array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::DEBUG, 'message' => 'Block added to template.', ), self::BLOCK_REMOVED => array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::NOTICE, 'message' => 'Block removed from template.', ), self::BLOCK_MODIFIED => array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::NOTICE, 'message' => 'Block modified in template.', ), self::BLOCK_ADDED_TO_DETACHED_CONTAINER => array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::WARNING, 'message' => 'Block added to detached container. Block will not be included in the template, since the container will not be included in the template.', ), self::HIDE_CONDITION_ADDED => array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::NOTICE, 'message' => 'Hide condition added to block.', ), self::HIDE_CONDITION_REMOVED => array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::NOTICE, 'message' => 'Hide condition removed from block.', ), self::HIDE_CONDITION_ADDED_TO_DETACHED_BLOCK => array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::WARNING, 'message' => 'Hide condition added to detached block. Block will not be included in the template, so the hide condition is not needed.', ), self::ERROR_AFTER_BLOCK_ADDED => array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::WARNING, 'message' => 'Error after block added to template.', ), self::ERROR_AFTER_BLOCK_REMOVED => array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::WARNING, 'message' => 'Error after block removed from template.', ), ); /** * Singleton instance. * * @var BlockTemplateLogger */ protected static $instance = null; /** * Logger instance. * * @var \WC_Logger */ protected $logger = null; /** * All template events. * * @var array */ private $all_template_events = array(); /** * Templates. * * @var array */ private $templates = array(); /** * Threshold severity. * * @var int */ private $threshold_severity = null; /** * Get the singleton instance. */ public static function get_instance(): BlockTemplateLogger { if ( ! self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Constructor. */ protected function __construct() { $this->logger = wc_get_logger(); $threshold = get_option( 'woocommerce_block_template_logging_threshold', \WC_Log_Levels::WARNING ); if ( ! \WC_Log_Levels::is_valid_level( $threshold ) ) { $threshold = \WC_Log_Levels::INFO; } $this->threshold_severity = \WC_Log_Levels::get_level_severity( $threshold ); add_action( 'woocommerce_block_template_after_add_block', function ( BlockInterface $block ) { $is_detached = method_exists( $block->get_parent(), 'is_detached' ) && $block->get_parent()->is_detached(); $this->log( $is_detached ? $this::BLOCK_ADDED_TO_DETACHED_CONTAINER : $this::BLOCK_ADDED, $block, ); }, 0, ); add_action( 'woocommerce_block_template_after_remove_block', function ( BlockInterface $block ) { $this->log( $this::BLOCK_REMOVED, $block, ); }, 0, ); add_action( 'woocommerce_block_template_after_add_hide_condition', function ( BlockInterface $block ) { $this->log( $block->is_detached() ? $this::HIDE_CONDITION_ADDED_TO_DETACHED_BLOCK : $this::HIDE_CONDITION_ADDED, $block, ); }, 0 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_block_template_after_remove_hide_condition', function ( BlockInterface $block ) { $this->log( $this::HIDE_CONDITION_REMOVED, $block, ); }, 0 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_block_template_after_add_block_error', function ( BlockInterface $block, string $action, \Exception $exception ) { $this->log( $this::ERROR_AFTER_BLOCK_ADDED, $block, array( 'action' => $action, 'exception' => $exception, ), ); }, 0, 3 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_block_template_after_remove_block_error', function ( BlockInterface $block, string $action, \Exception $exception ) { $this->log( $this::ERROR_AFTER_BLOCK_REMOVED, $block, array( 'action' => $action, 'exception' => $exception, ), ); }, 0, 3 ); } /** * Get all template events for a given template as a JSON like array. * * @param string $template_id Template ID. */ public function template_events_to_json( string $template_id ): array { if ( ! isset( $this->all_template_events[ $template_id ] ) ) { return array(); } $template_events = $this->all_template_events[ $template_id ]; return $this->to_json( $template_events ); } /** * Get all template events as a JSON like array. * * @param array $template_events Template events. * * @return array The JSON. */ private function to_json( array $template_events ): array { $json = array(); foreach ( $template_events as $template_event ) { $container = $template_event['container']; $block = $template_event['block']; $json[] = array( 'level' => $template_event['level'], 'event_type' => $template_event['event_type'], 'message' => $template_event['message'], 'container' => $container instanceof BlockInterface ? array( 'id' => $container->get_id(), 'name' => $container->get_name(), ) : null, 'block' => array( 'id' => $block->get_id(), 'name' => $block->get_name(), ), 'additional_info' => $this->format_info( $template_event['additional_info'] ), ); } return $json; } /** * Log all template events for a given template to the log file. * * @param string $template_id Template ID. */ public function log_template_events_to_file( string $template_id ) { if ( ! isset( $this->all_template_events[ $template_id ] ) ) { return; } $template_events = $this->all_template_events[ $template_id ]; $hash = $this->generate_template_events_hash( $template_events ); if ( ! $this->has_template_events_changed( $template_id, $hash ) ) { // Nothing has changed since the last time this was logged, // so don't log it again. return; } $this->set_template_events_log_hash( $template_id, $hash ); $template = $this->templates[ $template_id ]; foreach ( $template_events as $template_event ) { $info = array_merge( array( 'template' => $template, 'container' => $template_event['container'], 'block' => $template_event['block'], ), $template_event['additional_info'] ); $message = $this->format_message( $template_event['message'], $info ); $this->logger->log( $template_event['level'], $message, array( 'source' => 'block_template' ) ); } } /** * Has the template events changed since the last time they were logged? * * @param string $template_id Template ID. * @param string $events_hash Events hash. */ private function has_template_events_changed( string $template_id, string $events_hash ) { $previous_hash = get_transient( self::LOG_HASH_TRANSIENT_BASE_NAME . $template_id ); return $previous_hash !