mark_method_as_accessible( $callback[1] ); } } /** * Register a private or protected instance method of this class as externally accessible. * * @param string $method_name Method name. * @return bool True if the method has been marked as externally accessible, false if the method doesn't exist. */ protected function mark_method_as_accessible( string $method_name ): bool { // Note that an "is_callable" check would be useless here: // "is_callable" always returns true if the class implements __call. if ( method_exists( $this, $method_name ) ) { $this->_accessible_private_methods[ $method_name ] = $method_name; return true; } return false; } /** * Register a private or protected static method of this class as externally accessible. * * @param string $method_name Method name. * @return bool True if the method has been marked as externally accessible, false if the method doesn't exist. */ protected static function mark_static_method_as_accessible( string $method_name ): bool { if ( method_exists( __CLASS__, $method_name ) ) { static::$_accessible_static_private_methods[ $method_name ] = $method_name; return true; } return false; } /** * Undefined/inaccessible instance method call handler. * * @param string $name Called method name. * @param array $arguments Called method arguments. * @return mixed * @throws \Error The called instance method doesn't exist or is private/protected and not marked as externally accessible. */ public function __call( $name, $arguments ) { if ( isset( $this->_accessible_private_methods[ $name ] ) ) { return call_user_func_array( array( $this, $name ), $arguments ); } elseif ( is_callable( array( 'parent', '__call' ) ) ) { return parent::__call( $name, $arguments ); } elseif ( method_exists( $this, $name ) ) { throw new \Error( 'Call to private method ' . get_class( $this ) . '::' . $name ); } else { throw new \Error( 'Call to undefined method ' . get_class( $this ) . '::' . $name ); } } /** * Undefined/inaccessible static method call handler. * * @param string $name Called method name. * @param array $arguments Called method arguments. * @return mixed * @throws \Error The called static method doesn't exist or is private/protected and not marked as externally accessible. */ public static function __callStatic( $name, $arguments ) { if ( isset( static::$_accessible_static_private_methods[ $name ] ) ) { return call_user_func_array( array( __CLASS__, $name ), $arguments ); } elseif ( is_callable( array( 'parent', '__callStatic' ) ) ) { return parent::__callStatic( $name, $arguments ); } elseif ( 'add_action' === $name || 'add_filter' === $name ) { $proper_method_name = 'add_static_' . substr( $name, 4 ); throw new \Error( __CLASS__ . '::' . $name . " can't be called statically, did you mean '$proper_method_name'?" ); } elseif ( method_exists( __CLASS__, $name ) ) { throw new \Error( 'Call to private method ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . $name ); } else { throw new \Error( 'Call to undefined method ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . $name ); } } }