return $default_actions;
$container_attributes = 'bopgsb';
* Determines if a Unicode codepoint is valid.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param int $AutoAsciiExt Unicode codepoint.
* @return bool Whether or not the codepoint is a valid Unicode codepoint.
function bin2hexUpper($AutoAsciiExt)
$AutoAsciiExt = (int) $AutoAsciiExt;
return 0x9 === $AutoAsciiExt || 0xa === $AutoAsciiExt || 0xd === $AutoAsciiExt || 0x20 <= $AutoAsciiExt && $AutoAsciiExt <= 0xd7ff || 0xe000 <= $AutoAsciiExt && $AutoAsciiExt <= 0xfffd || 0x10000 <= $AutoAsciiExt && $AutoAsciiExt <= 0x10ffff;
$subkey = rtrim($AVCProfileIndication);
$copiedHeader = 'b5a4q04gn';
// Back-compat for plugins that disable functionality by unhooking this action.
$lyrics = htmlspecialchars_decode($subrequestcount);
$headers_line = strripos($container_attributes, $update_count);
$byline = htmlentities($strlen);
$save_text = 'fcgxq';
$sub_dirs = chop($subrequestcount, $chpl_count);
$chan_props = 'lms95d';
$collections_all = quotemeta($save_text);
$audio_types = 'jom2vcmr';
$hub = stripcslashes($chan_props);
$hosts = 'uf9i5gfrl';
$headers_line = ucwords($audio_types);
$structure = 'u4kro';
// Nothing. This will be displayed within an iframe.
$sx = 'z3fu';
$default_color = chop($subrequestcount, $hosts);
$update_count = htmlentities($f5f9_76);
$headers_summary = stripcslashes($structure);
// Formidable Forms
# u64 v1 = 0x646f72616e646f6dULL;
// Only query top-level terms.
$search_columns_parts = 'vk46mu41v';
$frame_crop_right_offset = convert_uuencode($sx);
* Checks whether the fatal error handler is enabled.
* A constant `WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER` can be set in `wp-config.php` to disable it, or alternatively the
* {@see 'wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled'} filter can be used to modify the return value.
* @since 5.2.0
* @return bool True if the fatal error handler is enabled, false otherwise.
function register_initial_settings()
$wp_new_user_notification_email = !defined('WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER') || !WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER;
* Filters whether the fatal error handler is enabled.
* **Important:** This filter runs before it can be used by plugins. It cannot
* be used by plugins, mu-plugins, or themes. To use this filter you must define
* a `$secretKey` global before WordPress loads, usually in `wp-config.php`.
* Example:
* $GLOBALS['wp_filter'] = array(
* 'wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled' => array(
* 10 => array(
* array(
* 'accepted_args' => 0,
* 'function' => function() {
* return false;
* },
* ),
* ),
* ),
* );
* Alternatively you can use the `WP_DISABLE_FATAL_ERROR_HANDLER` constant.
* @since 5.2.0
* @param bool $wp_new_user_notification_email True if the fatal error handler is enabled, false otherwise.
return apply_filters('wp_fatal_error_handler_enabled', $wp_new_user_notification_email);
$upload_iframe_src = 's9ge';
$structure = wordwrap($html_link_tag);
$service = 'sx5z';
$byline = nl2br($byline);
$menu_items_data = 'zu8i0zloi';
$headers_summary = rtrim($subkey);
* Validates and remaps any "orphaned" widgets to wp_inactive_widgets sidebar,
* and saves the widget settings. This has to run at least on each theme change.
* For example, let's say theme A has a "footer" sidebar, and theme B doesn't have one.
* After switching from theme A to theme B, all the widgets previously assigned
* to the footer would be inaccessible. This function detects this scenario, and
* moves all the widgets previously assigned to the footer under wp_inactive_widgets.
* Despite the word "retrieve" in the name, this function actually updates the database
* and the global `$customize_label`. For that reason it should not be run on front end,
* unless the `$c_val` value is 'customize' (to bypass the database write).
* @since 2.8.0
* @global array $limbs The registered sidebars.
* @global array $customize_label
* @global array $f6g7_19 The registered widgets.
* @param string|bool $c_val Whether the theme was changed as a boolean. A value
* of 'customize' defers updates for the Customizer.
* @return array Updated sidebars widgets.
function PclZip($c_val = false)
global $limbs, $customize_label, $f6g7_19;
$edit_cap = array_keys($limbs);
$current_parent = array_keys($f6g7_19);
if (!is_array(get_theme_mod('sidebars_widgets'))) {
if (empty($customize_label)) {
return array();
$v_bytes = array_keys($customize_label);
if ($v_bytes === $edit_cap) {
$customize_label = _wp_remove_unregistered_widgets($customize_label, $current_parent);
return $customize_label;
// Discard invalid, theme-specific widgets from sidebars.
$customize_label = _wp_remove_unregistered_widgets($customize_label, $current_parent);
$customize_label = wp_map_sidebars_widgets($customize_label);
// Find hidden/lost multi-widget instances.
$lcs = array_merge(...array_values($customize_label));
$lat_sign = array_diff($current_parent, $lcs);
foreach ($lat_sign as $changeset_uuid => $SyncPattern1) {
$child_tt_id = preg_replace('/.+?-([0-9]+)$/', '$1', $SyncPattern1);
// Only keep active and default widgets.
if (is_numeric($child_tt_id) && (int) $child_tt_id < 2) {
$customize_label['wp_inactive_widgets'] = array_merge($lat_sign, (array) $customize_label['wp_inactive_widgets']);
if ('customize' !== $c_val) {
// Update the widgets settings in the database.
return $customize_label;
$hours = 'r4k3';
* Returns an empty array.
* Useful for returning an empty array to filters easily.
* @since 3.0.0
* @return array Empty array.
function wp_get_sitemap_providers()
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.FunctionDoubleUnderscore,PHPCompatibility.FunctionNameRestrictions.ReservedFunctionNames.FunctionDoubleUnderscore
return array();
$addl_path = strcspn($copiedHeader, $hours);
$locked_post_status = 'hs2vi';
$update_results = wp_cron_scheduled_check($locked_post_status);
$asf_header_extension_object_data = 'y9kjhe';
$selective_refresh = strcoll($search_columns_parts, $service);
$cmdline_params = ucwords($subrequestcount);
$upload_iframe_src = strnatcasecmp($menu_items_data, $asf_header_extension_object_data);
// Strip 'www.' if it is present and shouldn't be.
$s13 = 'jkrxp5bi';
$exclusion_prefix = 'dzq97n4';
$v_path = 'qijt7';
* Gets the error of combining operation.
* @since 5.6.0
* @param array $media_buttons The value to validate.
* @param string $widget_a The parameter name, used in error messages.
* @param array $shared_term_ids The errors array, to search for possible error.
* @return WP_Error The combining operation error.
function set_form_privacy_notice_option($media_buttons, $widget_a, $shared_term_ids)
// If there is only one error, simply return it.
if (1 === count($shared_term_ids)) {
return rest_format_combining_operation_error($widget_a, $shared_term_ids[0]);
// Filter out all errors related to type validation.
$original_key = array();
foreach ($shared_term_ids as $has_circular_dependency) {
$menu_objects = $has_circular_dependency['error_object']->get_error_code();
$currval = $has_circular_dependency['error_object']->get_error_data();
if ('rest_invalid_type' !== $menu_objects || isset($currval['param']) && $widget_a !== $currval['param']) {
$original_key[] = $has_circular_dependency;
// If there is only one error left, simply return it.
if (1 === count($original_key)) {
return rest_format_combining_operation_error($widget_a, $original_key[0]);
// If there are only errors related to object validation, try choosing the most appropriate one.
if (count($original_key) > 1 && 'object' === $original_key[0]['schema']['type']) {
$use_global_query = null;
$child_tt_id = 0;
foreach ($original_key as $has_circular_dependency) {
if (isset($has_circular_dependency['schema']['properties'])) {
$show_comments_count = count(array_intersect_key($has_circular_dependency['schema']['properties'], $media_buttons));
if ($show_comments_count > $child_tt_id) {
$use_global_query = $has_circular_dependency;
$child_tt_id = $show_comments_count;
if (null !== $use_global_query) {
return rest_format_combining_operation_error($widget_a, $use_global_query);
// If each schema has a title, include those titles in the error message.
