plugins ) && in_array( 'woocommerce-payments', $promotion->plugins, true ); } ) ); return current( $wc_pay_promotion_spec ); } /** * Go through the specs and run them. * * @return array List of promotions. */ public static function get_promotions() { $locale = get_user_locale(); $specs = self::get_specs(); $results = EvaluateSuggestion::evaluate_specs( $specs, array( 'source' => 'wc-wcpay-promotions' ) ); $specs_to_return = $results['suggestions']; $specs_to_save = null; if ( empty( $specs_to_return ) ) { // When specs are empty, replace it with defaults and save for 3 hours. $specs_to_save = DefaultPromotions::get_all(); $specs_to_return = EvaluateSuggestion::evaluate_specs( $specs_to_save )['suggestions']; } elseif ( count( $results['errors'] ) > 0 ) { // When specs are not empty but have errors, save for 3 hours. $specs_to_save = $specs; } if ( count( $results['errors'] ) > 0 ) { self::log_errors( $results['errors'] ); } if ( $specs_to_save ) { WCPayPromotionDataSourcePoller::get_instance()->set_specs_transient( array( $locale => $specs_to_save ), 3 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } return $specs_to_return; } /** * Get merchant WooPay eligibility. * * @return boolean If merchant is eligible for WooPay. */ public static function is_woopay_eligible() { $wcpay_promotion = self::get_wc_pay_promotion_spec(); return $wcpay_promotion && 'woocommerce_payments:woopay' === $wcpay_promotion->id; } /** * Delete the specs transient. */ public static function delete_specs_transient() { WCPayPromotionDataSourcePoller::get_instance()->delete_specs_transient(); } /** * Get specs or fetch remotely if they don't exist. * * @return array List of specs. */ public static function get_specs() { if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_show_marketplace_suggestions', 'yes' ) === 'no' ) { return DefaultPromotions::get_all(); } $specs = WCPayPromotionDataSourcePoller::get_instance()->get_specs_from_data_sources(); // On empty remote specs, fallback to default ones. if ( ! is_array( $specs ) || 0 === count( $specs ) ) { $specs = DefaultPromotions::get_all(); } return $specs; } /** * Loads the payment method promotions scripts and styles. */ public static function load_payment_method_promotions() { WCAdminAssets::register_style( 'payment-method-promotions', 'style', array( 'wp-components' ) ); WCAdminAssets::register_script( 'wp-admin-scripts', 'payment-method-promotions', true ); } }