"intro" => "Assistant adds AI to your site building process and lets you create content with just a few clicks (look for the AI option while editing your posts/pages).
Assistant also helps you with several aspects of building and maintaning your WordPress website.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['assistant']['#spro-tours'] = array(
"title" => "Tours",
"intro" => "Tours highlights and explains important options in WordPress that you will need while managing your site.
You can replay the tours when needed.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['assistant']['#spro-features'] = array(
"title" => "Recommended Features",
"intro" => "A recommended list of plugins to improve performace and extend functionalties for your site.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['assistant']['#spro-quick-links'] = array(
"title" => "Quick Links",
"intro" => "Here you will find important links compiled in a single section which can sometimes be difficult to find in WordPress.",
"position" => "left",
$spro_tour_content['assistant']['#spro-settings'] = array(
"title" => "Settings",
"intro" => "We have simplified complex WordPress settings that you can now manage with just a click via the Assistant.",
"position" => "left",
$spro_tour_content['assistant']['#spro-ai'] = array(
"title" => "AI",
"intro" => "Experience hassle-free site building with inbuilt AI in Assistant.",
"position" => "left",
$spro_tour_content['assistant']['#toplevel_page_assistant'] = array(
"title" => "Your Assistant",
"intro" => "Assistant resides here, when you are unable to find something or having a hard time understanding a feature in WordPress we should be able to help you.
Visit this page anytime.",
"position" => "right",
// WordPress Sidebar
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#toplevel_page_assistant'] = array(
"title" => "Your Assistant",
"intro" => "Assistant resides here, when you are unable to find something or having a hard time understanding a feature in WordPress we should be able to help you.
Visit this page anytime.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#wp-admin-bar-view-site'] = array(
"title" => "Preview Site",
"intro" => "You can use this link to preview your site as a visitor.",
"position" => "right",
"hover" => "true",
"hover_selector" => "#wp-admin-bar-site-name",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-dashboard'] = array(
"title" => "Dashboard",
"intro" => "The Dashboard is your website's command center, providing a concise summary of its activity, such as site health, recent updates, comments, and statistics.
Several plugins also display quick summary like orders, products, etc within the dashboard.
You can also check for Updates from the sub-menu.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-posts'] = array(
"title" => "Posts",
"intro" => "Manage your blog posts here.
Posts are typically utilized for blog posts, news updates, or articles, organized in a chronological order.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-media'] = array(
"title" => "Media Library",
"intro" => "Manage media files like images, audio, videos, etc. here.
Media uploaded from anywhere on your site can be managed here.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-pages'] = array(
"title" => "Pages",
"intro" => "Pages are static content sections such as Home, About Us, Contact, Services, etc.
Use this menu to add, edit, delete your pages.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-comments'] = array(
"title" => "Comments",
"intro" => "Here you can moderate comments posted by visitors on your posts.
You can one click disable comments for your entire site from the Assistant dashboard.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-appearance'] = array(
"title" => "Appearance",
"intro" => "Personalize your site's appearance effortlessly.
Explore themes, customize headers, background, colors, manage widgets and menus to customize your site's look and feel.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-plugins'] = array(
"title" => "Plugins",
"intro" => "Unlock endless possibilities for your website with plugins.
Easily search, add or delete plugins to enhance your site's functionality.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-users'] = array(
"title" => "Users",
"intro" => "Add or manage users to ensure smooth operation and collaboration.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-tools'] = array(
"title" => "Tools",
"intro" => "Import/Export site data, check site health or edit plugin/theme files from the Tools menu.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#menu-settings'] = array(
"title" => "Settings",
"intro" => "Advanced settings for your site can be managed here.
These settings include site title, tagline, site url, writing, reading, discussion, media, permalinks and more.