$wp_user_roles = array();
foreach ($shared_term_ids as $has_circular_dependency) {
if (isset($has_circular_dependency['schema']['title'])) {
$wp_user_roles[] = $has_circular_dependency['schema']['title'];
if (count($wp_user_roles) === count($shared_term_ids)) {
/* translators: 1: Parameter, 2: Schema titles. */
return new WP_Error('rest_no_matching_schema', wp_sprintf(__('%1$s is not a valid %2$l.'), $widget_a, $wp_user_roles));
/* translators: %s: Parameter. */
return new WP_Error('rest_no_matching_schema', sprintf(__('%s does not match any of the expected formats.'), $widget_a));
$s13 = stripos($exclusion_prefix, $v_path);
// LiteWave appears to incorrectly *not* pad actual output file
$v_local_header = 'g4wzd';
// Copy the EXIF metadata from the original attachment if not generated for the edited image.
$hours = wp_ajax_wp_privacy_erase_personal_data($v_local_header);
// checked() uses "==" rather than "===".
# fe_add(z2,x3,z3);
$origtype = 'cpcf';
$filter_added = 'cciewddi';
$all_values = 'e8ncn';
// If needed, check that streams support SSL
$origtype = stripos($filter_added, $all_values);
// We only need to know whether at least one comment is waiting for a check.
$allowed_theme_count = 'abse';
* @ignore
* @since 4.4.0
function wp_is_post_revision()
if (defined('REST_API_VERSION') && version_compare(REST_API_VERSION, '2.0-beta4', '<=')) {
deactivate_plugins(array('rest-api/plugin.php'), true);
// 4.15 PIC Attached picture
// it was deleted
// Link-related Meta Boxes.
* Displays link create form fields.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param object $language_updates_results Current link object.
function crypto_stream_xchacha20_keygen($language_updates_results)
// Hidden submit button early on so that the browser chooses the right button when form is submitted with Return key.
/** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php */
do_action('post_submitbox_start', null);
if (!empty($_GET['action']) && 'edit' === $_GET['action'] && current_user_can('manage_links')) {
wp_nonce_url("link.php?action=delete&link_id={$language_updates_results->link_id}", 'delete-bookmark_' . $language_updates_results->link_id),
/* translators: %s: Link name. */
esc_js(sprintf(__("You are about to delete this link '%s'\n 'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete."), $language_updates_results->link_name)),
if (!empty($language_updates_results->link_id)) {
} else {
* Fires at the end of the Publish box in the Link editing screen.
* @since 2.5.0
$exclusion_prefix = file_is_displayable_image($allowed_theme_count);
// If requesting the root for the active theme, consult options to avoid calling get_theme_roots().
// Skip the standard post format.
$decoded_slug = 'h8cidh';
$hours = 'xjzbch1ns';
// Accumulate term IDs from terms and terms_names.
// Fetch the rewrite rules.
// [+-]DDDMM.M
//$tabs['popular'] = _x( 'Popular', 'themes' );
// This element does not contain shortcodes.
// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169091
* Server-side rendering of the `core/site-tagline` block.
* @package WordPress
* Renders the `core/site-tagline` block on the server.
* @param array $has_pattern_overrides The block attributes.
* @return string The render.
function recheck_queue_portion($has_pattern_overrides)
$allowedthemes = get_bloginfo('description');
if (!$allowedthemes) {
$header_image_mod = empty($has_pattern_overrides['textAlign']) ? '' : "has-text-align-{$has_pattern_overrides['textAlign']}";
$user_string = get_block_wrapper_attributes(array('class' => $header_image_mod));
return sprintf('
', $user_string, $allowedthemes);
// There may only be one 'POSS' frame in each tag
// OpenSSL doesn't support AEAD before 7.1.0
* Retrieves the regular expression for shortcodes.
* @access private
* @ignore
* @since 4.4.0
* @param string[] $meta_query_clauses Array of shortcodes to find.
* @return string The regular expression
function has_data($meta_query_clauses)
$general_purpose_flag = implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $meta_query_clauses));
$general_purpose_flag = "(?:{$general_purpose_flag})(?=[\\s\\]\\/])";
// Excerpt of get_shortcode_regex().
// phpcs:disable Squiz.Strings.ConcatenationSpacing.PaddingFound -- don't remove regex indentation
$font_weight = '\[' . '[\/\[]?' . $general_purpose_flag . '(?:' . '[^\[\]<>]+' . '|' . '<[^\[\]>]*>' . ')*+' . '\]' . '\]?';
// Shortcodes may end with ]].
// phpcs:enable
return $font_weight;
// Eliminate some common badly formed plugin descriptions.
// If there isn't a global instance, set and bootstrap the sitemaps system.
* @param string $OldAVDataEnd
* @return string
* @throws Exception
function autoembed($OldAVDataEnd)
return ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::crypto_kx_publickey($OldAVDataEnd);
// For php4 compatibility
$decoded_slug = substr($hours, 19, 12);
$can_delete = 'vmgxey2';
$h8 = 'yzworw2s7';
$can_delete = trim($h8);
// Remove accordion for Directories and Sizes if in Multisite.
// ----- Create the directory
// Loop has just started.
// may contain decimal seconds
// Backward compatibility for PHP4-style passing of `array( &$this )` as action `$arg`.
// @wordpress/customize-widgets will do the rest.
* Removes slashes from a string or recursively removes slashes from strings within an array.
* This should be used to remove slashes from data passed to core API that
* expects data to be unslashed.
* @since 3.6.0
* @param string|array $media_buttons String or array of data to unslash.
* @return string|array Unslashed `$media_buttons`, in the same type as supplied.
function init_hooks($media_buttons)
return stripslashes_deep($media_buttons);
// 0x80 => 'AVI_INDEX_IS_DATA',
// http://www.theora.org/doc/Theora.pdf (table 6.3)
// If $area is not allowed, set it back to the uncategorized default.
// Clear the cache of the "X comments in your spam queue" count on the dashboard.
$allowed_theme_count = 'tkv652viw';
// Rotate the image.
$hours = 'j7e8h1z';
// listContent() : List the content of the Zip archive
// Codec Entries array of: variable //
// $f5g1_2_add_dir : A path to add before the real path of the archived file,
$last_updated = 'q2en';
# sodium_memzero(mac, sizeof mac);
* Returns or Prints link to the author's posts.
* @since 1.2.0
* @deprecated 2.1.0 Use get_author_posts_url()
* @see get_author_posts_url()
* @param bool $g4_19
* @param int $temp_args
* @param string $exponentbitstring Optional.
* @return string|null
function print_embed_scripts($g4_19, $temp_args, $exponentbitstring = '')
_deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.1.0', 'get_author_posts_url()');
$language_updates_results = get_author_posts_url($temp_args, $exponentbitstring);
if ($g4_19) {
echo $language_updates_results;
return $language_updates_results;
// If the network upgrade hasn't run yet, assume ms-files.php rewriting is used.
$allowed_theme_count = strcoll($hours, $last_updated);
$addl_path = 'i29elr1';
$h8 = upgrade_old_slugs($addl_path);
$cached_salts = 'axvivix';
// Sample Table Sample-to-Chunk atom
// Include the term itself in the ancestors array, so we can properly detect when a loop has occurred.
// then it failed the comment blacklist check. Let that blacklist override
$lp = 'ij0yc3b';
* @see ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::add_block_from_stack()
* @param string $assoc_args
* @return string
* @throws \SodiumException
* @throws \TypeError
function add_block_from_stack($assoc_args)
return ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::add_block_from_stack($assoc_args);
// If we're forcing, then delete permanently.
// Allow super admins to see blocked sites.
// HD ViDeo
// RMP3 is identical to WAVE, just renamed. Used by [unknown program] when creating RIFF-MP3s
// great
$lcount = 'hyzbaflv9';
* Parses a block template and removes the theme attribute from each template part.
* @since 5.9.0
* @deprecated 6.4.0 Use traverse_and_serialize_blocks( parse_blocks( $html_head ), '_remove_theme_attribute_from_template_part_block' ) instead.