== $events_hash; } /** * Generate a hash for a given set of template events. * * @param array $template_events Template events. */ private function generate_template_events_hash( array $template_events ): string { return md5( wp_json_encode( $this->to_json( $template_events ) ) ); } /** * Set the template events hash for a given template. * * @param string $template_id Template ID. * @param string $hash Hash of template events. */ private function set_template_events_log_hash( string $template_id, string $hash ) { set_transient( self::LOG_HASH_TRANSIENT_BASE_NAME . $template_id, $hash ); } /** * Log an event. * * @param string $event_type Event type. * @param BlockInterface $block Block. * @param array $additional_info Additional info. */ private function log( string $event_type, BlockInterface $block, $additional_info = array() ) { if ( ! isset( self::$event_types[ $event_type ] ) ) { /* translators: 1: WC_Logger::log 2: level */ wc_doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( __( '%1$s was called with an invalid event type "%2$s".', 'woocommerce' ), 'BlockTemplateLogger::log', $event_type ), '8.4' ); } $event_type_info = isset( self::$event_types[ $event_type ] ) ? array_merge( self::$event_types[ $event_type ], array( 'event_type' => $event_type, ) ) : array( 'level' => \WC_Log_Levels::ERROR, 'event_type' => $event_type, 'message' => 'Unknown error.', ); if ( ! $this->should_handle( $event_type_info['level'] ) ) { return; } $template = $block->get_root_template(); $container = $block->get_parent(); $this->add_template_event( $event_type_info, $template, $container, $block, $additional_info ); } /** * Should the logger handle a given level? * * @param int $level Level to check. */ private function should_handle( $level ) { return $this->threshold_severity <= \WC_Log_Levels::get_level_severity( $level ); } /** * Add a template event. * * @param array $event_type_info Event type info. * @param BlockTemplateInterface $template Template. * @param ContainerInterface $container Container. * @param BlockInterface $block Block. * @param array $additional_info Additional info. */ private function add_template_event( array $event_type_info, BlockTemplateInterface $template, ContainerInterface $container, BlockInterface $block, array $additional_info = array() ) { $template_id = $template->get_id(); if ( ! isset( $this->all_template_events[ $template_id ] ) ) { $this->all_template_events[ $template_id ] = array(); $this->templates[ $template_id ] = $template; } $template_events = &$this->all_template_events[ $template_id ]; $template_events[] = array( 'level' => $event_type_info['level'], 'event_type' => $event_type_info['event_type'], 'message' => $event_type_info['message'], 'container' => $container, 'block' => $block, 'additional_info' => $additional_info, ); } /** * Format a message for logging. * * @param string $message Message to log. * @param array $info Additional info to log. */ private function format_message( string $message, array $info = array() ): string { $formatted_message = sprintf( "%s\n%s", $message, // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_print_r print_r( $this->format_info( $info ), true ), ); return $formatted_message; } /** * Format info for logging. * * @param array $info Info to log. */ private function format_info( array $info ): array { $formatted_info = $info; if ( isset( $info['exception'] ) && $info['exception'] instanceof \Exception ) { $formatted_info['exception'] = $this->format_exception( $info['exception'] ); } if ( isset( $info['container'] ) ) { if ( $info['container'] instanceof BlockContainerInterface ) { $formatted_info['container'] = $this->format_block( $info['container'] ); } elseif ( $info['container'] instanceof BlockTemplateInterface ) { $formatted_info['container'] = $this->format_template( $info['container'] ); } elseif ( $info['container'] instanceof BlockInterface ) { $formatted_info['container'] = $this->format_block( $info['container'] ); } } if ( isset( $info['block'] ) && $info['block'] instanceof BlockInterface ) { $formatted_info['block'] = $this->format_block( $info['block'] ); } if ( isset( $info['template'] ) && $info['template'] instanceof BlockTemplateInterface ) { $formatted_info['template'] = $this->format_template( $info['template'] ); } return $formatted_info; } /** * Format an exception for logging. * * @param \Exception $exception Exception to format. */ private function format_exception( \Exception $exception ): array { return array( 'message' => $exception->getMessage(), 'source' => "{$exception->getFile()}: {$exception->getLine()}", // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_print_r 'trace' => print_r( $this->format_exception_trace( $exception->getTrace() ), true ), ); } /** * Format an exception trace for logging. * * @param array $trace Exception trace to format. */ private function format_exception_trace( array $trace ): array { $formatted_trace = array(); foreach ( $trace as $source ) { $formatted_trace[] = "{$source['file']}: {$source['line']}"; } return $formatted_trace; } /** * Format a block template for logging. * * @param BlockTemplateInterface $template Template to format. */ private function format_template( BlockTemplateInterface $template ): string { return "{$template->get_id()} (area: {$template->get_area()})"; } /** * Format a block for logging. * * @param BlockInterface $block Block to format. */ private function format_block( BlockInterface $block ): string { return "{$block->get_id()} (name: {$block->get_name()})"; } }