Some plugins also add their settings page in this menu.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#collapse-menu'] = array(
"title" => "Toggle Menu",
"intro" => "Expand or Collapse the sidebar menu using this option.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#wp-admin-bar-user-info'] = array(
"title" => "Edit Profile",
"intro" => "Here you can edit your profile information like name, email, password, bio, profile picture and more.",
"position" => "left",
"hover" => "true",
"hover_selector" => "#wp-admin-bar-my-account",
$spro_tour_content['sidebar']['#wp-admin-bar-logout'] = array(
"title" => "Log Out",
"intro" => "Use this link to securely log out from your site.",
"position" => "left",
"hover" => "true",
"hover_selector" => "#wp-admin-bar-my-account",
// Plugins Page
$spro_tour_content['plugins']['#menu-plugins'] = array(
"title" => "Plugins",
"intro" => "Click here to add or manage plugins on your site.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['plugins']['.page-title-action'] = array(
"title" => "Add New Plugin",
"intro" => "Here you can search wordpress.org plugins library or upload a custom plugin file to install a new plugin on your site.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['plugins']['tr[data-plugin]'] = array(
"title" => "Installed Plugins List",
"intro" => "All your installed plugins active as well as inactive will be listed here.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['plugins']['td.plugin-title'] = array(
"title" => "Plugin Actions",
"intro" => "You can perform actions for your plugins like Activate, Deactivate, Update, Delete, Plugin Settings and more..
It is recommended to delete plugins that you do not plan to use and keep all your plugins up to date.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['plugins']['#bulk-action-selector-top'] = array(
"title" => "Bulk Actions",
"intro" => "Choose bulk action for selected plugins: Activate, Deactivate, Update, Delete, toggle auto updates and more",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['plugins']['.subsubsub'] = array(
"title" => "Filter Installed Plugins",
"intro" => "Filter your installed plugins list with Active, Inactive, Auto Updates Enabled or Disabled options",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['plugins']['#plugin-search-input'] = array(
"title" => "Search Installed Plugins",
"intro" => "Search a plugin from the installed plugins list.",
"position" => "bottom",
// Themes Page
$spro_tour_content['themes']['#menu-appearance'] = array(
"title" => "Themes",
"intro" => "Click here to add or manage themes on your site.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['themes']['.page-title-action'] = array(
"title" => "Add New Theme",
"intro" => "Here you can search wordpress.org themes library or upload a custom theme file to install a new theme on your site.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['themes']['.theme-browser'] = array(
"title" => "Installed Themes List",
"intro" => "All your installed themes active as well as inactive will be listed here.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['themes']['.theme.active[data-slug]'] = array(
"title" => "Active Theme",
"intro" => "Your active theme will be listed here.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['themes']['.theme-actions'] = array(
"title" => "Theme Actions",
"intro" => "You can perform actions for your theme like Activate, Live Preview, Customize and more
It is recommended to delete themes that you do not plan to use and keep all your themes up to date.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['themes']['.search-box'] = array(
"title" => "Search Installed Themes",
"intro" => "Search a theme from the installed themes list.",
"position" => "bottom",
// WordPress Dashboard Page
$spro_tour_content['dashboard']['#menu-dashboard'] = array(
"title" => "Dashboard",
"intro" => "The Dashboard is your website's command center, providing a concise summary of its activity, such as site health, recent updates, comments, and statistics.
Several plugins also display quick summary like orders, products, etc within the dashboard.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['dashboard']['#dashboard_site_health'] = array(
"title" => "Site Health",
"intro" => "Here you can get insights on the overall performance and security of your website.
It offers recommendations and troubleshooting tools to help you maintain an efficient and secure site.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['dashboard']['#dashboard_right_now'] = array(
"title" => "Info at a Glance",
"intro" => "Here you will get the number of posts, pages, comments, current version of WordPress and theme that you are running.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['dashboard']['#dashboard_activity'] = array(
"title" => "Activity",
"intro" => "Here you will get a quick summary of recent activity like published posts and comments received on your site.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['dashboard']['#dashboard_quick_press'] = array(
"title" => "Quick Draft",
"intro" => "Use this section for capturing ideas as they come to you, quickly jot down the ideas for new posts.
You can later access these drafts from the Posts section and continue editing them in the full post editor.",
"position" => "left",
$spro_tour_content['dashboard']['#dashboard_primary'] = array(
"title" => "Events and News",
"intro" => "This widget is a valuable resource for staying informed about the latest happenings in the WordPress community and connecting with other WordPress enthusiasts.
Here you will find updates on new releases, upcoming features, security updates, and general news about the WordPress community.
This section also shows upcoming WordPress events such as WordCamps, local meetups, and other community gatherings.",
"position" => "left",
$spro_tour_content['dashboard']['#screen-options-link-wrap'] = array(
"title" => "Screen Options",
"intro" => "This useful feature allows you to select the screen elements that you would like to show or hide by using the checkboxes.