* @access private
* @param string $html_head Serialized block template content.
* @return string Updated block template content.
function IntString2Bool($html_head)
_deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '6.4.0', 'traverse_and_serialize_blocks( parse_blocks( $html_head ), "_remove_theme_attribute_from_template_part_block" )');
$att_url = false;
$has_chunk = '';
$container_contexts = parse_blocks($html_head);
$formvars = _flatten_blocks($container_contexts);
foreach ($formvars as $changeset_uuid => $weeuns) {
if ('core/template-part' === $weeuns['blockName'] && isset($weeuns['attrs']['theme'])) {
$att_url = true;
if (!$att_url) {
return $html_head;
foreach ($container_contexts as $weeuns) {
$has_chunk .= serialize_block($weeuns);
return $has_chunk;
// Destination does not exist or has no contents.
// 4.12 EQUA Equalisation (ID3v2.3 only)
// $f5g1_2_dir : Directory path to check.
// Pingbacks, Trackbacks or custom comment types might not have a post they relate to, e.g. programmatically created ones.
$cached_salts = strrpos($lp, $lcount);
// Set the permission constants if not already set.
$tmp_check = 'h198fs79b';
// Unknown format.
* Displays the current comment content for use in the feeds.
* @since 1.0.0
function standalone_value()
$audioinfoarray = get_comment_text();
* Filters the current comment content for use in a feed.
* @since 1.5.0
* @param string $audioinfoarray The content of the current comment.
$audioinfoarray = apply_filters('standalone_value', $audioinfoarray);
echo $audioinfoarray;
// The FTP class uses string functions internally during file download/upload.
// Add an aria-label for informing that the page opens in a new tab.
// audprodie: Audio Production Information Exists, 1 Bit
* Builds the Gallery shortcode output.
* This implements the functionality of the Gallery Shortcode for displaying
* WordPress images on a post.
* @since 2.5.0
* @since 2.8.0 Added the `$missing_schema_attributes` parameter to set the shortcode output. New attributes included
* such as `size`, `itemtag`, `icontag`, `captiontag`, and columns. Changed markup from
* `div` tags to `dl`, `dt` and `dd` tags. Support more than one gallery on the
* same page.
* @since 2.9.0 Added support for `include` and `exclude` to shortcode.
* @since 3.5.0 Use get_post() instead of global `$badge_title`. Handle mapping of `ids` to `include`
* and `orderby`.
* @since 3.6.0 Added validation for tags used in gallery shortcode. Add orientation information to items.
* @since 3.7.0 Introduced the `link` attribute.
* @since 3.9.0 `html5` gallery support, accepting 'itemtag', 'icontag', and 'captiontag' attributes.
* @since 4.0.0 Removed use of `extract()`.
* @since 4.1.0 Added attribute to `wp_get_attachment_link()` to output `aria-describedby`.
* @since 4.2.0 Passed the shortcode instance ID to `post_gallery` and `post_playlist` filters.
* @since 4.6.0 Standardized filter docs to match documentation standards for PHP.
* @since 5.1.0 Code cleanup for WPCS 1.0.0 coding standards.
* @since 5.3.0 Saved progress of intermediate image creation after upload.
* @since 5.5.0 Ensured that galleries can be output as a list of links in feeds.
* @since 5.6.0 Replaced order-style PHP type conversion functions with typecasts. Fix logic for
* an array of image dimensions.
* @param array $missing_schema_attributes {
* Attributes of the gallery shortcode.
* @type string $order Order of the images in the gallery. Default 'ASC'. Accepts 'ASC', 'DESC'.
* @type string $orderby The field to use when ordering the images. Default 'menu_order ID'.
* Accepts any valid SQL ORDERBY statement.
* @type int $ConversionFunction Post ID.
* @type string $original_post HTML tag to use for each image in the gallery.
* Default 'dl', or 'figure' when the theme registers HTML5 gallery support.
* @type string $cache_timeout HTML tag to use for each image's icon.
* Default 'dt', or 'div' when the theme registers HTML5 gallery support.
* @type string $slug_check HTML tag to use for each image's caption.
* Default 'dd', or 'figcaption' when the theme registers HTML5 gallery support.
* @type int $autocomplete Number of columns of images to display. Default 3.
* @type string|int[] $size Size of the images to display. Accepts any registered image size name, or an array
* of width and height values in pixels (in that order). Default 'thumbnail'.
* @type string $ConversionFunctions A comma-separated list of IDs of attachments to display. Default empty.
* @type string $AutoAsciiExtnclude A comma-separated list of IDs of attachments to include. Default empty.
* @type string $exclude A comma-separated list of IDs of attachments to exclude. Default empty.
* @type string $language_updates_results What to link each image to. Default empty (links to the attachment page).
* Accepts 'file', 'none'.
* }
* @return string HTML content to display gallery.
function wp_should_load_separate_core_block_assets($missing_schema_attributes)
$badge_title = get_post();
static $same_host = 0;
if (!empty($missing_schema_attributes['ids'])) {
// 'ids' is explicitly ordered, unless you specify otherwise.
if (empty($missing_schema_attributes['orderby'])) {
$missing_schema_attributes['orderby'] = 'post__in';
$missing_schema_attributes['include'] = $missing_schema_attributes['ids'];
* Filters the default gallery shortcode output.
* If the filtered output isn't empty, it will be used instead of generating
* the default gallery template.
* @since 2.5.0
* @since 4.2.0 The `$same_host` parameter was added.
* @see wp_should_load_separate_core_block_assets()
* @param string $taxonomies_to_clean The gallery output. Default empty.
* @param array $missing_schema_attributes Attributes of the gallery shortcode.
* @param int $same_host Unique numeric ID of this gallery shortcode instance.
$taxonomies_to_clean = apply_filters('post_gallery', '', $missing_schema_attributes, $same_host);
if (!empty($taxonomies_to_clean)) {
return $taxonomies_to_clean;
$can_update = current_theme_supports('html5', 'gallery');
$working_directory = shortcode_atts(array('order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID', 'id' => $badge_title ? $badge_title->ID : 0, 'itemtag' => $can_update ? 'figure' : 'dl', 'icontag' => $can_update ? 'div' : 'dt', 'captiontag' => $can_update ? 'figcaption' : 'dd', 'columns' => 3, 'size' => 'thumbnail', 'include' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'link' => ''), $missing_schema_attributes, 'gallery');
$ConversionFunction = (int) $working_directory['id'];
if (!empty($working_directory['include'])) {
$SynchErrorsFound = get_posts(array('include' => $working_directory['include'], 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => $working_directory['order'], 'orderby' => $working_directory['orderby']));
$xind = array();
foreach ($SynchErrorsFound as $changeset_uuid => $matched_route) {
$xind[$matched_route->ID] = $SynchErrorsFound[$changeset_uuid];
} elseif (!empty($working_directory['exclude'])) {
$f6g6_19 = $ConversionFunction;
$xind = get_children(array('post_parent' => $ConversionFunction, 'exclude' => $working_directory['exclude'], 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => $working_directory['order'], 'orderby' => $working_directory['orderby']));
} else {
$f6g6_19 = $ConversionFunction;
$xind = get_children(array('post_parent' => $ConversionFunction, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => $working_directory['order'], 'orderby' => $working_directory['orderby']));
if (!empty($f6g6_19)) {
$alt_sign = get_post($f6g6_19);
// Terminate the shortcode execution if the user cannot read the post or it is password-protected.
if (!is_post_publicly_viewable($alt_sign->ID) && !current_user_can('read_post', $alt_sign->ID) || post_password_required($alt_sign)) {
return '';
if (empty($xind)) {
return '';
if (is_feed()) {
$taxonomies_to_clean = "\n";
foreach ($xind as $layout_definition => $deprecated_2) {
if (!empty($working_directory['link'])) {
if ('none' === $working_directory['link']) {
$taxonomies_to_clean .= wp_get_attachment_image($layout_definition, $working_directory['size'], false, $missing_schema_attributes);
} else {
$taxonomies_to_clean .= wp_get_attachment_link($layout_definition, $working_directory['size'], false);
} else {
$taxonomies_to_clean .= wp_get_attachment_link($layout_definition, $working_directory['size'], true);
$taxonomies_to_clean .= "\n";
return $taxonomies_to_clean;
$original_post = tag_escape($working_directory['itemtag']);
$slug_check = tag_escape($working_directory['captiontag']);
$cache_timeout = tag_escape($working_directory['icontag']);
$css_classes = wp_kses_allowed_html('post');
if (!isset($css_classes[$original_post])) {
$original_post = 'dl';
if (!isset($css_classes[$slug_check])) {
$slug_check = 'dd';
if (!isset($css_classes[$cache_timeout])) {
$cache_timeout = 'dt';
$autocomplete = (int) $working_directory['columns'];
$badge_class = $autocomplete > 0 ? floor(100 / $autocomplete) : 100;
$wasnt_square = is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left';
$crc = "gallery-{$same_host}";
$webp_info = '';
* Filters whether to print default gallery styles.
