMounted.current) return; const { fonts, colorPalette } = style.siteStyle; // Select the variation matching the color palette suggested // by the AI. If none matches, return a random variation. let variation = variations.find(({ slug }) => slug === colorPalette) ?? variations[index % variations.length]; // If a variation matched color palette, replace the fonts with // those suggested by the AI. if (variation.slug === colorPalette && fonts) { variation = deepMerge(variation, { styles: { elements: { heading: { typography: { fontFamily: `var(--wp--preset--font-family--${fonts.heading.slug})`, }, }, }, typography: { fontFamily: `var(--wp--preset--font-family--${fonts.body.slug})`, }, }, settings: { typography: { fontFamilies: { // If font doesn't have a host, it means it's already installed // with the theme. We only need to add the ones that are not. custom: [fonts.heading, fonts.body].filter( (font) => !!, ), }, }, }, }); } setStyles((styles) => [ ...styles, {, variation, }, ]); // Delay between 350ms and 1s to make it less rigid const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1000 - 150 + 1)) + 150; await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, random)); } })(); }, [ homeLayouts, isMounted, variations, styles.length, setStyle, setVariation, ]); useEffect(() => { if (!currentStyle || !styles || once.current) return; const currentButton = wrapperRef.current?.querySelector( `#layout-style-${currentStyle.slug} [role="button"]`, ); if (!currentButton) return; once.current = true; currentButton.focus(); }, [currentStyle, styles]); return ( <div className="grid gap-8 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3" data-test="layout-preview-wrapper" ref={wrapperRef}> {styles?.map((style) => ( <div className="relative" key={}> <AnimatePresence> <motion.div initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} duration={0.7} className={classNames( 'relative cursor-pointer overflow-hidden rounded border border-gray-200 ring-offset-2 ring-offset-white focus-within:outline-none focus-within:ring-4 focus-within:ring-design-main focus-within:ring-offset-2 focus-within:ring-offset-white hover:outline-none hover:ring-4', { 'ring-4 ring-design-main ring-offset-2 ring-offset-white hover:ring-design-main': currentStyle?.id ===, 'hover:ring-gray-300': currentStyle?.id !==, }, )} style={{ aspectRatio: '1.55' }}> <SmallPreview style={style} siteTitle={siteInformation.title} onSelect={onSelect} selected={currentStyle?.id ===} /> </motion.div> </AnimatePresence> <span aria-hidden="true"> {currentStyle?.id === ? ( <Checkmark className="absolute right-0 top-0 z-50 m-2 h-6 w-6 -translate-y-5 translate-x-5 rounded-full bg-design-main text-design-text" /> ) : null} </span> </div> ))} {homeLayouts?.slice(styles?.length).map((_, i) => ( <AnimatePresence key={i}> <motion.div initial={{ opacity: 1 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} exit={{ opacity: 0 }} duration={0.7} className="relative bg-gray-50" style={{ aspectRatio: '1.55', backgroundImage: 'linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%)', backgroundSize: '600% 600%', animation: 'extendify-loading-skeleton 10s ease-in-out infinite', }} /> </AnimatePresence> ))} </div> ); };