You will find this option on several pages across your site.",
"position" => "bottom",
// Users Page
$spro_tour_content['users']['#menu-users'] = array(
"title" => "Users",
"intro" => "Click here to add or manage users on your site.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['users']['.page-title-action'] = array(
"title" => "Add New User",
"intro" => "Add a new user for your site. You can enter user details, password, role, etc.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['users']['tbody > tr'] = array(
"title" => "Users List",
"intro" => "All your users with admin role as well as other roles will be listed here.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['users']['tbody > tr > td'] = array(
"title" => "Edit User",
"intro" => "You can edit the user information, change password, change role and much more with the Edit link here.",
"position" => "bottom",
"hover" => "true",
"hover_selector" => ".row-actions",
"hover_class" => "visible",
$spro_tour_content['users']['#bulk-action-selector-top'] = array(
"title" => "Bulk Actions",
"intro" => "Choose bulk action for selected users: Delete or send password reset link",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['users']['#new_role'] = array(
"title" => "Change Role",
"intro" => "Here you can bulk change role for the selected users",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['users']['.subsubsub'] = array(
"title" => "Filter Users",
"intro" => "Filter your users list with their roles",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['users']['.search-box'] = array(
"title" => "Search Users",
"intro" => "Search a user from the users list.",
"position" => "bottom",
// Posts Page
$spro_tour_content['posts']['#menu-posts'] = array(
"title" => "Posts",
"intro" => "Click here to add or manage blog posts on your site.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['posts']['.page-title-action'] = array(
"title" => "Add New Post",
"intro" => "Start writing a new blog post for your site.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['posts']['tbody > tr'] = array(
"title" => "Posts List",
"intro" => "All the posts owned by all the users on your site will be listed here.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['posts']['tbody > tr > td'] = array(
"title" => "Manage Post",
"intro" => "You can view, edit or delete the posts with the links here.",
"position" => "bottom",
"hover" => "true",
"hover_selector" => ".row-actions",
"hover_class" => "visible"
$spro_tour_content['posts']['#bulk-action-selector-top'] = array(
"title" => "Bulk Actions",
"intro" => "Choose bulk action for selected posts: Quick Edit or Move to Trash.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['posts']['#filter-by-date'] = array(
"title" => "Filter Posts by Date",
"intro" => "Here you can filter the posts by date.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['posts']['#cat'] = array(
"title" => "Filter Posts by Category",
"intro" => "Here you can filter the posts by category.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['posts']['.subsubsub'] = array(
"title" => "Filter Posts",
"intro" => "Filter your posts list by their status like published, drafts, trash, etc.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['posts']['.search-box'] = array(
"title" => "Search Posts",
"intro" => "Search a post from the posts list.",
"position" => "bottom",
// Pages Page
$spro_tour_content['pages']['#menu-pages'] = array(
"title" => "Pages",
"intro" => "Click here to add or manage pages on your site.",
"position" => "right",
$spro_tour_content['pages']['.page-title-action'] = array(
"title" => "Add New Page",
"intro" => "Start creating a new page for your site.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['pages']['tbody > tr'] = array(
"title" => "Pages List",
"intro" => "All the pages on your site will be listed here.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['pages']['tbody > tr > td'] = array(
"title" => "Manage Page",
"intro" => "You can view, edit or delete the pages with the links here.",
"position" => "bottom",
"hover" => "true",
"hover_selector" => ".row-actions",
"hover_class" => "visible"
$spro_tour_content['pages']['#bulk-action-selector-top'] = array(
"title" => "Bulk Actions",
"intro" => "Choose bulk action for selected pages: Quick Edit or Move to Trash.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['pages']['#filter-by-date'] = array(
"title" => "Filter Pages by Date",
"intro" => "Here you can filter the pages by date.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['pages']['.subsubsub'] = array(
"title" => "Filter Pages",
"intro" => "Filter your pages list by their status like published, drafts, trash, etc.",
"position" => "bottom",
$spro_tour_content['pages']['.search-box'] = array(
"title" => "Search Pages",
"intro" => "Search a page from the pages list.",
"position" => "bottom",