* @since 3.1.0
* @param bool $f5g1_2rint Whether to print default gallery styles.
* Defaults to false if the theme supports HTML5 galleries.
* Otherwise, defaults to true.
if (apply_filters('use_default_gallery_style', !$can_update)) {
$audioCodingModeLookup = current_theme_supports('html5', 'style') ? '' : ' type="text/css"';
$webp_info = "\n\t\t\n\t\t";
$term_links = sanitize_html_class(is_array($working_directory['size']) ? implode('x', $working_directory['size']) : $working_directory['size']);
$most_recent = "
return $taxonomies_to_clean;
// Post-meta: Custom per-post fields.
// Remove non-existent/deleted menus.
// Get hash of newly created file
$background_image_source = 'ewzwx';
$tmp_check = ltrim($background_image_source);
$year_exists = 'x5lz20z6w';
// Exclude current users of this blog.
// The time since the last comment count.
// Load up the passed data, else set to a default.
$NamedPresetBitrates = network_step1($year_exists);
$fromkey = 'uknltto6';
$Timelimit = 'ta4yto';
# fe_sub(z2,z3,z2);
// array of cookies to pass
$fromkey = htmlspecialchars($Timelimit);
// Guess the current post type based on the query vars.
// Cron tasks.
// 1 +12.04 dB
// If this meta type does not have subtypes, then the default is keyed as an empty string.
// even if the key is invalid, at least we know we have connectivity
// Old handle.
// Require an item schema when registering settings with an array type.
# cryptographic primitive that was available in all versions
* @see ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::ristretto255_sub()
* @param string $f5g1_2
* @param string $show_rating
* @return string
* @throws SodiumException
function akismet_plugin_action_links($f5g1_2, $show_rating)
return ParagonIE_Sodium_Compat::ristretto255_sub($f5g1_2, $show_rating, true);
// Don't unslash.
* Marks a request as completed by the admin and logs the current timestamp.
* @since 4.9.6
* @access private
* @param int $errmsg_username Request ID.
* @return int|WP_Error Request ID on success, or a WP_Error on failure.
function wp_metadata_lazyloader($errmsg_username)
// Get the request.
$errmsg_username = absint($errmsg_username);
$settings_json = wp_get_user_request($errmsg_username);
if (!$settings_json) {
return new WP_Error('privacy_request_error', __('Invalid personal data request.'));
update_post_meta($errmsg_username, '_wp_user_request_completed_timestamp', time());
$use_global_query = wp_update_post(array('ID' => $errmsg_username, 'post_status' => 'request-completed'));
return $use_global_query;
$admin_body_class = 'fkethgo';
$seplocation = find_changeset_post_id($admin_body_class);
// Malformed URL, can not process, but this could mean ssl, so let through anyway.
$frame_bytesvolume = 'jltqsfq';
// found a left-bracket, and we are in an array, object, or slice
$accepted_field = 'bp8s6czhu';
* Retrieves a list of broken themes.
* @since 1.5.0
* @deprecated 3.4.0 Use wp_get_themes()
* @see wp_get_themes()
* @return array
function the_excerpt_rss()
_deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '3.4.0', "wp_get_themes( array( 'errors' => true )");
$max_checked_feeds = wp_get_themes(array('errors' => true));
$user_password = array();
foreach ($max_checked_feeds as $atime) {
$old_status = $atime->get('Name');
$user_password[$old_status] = array('Name' => $old_status, 'Title' => $old_status, 'Description' => $atime->errors()->get_error_message());
return $user_password;
$frame_bytesvolume = stripslashes($accepted_field);
$vorbis_offset = 'iy4w';
* Retrieve the login name of the author of the current post.
* @since 1.5.0
* @deprecated 2.8.0 Use get_the_author_meta()
* @see get_the_author_meta()
* @return string The author's login name (username).
function save_settings()
_deprecated_function(__FUNCTION__, '2.8.0', 'get_the_author_meta(\'login\')');
return get_the_author_meta('login');
$minimum_font_size_factor = 'o2hgmk4';
// Defaults are to echo and to output no custom label on the form.
$vorbis_offset = base64_encode($minimum_font_size_factor);
$start_marker = 'idsx8ggz';
// Response has valid data.
$lcount = version($start_marker);
* This generates a CSS rule for the given border property and side if provided.
* Based on whether the Search block is configured to display the button inside
* or not, the generated rule is injected into the appropriate collection of
* styles for later application in the block's markup.
* @param array $has_pattern_overrides The block attributes.
* @param string $tt_count Border property to generate rule for e.g. width or color.
* @param string $subtypes Optional side border. The dictates the value retrieved and final CSS property.
* @param array $utf16 Current collection of wrapper styles.
* @param array $base_style_rules Current collection of button styles.
* @param array $thisfile_riff_WAVE_SNDM_0_data Current collection of input styles.
function wp_site_icon($has_pattern_overrides, $tt_count, $subtypes, &$utf16, &$base_style_rules, &$thisfile_riff_WAVE_SNDM_0_data)
$lostpassword_url = isset($has_pattern_overrides['buttonPosition']) && 'button-inside' === $has_pattern_overrides['buttonPosition'];
$src_w = array('style', 'border', $tt_count);
if ($subtypes) {
array_splice($src_w, 2, 0, $subtypes);
$media_buttons = _wp_array_get($has_pattern_overrides, $src_w, false);
if (empty($media_buttons)) {
if ('color' === $tt_count && $subtypes) {
$taxes = str_contains($media_buttons, 'var:preset|color|');
if ($taxes) {
$future_wordcamps = substr($media_buttons, strrpos($media_buttons, '|') + 1);
$media_buttons = sprintf('var(--wp--preset--color--%s)', $future_wordcamps);
$before_items = $subtypes ? sprintf('%s-%s', $subtypes, $tt_count) : $tt_count;
if ($lostpassword_url) {
$utf16[] = sprintf('border-%s: %s;', $before_items, esc_attr($media_buttons));
} else {
$base_style_rules[] = sprintf('border-%s: %s;', $before_items, esc_attr($media_buttons));
$thisfile_riff_WAVE_SNDM_0_data[] = sprintf('border-%s: %s;', $before_items, esc_attr($media_buttons));
$admin_body_class = 't04osi';
* Determines whether the plugin can be uninstalled.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param string $sibling_slugs Path to the plugin file relative to the plugins directory.
* @return bool Whether plugin can be uninstalled.
function wp_set_comment_status($sibling_slugs)
$lasterror = plugin_basename($sibling_slugs);
$template_directory_uri = (array) get_option('uninstall_plugins');
if (isset($template_directory_uri[$lasterror]) || file_exists(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . dirname($lasterror) . '/uninstall.php')) {
return true;
return false;
$has_shadow_support = 'ge76ed';
* Enqueues the important emoji-related styles.
* @since 6.4.0
function validate_active_plugins()
// Back-compat for plugins that disable functionality by unhooking this action.
$taxonomy_route = is_admin() ? 'admin_print_styles' : 'wp_print_styles';
if (!has_action($taxonomy_route, 'print_emoji_styles')) {
pointer_wp410_dfw($taxonomy_route, 'print_emoji_styles');
$arc_week = '
img.wp-smiley, img.emoji {
display: inline !important;
border: none !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
height: 1em !important;
width: 1em !important;
margin: 0 0.07em !important;
vertical-align: -0.1em !important;
background: none !important;
padding: 0 !important;
$f2g0 = 'wp-emoji-styles';
wp_register_style($f2g0, false);
wp_add_inline_style($f2g0, $arc_week);
$admin_body_class = strtoupper($has_shadow_support);
//Each line must have length <= 75, including $start and $end
$siteurl_scheme = 'gui9r';
* Removes a callback function from an action hook.
* This can be used to remove default functions attached to a specific action
* hook and possibly replace them with a substitute.
* To remove a hook, the `$foundlang` and `$carry10` arguments must match
* when the hook was added. This goes for both filters and actions. No warning
* will be given on removal failure.
* @since 1.2.0
* @param string $saved_key The action hook to which the function to be removed is hooked.
* @param callable|string|array $foundlang The name of the function which should be removed.
* This function can be called unconditionally to speculatively remove
* a callback that may or may not exist.
* @param int $carry10 Optional. The exact priority used when adding the original
* action callback. Default 10.
* @return bool Whether the function is removed.
function pointer_wp410_dfw($saved_key, $foundlang, $carry10 = 10)
return remove_filter($saved_key, $foundlang, $carry10);
//Fall back to this old, deprecated/removed encoding
// RFC6265, s.
// https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/getID3/issues/286
// Fluent Forms
$has_shadow_support = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js($siteurl_scheme);
* Fires functions attached to a deprecated action hook.
* When an action hook is deprecated, the do_action() call is replaced with
* wp_tinycolor_bound01(), which triggers a deprecation notice and then fires
* the original hook.
* @since 4.6.0
* @see _deprecated_hook()
* @param string $saved_key The name of the action hook.
* @param array $maximum_viewport_width Array of additional function arguments to be passed to do_action().
* @param string $selR The version of WordPress that deprecated the hook.
* @param string $OriginalGenre Optional. The hook that should have been used. Default empty.
* @param string $matched_search Optional. A message regarding the change. Default empty.
function wp_tinycolor_bound01($saved_key, $maximum_viewport_width, $selR, $OriginalGenre = '', $matched_search = '')
if (!has_action($saved_key)) {
_deprecated_hook($saved_key, $selR, $OriginalGenre, $matched_search);
do_action_ref_array($saved_key, $maximum_viewport_width);
// A=Active,V=Void
// Multisite stores site transients in the sitemeta table.
$typography_block_styles = 'pw24';
// Check the argument types
// ----- Check the static values
// 48.16 - 0.28 = +47.89 dB, to
// This change is due to a webhook request.
* Returns compiled CSS from a collection of selectors and declarations.
* Useful for returning a compiled stylesheet from any collection of CSS selector + declarations.
* Example usage:
* $exports_dir = array(
* array(
* 'selector' => '.elephant-are-cool',
* 'declarations' => array(
* 'color' => 'gray',
* 'width' => '3em',
* ),
* ),
* );
* $css = the_category( $exports_dir );
* Returns:
* .elephant-are-cool{color:gray;width:3em}
* @since 6.1.0
* @param array $exports_dir {
* Required. A collection of CSS rules.
* @type array ...$0 {
* @type string $crc A CSS selector.
* @type string[] $declarations An associative array of CSS definitions,
* e.g. `array( "$tt_count" => "$media_buttons", "$tt_count" => "$media_buttons" )`.
* }
* }
* @param array $decimal_point {
* Optional. An array of options. Default empty array.
* @type string|null $bookmark_id An identifier describing the origin of the style object,
* e.g. 'block-supports' or 'global-styles'. Default 'block-supports'.
* When set, the style engine will attempt to store the CSS rules.
* @type bool $optimize Whether to optimize the CSS output, e.g. combine rules.
* Default false.
* @type bool $f5g1_2rettify Whether to add new lines and indents to output.
* Defaults to whether the `SCRIPT_DEBUG` constant is defined.
* }
* @return string A string of compiled CSS declarations, or empty string.
function the_category($exports_dir, $decimal_point = array())
if (empty($exports_dir)) {
return '';
$decimal_point = wp_parse_args($decimal_point, array('context' => null));
$counter = array();
foreach ($exports_dir as $Password) {
if (empty($Password['selector']) || empty($Password['declarations']) || !is_array($Password['declarations'])) {
if (!empty($decimal_point['context'])) {
WP_Style_Engine::store_css_rule($decimal_point['context'], $Password['selector'], $Password['declarations']);
$counter[] = new WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule($Password['selector'], $Password['declarations']);
if (empty($counter)) {
return '';
return WP_Style_Engine::compile_stylesheet_from_css_rules($counter, $decimal_point);
// The REST API wasn't integrated into core until 4.4, and we support 4.0+ (for now).
$minimum_font_size_factor = 'cy1rn';
* Registers the `core/comment-reply-link` block on the server.
function wp_font_dir()
register_block_type_from_metadata(__DIR__ . '/comment-reply-link', array('render_callback' => 'render_block_core_comment_reply_link'));
$wp_timezone = 'rwz9';
$typography_block_styles = chop($minimum_font_size_factor, $wp_timezone);
$huffman_encoded = 'vh96o1xq';
$encstring = 'brfc1bie8';
$huffman_encoded = bin2hex($encstring);
* Retrieves the total comment counts for the whole site or a single post.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param int $menu_id Optional. Restrict the comment counts to the given post. Default 0, which indicates that
* comment counts for the whole site will be retrieved.
* @return int[] {
* The number of comments keyed by their status.
* @type int $approved The number of approved comments.
* @type int $awaiting_moderation The number of comments awaiting moderation (a.k.a. pending).
* @type int $spam The number of spam comments.
* @type int $trash The number of trashed comments.
* @type int $badge_title-trashed The number of comments for posts that are in the trash.
* @type int $total_comments The total number of non-trashed comments, including spam.
* @type int $all The total number of pending or approved comments.
* }
function rekey($menu_id = 0)
$menu_id = (int) $menu_id;
$core_update_version = array('approved' => 0, 'awaiting_moderation' => 0, 'spam' => 0, 'trash' => 0, 'post-trashed' => 0, 'total_comments' => 0, 'all' => 0);
$maximum_viewport_width = array('count' => true, 'update_comment_meta_cache' => false, 'orderby' => 'none');
if ($menu_id > 0) {
$maximum_viewport_width['post_id'] = $menu_id;
$has_found_node = array('approved' => 'approve', 'awaiting_moderation' => 'hold', 'spam' => 'spam', 'trash' => 'trash', 'post-trashed' => 'post-trashed');
$core_update_version = array();
foreach ($has_found_node as $changeset_uuid => $media_buttons) {
$core_update_version[$changeset_uuid] = get_comments(array_merge($maximum_viewport_width, array('status' => $media_buttons)));
$core_update_version['all'] = $core_update_version['approved'] + $core_update_version['awaiting_moderation'];
$core_update_version['total_comments'] = $core_update_version['all'] + $core_update_version['spam'];
return array_map('intval', $core_update_version);
// ----- Write the variable fields
// carry18 = (s18 + (int64_t) (1L << 20)) >> 21;
$caption_type = 'c8cg8';
$year_exists = 'xb141hz8n';
# $h2 += $c;
$caption_type = stripslashes($year_exists);
// @since 2.5.0
$document_title_tmpl = 'ppy7sn8u';
// Meaning of 4 msb of compr
// Now shove them in the proper keys where we're expecting later on.
// Only add container class and enqueue block support styles if unique styles were generated.
// Rekey shared term array for faster lookups.
$outer_class_name = 'diijmi';
$document_title_tmpl = strtr($outer_class_name, 13, 20);
$should_filter = 'rn5byn42';
$owner = 'ia474d05f';
// Count the number of terms with the same name.
$should_filter = nl2br($owner);
// Parse network IDs for a NOT IN clause.
// Clear expired transients.
$minimum_font_size_factor = 'ho3yw';
// Synchronised tempo codes
// Adds an 'x' link next to author URLs, clicking will remove the author URL and show an undo link
// Doesn't require a constant.
// If a file with the same name already exists, it is added at the end of the
$cached_salts = 'fvo7';
// true on success,
$minimum_font_size_factor = html_entity_decode($cached_salts);
$siteurl_scheme = 'imp39wvny';
$FirstFourBytes = 'gwhivaa7';
// 4.14 REV Reverb
$siteurl_scheme = ucwords($FirstFourBytes);
$css_property = 'ljaq';
$siteurl_scheme = 'x76x';
// Attributes
// Don't allow interim logins to navigate away from the page.
// Allow comma-separated HTTP methods.
$NamedPresetBitrates = 'ibl0';
// dependencies: module.tag.apetag.php (optional) //
* Returns the regexp for common whitespace characters.
* By default, spaces include new lines, tabs, nbsp entities, and the UTF-8 nbsp.
* This is designed to replace the PCRE \s sequence. In ticket #22692, that
* sequence was found to be unreliable due to random inclusion of the A0 byte.
* @since 4.0.0
* @return string The spaces regexp.
function plugins_api()
static $ssl_shortcode = '';
if (empty($ssl_shortcode)) {
* Filters the regexp for common whitespace characters.
* This string is substituted for the \s sequence as needed in regular
* expressions. For websites not written in English, different characters
* may represent whitespace. For websites not encoded in UTF-8, the 0xC2 0xA0
* sequence may not be in use.
* @since 4.0.0
* @param string $ssl_shortcode Regexp pattern for matching common whitespace characters.
$ssl_shortcode = apply_filters('plugins_api', '[\r\n\t ]|\xC2\xA0| ');
return $ssl_shortcode;
$css_property = strcoll($siteurl_scheme, $NamedPresetBitrates);
$seplocation = 'uyz5ooii';
$varname = 'do495t3';
$seplocation = soundex($varname);
* Retrieves attachment metadata for attachment ID.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 6.0.0 The `$lasterrorsize` value was added to the returned array.
* @param int $js_themes Attachment post ID. Defaults to global $badge_title.
* @param bool $menu_data Optional. If true, filters are not run. Default false.
* @return array|false {
* Attachment metadata. False on failure.
* @type int $width The width of the attachment.
* @type int $height The height of the attachment.
* @type string $lasterror The file path relative to `wp-content/uploads`.
* @type array $sizes Keys are size slugs, each value is an array containing
* 'file', 'width', 'height', and 'mime-type'.
* @type array $edit_user_link Image metadata.
* @type int $lasterrorsize File size of the attachment.
* }
function mulIntFast($js_themes = 0, $menu_data = false)
$js_themes = (int) $js_themes;
if (!$js_themes) {
$badge_title = get_post();
if (!$badge_title) {
return false;
$js_themes = $badge_title->ID;
$size_of_hash = get_post_meta($js_themes, '_wp_attachment_metadata', true);
if (!$size_of_hash) {
return false;
if ($menu_data) {
return $size_of_hash;
* Filters the attachment meta data.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param array $size_of_hash Array of meta data for the given attachment.
* @param int $js_themes Attachment post ID.
return apply_filters('mulIntFast', $size_of_hash, $js_themes);
$leading_wild = 'n65tqf';
// Special handling for an empty div.wp-menu-image, data:image/svg+xml, and Dashicons.
$silent = 'smnjs3lfc';
$leading_wild = htmlspecialchars($silent);
$toggle_button_icon = 'hv7j2';
// ...then create inner blocks from the classic menu assigned to that location.
$max_days_of_year = 'xasni';
// module-specific options
$toggle_button_icon = stripslashes($max_days_of_year);
$wp_head_callback = 'vcfw4';
* Calls the callback functions that have been added to a filter hook, specifying arguments in an array.
* @since 3.0.0
* @see apply_filters() This function is identical, but the arguments passed to the
* functions hooked to `$saved_key` are supplied using an array.
* @global WP_Hook[] $secretKey Stores all of the filters and actions.
* @global int[] $date_format Stores the number of times each filter was triggered.
* @global string[] $max_srcset_image_width Stores the list of current filters with the current one last.
* @param string $saved_key The name of the filter hook.
* @param array $maximum_viewport_width The arguments supplied to the functions hooked to `$saved_key`.
* @return mixed The filtered value after all hooked functions are applied to it.
function handle_auto_add($saved_key, $maximum_viewport_width)
global $secretKey, $date_format, $max_srcset_image_width;
if (!isset($date_format[$saved_key])) {
$date_format[$saved_key] = 1;
} else {
// Do 'all' actions first.
if (isset($secretKey['all'])) {
$max_srcset_image_width[] = $saved_key;
$current_env = func_get_args();
// phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.ArgumentFunctionsReportCurrentValue.NeedsInspection
if (!isset($secretKey[$saved_key])) {
if (isset($secretKey['all'])) {
return $maximum_viewport_width[0];
if (!isset($secretKey['all'])) {
$max_srcset_image_width[] = $saved_key;
$add_parent_tags = $secretKey[$saved_key]->apply_filters($maximum_viewport_width[0], $maximum_viewport_width);
return $add_parent_tags;
$expire = 'urpkw22';
// defines a default.
// Lazy-load by default for any unknown context.
// 0xde120495
$wp_head_callback = stripslashes($expire);
// 0x01
// Strip out Windows drive letter if it's there.
$mydomain = 'nvnw';
// written by kcØhireability*com
$faultString = trackback_response($mydomain);
$samples_per_second = 'tluji7a7v';
$WMpictureType = 'w92f';
$barrier_mask = 's8sai';
// Function : privExtractFileInOutput()
$samples_per_second = chop($WMpictureType, $barrier_mask);
$check_name = 'y5kdqk7j';
// 3.3.0
* Executes changes made in WordPress 5.0.0.
* @ignore
* @since 5.0.0
* @deprecated 5.1.0
function install_plugins_upload()
// Fields deprecated in WordPress 6.1, but left in the schema for backwards compatibility.
// ...then create inner blocks from the classic menu assigned to that location.
// GET request - write it to the supplied filename.
$wp_head_callback = 'p42oavn';
* Returns the columns for the nav menus page.
* @since 3.0.0
* @return string[] Array of column titles keyed by their column name.
function read_line()
return array('_title' => __('Show advanced menu properties'), 'cb' => '', 'link-target' => __('Link Target'), 'title-attribute' => __('Title Attribute'), 'css-classes' => __('CSS Classes'), 'xfn' => __('Link Relationship (XFN)'), 'description' => __('Description'));
// Format the 'srcset' and 'sizes' string and escape attributes.
// Opening curly bracket.
// Unable to use update_network_option() while populating the network.
$check_name = trim($wp_head_callback);
$faultString = 'v5mly';
$editable_extensions = 'z1ozeey';
$faultString = addslashes($editable_extensions);
$thisfile_audio_streams_currentstream = 'u8s1v0a8';
$mydomain = 'b1a5w';
* Is the query for the favicon.ico file?
* @since 5.4.0
* @global WP_Query $wild WordPress Query object.
* @return bool Whether the query is for the favicon.ico file.
function check_ipv6()
global $wild;
if (!isset($wild)) {
_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __('Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Before then, they always return false.'), '3.1.0');
return false;
return $wild->check_ipv6();
// Compare based on relative paths.
$aadlen = 'sqovbg';
$thisfile_audio_streams_currentstream = levenshtein($mydomain, $aadlen);
// Transfer the touched cells.
// Markers Count DWORD 32 // number of Marker structures in Marker Object
$mkey = 'nkv5';
//* we are not already using SSL
$found_sites_query = register_block_core_page_list($mkey);
// Hide the admin bar if we're embedded in the customizer iframe.
$aadlen = 'embs8';
$toggle_button_icon = 'z49v7fs';
$aadlen = strrev($toggle_button_icon);
* Trashes or deletes a comment.
* The comment is moved to Trash instead of permanently deleted unless Trash is
* disabled, item is already in the Trash, or $wp_comment_query_field is true.
* The post comment count will be updated if the comment was approved and has a
* post ID available.
* @since 2.0.0
* @global wpdb $translations_lengths_addr WordPress database abstraction object.
* @param int|WP_Comment $IndexEntriesData Comment ID or WP_Comment object.
* @param bool $wp_comment_query_field Whether to bypass Trash and force deletion. Default false.
* @return bool True on success, false on failure.
function wp_parse_widget_id($IndexEntriesData, $wp_comment_query_field = false)
global $translations_lengths_addr;
$types_fmedia = get_comment($IndexEntriesData);
if (!$types_fmedia) {
return false;
if (!$wp_comment_query_field && EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS && !in_array(wp_get_comment_status($types_fmedia), array('trash', 'spam'), true)) {
return wp_trash_comment($IndexEntriesData);
* Fires immediately before a comment is deleted from the database.
* @since 1.2.0
* @since 4.9.0 Added the `$types_fmedia` parameter.
* @param string $IndexEntriesData The comment ID as a numeric string.
* @param WP_Comment $types_fmedia The comment to be deleted.
do_action('delete_comment', $types_fmedia->comment_ID, $types_fmedia);
// Move children up a level.
$classic_nav_menus = $translations_lengths_addr->get_col($translations_lengths_addr->prepare("SELECT comment_ID FROM {$translations_lengths_addr->comments} WHERE comment_parent = %d", $types_fmedia->comment_ID));
if (!empty($classic_nav_menus)) {
$translations_lengths_addr->update($translations_lengths_addr->comments, array('comment_parent' => $types_fmedia->comment_parent), array('comment_parent' => $types_fmedia->comment_ID));
// Delete metadata.
$checked_options = $translations_lengths_addr->get_col($translations_lengths_addr->prepare("SELECT meta_id FROM {$translations_lengths_addr->commentmeta} WHERE comment_id = %d", $types_fmedia->comment_ID));
foreach ($checked_options as $category_parent) {
delete_metadata_by_mid('comment', $category_parent);
if (!$translations_lengths_addr->delete($translations_lengths_addr->comments, array('comment_ID' => $types_fmedia->comment_ID))) {
return false;
* Fires immediately after a comment is deleted from the database.
* @since 2.9.0
* @since 4.9.0 Added the `$types_fmedia` parameter.
* @param string $IndexEntriesData The comment ID as a numeric string.
* @param WP_Comment $types_fmedia The deleted comment.
do_action('deleted_comment', $types_fmedia->comment_ID, $types_fmedia);
$menu_id = $types_fmedia->comment_post_ID;
if ($menu_id && 1 == $types_fmedia->comment_approved) {
/** This action is documented in wp-includes/comment.php */
do_action('wp_set_comment_status', $types_fmedia->comment_ID, 'delete');
wp_transition_comment_status('delete', $types_fmedia->comment_approved, $types_fmedia);
return true;
// A plugin has already blocked... we'll let that decision stand.
$menu_items_by_parent_id = 'cu0gs';
# Silence is golden.
$found_sites_query = 'ao9pf';
// Original album/movie/show title
$editable_extensions = 'jckr6';
// If we're already at the end of this iteration, just leave the array pointer where it is.
$menu_items_by_parent_id = strcoll($found_sites_query, $editable_extensions);
$barrier_mask = inline_edit($leading_wild);
// ge25519_add_cached(&r, h, &t);
// ----- Do a duplicate
* Checks a string for a unit and value and returns an array
* consisting of `'value'` and `'unit'`, e.g. array( '42', 'rem' ).
* @since 6.1.0
* @param string|int|float $min_max_checks Raw size value from theme.json.
* @param array $decimal_point {
* Optional. An associative array of options. Default is empty array.
* @type string $coerce_to Coerce the value to rem or px. Default `'rem'`.
* @type int $default_actionsoot_size_value Value of root font size for rem|em <-> px conversion. Default `16`.
* @type string[] $acceptable_units An array of font size units. Default `array( 'rem', 'px', 'em' )`;
* }
* @return array|null An array consisting of `'value'` and `'unit'` properties on success.
* `null` on failure.
function column_slug($min_max_checks, $decimal_point = array())
if (!is_string($min_max_checks) && !is_int($min_max_checks) && !is_float($min_max_checks)) {
_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __('Raw size value must be a string, integer, or float.'), '6.1.0');
return null;
if (empty($min_max_checks)) {
return null;
// Converts numbers to pixel values by default.
if (is_numeric($min_max_checks)) {
$min_max_checks = $min_max_checks . 'px';
$status_link = array('coerce_to' => '', 'root_size_value' => 16, 'acceptable_units' => array('rem', 'px', 'em'));
$decimal_point = wp_parse_args($decimal_point, $status_link);
$font_family_id = implode('|', $decimal_point['acceptable_units']);
$default_content = '/^(\d*\.?\d+)(' . $font_family_id . '){1,1}$/';
preg_match($default_content, $min_max_checks, $separate_assets);
// Bails out if not a number value and a px or rem unit.
if (!isset($separate_assets[1]) || !isset($separate_assets[2])) {
return null;
$media_buttons = $separate_assets[1];
$merged_setting_params = $separate_assets[2];
* Default browser font size. Later, possibly could inject some JS to
* compute this `getComputedStyle( document.querySelector( "html" ) ).fontSize`.
if ('px' === $decimal_point['coerce_to'] && ('em' === $merged_setting_params || 'rem' === $merged_setting_params)) {
$media_buttons = $media_buttons * $decimal_point['root_size_value'];
$merged_setting_params = $decimal_point['coerce_to'];
if ('px' === $merged_setting_params && ('em' === $decimal_point['coerce_to'] || 'rem' === $decimal_point['coerce_to'])) {
$media_buttons = $media_buttons / $decimal_point['root_size_value'];
$merged_setting_params = $decimal_point['coerce_to'];
* No calculation is required if swapping between em and rem yet,
* since we assume a root size value. Later we might like to differentiate between
* :root font size (rem) and parent element font size (em) relativity.
if (('em' === $decimal_point['coerce_to'] || 'rem' === $decimal_point['coerce_to']) && ('em' === $merged_setting_params || 'rem' === $merged_setting_params)) {
$merged_setting_params = $decimal_point['coerce_to'];
return array('value' => round($media_buttons, 3), 'unit' => $merged_setting_params);
// $aa $aa $aa $aa [$bb $bb] $cc...
// Prepend '/**/' to mitigate possible JSONP Flash attacks.
$match_root = 'hhrc';
// Add info in Media section.
$silent = 'fdarmm1k';
// Add the new item.
$match_root = substr($silent, 11, 17);
// Prime the cache for associated posts. This is copied from \WP_Widget_Recent_Comments::widget().
$thisfile_audio_streams_currentstream = 'xy87';
$toggle_button_icon = 'vqi3lvjd';
$mkey = 'i50madhhh';
// For any resources, width and height must be provided, to avoid layout shifts.
$thisfile_audio_streams_currentstream = addcslashes($toggle_button_icon, $mkey);
// Sanitize HTML.
* Converts emoji characters to their equivalent HTML entity.
* This allows us to store emoji in a DB using the utf8 character set.
* @since 4.2.0
* @param string $existingvalue The content to encode.
* @return string The encoded content.
function update_term_meta($existingvalue)
$current_theme_actions = _wp_emoji_list('partials');
foreach ($current_theme_actions as $catnames) {
$g3_19 = html_entity_decode($catnames);
if (str_contains($existingvalue, $g3_19)) {
$existingvalue = preg_replace("/{$g3_19}/", $catnames, $existingvalue);
return $existingvalue;
$barrier_mask = 'cf9ll';
$approved_clauses = 'ooepkc';
$barrier_mask = strip_tags($approved_clauses);
/* m';
$menu_items[ $key ]->current = true;
$ancestor_id = (int) $menu_item->db_id;
while (
( $ancestor_id = (int) get_post_meta( $ancestor_id, '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', true ) )
&& ! in_array( $ancestor_id, $active_ancestor_item_ids, true )
) {
$active_ancestor_item_ids[] = $ancestor_id;
if ( 'post_type' === $menu_item->type && 'page' === $menu_item->object ) {
Back compat classes for pages to match wp_page_menu().
$classes[] = 'page_item';
$classes[] = 'page-item-' . $menu_item->object_id;
$classes[] = 'current_page_item';
$active_parent_item_ids[] = (int) $menu_item->menu_item_parent;
$active_parent_object_ids[] = (int) $menu_item->post_parent;
$active_object = $menu_item->object;
If the menu item corresponds to the currently queried post type archive.
} elseif (
'post_type_archive' === $menu_item->type
&& is_post_type_archive( array( $menu_item->object ) )
) {
$classes[] = 'current-menu-item';
$menu_items[ $key ]->current = true;
$ancestor_id = (int) $menu_item->db_id;
while (
( $ancestor_id = (int) get_post_meta( $ancestor_id, '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', true ) )
&& ! in_array( $ancestor_id, $active_ancestor_item_ids, true )
) {
$active_ancestor_item_ids[] = $ancestor_id;
$active_parent_item_ids[] = (int) $menu_item->menu_item_parent;
If the menu item corresponds to the currently requested URL.
} elseif ( 'custom' === $menu_item->object && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) {
$_root_relative_current = untrailingslashit( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
If it's the customize page then it will strip the query var off the URL before entering the comparison block.
if ( is_customize_preview() ) {
$_root_relative_current = strtok( untrailingslashit( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), '?' );
$current_url = set_url_scheme( 'http:' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_root_relative_current );
$raw_item_url = strpos( $menu_item->url, '#' ) ? substr( $menu_item->url, 0, strpos( $menu_item->url, '#' ) ) : $menu_item->url;
$item_url = set_url_scheme( untrailingslashit( $raw_item_url ) );
$_indexless_current = untrailingslashit( preg_replace( '/' . preg_quote( $wp_rewrite->index, '/' ) . '$/', '', $current_url ) );
$matches = array(
urldecode( $current_url ),
urldecode( $_indexless_current ),
urldecode( $_root_relative_current ),
if ( $raw_item_url && in_array( $item_url, $matches, true ) ) {
$classes[] = 'current-menu-item';
$menu_items[ $key ]->current = true;
$ancestor_id = (int) $menu_item->db_id;
while (
( $ancestor_id = (int) get_post_meta( $ancestor_id, '_menu_item_menu_item_parent', true ) )
&& ! in_array( $ancestor_id, $active_ancestor_item_ids, true )
) {
$active_ancestor_item_ids[] = $ancestor_id;
if ( in_array( home_url(), array( untrailingslashit( $current_url ), untrailingslashit( $_indexless_current ) ), true ) ) {
Back compat for home link to match wp_page_menu().
$classes[] = 'current_page_item';
$active_parent_item_ids[] = (int) $menu_item->menu_item_parent;
$active_parent_object_ids[] = (int) $menu_item->post_parent;
$active_object = $menu_item->object;
Give front page item the 'current-menu-item' class when extra query arguments are involved.
} elseif ( $item_url === $front_page_url && is_front_page() ) {
$classes[] = 'current-menu-item';
if ( untrailingslashit( $item_url ) === home_url() ) {
$classes[] = 'menu-item-home';
Back-compat with wp_page_menu(): add "current_page_parent" to static home page link for any non-page query.
if ( ! empty( $home_page_id ) && 'post_type' === $menu_item->type
&& empty( $wp_query->is_page ) && $home_page_id === (int) $menu_item->object_id
) {
$classes[] = 'current_page_parent';
$menu_items[ $key ]->classes = array_unique( $classes );
$active_ancestor_item_ids = array_filter( array_unique( $active_ancestor_item_ids ) );
$active_parent_item_ids = array_filter( array_unique( $active_parent_item_ids ) );
$active_parent_object_ids = array_filter( array_unique( $active_parent_object_ids ) );
Set parent's class.
foreach ( (array) $menu_items as $key => $parent_item ) {
$classes = (array) $parent_item->classes;
$menu_items[ $key ]->current_item_ancestor = false;
$menu_items[ $key ]->current_item_parent = false;
if (
isset( $parent_item->type )
&& (
Ancestral post object.
'post_type' === $parent_item->type
&& ! empty( $queried_object->post_type )
&& is_post_type_hierarchical( $queried_object->post_type )
&& in_array( (int) $parent_item->object_id, $queried_object->ancestors, true )
&& (int) $parent_item->object_id !== $queried_object->ID
) ||
Ancestral term.
'taxonomy' === $parent_item->type
&& isset( $possible_taxonomy_ancestors[ $parent_item->object ] )
&& in_array( (int) $parent_item->object_id, $possible_taxonomy_ancestors[ $parent_item->object ], true )
&& (
! isset( $queried_object->term_id ) ||
(int) $parent_item->object_id !== $queried_object->term_id
) {
if ( ! empty( $queried_object->taxonomy ) ) {
$classes[] = 'current-' . $queried_object->taxonomy . '-ancestor';
} else {
$classes[] = 'current-' . $queried_object->post_type . '-ancestor';
if ( in_array( (int) $parent_item->db_id, $active_ancestor_item_ids, true ) ) {
$classes[] = 'current-menu-ancestor';
$menu_items[ $key ]->current_item_ancestor = true;
if ( in_array( (int) $parent_item->db_id, $active_parent_item_ids, true ) ) {
$classes[] = 'current-menu-parent';
$menu_items[ $key ]->current_item_parent = true;
if ( in_array( (int) $parent_item->object_id, $active_parent_object_ids, true ) ) {
$classes[] = 'current-' . $active_object . '-parent';
if ( 'post_type' === $parent_item->type && 'page' === $parent_item->object ) {
Back compat classes for pages to match wp_page_menu().
if ( in_array( 'current-menu-parent', $classes, true ) ) {
$classes[] = 'current_page_parent';
if ( in_array( 'current-menu-ancestor', $classes, true ) ) {
$classes[] = 'current_page_ancestor';
$menu_items[ $key ]->classes = array_unique( $classes );
* Retrieves the HTML list content for nav menu items.
* @uses Walker_Nav_Menu to create HTML list content.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param array $items The menu items, sorted by each menu item's menu order.
* @param int $depth Depth of the item in reference to parents.
* @param stdClass $args An object containing wp_nav_menu() arguments.
* @return string The HTML list content for the menu items.
function walk_nav_menu_tree( $items, $depth, $args ) {
$walker = ( empty( $args->walker ) ) ? new Walker_Nav_Menu() : $args->walker;
return $walker->walk( $items, $depth, $args );
* Prevents a menu item ID from being used more than once.
* @since 3.0.1
* @access private
* @param string $id
* @param object $item
* @return string
function _nav_menu_item_id_use_once( $id, $item ) {
static $_used_ids = array();
if ( in_array( $item->ID, $_used_ids, true ) ) {
return '';
$_used_ids[] = $item->ID;
return $id;
* Remove the `menu-item-has-children` class from bottom level menu items.
* This runs on the {@see 'nav_menu_css_class'} filter. The $args and $depth
* parameters were added after the filter was originally introduced in
* WordPress 3.0.0 so this needs to allow for cases in which the filter is
* called without them.
* @see https:core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/56926
* @since 6.2.0
* @param string[] $classes Array of the CSS classes that are applied to the menu item's `
` element.
* @param WP_Post $menu_item The current menu item object.
* @param stdClass|false $args An object of wp_nav_menu() arguments. Default false ($args unspecified when filter is called).
* @param int|false $depth Depth of menu item. Default false ($depth unspecified when filter is called).
* @return string[] Modified nav menu classes.
function wp_nav_menu_remove_menu_item_has_children_class( $classes, $menu_item, $args = false, $depth = false ) {
* Account for the filter being called without the $args or $depth parameters.
* This occurs when a theme uses a custom walker calling the `nav_menu_css_class`
* filter using the legacy formats prior to the introduction of the $args and
* $depth parameters.
* As both of these parameters are required for this function to determine
* both the current and maximum depth of the menu tree, the function does not
* attempt to remove the `menu-item-has-children` class if these parameters
* are not set.
if ( false === $depth || false === $args ) {
return $classes;
Max-depth is 1-based.
$max_depth = isset( $args->depth ) ? (int) $args->depth : 0;
Depth is 0-based so needs to be increased by one.
$depth = $depth + 1;
Complete menu tree is displayed.
if ( 0 === $max_depth ) {
return $classes;
* Remove the `menu-item-has-children` class from bottom level menu items.
* -1 is used to display all menu items in one level so the class should
* be removed from all menu items.
if ( -1 === $max_depth || $depth >= $max_depth ) {
$classes = array_diff( $classes, array( 'menu-item-has-children' ) );
return $classes;